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Legendary Trinkets : Conflux and Transcendence effects have been nerfed

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FYI regarding the two new competitive Legendary Trinkets : Conflux and Transcendence, their effects have been nerfed since the lastest patch (april 2nd 2020).


Now, the **ball is 40/50% smaller, and the ball stick much more the owner**. I don't know to describe it, but before the ball used to be "late" and need some time to catch up the distance between the owner and the ball's position, but now the ball seems to be in a fixed position and can't be "late", loosing a bit of his random floating effect.


I used to like the second effect, and the size of the ball.

I'm disappointed to see these changes, plus the fact these changes haven't been announced nor detailed in the patchnote.


I can understand some people don't like effects, but i don't like the shining auras from everywhere too !

The solution isn't to "punish" players with some nerfs like this one, but may be an option to "hide or decreasing other's effect" or even ours effect.

Lots of players don't like the three previous' legendary trinkets effects and want to hide them.

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I finally created the slumbering conflux the other day, but won't be upgrading it to Conflux, because I personally dislike the blue ball visual effect. It would be neat to have some sort of additional collection to change the visual effect if, like me, the visual effect isn't liked. It would also be good to have some sort of 'hide' option for other players visual effects - as many players have suggested for a while now, especially those who don't like seeing players with umpteen infusions and numerous floating balls from the legendary trinkets.

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what they need to nerf is the insane amount if wins needed for the amulet. its crazy how wvw with 100 player kills and 100 captures is done in a couple of hours at best while pvp takes 60 hours to do ( with a 50% win rate). which is most likely more as many ppl like me who dont normally play pvp and hate playing pvp in gw2.

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> @"Black Wolf.7348" said:

> what they need to nerf is the insane amount if wins needed for the amulet. its crazy how wvw with 100 player kills and 100 captures is done in a couple of hours at best while pvp takes 60 hours to do ( with a 50% win rate). which is most likely more as many ppl like me who dont normally play pvp and hate playing pvp in gw2.


I just started work on PVP inbetween doing other legendaries. This way when I switch over full bore to making transcendence I won’t have so much to do.



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> @"Seiken.3176" said:

> Hello,


> FYI regarding the two new competitive Legendary Trinkets : Conflux and Transcendence, their effects have been nerfed since the lastest patch (april 2nd 2020).


> Now, the **ball is 40/50% smaller, and the ball stick much more the owner**. I don't know to describe it, but before the ball used to be "late" and need some time to catch up the distance between the owner and the ball's position, but now the ball seems to be in a fixed position and can't be "late", loosing a bit of his random floating effect.


> I used to like the second effect, and the size of the ball.

> I'm disappointed to see these changes, plus the fact these changes haven't been announced nor detailed in the patchnote.


> I can understand some people don't like effects, but i don't like the shining auras from everywhere too !

> The solution isn't to "punish" players with some nerfs like this one, but may be an option to "hide or decreasing other's effect" or even ours effect.

> Lots of players don't like the three previous' legendary trinkets effects and want to hide them.


Maybe if these two and all the legendary jewlery effects weren't the ugliest of the bunch Id agree. I LOVE legendary weapon effects and the idea of what legendary weps mean in this game, I also like the PvP and WvW legendary armor because its not hideous like the raid legendary armor. But All the jewelry Is just horrendous in appearance and honestly Id rather them have done an evolving aura that gets more and more subtle ties to magic, with these two coming from the mists adding a sort of like "Mist being" like glow to you. One outlining you in red with the other having mists seeping off of you jjust slightly so its not like insanely noticable and over the top. But someone seeing you with it would know for sure... that those are the WvW and PvP legendary jewels.


Or maybe fire for pvp and mists for WvW and then they mix to make like inverted fire with mists within sort of like outlining you... I don't know ANYTHING could of been better than these ugly balls floating all over the place. (The back-pieces are also a head scratcher, all of them are hideous as well.)

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