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Everything posted by Randulf.7614

  1. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said: > Anet is NOT good at game wide events. I'm not sure I agree with this as a blanket statement. I agree this one has been poorly thoguht out and anyone who has been in the game since post LS2 will remember the catastrophic Modrem Invasion. However, they have had plenty of successes too. The Boss Rush and Fractal Rush worked just fine. They encouraged pretty decent levels participation and there wasn't a huge amount of genuine criticism levied against them. We also have the Kiel/Knashblade vote from LS1. Now I know LS1 was pretty bad, but this was a well received event for the most part. Sure there were conspiracy theories about it being rigged towards which fractal we'd end up with, but ultimately it engaged the community probably more than any other event did. So to say Anet is not good is simply incorrect, but they are inconsistent due to a lack of foresight about what could go wrong and being more and more out of tune with their community due to their desire to keep as far distant from engaging with us as they can
  2. > @"notebene.3190" said: > What is LI and KP? Legendary Insights (raid currency for legendary armour) and Kill proof
  3. > @"The Cryptic Colon.2048" said: > > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > > @"The Cryptic Colon.2048" said: > > > so i literally bought the game two days ago > > > > > > now after buying gems once im now unable to buy anything else, regardless of payment method. > > > > > > first set of issues was each and every quantity of gems came up with the 'an error occurred' stuff that people in this forum have mentioned. > > > then today i got a new type of error occur, where the game is saying to me 'this offer is currently not available, please try again later' for all gems options bar the £85 one for 8k gems > > > > > > ive tried the deleting the cache folder and that didnt help at all. > > > > > > also ive contacted support twice and they havent responded at all, so either they are incompetent or just dont care about making money > > > > I might be rememebering incorrectly, but I think you have to wait 72 hours if it is a new account before you can buy anything > > > > Also, avoid sending multiple tickets. It just slows down the response to you and Support here get pretty overwhelmed > > yeah but i bought gems well within the first 72 hours no issue at all, also i havent seen any information externally or in-game that says i cant buy gems, only says i cant buy or sell items on the marketplace itself for 4 days due to being a new account Ah ok I guess just wait for support / make sure you are checking spam and junk folders as so many responses apparently get missed. Lead times can be quite long depending on various things so they’ll get to your ticket soon I’m sure
  4. > @"LucianDK.8615" said: > Where do you pick up the rewards? Ive not seen them anywere > The npc in eye of the north with the orangey black circle above her head. Talk to her and a chest will auto ping if you qualify for the tier reward
  5. > @"The Cryptic Colon.2048" said: > so i literally bought the game two days ago > > now after buying gems once im now unable to buy anything else, regardless of payment method. > > first set of issues was each and every quantity of gems came up with the 'an error occurred' stuff that people in this forum have mentioned. > then today i got a new type of error occur, where the game is saying to me 'this offer is currently not available, please try again later' for all gems options bar the £85 one for 8k gems > > ive tried the deleting the cache folder and that didnt help at all. > > also ive contacted support twice and they havent responded at all, so either they are incompetent or just dont care about making money I might be rememebering incorrectly, but I think you have to wait 72 hours if it is a new account before you can buy anything Also, avoid sending multiple tickets. It just slows down the response to you and Support here get pretty overwhelmed
  6. > @"Solanum.6983" said: > I do think that the Core Maps need a visual Update, those maps are what peoples first impressions of the game are and in my opinion look very dated and don't reflect how beautiful the newer areas are. > I'm not saying to rebuild from the ground up but there's plenty of Assets from the past few years that they could swap out for older ones and then just update the lighting and terrain. I kinda prefer core map gfx to some of the later terrains and map styles. They are less flashy and glowy. I would be very much against seeing them changed to use current assets I certainly don’t think they paint the game in a negative enough way to warrant a change
  7. This is only the first part of the first chapter
  8. > @"Fenom.9457" said: > > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > The Dreadnought Raptor Skin makes my Norn look like a child > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/j70tE3t.jpg "") > > > > > Wow I love how your character perfectly matches your mount! They go really well together Thanks. I try to match skins thematically as close as possible to each toon and then whereever possible I match the dyes. This one worked out better than most though
  9. > @"The Boz.2038" said: > > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > Does it go if you fully disable all tooltips and helps in the settings? > > Where hides this option? Now I could have sworn this option existed somewhere in this game, but for the life of me I can't find it, Maybe I am mistaken or it only appears when "help" messages are up and doesn't actually effect what you need it to Sorry, guess I can't help with this one
  10. I haven't noticed any so far for the Griffon. I use the Grand Lion and I can't say it makes much difference. The Snow Stalker has some extra thickness to it, so it might help a little. Maybe the Awakened too. I've never actually seen the Lithosol skin in action so that's at least worth a look
  11. There's another one with gongs and stuff that sounds very Canthan
  12. For others; - Broad Horn Bull for Skyscale. It's got a bit more breadth to it which makes it feel thicker - Reforged Warhound for the Jackal - Vigilant Sabreclaw for the Warclaw has a huge mane which helps upsize it
  13. The Dreadnought Raptor Skin makes my Norn look like a child ![](https://i.imgur.com/j70tE3t.jpg "")
  14. Does it go if you fully disable all tooltips and helps in the settings?
  15. They're fairly common with the right salvage kit so you wouldn't need to buy exotics in excess. Black Lion kits are a big help here if you have any. If you don't, use the highest tier salvage kit you do have
  16. I don't feel like we lost out on any maps, although I can understand why people wanted the area south of Ebonhawke. I think PoF gave us pretty much all we needed for maps and map variety for desert areas. We got more classic desert style with GW1 and it wasn't terribly interesting after a while. At least with PoF, we knew beforehand Joko had essnetially terraformed it by diverting the river and we knew the Desolation was likely to be largely unchanged. The issue with a classic desert would simply wasted space. Even some of the PoF maps had whole areas which felt wasted in Desert Highlands and Riverlands. I'm not a classic desert would have given us anything long term. Having a large escort or a giant roller beetle runaround has very limited, widespread appeal. Plus with Dry Top, Silverwastes, PoF and select LS4 areas, I think many people are sick of desert/sandy areas now I do like the caves and tunnels approach though. I think Tangled Depths nailed it perfectly and I would be up for some more of that, but with all hints towards Primordus being killed off soon I think that chance is lost
  17. There is a feedback thread that's been up since Tuesday https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/118477/what-do-you-think-of-the-new-living-world-champions-spoilers-inside#latest I think the problems are stemming from multiple sources - the expansion is clearly the new priority and IBS has been changed, abandoned or whatever. There is evidence a lot of this was already planned out from early dev comments, but it seemd to have been squeezed down a lot to get to what we are presented with. Living World has always been more demanding than it needed to be and I don't think they've ever been comfortable with any method of presenting it. And now we have a Season which is a bit of a mess. - I don't think anything on the forums guides the dev process for Living World. I'm not even sure how much they read of our feedbck given that Reddit and Discord are more popular hang outs. Whether the feedback there is any different I couldn't say - The team who gave GW2 life and vision has either changed or has gone. This is a new vision for the game and often are repeating lessons which failed the first time round in LS1 or are trying to get through IBS so they make their own stamp with EoD and beyond. It's difficult to fully judge this Champions release since we aren't seeing all of it and there's a lot more to come. The early start is just somewhat dull, not well thought out in terms of how parties form and lacking in guidance and communication about how this all works. Many have said it before, but the devs need to stop shying away from their community. MMO's work when devs and communities are in at least some harmony. Not everyone, but certainly in greater accord than we see here. If the devs tell us how the CHapter works in a bit more detail and explain how/when the next delivery will come, it will remove a lot of problems. I like the story so far (unusually given most LS story stuff is very poor) and the dialogue at least hangs together well enough for what they are presenting. There's some issues in the lack of acknolwedging that Dragons aren't supposed to be killed off, but there's some good stuff in there as well. I was abjectively against a truce with Jormag because it flies against what we already have been fed for the last year, but actually they did an OK job of presenting both sides of the argument for it. It's clearly going to end badly and to be honest I think most players have got used to the Commander having an 'idiot cap' on all the time anyway To make this chapter work without a full reworking it needs (imo) - An understanding on these things rotate in/out and how the tiering system is working. ie communication from the devs - lfg in parties needs fixing (it'll prob happen next week) - Better and more simplified rewards - Better scaling or further nerfs. They take too long for too little incentive. They lack the fun and cool mechcanics of Forging Steel which is how these should be presented if they want longer instances.
  18. Whilst I’m sure this is fun fan faction, the basis for existence in actual GW2 lore is zero. Nothing connects it to the game or the franchise or any of its lore. It’s just made up stuff with nothing to ground it For starters the Dragons long predate the Gods abs have shown no connection or interest to them let alone working to fix something to do with Lyssa. There is no connection between the Gods and Dragons. The Gods came From elsewhere to seek a new home and eventually left. All whilst the Dragons slumbered. The Dragons only knowledge of the Gods will come from those they corrupted There's nothing to even suggest Balthazar had a plan B to be absorbed by the DRagons to find Lyssa. I mean what? There’s nothing to connect the theory that the fractals are memories if the Gods. I mean that’s a baffling theory come out of nowhere There nothing that says Jormag is their leader. In fact if there was even a speck of truth we would have seen something of it by now I think when theorycrafting, it is always more prudent to use the lore the game actually provides rather than change the lore entirely to make new facts which don’t really tie up. For your theories to work, the game would need to be retold from scratch. As the above poster says, this isn’t a terribly deep story
  19. I enjoy strikes and low level fractals DRMs are fine in principle but the current ones are just dull
  20. > @"Tukaram.8256" said: > When the map closes, you should get a treasure box on the side of the screen with any of your uncollected loot. It seriously could not be that hard to code into the game. It already exists in other parts of the game. Yeah. I'm pretty sure strikes use a similar tech. I know when I forgot to loot a chest, I got a mail with a chest or something saying I'd left it behind
  21. Should have known there would be responses on Reddit Thanks for the link
  22. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > > @"Adzekul.3104" said: > > One additional consideration ... a lot of people have no clue what to do after completing story versions of the three DRMs because the story just stops and the instructions are as clear as mud. Now, most of us have figured it out after 3 days, but I fear there is a lack of enthusiasm due to this. > > > > And let's not overlook the sorry state of the Champions LFG. This is a huge mess and nobody seems to be fixing it, or even acknowledging the problem. What happpens when all the "weekend warriors" log in and cannot figure out how to do the content? > > I believe Anet_Chloe acknowledged the issue. Where?
  23. This week - a Drakkar Hoard (my second) and an Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone
  24. Yeah can't say I am enthused about replaying long, dull missions for very little reason. That time can be used better on either other games or even other GW2 content. I get grind needs to exist in an MMO, but grind still needs the promise of something at the end. This just feels like it exists for the sake of existing
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