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Inculpatus cedo.9234

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Everything posted by Inculpatus cedo.9234

  1. > @"particlepinata.9865" said: > How about having good constructed story instances? LS3 Had them, Pof, LS 4 also. And now the story is put in the open world. That doesnt work for obvious reasons. All about reducing costs and development time. Add to that the cluster of flashy mount skins, armors, weapons, infusions and the explosion of special effects of the zerg of players on top of the story telling, and its only stress and dizzyness left. Flash, zerg, grind, repeat is the only thing i can call it. Look at what LS3 brought in content (6 unique maps, story instances, fractails and raids, followed by the Pof expac 3 months later. The difference in quality and quantity is noticable. If they communicated that development is hindered by Covic lockdowns, working from home etc, i would understand, its a team effort afterall. And would find delays totally acceptable. But thats the problem, communication is in lockdown. And thats makes me unsure of the games future. If you watch Guild Chats, you will hear the Devs talk about the difficulties of working from home.
  2. Why would one have to die to repair? Just go to a 'Repair' anvil, 'Repair' NPC, or use a Repair Canister (single-use or endless). Now, one _does_ have to be defeated to incur broken (damaged) armor that needs to be repaired.
  3. I don't have any FPS issues with the wings, either. In fact, when I move the camera closer to someone wearing the wings, my FPS increases. Today, I acquired the wings for myself; again, no FPS issues, whatsoever.
  4. The Episode Bundle is 20% off. _Unlock every episode of The Icebrood Saga and experience the entire story, including “Prologue: Bound by Blood” and “The Icebrood Saga: Champions.” The Icebrood Saga Complete Pack is 20% off this week!_ https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-roadrunner-raptor-is-born-to-run/ You need 4 Episodes (regular price 200 Gems each), so 20% off is 600 Gems. You are getting an even greater discount. The 57% discount is the difference between 1200 Gems and what you are paying for the discounted 4 Episodes.
  5. You could try a VPN. You could contact the Tech CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below. Good luck.
  6. I've received one crystal and one or two 'stones' (junk item) each time.
  7. Your account has been actioned by the CS Team. You will need to contact them via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance. Good luck.
  8. > @"choon.6308" said: > Add the sales tax and that sale becomes obsolete No sales tax on 'Gift Cards' many places. Otherwise, you pay sales tax twice.
  9. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said: > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > > As a long-time buyer of Gem Cards online at Best Buy, it is good to see the 'Free Shipping' is back on the cards. > > (It should have always been 'Free Shipping' as they just pop them into the mail [uSPS].) > > Yeah, because naturally the USPS doesn't charge Best Buy for mailing Gem Cards... I think they can afford to eat the 49 cents. ;)
  10. Green is my favorite color, and my 'main' is always wearing green, as well. I had to change from green and white to green and blue because I was fortunate enough to loot the 'purple' infusion (looks gosh-darn _blue_ to me).
  11. As a long-time buyer of Gem Cards online at Best Buy, it is good to see the 'Free Shipping' is back on the cards. (It should have always been 'Free Shipping' as they just pop them into the mail [uSPS].)
  12. > @"Strige.9382" said: > same story, i can't get inside the story...please anet can you fix it? > @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said: > > Currently you can only enter Kesho if your active story objective is "Leap into the pit leading to Kesho." I'll look into adding "or has completed this story step already" to allow players to enter Kesho at other times. There are multiple pieces involved (the wind gust, the visual effect, et al) so I can't give an ETA. > > same bug, i can't get inside the story...please anet can you fix it? Just an FYI: Jeffrey Vaughn is no longer at ArenaNet.
  13. > @"Aaralyna.3104" said: > Since this may be of interest (especially for the ones that missed the voice on this achievement). > > This was posted on Twitter today: > Matthew Medina: "..in case you're wondering, yes there'll be a way to replay content for a certain achievement with a certain prisoner." Oooo, nice! Thanks, Devs.
  14. There _is_ 'talk' about it on the Wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Gianna
  15. > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said: > Gaile is probably with the creators of the GW franchise making a new game. Gaile did not have anything to do in GW creation she was a player then became a liaison for Anet. Not true. Gaile started with ArenaNet long before Guild Wars was released. Also, unless she is hiding it, she is not working for ManaWorks. https://www.linkedin.com/in/gailegray/
  16. Thank you, Devs, for learning how to develop the game from home. I know it's not always (or ever?) been easy. I (and I'm sure others) appreciate your dedication and enthusiasm. Can't wait for all the exciting things you have in store for us. :+1: :heart:
  17. OP states acquiring any Mount is 'too complicated'. I'm not sure completing an initial Story instance, or completing a Renown Heart is that complicated. Also, if OP is brand new, perhaps spending a bit of time in Core Tyria would be advantageous before heading straight to the Crystal Desert, et al.
  18. > @"Mino Noud.2154" said: > I am having this issue as well. The response I got from CS was unhelpful at best telling me that I don't have any transactions on my account when I said I couldn't make one. Of course you won't find a transaction, I can't make one hence why I'm contacting support. Why is this still an issue years after this was first raised? It's idiotic. You'll need to update your ticket, and, again, ask for assistance. Sometimes, Team Members make errors. Good luck.
  19. You might consider posting in the 'API Development' sub-forum. Good luck.
  20. I read you cleared the cache, but just to make sure, here's some instructions: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231273908-Troubleshooting-Trading-Post-Errors If you continue to have issue, you can contact the Tech CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance. Good luck.
  21. > @"Justin Time.7054" said: > I just bought a new Mac Mini, 2018 model, Intel UHD Graphics 630, OS Catalina, 3 GHz Intel Core i5 6 core, RAM 8 GB 2667 MHz DDR4. > I can't see the trees in GW2 lands, where I know for sure they are, for sure, as I now regularly bump into them. > I played last four years with a Mac Mini 2011, and trees were all there, I can swear :-) > I am not into computer technology, so I haven't the faintest idea about the reasons or the origin of this issue. > No issues took place with different apps. > The Mac is brand new and with warranty, so I would much appreciate you to help me identify the issue. If it concerns Mac graphic card I will take it to Apple care. > Thanks! > > You are unlikely to get a response here, on the forum. If you would like a response, you can contact the Tech CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance. Good luck.
  22. You could post in the Sticky, 'Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor' found in the Library above. That's where the Devs check for issues. Good luck.
  23. This also happens when another application uses an overlay, I believe. Or takes control of screen priority. Try launching the game with other apps disabled. Good luck.
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