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? Commander/Mentor/Squad UI [Comments, Feedback & Suggestions needed]

Woop S.7851

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With the upcoming expansion, improvements to the game may become part of the development iteration (Similar to how squads were introduced in previous expansions), **since Squads/Commanders UI/UX/features impacts WvW heavily**, in [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102056/commander-mentor-squad-ui-in-need-of-improvements-comments-feedback-suggestions) under GW2 general discussions, it'd be greatly appreciated if comments/feedbacks & suggestions can be made in order to improve your WvW experience :) Many thanks!

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@"Virtuality.8351" mentioned in s previously made thread, which I want to mention here, is that squads should have more control over the party element in the squad, what he referred to as “nested squads”


Basically each party/subgroup in a squad should have the ability of having their own commander tag (a sub commander tag) which would make fights more complex by adding a new level of organization.


In addition, nested subsquads would have the ability of say, having 2 parties of 5, and an additional spaces for specs that utilize abilities that have potentially higher ally target caps. Soothing Mist for example can effect 13 people at any given time, but because of the current structure, an elementalist with soothing mist can only apply this on to 5 people if they are in a party of 5. Nesting the subsquad so that it can be considered part of the party without being effected by squad/party buff prioritization would allow these buffs to be applied to more than 5 people without having to be in your own sub-squad (thus denying yourself of your parties 5 target boons and buffs.)

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change **nothing** about tags, it's that easy. changes about the user interface (so mainly optical) don't matter at all in wvw, unless u mean something specific? so that would be w/e


fixing not broken stuff is what consistently makes Wvw more worse and creates problems that have not been there before... it's like PVErs forcefully try to destroy the game mode.


the quality of battles overall is just frustrating atm. it's not rewarding either, and the latest changes just brought bigger boosts for those who plainly field the bigger numbers. bc they have a third load of cc's, can spam more condis and have more healers and bombs too. small group vs big group needs now to have a big skill difference to be pushable. balance brought dysbalance. so best recommendation is: Anet, leave your hands of mechanical changes as much as possible. those crybaby players will anyways only duel their NPC minotaurs on the alpine borders till they get ganked by 4 roaming thieves...


last ninja change for example on rev's "coal. of ruin" messed up the skill compeletely, it sometimes hits nothing, looks as if it had phantom range, goes into a wrong direction, doesn't go off at all... i personally didn't have most of those luckily, but i had it not going off at all. before, if you aimed at some target your character would turn towards it to hit it. now, with the "blind people's aim green help bar" it writes NO LINE OF SIGHT if you do that. wonderful, really, you actually have to turn the char by hand before u launch a superslow attack with questionable aiming/reach. and that after they stole 2 high dps attacks of hammer rev.

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well u could make squad colors different, like having the players on 1 squad displayed the others in their party highlighted somehow + small party leader tags. that would need a lot of icon changes etc and the main tag has to be way more highlighted then he/she is at the moment.


with all the shiny effects and bling bling it gets yet sometimes hard to spot where the tag is, even when on voice. (after a slight lag-hic-up i sometimes stroll into the wrong direction at pushing) - so it could be a bit annoying to have several mini-tags around and confusing you even more. technically the idea isn't bad surely.


but do we really want more icons floating around, if we often tend to use small settings for visuals, just to minimize lag as much as possible?

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QoL things I'd like:

1. A keybind for swapping party view and squad view.

2. A couple personal raid markers. Independent from the party target and squad markers. Only visible to the player.

3. I'd like to be able to turn off name plates of non squad members.

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> @"Virtuality.8351" mentioned in s previously made thread, which I want to mention here, is that squads should have more control over the party element in the squad, what he referred to as “nested squads”


> Basically each party/subgroup in a squad should have the ability of having their own commander tag (a sub commander tag) which would make fights more complex by adding a new level of organization.


Below is also posted in [GW2 General Discussions in this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102056/commander-mentor-squad-ui-in-need-of-improvements-comments-feedback-suggestions), just wanted to post it here as well since you guys have much more experience in WvW :) Comments/Feedbacks always welcomed!


Full image: https://i.imgur.com/jIWFeGA.jpg


![](https://i.imgur.com/jIWFeGA.jpg "")



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Just keep in mind you're trying to suggest things to the devs that thought having your party be a slightly different shade of blue from the rest of blue in your squad was a great idea, despite us commenting on it the moment it was implement and the devs literally coming to that thread and saying "look it's a different shade of blue, this is fine!".

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Commander tag needs to be bigger and more visible.


Party member names plates with different colour.


Option to turn off none squad member name plates.


Get rid of the dot on simplified name plates for allies.


Option to turn off squad health bar.


Option to reposition party UI grid.


Add a keybind for toggling squad/party view.


Add party prioritized markers


Option to enable standard character model for mounts.


Option to enable standard character model in pve.


Option to turn off other players spell effects.


Option to turn off other players legendary items effects.


Everything listed above are my wishlist to reduce unwanted flashy effects and visual clutters inorder to focus on performance.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Just keep in mind you're trying to suggest things to the devs that thought having your party be a slightly different shade of blue from the rest of blue in your squad was a great idea, despite us commenting on it the moment it was implement and the devs literally coming to that thread and saying "look it's a different shade of blue, this is fine!".


Thanks for the comments, yes, it may have been that most resources that time were allocated to PvE/Expansion

- It looks like there's been more work done on PvP than WvW, yet PvP is not a main revenue stream (pre-set equipment/gear/stats)

- And it's unknown what has changed internally as of this moment, low interest rate loans? New investments from other sources?

- But with the expansion's announcement + efforts put into the strike missions (instanced group play not seen since GW1) there maybe a glimmer of hope, however small :)

- Just got to keep pokin'...constructively before the heavy coding begins and hope for the best I guess...*sharpens thumbs :3


> @"nanomidgy.9180" said:

> Commander tag needs to be bigger and more visible.

> Party member names plates with different colour...


Thanks! Added to the [GW2 General Discussions Thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102056/commander-mentor-squad-ui-in-need-of-improvements-comments-feedback-suggestions) as well I see :)



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