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[Video] PvP Power Mirage - 17 Day Itch (cabin fever)

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Some other 2v2 ranked matches with one dodge power mirage, including lot of explanations/tips again. Sry for the intro ahahaha (its not funny tho!)


The plan was to release a conquest and 2v2 ranked mix video, sadly i missed that my harddrive was full and since then nothing was recorded. So this vid contains the highlights of the 2v2 matches i could record before the disk was full (rip, me still crying). But i think they worth watching. In a lot of matchups my teammate played power rev instead condi to not get bored out and some days we had no voice com (as you can see sometimes we have the idea to cc targets at the same time). Next vid will be conquest stuff and maybe wvw not sure atm, after i cleared my disk and can record properly again.


Mirage needs its 2 dodges back! For me as a challenge player not even mainly because on power it is too hard nerfed but mostly because only one dodge deletes the ability to make clutch plays with mirage tools most of the time.


Hope few of you can enjoy, pls like and subs if you like, and give feedback in the comments on youtube, to support my channel! Music-artist special: Perumanta


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> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > Mirage does need its two dodges but that boat seems lost at sea.


> no it doesn't. it's finally not as invuln spam as it was before


You really don't know what you're talking about if you think having two dodges was invuln spamming with less Vigor up time than most other classes.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > Mirage does need its two dodges but that boat seems lost at sea.

> >

> > no it doesn't. it's finally not as invuln spam as it was before


> You really don't know what you're talking about if you think having two dodges was invuln spamming with less Vigor up time than most other classes.


I know exactly what I’m talking about when weapon skills dodge, utilities dodge, dodge is not locked by an animation, your invuln gives you 3 more dodges, you have multiple stealths, so on and so forth.

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> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > Mirage does need its two dodges but that boat seems lost at sea.

> > >

> > > no it doesn't. it's finally not as invuln spam as it was before

> >

> > You really don't know what you're talking about if you think having two dodges was invuln spamming with less Vigor up time than most other classes.


> I know exactly what I’m talking about when weapon skills dodge, utilities dodge, dodge is not locked by an animation, your invuln gives you 3 more dodges, you have multiple stealths, so on and so forth.


I don't really know a single mirage build that used more than one stealth source before the update. There are not many weapon skills that make you dodge, they're on axe and sword but axe never really was used before the update, and sword was tied to power builds, which were not a problem. Our distortion does not grant 3 dodges, it grants 3 mirrors, which are most of the time not conveniently placed and extremely previsible. You can't call that a dodge if you know your ennemy is going to dodge, just don't use an important skill when he's going through the mirror it's extremely easy to counter. And yeah, an utility that teleports you at random and can lead you to your death/put you behind a wall making you useless until you contourn that wall grants you a .75s dodge on a 35s cd, truly op and invul spam. Btw no one is taking sand through glass or crystal sands because those skills are trash. So yeah, you don't know what you're talking about when you're claiming that pre post mirage had invuln spam when it was getting outdodged by 6 of the 8 other professions

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> @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > Mirage does need its two dodges but that boat seems lost at sea.

> > > >

> > > > no it doesn't. it's finally not as invuln spam as it was before

> > >

> > > You really don't know what you're talking about if you think having two dodges was invuln spamming with less Vigor up time than most other classes.

> >

> > I know exactly what I’m talking about when weapon skills dodge, utilities dodge, dodge is not locked by an animation, your invuln gives you 3 more dodges, you have multiple stealths, so on and so forth.


> I don't really know a single mirage build that used more than one stealth source before the update. There are not many weapon skills that make you dodge, they're on axe and sword but axe never really was used before the update, and sword was tied to power builds, which were not a problem. Our distortion does not grant 3 dodges, it grants 3 mirrors, which are most of the time not conveniently placed and extremely previsible. You can't call that a dodge if you know your ennemy is going to dodge, just don't use an important skill when he's going through the mirror it's extremely easy to counter. And yeah, an utility that teleports you at random and can lead you to your death/put you behind a wall making you useless until you contourn that wall grants you a .75s dodge on a 35s cd, truly op and invul spam. Btw no one is taking sand through glass or crystal sands because those skills are trash. So yeah, you don't know what you're talking about when you're claiming that pre post mirage had invuln spam when it was getting outdodged by 6 of the 8 other professions


So rarely do I get to see a mesmer try to convince me their op game breaking mechanics weren’t op after all because minimal effort is necessary or if not 100% of mesmers used it in one context (conquest) which they've arbitrarily deemed as the primary context to measure a class’s viability. So fun to see a Mesmer complain that the broken op invuln mirror trait doesn’t place the mirrors in the most convenient way, despite almost every time they’re spaced close enough for dodge chains. I know exactly what I’m talking about. You are just lying to yourself.


P.S. it should be ’a utility’. The a/an rule is based on the sound, not the spelling.

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> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > > Mirage does need its two dodges but that boat seems lost at sea.

> > > > >

> > > > > no it doesn't. it's finally not as invuln spam as it was before

> > > >

> > > > You really don't know what you're talking about if you think having two dodges was invuln spamming with less Vigor up time than most other classes.

> > >

> > > I know exactly what I’m talking about when weapon skills dodge, utilities dodge, dodge is not locked by an animation, your invuln gives you 3 more dodges, you have multiple stealths, so on and so forth.

> >

> > I don't really know a single mirage build that used more than one stealth source before the update. There are not many weapon skills that make you dodge, they're on axe and sword but axe never really was used before the update, and sword was tied to power builds, which were not a problem. Our distortion does not grant 3 dodges, it grants 3 mirrors, which are most of the time not conveniently placed and extremely previsible. You can't call that a dodge if you know your ennemy is going to dodge, just don't use an important skill when he's going through the mirror it's extremely easy to counter. And yeah, an utility that teleports you at random and can lead you to your death/put you behind a wall making you useless until you contourn that wall grants you a .75s dodge on a 35s cd, truly op and invul spam. Btw no one is taking sand through glass or crystal sands because those skills are trash. So yeah, you don't know what you're talking about when you're claiming that pre post mirage had invuln spam when it was getting outdodged by 6 of the 8 other professions


> So rarely do I get to see a mesmer try to convince me their op game breaking mechanics weren’t op after all because minimal effort is necessary or if not 100% of mesmers used it in one context (conquest) which they've arbitrarily deemed as the primary context to measure a class’s viability. So fun to see a Mesmer complain that the broken op invuln mirror trait doesn’t place the mirrors in the most convenient way, despite almost every time they’re spaced close enough for dodge chains. I know exactly what I’m talking about. You are just lying to yourself.


> P.S. it should be ’a utility’. The a/an rule is based on the sound, not the spelling.


Then don't waste your time and ask developers to delete all the Mirage utilities and also that famous trait you are talking about to be OP like they already deleted others from mesmer as no one use them. I would glad to receive new utilities that are really useful in competitive modes now and delete the mirrors mechanic that is useless and only encourage bad players to die more often trying to use or reach them entering the traps or being focused and making their team lose. The single mirror you equip and no always used is the one from the healing skill. With your superior knowledge, you should also advise the best mesmers / Mirages in the game to use them since it seems that they are so ignorant that none of them use the traits and skills you are comenting. Let's see if it will turn out that you are the best of all and nobody knows you. I'm still looking for that bunch of invisibilities you referenced and those alleged infinity dodges/mirrors that no one use. Because the only place I have found them used has been in the daredevil builds.


Mirage only use a single stealth from torch. Due to what is really OP now in the game, he can't even use their own utilities, those that you call OP because that implies die! The ones that are needed are those you can control to positioning properly and not random breaking stuns and those helping you to cleanse extra conditions. Mirage even can't go full ofensive, its a +1 roamer now due to its weakness against stronger professions and need inspiration to support his team and to manage with the amount of conditions out there. Also need boon removal too. So that, for survive and also be useful to his team, make him suboptimal as you in reality are forced to build in an hybrid way in terms of ofensive traits mixing power and condition, but also with a defensive trait line too. The sinergy to be effective killing is not there anymore, you do a lot less damage, so now you are relegated to help others to finish or get kills and thanks that you still have enough mobility to that role. And unless you are in casuals or in a coordinated team, it is better to use a less weak profession and don't be a burden to your team. Anyways the best Mirages are still useful, but now they die as or more often than they can kill. When the most skilled ones that win tournaments can only achieve that rate, something is going wrong and is not right. It's also funny to watch that you in other posts defend OP skills and then comes here to release your frustration. It smells biased...

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And i was almost convinced by some forum ppl, that IH Mirage even on power can't be played active and tactical with ambushes, that it all is just passive clone carry, 100% same as on IH Condimirage. I also almost was convinced that the game overall is way too spammy and low skill requirement to play a skilled interrupt build and that you can just braindead spam all your cc and win ez, even with PB. Then there comes footage proving most stuff i ever said about IH Mirage and Interruptplaystyle right. Already for that you earn a thumb up. I counted at least 4 intended, active and tactical pure offensive dodges for clone ambushes in this video (what is quite a lot considering you have only one dodge you mostly need for pure surviving). The double peel clone ambush move was interesting. But maybe it was just an illusion all along. Btw i forgot to menton i rly liked the mind gaming and position changes with your partner and how you manipulated the targeting behavior from your opponents with it.


I agree that it is a shame how Anet hard limits those high skilled, active and tactical outplays with the overnerf of the IH mechanic and dumbs down the whole traitline by this nonsense one dodge change, instead just nerfing the root problems of IH-Condimirage. When Anet doesn't want the Mirage line to add any dmg (in particular condi dmg) to a build then just adjust ambushes to the wanted lvl in dmg and give utility effects in compensation, to make taking IH a more active, more skillful and viable option on condi and power based on 2 dodges. It rly cannot be that hard to balance a spec that has that many places it can be fine adjusted and reworked. This sledge hammer nerf is one of the biggest nonsense i have ever seen, comes with unnecessary high costs in terms of lower skill cieling, tactical deepness and mechanical complexity for the whole traitline, overnerfs and dumbing down Powermirage as a spin off and that while not even solving the real issues from the one op IH condi playstyle, it just nerfs around the issues (pressuring players just into another more passive trait like EM) while contradicting basic dodge mechanics and one of the biggest Mirage defining mechanics that should be baseline (Minortrait) instead overnerfed into uselessness.


23 instead 30 minutes... you slightly improved the video length, slightly! Your flute skill lvl needs some further improvement too.



> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> nonsense


> @"Zoser.7245" said:

> @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> @"phokus.8934" said:

> Lot of stuff in response


Also when i appreciate the effort to take my place and add some wall of text and invest time and effort to tell biased ppl why they are wrong, but some ppl are just too biased and too far away from every fact and logic to worth the effort. And i bet both hands and legs, that most of those kind of ppl would not even have enough skill to play a Powermirage with 3 dodges like a Daredevil, no matter if post or pre patch. The easiest way would be to ask for some footage to prove how they get carried by a Powermirage vs decent ppl but we all know by experience that it will never happen, no matter if it would be possible to create a 3 dodge Mirage and to go back to pre patch lvl. And we also all know why it will never happen and how the excuses and dodge out arguments will look like. They are always the same. With other words: Don't waste your time guys.

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If you take 3 mirriors back to back from the trait there is 90% chance you did something VERY wrong lol.

There is a reason for it, and I dont feel like explaining something since Psomething will disregard it anyways


Edit @"Poelala.2830" how is your " LR is fine, l2p " post doin? im sure there is no bias going on there my man! just l2p!

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> @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > Mirage does need its two dodges but that boat seems lost at sea.

> > > >

> > > > no it doesn't. it's finally not as invuln spam as it was before

> > >

> > > You really don't know what you're talking about if you think having two dodges was invuln spamming with less Vigor up time than most other classes.

> >

> > I know exactly what I’m talking about when weapon skills dodge, utilities dodge, dodge is not locked by an animation, your invuln gives you 3 more dodges, you have multiple stealths, so on and so forth.


> **Our distortion does not grant 3 dodges, it grants 3 mirrors, which are most of the time not conveniently placed and extremely previsible.**

No, distortion doesnt give you 3 mirrors. Unless you trait "desert distortion" with 3 clones up, which are scattered god know where and have to walk into it (=/= to have 3 INVULNERABILITIES)... Only power mirage used that, even now condi mirage is not using it.

@"Poelala.2830" you dont even know anything and making up stuff out of thin air.

Oh yes, ridiculous statements as usual, calling an evade - invulnerability, 2 evades = invul spam. :joy:

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > > Mirage does need its two dodges but that boat seems lost at sea.

> > > > >

> > > > > no it doesn't. it's finally not as invuln spam as it was before

> > > >

> > > > You really don't know what you're talking about if you think having two dodges was invuln spamming with less Vigor up time than most other classes.

> > >

> > > I know exactly what I’m talking about when weapon skills dodge, utilities dodge, dodge is not locked by an animation, your invuln gives you 3 more dodges, you have multiple stealths, so on and so forth.

> >

> > **Our distortion does not grant 3 dodges, it grants 3 mirrors, which are most of the time not conveniently placed and extremely previsible.**

> No, distortion doesnt give you 3 mirrors. Unless you trait "desert distortion" with 3 clones up, which are scattered god know where and have to walk into it (=/= to have 3 INVULNERABILITIES)... Only power mirage used that, even now condi mirage is not using it.

> @"Poelala.2830" you dont even know anything and making up stuff out of thin air.

> Oh yes, ridiculous statements as usual, calling an evade - invulnerability, 2 evades = invul spam. :joy:


Not to mention that even when you count Mirrors as equally impactful dodges (and forget that they are way worse than on demand endurance dodges or evadeskills) and count in the most optimal (but unrealistic) way that a Mirage always get 3 Mirrors each f4 use, and also add all evades meta Mirage builds had on skills, they still had less dodge (less defensive rotation uptime) than most other classes and that already pre patch. The only thing i would agree to is to exclude f4 reset from Signet of Illusion (it is in gerneal too strong for an utility to reset a complete invuln skills and nearly half its cd with that, also on core). But this change can only be done when giving Mirage 2 dodges back. Atm every Mirage build is just limited in using Blink and this Signet to have a chance to survive for longer than 3s.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> And i was almost convinced by some forum ppl, that IH Mirage even on power can't be played active and tactical with ambushes, that it all is just passive clone carry, 100% same as on IH Condimirage. I also almost was convinced that the game overall is way too spammy and low skill requirement to play a skilled interrupt build and that you can just braindead spam all your cc and win ez, even with PB. Then there comes footage proving most stuff i ever said about IH Mirage and Interruptplaystyle right. Already for that you earn a thumb up. I counted at least 4 intended, active and tactical pure offensive dodges for clone ambushes in this video (what is quite a lot considering you have only one dodge you mostly need for pure surviving). The double peel clone ambush move was interesting. But maybe it was just an illusion all along.


> I agree that it is a shame how Anet hard limits those high skilled, active and tactical outplays with the overnerf of the IH mechanic and dumbs down the whole traitline by this nonsense one dodge change, instead just nerfing the root problems of IH-Condimirage. When Anet doesn't want the Mirage line to add any dmg (in particular condi dmg) to a build then just adjust ambushes to the wanted lvl in dmg and give utility effects in compensation, to make taking IH a more active, more skillful and viable option on condi and power based on 2 dodges. It rly cannot be that hard to balance a spec that has that many places it can be fine adjusted and reworked. This sledge hammer nerf is one of the biggest nonsense i have ever seen, comes with unnecessary high costs in terms of lower skill cieling, tactical deepness and mechanical complexity for the whole traitline, overnerfs and dumbing down Powermirage as a spin off and that while not even solving the real issues from the one op IH condi playstyle, it just nerfs around the issues (pressuring players just into another more passive trait like EM) while contradicting basic dodge mechanics and one of the biggest Mirage defining mechanics that should be baseline (Minortrait) instead overnerfed into uselessness.


> 23 instead 30 minutes... you slightly improved the video length, slightly! Your flute skill lvl needs some further improvement too.



> > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > nonsense


> > @"Zoser.7245" said:

> > @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > Lot of stuff in response


> Also when i appreciate the effort to take my place and add some wall of text and invest time and effort to tell biased ppl why they are wrong, but some ppl are just too biased and too far away from every fact and logic to worth the effort. And i bet both hands and legs, that most of those kind of ppl would not even have enough skill to play a Powermirage with 3 dodges like a Daredevil, no matter if post or pre patch. The easiest way would be to ask for some footage to prove how they get carried by a Powermirage vs decent ppl but we all know by experience that it will never happen, no matter if it would be possible to create a 3 dodge Mirage and to go back to pre patch lvl. And we also all know why it will never happen and how the excuses and dodge out arguments will look like. They are always the same. With other words: Don't waste your time guys.


Could at least have tagged me and @"viquing.8254" since you're referring to us.

Anyway will respond in the other trait to avoid derrailing this one.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > And i was almost convinced by some forum ppl, that IH Mirage even on power can't be played active and tactical with ambushes, that it all is just passive clone carry, 100% same as on IH Condimirage. I also almost was convinced that the game overall is way too spammy and low skill requirement to play a skilled interrupt build and that you can just braindead spam all your cc and win ez, even with PB. Then there comes footage proving most stuff i ever said about IH Mirage and Interruptplaystyle right. Already for that you earn a thumb up. I counted at least 4 intended, active and tactical pure offensive dodges for clone ambushes in this video (what is quite a lot considering you have only one dodge you mostly need for pure surviving). The double peel clone ambush move was interesting. But maybe it was just an illusion all along.

> >

> > I agree that it is a shame how Anet hard limits those high skilled, active and tactical outplays with the overnerf of the IH mechanic and dumbs down the whole traitline by this nonsense one dodge change, instead just nerfing the root problems of IH-Condimirage. When Anet doesn't want the Mirage line to add any dmg (in particular condi dmg) to a build then just adjust ambushes to the wanted lvl in dmg and give utility effects in compensation, to make taking IH a more active, more skillful and viable option on condi and power based on 2 dodges. It rly cannot be that hard to balance a spec that has that many places it can be fine adjusted and reworked. This sledge hammer nerf is one of the biggest nonsense i have ever seen, comes with unnecessary high costs in terms of lower skill cieling, tactical deepness and mechanical complexity for the whole traitline, overnerfs and dumbing down Powermirage as a spin off and that while not even solving the real issues from the one op IH condi playstyle, it just nerfs around the issues (pressuring players just into another more passive trait like EM) while contradicting basic dodge mechanics and one of the biggest Mirage defining mechanics that should be baseline (Minortrait) instead overnerfed into uselessness.

> >

> > 23 instead 30 minutes... you slightly improved the video length, slightly! Your flute skill lvl needs some further improvement too.

> >

> >

> > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > nonsense

> >

> > > @"Zoser.7245" said:

> > > @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > Lot of stuff in response

> >

> > Also when i appreciate the effort to take my place and add some wall of text and invest time and effort to tell biased ppl why they are wrong, but some ppl are just too biased and too far away from every fact and logic to worth the effort. And i bet both hands and legs, that most of those kind of ppl would not even have enough skill to play a Powermirage with 3 dodges like a Daredevil, no matter if post or pre patch. The easiest way would be to ask for some footage to prove how they get carried by a Powermirage vs decent ppl but we all know by experience that it will never happen, no matter if it would be possible to create a 3 dodge Mirage and to go back to pre patch lvl. And we also all know why it will never happen and how the excuses and dodge out arguments will look like. They are always the same. With other words: Don't waste your time guys.


> Could at least have tagged me and @"viquing.8254" since you're referring to us.

> Anyway will respond in the other trait to avoid derrailing this one.


My goal was to not call you or anyone out, that you can decide yourself if you want to reveal yoruself or not. It was more a kind move than a mean move tbh. At least it was meant in a kind way.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > > > Mirage does need its two dodges but that boat seems lost at sea.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > no it doesn't. it's finally not as invuln spam as it was before

> > > > >

> > > > > You really don't know what you're talking about if you think having two dodges was invuln spamming with less Vigor up time than most other classes.

> > > >

> > > > I know exactly what I’m talking about when weapon skills dodge, utilities dodge, dodge is not locked by an animation, your invuln gives you 3 more dodges, you have multiple stealths, so on and so forth.

> > >

> > > **Our distortion does not grant 3 dodges, it grants 3 mirrors, which are most of the time not conveniently placed and extremely previsible.**

> > No, distortion doesnt give you 3 mirrors. Unless you trait "desert distortion" with 3 clones up, which are scattered god know where and have to walk into it (=/= to have 3 INVULNERABILITIES)... Only power mirage used that, even now condi mirage is not using it.

> > @"Poelala.2830" you dont even know anything and making up stuff out of thin air.

> > Oh yes, ridiculous statements as usual, calling an evade - invulnerability, 2 evades = invul spam. :joy:


> Not to mention that even when you count Mirrors as equally impactful dodges (and forget that they are way worse than on demand endurance dodges or evadeskills) and count in the most optimal (but unrealistic) way that a Mirage always get 3 Mirrors each f4 use, and also add all evades meta Mirage builds had on skills, they still had less dodge (less defensive rotation uptime) than most other classes and that already pre patch. The only thing i would agree to is to exclude f4 reset from Signet of Illusion (it is in gerneal too strong for an utility to reset a complete invuln skills and nearly half its cd with that, also on core). But this change can only be done when giving Mirage 2 dodges back. Atm every Mirage build is just limited in using Blink and this Signet to have a chance to survive for longer than 3s.

You cant count it as equal as normal evade, you cant use it on demand, you have to forget everything and run into it and hope u wont get stunned or knocked/slowed/chilled or have to use blink into it, rofl.

60s cd 1.25s cast time SoI and cant be reduced because trait that reduced cd on signets its gone... No thanks

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> > > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > > > > Mirage does need its two dodges but that boat seems lost at sea.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > no it doesn't. it's finally not as invuln spam as it was before

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You really don't know what you're talking about if you think having two dodges was invuln spamming with less Vigor up time than most other classes.

> > > > >

> > > > > I know exactly what I’m talking about when weapon skills dodge, utilities dodge, dodge is not locked by an animation, your invuln gives you 3 more dodges, you have multiple stealths, so on and so forth.

> > > >

> > > > **Our distortion does not grant 3 dodges, it grants 3 mirrors, which are most of the time not conveniently placed and extremely previsible.**

> > > No, distortion doesnt give you 3 mirrors. Unless you trait "desert distortion" with 3 clones up, which are scattered god know where and have to walk into it (=/= to have 3 INVULNERABILITIES)... Only power mirage used that, even now condi mirage is not using it.

> > > @"Poelala.2830" you dont even know anything and making up stuff out of thin air.

> > > Oh yes, ridiculous statements as usual, calling an evade - invulnerability, 2 evades = invul spam. :joy:

> >

> > Not to mention that even when you count Mirrors as equally impactful dodges (and forget that they are way worse than on demand endurance dodges or evadeskills) and count in the most optimal (but unrealistic) way that a Mirage always get 3 Mirrors each f4 use, and also add all evades meta Mirage builds had on skills, they still had less dodge (less defensive rotation uptime) than most other classes and that already pre patch. The only thing i would agree to is to exclude f4 reset from Signet of Illusion (it is in gerneal too strong for an utility to reset a complete invuln skills and nearly half its cd with that, also on core). But this change can only be done when giving Mirage 2 dodges back. Atm every Mirage build is just limited in using Blink and this Signet to have a chance to survive for longer than 3s.

> You cant count it as equal as normal evade, you cant use it on demand, you have to forget everything and run into it and hope u wont get stunned or knocked/slowed/chilled or have to use blink into it, rofl.

> 60s cd 1.25s cast time SoI and cant be reduced because trait that reduced cd on signets its gone... No thanks


That was exactly what i said^^ I just made an optimal unrealistic review from Polealasomehting's PoV to then say that even WHEN you count in such an unrealisitc way even THEN Mirage had still less dodgeuptime(less defensive rotation uptime) than most classes and that even pre patch with 2 dodges.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > And i was almost convinced by some forum ppl, that IH Mirage even on power can't be played active and tactical with ambushes, that it all is just passive clone carry, 100% same as on IH Condimirage. I also almost was convinced that the game overall is way too spammy and low skill requirement to play a skilled interrupt build and that you can just braindead spam all your cc and win ez, even with PB. Then there comes footage proving most stuff i ever said about IH Mirage and Interruptplaystyle right. Already for that you earn a thumb up. I counted at least 4 intended, active and tactical pure offensive dodges for clone ambushes in this video (what is quite a lot considering you have only one dodge you mostly need for pure surviving). The double peel clone ambush move was interesting. But maybe it was just an illusion all along.

> >

> > I agree that it is a shame how Anet hard limits those high skilled, active and tactical outplays with the overnerf of the IH mechanic and dumbs down the whole traitline by this nonsense one dodge change, instead just nerfing the root problems of IH-Condimirage. When Anet doesn't want the Mirage line to add any dmg (in particular condi dmg) to a build then just adjust ambushes to the wanted lvl in dmg and give utility effects in compensation, to make taking IH a more active, more skillful and viable option on condi and power based on 2 dodges. It rly cannot be that hard to balance a spec that has that many places it can be fine adjusted and reworked. This sledge hammer nerf is one of the biggest nonsense i have ever seen, comes with unnecessary high costs in terms of lower skill cieling, tactical deepness and mechanical complexity for the whole traitline, overnerfs and dumbing down Powermirage as a spin off and that while not even solving the real issues from the one op IH condi playstyle, it just nerfs around the issues (pressuring players just into another more passive trait like EM) while contradicting basic dodge mechanics and one of the biggest Mirage defining mechanics that should be baseline (Minortrait) instead overnerfed into uselessness.

> >

> > 23 instead 30 minutes... you slightly improved the video length, slightly! Your flute skill lvl needs some further improvement too.

> >

> >

> > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > nonsense

> >

> > > @"Zoser.7245" said:

> > > @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > Lot of stuff in response

> >

> > Also when i appreciate the effort to take my place and add some wall of text and invest time and effort to tell biased ppl why they are wrong, but some ppl are just too biased and too far away from every fact and logic to worth the effort. And i bet both hands and legs, that most of those kind of ppl would not even have enough skill to play a Powermirage with 3 dodges like a Daredevil, no matter if post or pre patch. The easiest way would be to ask for some footage to prove how they get carried by a Powermirage vs decent ppl but we all know by experience that it will never happen, no matter if it would be possible to create a 3 dodge Mirage and to go back to pre patch lvl. And we also all know why it will never happen and how the excuses and dodge out arguments will look like. They are always the same. With other words: Don't waste your time guys.


> Could at least have tagged me and @"viquing.8254" since you're referring to us.

> Anyway will respond in the other trait to avoid derrailing this one.


I already discuss with him on PM to not create debate here.

My main points are just about :

- The synergy between rev and jazz build.

- The amount of mind play who get counted by random procs.

- The lack of focus after blink from some of his opponents.


That's said, thanks a lot Jazz for sharing, everytime I see your vids it gives me some ideas.


And btw : buff mes !

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> @"viquing.8254" said:


> I already discuss with him on PM to not create debate here.

> My main points are just about :

> - The lack of focus after blink from some of his opponents.


This is just normal decision making, when you focus something too long without it dying (even when Jazz was not kiting he just outplayed them melee very well + kiting at good moment when opponents cds are not rdy to follow, at least when it was possible to do or start kiting when they were demoralized from chasing and fighting without getting a kill for longer time already) then you start to try something else. In particular in a match with time limit.

This normal human decision making and fight behavior was also exploided by them with changing positions in a way and at good moment to give their opponents a better target when they wanted a focus-change from one player to another. They just made their opponents think, that focusing the other player will be more rewarding at a specific moment. They also create an amount of time and cd costs to chase one target, what gives the opponent the feeling that it makes more sense to change to the other target and pressure it as long as the other one is out of easy reach. They also forced splits of opponents to reduce their resustain and support of each other with the same tactics.

It was simple well done and well timed mindgaming at this point. Manipulation of the targeting behavior of the opponent. Jazz even called it out by saying it was a dance choreography. That was needed to compensate the build and comp advantage the opponents had.


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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"viquing.8254" said:


> > I already discuss with him on PM to not create debate here.

> > My main points are just about :

> > - The lack of focus after blink from some of his opponents.


> This is just normal decision making, when you focus something too long without it dying (even when Jazz was not kiting he just outplayed them melee very well + kiting at good moment when opponents cds are not rdy to follow, at least when it was possible to do or start kiting when they were demoralized from chasing and fighting without getting a kill for longer time already) then you start to try something else. In particular in a match with time limit.

> This normal human decision making and fight behavior was also exploided by them with changing positions in a way and at good moment to give their opponents a better target when they wanted a focus-change from one player to another. They just made their opponents think, that focusing the other player will be more rewarding at a specific moment. They also create an amount of time and cd costs to chase one target, what gives the opponent the feeling that it makes more sense to change to the other target and pressure it as long as the other one is out of easy reach. They also forced splits of opponents to reduce their resustain and support of each other with the same tactics.

> It was simple well done and well timed mindgaming at this point. Manipulation of the targeting behavior of the opponent. Jazz even called it out by saying it was a dance choreography. That was needed to compensate the build and comp advantage the opponents had.




I think that's the fact they rarely fight a good power mirage have some impact here too. But yeah it wasn't bad players.


Btw buff mes !

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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"viquing.8254" said:

> >

> > > I already discuss with him on PM to not create debate here.

> > > My main points are just about :

> > > - The lack of focus after blink from some of his opponents.

> >

> > This is just normal decision making, when you focus something too long without it dying (even when Jazz was not kiting he just outplayed them melee very well + kiting at good moment when opponents cds are not rdy to follow, at least when it was possible to do or start kiting when they were demoralized from chasing and fighting without getting a kill for longer time already) then you start to try something else. In particular in a match with time limit.

> > This normal human decision making and fight behavior was also exploided by them with changing positions in a way and at good moment to give their opponents a better target when they wanted a focus-change from one player to another. They just made their opponents think, that focusing the other player will be more rewarding at a specific moment. They also create an amount of time and cd costs to chase one target, what gives the opponent the feeling that it makes more sense to change to the other target and pressure it as long as the other one is out of easy reach. They also forced splits of opponents to reduce their resustain and support of each other with the same tactics.

> > It was simple well done and well timed mindgaming at this point. Manipulation of the targeting behavior of the opponent. Jazz even called it out by saying it was a dance choreography. That was needed to compensate the build and comp advantage the opponents had.

> >



> I think that's the fact they rarely fight a good power mirage have some impact here too. But yeah it wasn't bad players.


> Btw buff mes !


That can be another point ofc.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Well this escalated quickly @"Jazz.4639" Thanks for the video, maybe time to go back to your roots with core?


oooof haha yes, i guess that is the bane you have to live with when playing mesmer. if i believe all the toxic whispers i get, then i am just lucky with random skill clicking while being carried from a lame build spamming random dazes left and right. while i wonder where all the fotm players are, eager to play my build for the big carry. anyway, let ppl think what they like to think. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

i rly dont want to go deep into this dispute. i made my opinion about one dodge mirage clear, i think it is very bad not mainly bc it is an overnerf for power mirage (also when playing it feels more like having a second job and not like having fun with a gaming hobby and i need 3 weeks vacation after few matches) but mostly bc it deletes most of my abilities to make plays with mirage tools, so it deletes skillneed. and that is what nerfs should not do in my opinion.

playing core mes instead is an option but you rly miss mobility then, at least in conquest.



> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> Flute on ghost busters is the best^^Reminds me of my own flute skills back in schooldays B)



hehe yes i also think it needed to be exactly the ghostbuster song, otherwise it is only annoying and not a bit funny ;) just to be sure: it is ofc not me playing the flute ingame, it is a rl recording from someone else, i stole it from a quarantine meme.



anyway thx to everyone for writing in this thread and giving feedback or discussing, that is rly appreciated! @"phokus.8934" @"Poelala.2830" @"cptaylor.2670" @"Gryxis.6950" @"Zoser.7245" @"bravan.3876" @"Leonidrex.5649" @"Odik.4587" @"Lincolnbeard.1735" @"viquing.8254"


ding ding ding ping ping ping :) happy easter all o/

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> @"Jazz.4639" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > Well this escalated quickly @"Jazz.4639" Thanks for the video, maybe time to go back to your roots with core?


> oooof haha yes, i guess that is the bane you have to live with when playing mesmer. if i believe all the toxic whispers i get, then i am just lucky with random skill clicking while being carried from a lame build spamming random dazes left and right. while i wonder where all the fotm players are, eager to play my build for the big carry. anyway, let ppl think what they like to think. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

> i rly dont want to go deep into this dispute. i made my opinion about one dodge mirage clear, i think it is very bad not mainly bc it is an overnerf for power mirage (also when playing it feels more like having a second job and not like having fun with a gaming hobby and i need 3 weeks vacation after few matches) but mostly bc it deletes most of my abilities to make plays with mirage tools, so it deletes skillneed. and that is what nerfs should not do in my opinion.

> playing core mes instead is an option but you rly miss mobility then, at least in conquest.



Yeah core is pretty much hit and run, mostly on the run if people decide "that mesmer has to die". Wouldn't be too bad if we had a power spec for chrono but that already lends itself to a condi build through rewinder and chrono phantasma letting you get double pistol traited for bleeds and double torch phantasm for AoE burn. Still a pretty bad spec in general that struggles with clone generation yet needs it because no IP.

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