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For the love of God, Nerf Mesmer already!


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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > Hi, IMO

> > Step 1: Restore the second dodge.

> > Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.

> > Step 2: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.

> > Removing the most annoying mechanic, then the most broken one, leaving IH only as a good visual distraction.

> > And ofcourse revert the mediocre chrono rework they did a few months ago.

> > Maybe that will make me come back.


> Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?

> I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications.


Nah, they only want to nerf Mirage even more so they don't have to care about it, but in fact, they already can ignore it or obliterate the Mirage with every meta profession/specialization in every match. Chronomancer is not going to be reverted, it was a design decision and it works as they decided. The only thing it could help Chronomancer without another rework is allow Distortion on Continuum Split to increase its duration with the amount of illusions you shatter. And i have my doubts if they'll even consider do it. What they could decide is do like they did with Chrono and add a global trade-off to Mirage in the future...

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > Hi, IMO

> > > Step 1: Restore the second dodge.

> > > Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.

> > > Step 2: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.

> > > Removing the most annoying mechanic, then the most broken one, leaving IH only as a good visual distraction.

> > > And ofcourse revert the mediocre chrono rework they did a few months ago.

> > > Maybe that will make me come back.

> >

> > Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?

> > I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications.


> Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved.


As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley:


P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50%


@"kraai.7265" You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"pninak.1069" said:

> > > > I find it funny how you ignore thief. my friend I am playing with just yesterday told me that a thief spiked him for 23k. and most classes got their oneshot ability nerfed hard already.

> > >

> > > Ur friend and or u are lying, pretty simple really. U or anyone can simple go into mist and build ur power core build- highest dps burst thief running DA 213,trickery 312 and CS 321 and for kicks add assassin signet and soa to ur utility bar and due ur best back stab on heavy golem or the practice ai guard or war and be amazed at ur 4k-6k back stab after getting boons from ur steal, then heartseeker for 2-4k and enjoy ur 3-400 damage autos except for the 1k hit on final hit of rotation lol compared to the sustain of necro,holo, revs,rangers,guards including their respective specs the thief's burst is pathetic. Try building a non 100% damage build to be bit more useful and go 1v1 vs any of those classes and observe how little dps u do compared to them and how funny it is watching all ur dagger attacks except one skill and a back stab do basically nothing against their hp lol. What's even funnier is thief's burst as it is right now is actually one of the lowest.

> >

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"pninak.1069" said:

> > > > I find it funny how you ignore thief. my friend I am playing with just yesterday told me that a thief spiked him for 23k. and most classes got their oneshot ability nerfed hard already.

> > >

> > > Ur friend and or u are lying, pretty simple really. U or anyone can simple go into mist and build ur power core build- highest dps burst thief running DA 213,trickery 312 and CS 321 and for kicks add assassin signet and soa to ur utility bar and due ur best back stab on heavy golem or the practice ai guard or war and be amazed at ur 4k-6k back stab after getting boons from ur steal, then heartseeker for 2-4k and enjoy ur 3-400 damage autos except for the 1k hit on final hit of rotation lol compared to the sustain of necro,holo, revs,rangers,guards including their respective specs the thief's burst is pathetic. Try building a non 100% damage build to be bit more useful and go 1v1 vs any of those classes and observe how little dps u do compared to them and how funny it is watching all ur dagger attacks except one skill and a back stab do basically nothing against their hp lol. What's even funnier is thief's burst as it is right now is actually one of the lowest.

> >

> > You can go ~7,5k backstab ez on Heavy. 6k HS (depending on HP), ~600 autos. So yeah thieves' damage is not as low as thieves claim to be.


> Yeah I've got 7 and 6k on heavy golem on a build forgoing everything useful but damage,so what? That's still not high burst compared to the other bursts out there by tanker classes for one and for 2 they don't have to sacrifice everything for that damage which considering were talking about a low sustain burst class that is in fact pathetic so.

> Also I don't kno how anyone could claim mesmers OP when there 2x guards , necro/reapers with a sprinkle of condi core rangers on every team every match, why do u guys think that is? Did those two classes get some really fun new skills and animations since last patch? Lol

> U hear about how broken condi rev is but see it far less than those other two,is it cuz revs harder to play hmmmm.

> Is this cmc guy blind or does he not play pvp often? I kno he mentioned dh having one of the highest win rates even in plat but can he not see the massive influx of guards and necro's? I mean doesnt take a genius to figure out why and if he hasn't is this who anet wants in charge of numbers lol gl anet.


That's how it should be.

If you spec defensive traitlines on mesmer, a full burst deals ~9k on light armor.


Its not that thief damage is low, is that some professions need to be toned down a lot so the same logic is applied, want good damage? Go full offensive. Want survival? Go full defensive.

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How u gonna nerf mesmer more? Theyve lost a bar of endurance which is huge and though I agree the class is still very evasive there's a line to how far u can punish mesmer for its design before u may as well just delete it. What's next? Now mesmer only gets one weapon or maybe weapon sigils now have no effect on their weapons,maybe increase their weapon swaps to 15 secs lol. I may not be a huge mesmer fan as I know most mesmer players dislike me which I'm more than on with but in this version of the game and the state of balance were in no one can honestly call mesmer OP unless its 100% bias dislike for the class.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"pninak.1069" said:

> > > > > I find it funny how you ignore thief. my friend I am playing with just yesterday told me that a thief spiked him for 23k. and most classes got their oneshot ability nerfed hard already.

> > > >

> > > > Ur friend and or u are lying, pretty simple really. U or anyone can simple go into mist and build ur power core build- highest dps burst thief running DA 213,trickery 312 and CS 321 and for kicks add assassin signet and soa to ur utility bar and due ur best back stab on heavy golem or the practice ai guard or war and be amazed at ur 4k-6k back stab after getting boons from ur steal, then heartseeker for 2-4k and enjoy ur 3-400 damage autos except for the 1k hit on final hit of rotation lol compared to the sustain of necro,holo, revs,rangers,guards including their respective specs the thief's burst is pathetic. Try building a non 100% damage build to be bit more useful and go 1v1 vs any of those classes and observe how little dps u do compared to them and how funny it is watching all ur dagger attacks except one skill and a back stab do basically nothing against their hp lol. What's even funnier is thief's burst as it is right now is actually one of the lowest.

> > >

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"pninak.1069" said:

> > > > > I find it funny how you ignore thief. my friend I am playing with just yesterday told me that a thief spiked him for 23k. and most classes got their oneshot ability nerfed hard already.

> > > >

> > > > Ur friend and or u are lying, pretty simple really. U or anyone can simple go into mist and build ur power core build- highest dps burst thief running DA 213,trickery 312 and CS 321 and for kicks add assassin signet and soa to ur utility bar and due ur best back stab on heavy golem or the practice ai guard or war and be amazed at ur 4k-6k back stab after getting boons from ur steal, then heartseeker for 2-4k and enjoy ur 3-400 damage autos except for the 1k hit on final hit of rotation lol compared to the sustain of necro,holo, revs,rangers,guards including their respective specs the thief's burst is pathetic. Try building a non 100% damage build to be bit more useful and go 1v1 vs any of those classes and observe how little dps u do compared to them and how funny it is watching all ur dagger attacks except one skill and a back stab do basically nothing against their hp lol. What's even funnier is thief's burst as it is right now is actually one of the lowest.

> > >

> > > You can go ~7,5k backstab ez on Heavy. 6k HS (depending on HP), ~600 autos. So yeah thieves' damage is not as low as thieves claim to be.

> >

> > Yeah I've got 7 and 6k on heavy golem on a build forgoing everything useful but damage,so what? That's still not high burst compared to the other bursts out there by tanker classes for one and for 2 they don't have to sacrifice everything for that damage which considering were talking about a low sustain burst class that is in fact pathetic so.

> > Also I don't kno how anyone could claim mesmers OP when there 2x guards , necro/reapers with a sprinkle of condi core rangers on every team every match, why do u guys think that is? Did those two classes get some really fun new skills and animations since last patch? Lol

> > U hear about how broken condi rev is but see it far less than those other two,is it cuz revs harder to play hmmmm.

> > Is this cmc guy blind or does he not play pvp often? I kno he mentioned dh having one of the highest win rates even in plat but can he not see the massive influx of guards and necro's? I mean doesnt take a genius to figure out why and if he hasn't is this who anet wants in charge of numbers lol gl anet.


> That's how it should be.

> If you spec defensive traitlines on mesmer, a full burst deals ~9k on light armor.


> Its not that thief damage is low, is that some professions need to be toned down a lot so the same logic is applied, want good damage? Go full offensive. Want survival? Go full defensive.


Ok i agree 100% than apply that to other classes. As I said I dont want thiefs dps buffed I want tanker classes bursts lowered as well as their insane sustain to allow the thief to do its job with the numbers it has now.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> How u gonna nerf mesmer more? Theyve lost a bar of endurance which is huge and though I agree the class is still very evasive there's a line to how far u can punish mesmer for its design before u may as well just delete it. What's next? Now mesmer only gets one weapon or maybe weapon sigils now have no effect on their weapons,maybe increase their weapon swaps to 15 secs lol. I may not be a huge mesmer fan as I know most mesmer players dislike me which I'm more than on with but in this version of the game and the state of balance were in no one can honestly call mesmer OP unless its 100% bias dislike for the class.


I can't believe what I'm reading.

Yo guys, I think we just made a blind man see!

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Mirrors are a terrible mechanic, I'd prefer they just flat out get removed. They were added because some art designer thought it was shiny. That is not how classes should be built. Ranger and Thief have access to more evasion EVEN INCLUDING THE MIRRORS, and Ranger and Thief will ALWAYS have far superior evasion because a "**on demand dodge**" that can be activated by a **button press** will **ALWAYS** be superior to the evade you have to walk to, which is a giant obvious tell that your opponent is trying to A. Dodge, or B. Ambush, this offers NOTHING as a class mechanic, except a way to punish bads (which is clearly evident from this forum thread)... **AND is completely antithetical to a class that is supposed to be designed around misdirects and deception.**

"Durrrr where did he go? I can't figure out difference between player and clones! Good thing A-net gave me a clear and obvious 'purple street warning sign' to know where they are probably going... And if they don't go, I win! _whew_ didn't even need to use cleave or AoE on the clones." ... So hard, so imba :^)


Also in the vain of the above: misdirection via target drops will ALWAYS be inferior to easy access- readily available- on demand stealth. Of which a mirage will at best have 3 seconds unless they sacrifice a damage line for chaos; which would make them **THE LEAST CONSISTENT** class able of securing kills.


Anyone complaining about Distortion is dumb. 4 seconds, at the cost of your **Entire** pool of resources, typically required to do damage, on a 50 second cooldown... And that's only assuming you have 3 illusions to shatter, otherwise it's only 1 - 3 seconds, and still eats your entire resource pool and maintains the lengthy cooldown.

Only when it comes to Mesmer do players think 1 second for a 50 second cooldown is unreasonable and OP. :^)


Condi ambushs need to be reworked in PvP I can agree with that. We all know condi presents a certain kind of issue in cap point based pvp and this is constantly reflected in the amulets we allow and test. However for power mirage removing the dodge is akin to reducing a thieve's base ini to 8. If that doesn't sound functional to you, well that should give you some context.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Mesmers need full rework from the ground up. They are either broken OP or pointless, no middle ground. They need to make the elites have a purpose and make them good at it but not overbearing. The whole clone mechanic needs really deep reworking, "clones don't do damage, but they apply conditions if you pick this and that, which makes them do damage", "killing the clone counters the mesmers resource, but they gave them the ability to be spammed and another to make them dodge, but if not used the clones die really fast", the clones are supposed to be for mind games and what not but you can clearly see that no one is using them for that.

> The AI minion classes in any game always end up in the not fun category, spawn bunch of stuff to do your job, win by doing nothing or on the other side when it is noticed that is too overbearing they are made useless.

> The only working type of character i have seen in a game is probably Samuro from HoTS.




Mesmer Profession does need a redesign. Secondly, Mesmers having clone is a complete Bad Design and a complete 'spit-on-the-face', Disrespect to their Predecessor Guild Wars design team who clearly defined Mesmers roles without having clones, stealth, teleport and +1 shotting. Also without sharing any of their unique mechanics and skills such as Confusion with other Professions.


**The worst offence to Mesmer Profession core root identity design was intentionally sharing their Confusion throughout sigils and runes such as Sigil of Confusion and Superior Rune of Perplexity and also by giving Non-Mesmer Profession such as Thief, Ranger and Engineer Professions access to Confusion.**


Thirdly, with Guild Wars 2 release, it destroyed every Professional purpose except with Necromancer Profession whose gradually returning to their core root identity design purpose


**Once again, there are no purpose for Mesmer without respectfully returning them to their Origin core root identity as Master of Illusion, Misdirection and Control. There are no alternative solutions or any exceptions to replace them without it**




![](https://i.imgur.com/810DPj7.jpg "")


no clones, stealth or teleport or +1 shotting were ever needed




-**Stop Forcing Mesmers To Be Something That They Are Not**







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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > How u gonna nerf mesmer more? Theyve lost a bar of endurance which is huge and though I agree the class is still very evasive there's a line to how far u can punish mesmer for its design before u may as well just delete it. What's next? Now mesmer only gets one weapon or maybe weapon sigils now have no effect on their weapons,maybe increase their weapon swaps to 15 secs lol. I may not be a huge mesmer fan as I know most mesmer players dislike me which I'm more than on with but in this version of the game and the state of balance were in no one can honestly call mesmer OP unless its 100% bias dislike for the class.


> I can't believe what I'm reading.

> Yo guys, I think we just made a blind man see!


I've never wanted mesmer nerfed to the ground, problem I have with mesmer are its payer representatives always popping in other class discussions no matter who it is but especially thieves as their its counter and acting like regardless of the state of the class it's not ok for players to want or discuss improvements on them,as if every class but mesmer is always in a balanced or op state no matter the actual case. There thee most often to spam post regarding thief and everything they can think of under the sun to claim is OP lol even of it's clearly not. Myself I have zero issues with any player mesmer or not wanting improvement to their class as that means if proper things were improved more classes and builds would be viable and fun to use and which means hopefully more people playing and playing a more variety of classes, unlike the necro and guard spamming we have now as there's literally 2 on every team and for a reason.

I don't want mesmer or any class nerfed to the ground and infact would rather even mesmer players enjoy there class as I want for all players and their class. I do think mesmer needed toned down but maybe losing a dodge was heavy handed but their not OP by any stretch but now maybe anet will give chrono some love so we see more of them in pvp eventually to as it seems like condi mirage or one shot mesmer is only thing I see and again not even close to op considering how burning builds are spiking or how necro's are sustaining hense my first reply, why make a mesmer op thread or nerf thread when theirs clear outliers right now which everyone knows who they are cuz again,2 on every team every match lol

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still butthurt, because I pointed out in a different topic that thief abuse weapon stow midcombat leading to teleportations with dagger pistol 3 without reveal. ofc he claims they are "fixed". best deal for anet is to simply ban weapon stowing in combat. I mean it is the same deal for everyone. you can't say smth against that . . . unless you don't want to play by the rules. then finally anet would be able to do a clear approach. if it wasn't for glitchabuse I wouldn't talk about this here.


My problem with thief is mostly that it has 0 cds and is pretty much able to do what mesmer is able to pull off in gw1. thief and mesmer switched places.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> still kitten, because I pointed out in a different topic that thief abuse weapon stow midcombat leading to teleportations with dagger pistol 3 without reveal. ofc he claims they are "fixed". best deal for anet is to simply ban weapon stowing in combat. I mean it is the same deal for everyone. you can't say smth against that . . . unless you don't want to play by the rules. then finally anet would be able to do a clear approach. if it wasn't for glitchabuse I wouldn't talk about this here.


> My problem with thief is mostly that it has 0 cds and is pretty much able to do what mesmer is able to pull off in gw1. thief and mesmer switched places.


I mean that's kinda dumbing the game down but I wouldnt argue, dont think I've I've ever intentionally weapon stowed mid combat and as far as I knew the thief isnt even a class that benefit very much from it these days,revs etc do as far as I know tho but still kinda adds to the skill cieling no?

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you argue with it is not bug it is a feature. yea for me the same thing counts for pve in gw1, where you had to glitch through portals to have an easier time getting explorer title. But I find weird that from this stuff alone thief seems to be the only class profiting from. Although I hear that recently eles started abusing this aswell to get a shorter cooldown on their channeled obsi flesh.

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I think it can hurt balance in the way that it is another thing devs have to consider before doing buffs/nerfs. and if they do the nerfs are propably harder for players that dunno how to execute them. leading to forum posts why the class is so crappy etc. in gw1 you didn't have these glitches. you were able to weaponswap to different sets and hide energy, but compared to gw2 you still have the casting time of spells and can still be punished if you swap to the wrong set at the wrong time leading to even longer 0 energy durations where the team will get killed of, because of this mistake.

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I think the problem is dealing with all the mass adds of clones, but at the same time, they need these clones and phantasms.


If they didn't have they would be gimped. Damage also feels kinda bad on core mesmer, but I could be wrong.


Also, damage feels kind of underwhelming on axe too on ranger, might be me as well. hope they don't over nerf pets. Kind of worried here because i genuinely like druid spec, but the part I like(Healing) isn't exactly viable and pretty soon the possibility of DPS might become unviable too.


Honestly, I'm less a fan of DPS anyways, prefer healing.



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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > Hi, IMO

> > > Step 1: Restore the second dodge.

> > > Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.

> > > Step 2: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.

> > > Removing the most annoying mechanic, then the most broken one, leaving IH only as a good visual distraction.

> > > And ofcourse revert the mediocre chrono rework they did a few months ago.

> > > Maybe that will make me come back.

> >

> > Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?

> > I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications.


> Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved.



nerf IH

nerf EM

nerf dodge

job done :D

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the latter 2 ones are done already. and I'd agree that IH has to be made baseline in order to balance the ambushes from there. mirage has less options as grandmaster traits as chrono. other classes get condi cleanse on dodge too and as a adept master. wow great . . . overall some specs need reworks of their current grandmaster traits. It is sort of dumb to push players into picking IH, because the other traits are trash.

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > I tuned in to Teapot's Teatime only to hear that according to Teapot, Mirage is butchered. Thank the Maker CMC ignored the stipulation. The class is clearly over performing still. Nerf it already ANET!

> > >

> > > @ArenaNet

> > Was it only mirage? I thought it was the entire class which was butchered?

> > But ye CMC is the MVP, ignored the question like a champ. He just couldnt tell him more nerfs are coming :joy:


> Rightfully so, the class is OP as hell.


I think the main issues with mesmer in general are:

1. Mindwrack can still do 12K in 2 hits after being in stealth and even then some more outside stealth

2. For mirage specifically, the clones get evade frames

3. Clones can get aegis

4. Clones can actually take 3-4 hits to kill, instead of one, and that's with Demo/Maurauder/Berserker amulets.

5. Clones persist indefinitely.


Those are the main issues I have with mesmer. I want them to not rely so much on their clones and on super bursts to be effective in combat.

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clones die in the first two secs in barrage. they are super weak. fb propably just uses one skill and all of them are done.The only class not able to get rid of them as fast is thief. mirage can't force clones to attack a target in stealth. so in a thief vs mesmer scenario clones just hang around doing nothing.

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> @"memausz.7264" said:

> > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > I tuned in to Teapot's Teatime only to hear that according to Teapot, Mirage is butchered. Thank the Maker CMC ignored the stipulation. The class is clearly over performing still. Nerf it already ANET!

> > > >

> > > > @ArenaNet

> > > Was it only mirage? I thought it was the entire class which was butchered?

> > > But ye CMC is the MVP, ignored the question like a champ. He just couldnt tell him more nerfs are coming :joy:

> >

> > Rightfully so, the class is OP as hell.


> I think the main issues with mesmer in general are:

> 1. Mindwrack can still do 12K in 2 hits after being in stealth and even then some more outside stealth

> 2. For mirage specifically, the clones get evade frames

> 3. Clones can get aegis

> 4. Clones can actually take 3-4 hits to kill, instead of one, and that's with Demo/Maurauder/Berserker amulets.

> 5. Clones persist indefinitely.


> Those are the main issues I have with mesmer. I want them to not rely so much on their clones and on super bursts to be effective in combat.



3 the only way to give clones aegis as mesmer is rng chaos storm -> lol and useless trait that nobody ever uses.

4 no, most classes can 2shot clones at worst, damage oriented builds 1shot them most of the times, most aoe just cleaves them for free, prepatch FB for example could 1shot clones with aoe, and I doubt their dmg got lowered by 60-70% :D


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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > Hi, IMO

> > > > Step 1: Restore the second dodge.

> > > > Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.

> > > > Step 2: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.

> > > > Removing the most annoying mechanic, then the most broken one, leaving IH only as a good visual distraction.

> > > > And ofcourse revert the mediocre chrono rework they did a few months ago.

> > > > Maybe that will make me come back.

> > >

> > > Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?

> > > I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications.

> >

> > Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved.


> As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley:


> P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50%


> @"kraai.7265" You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves.


wtf are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation...


Step 1: Restore the second dodge.

Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.

Step 3: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.

Step 4: Bring exhaustion back.

Here, i'll leave this again maybe you can improve your reading skills.

Restoring dodges you make mesmers happy, removing the dodge while stunned effect you keep the class balanced and players who hate mesmers happy, or at least silent because thats one of the two main reasons they complain. Removing condi application from clones you kill condi busted builds, who only kite while dealing damage, and condi bursters, and bringing exhaustion back you give a motivation for players to try to use IH as a distraction as I used it in my power builds.

And why do we even need that stupid carebare dodge while stunned effect? no other class has that, if you are so dependant of that BS, maybe make it so only f4 works while stunned, or even better, make it a trait and put it next to IH and EM.


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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > > Hi, IMO

> > > > > Step 1: Restore the second dodge.

> > > > > Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.

> > > > > Step 2: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.

> > > > > Removing the most annoying mechanic, then the most broken one, leaving IH only as a good visual distraction.

> > > > > And ofcourse revert the mediocre chrono rework they did a few months ago.

> > > > > Maybe that will make me come back.

> > > >

> > > > Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?

> > > > I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications.

> > >

> > > Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved.

> >

> > As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley:

> >

> > P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50%

> >

> > @"kraai.7265" You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves.


> kitten are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation...


The reason your suggestion is silly, is because if you remove the clone condi, without rebalancing Mirage personal ambush to compensate, you effectively kill all meaningful condi application on the class, since ANET has been nerfing all sources just to avoid nerfing IH itself. So what you're proposing is give back the dodge, while taking out whatever meaningful damage is left, unless power. One look at Mirage balance decisions since PoF launch shows you that ANET envisions the e-spec as a condi spec. However if your suggestion is implemented, the only way Mirage will be playable will be with full on Power builds.


Is that a good enough explanation for you, or do I need to go get some crayons?

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > > > Hi, IMO

> > > > > > Step 1: Restore the second dodge.

> > > > > > Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.

> > > > > > Step 2: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.

> > > > > > Removing the most annoying mechanic, then the most broken one, leaving IH only as a good visual distraction.

> > > > > > And ofcourse revert the mediocre chrono rework they did a few months ago.

> > > > > > Maybe that will make me come back.

> > > > >

> > > > > Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?

> > > > > I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications.

> > > >

> > > > Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved.

> > >

> > > As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley:

> > >

> > > P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50%

> > >

> > > @"kraai.7265" You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves.

> >

> > kitten are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation...


> The reason your suggestion is silly, is because if you remove the clone condi, without rebalancing Mirage personal ambush to compensate, you effectively kill all meaningful condi application on the class, since ANET has been nerfing all sources just to avoid nerfing IH itself. So what you're proposing is give back the dodge, while taking out whatever meaningful damage is left, unless power. One look at Mirage balance decisions since PoF launch shows you that ANET envisions the e-spec as a condi spec. However if your suggestion is implemented, the only way Mirage will be playable will be with full on Power builds.


> Is that a good enough explanation for you, or do I need to go get some crayons?


Thats the problem dude, people don't even aknowledge the damage a condi mirage alone can do, remember back when mirages bursted down people in 3 seconds with condi? they were using torch builds, and applying fire, confusion, bleeding, etc were only a cover up, to make people waste cleanses, but people got really used to beeing able to kite all the way into safe spots while clones do all the damage for them, thats lazy and lame. And thats why people defend IH as an offensive mechanic. So don't talk to me about poor state of balance, because thats one of the main reasons, people unwilling to let go what "makes them strong" atm. Remove the offensive application and condi mirages will go back to fire burst builds or condi bunker builds, people will have nothing to complain about, and mesmers will be able to be a bit viable again.

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > > > > Hi, IMO

> > > > > > > Step 1: Restore the second dodge.

> > > > > > > Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.

> > > > > > > Step 2: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.

> > > > > > > Removing the most annoying mechanic, then the most broken one, leaving IH only as a good visual distraction.

> > > > > > > And ofcourse revert the mediocre chrono rework they did a few months ago.

> > > > > > > Maybe that will make me come back.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?

> > > > > > I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications.

> > > > >

> > > > > Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved.

> > > >

> > > > As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley:

> > > >

> > > > P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50%

> > > >

> > > > @"kraai.7265" You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves.

> > >

> > > kitten are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation...

> >

> > The reason your suggestion is silly, is because if you remove the clone condi, without rebalancing Mirage personal ambush to compensate, you effectively kill all meaningful condi application on the class, since ANET has been nerfing all sources just to avoid nerfing IH itself. So what you're proposing is give back the dodge, while taking out whatever meaningful damage is left, unless power. One look at Mirage balance decisions since PoF launch shows you that ANET envisions the e-spec as a condi spec. However if your suggestion is implemented, the only way Mirage will be playable will be with full on Power builds.

> >

> > Is that a good enough explanation for you, or do I need to go get some crayons?


> Thats the problem dude, people don't even aknowledge the damage a condi mirage alone can do, remember back when mirages bursted down people in 3 seconds with condi? they were using torch builds, and applying fire, confusion, bleeding, etc were only a cover up, to make people waste cleanses, but people got really used to beeing able to kite all the way into safe spots while clones do all the damage for them, thats lazy and lame. And thats why people defend IH as an offensive mechanic. So don't talk to me about poor state of balance, because thats one of the main reasons, people unwilling to let go what "makes them strong" atm. Remove the offensive application and condi mirages will go back to fire burst builds or condi bunker builds, people will have nothing to complain about, and mesmers will be able to be a bit viable again.


You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. I hope your class gets Chronoed so you can come off your high horse and tell us how it's all fair.

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it isn't really a condi bunker. sure I use to kite myself and let clones do the attacks yes, but most of the damage still comes from direct damage on top of the conditions. clones don't get longer condi duration during scepter ambush in fact their condi duration is halfed. and if you look up the condi ambushes themslves you gonna see that scepter is a 50/50 chance between torment a condition which will atleast do constant dmg vs confusion which condi dmg is halfed for players already. However. since I got one dodge left only I have to spend it when I need it the most vs using it for offensive purpose. otherwise I have to pick up mirrors and use distortion in order to barely last longer in fight.


pretty much staff has the best ambush available, but it doesn't have a block and is bad for clone generation. and scepter is bad without faster attack speed.


Make a comparion between a 100% burn fb and soulbeast. I am sure soulbeast dps will be higher even if you count in all the fire stacks fb has.


And I am aware that a lot of people blame distortion while at the same time overlooking that other classes got their emergency buttons aswell.

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > > > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > > > > > Hi, IMO

> > > > > > > > Step 1: Restore the second dodge.

> > > > > > > > Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.

> > > > > > > > Step 2: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.

> > > > > > > > Removing the most annoying mechanic, then the most broken one, leaving IH only as a good visual distraction.

> > > > > > > > And ofcourse revert the mediocre chrono rework they did a few months ago.

> > > > > > > > Maybe that will make me come back.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?

> > > > > > > I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved.

> > > > >

> > > > > As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley:

> > > > >

> > > > > P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50%

> > > > >

> > > > > @"kraai.7265" You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves.

> > > >

> > > > kitten are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation...

> > >

> > > The reason your suggestion is silly, is because if you remove the clone condi, without rebalancing Mirage personal ambush to compensate, you effectively kill all meaningful condi application on the class, since ANET has been nerfing all sources just to avoid nerfing IH itself. So what you're proposing is give back the dodge, while taking out whatever meaningful damage is left, unless power. One look at Mirage balance decisions since PoF launch shows you that ANET envisions the e-spec as a condi spec. However if your suggestion is implemented, the only way Mirage will be playable will be with full on Power builds.

> > >

> > > Is that a good enough explanation for you, or do I need to go get some crayons?

> >

> > Thats the problem dude, people don't even aknowledge the damage a condi mirage alone can do, remember back when mirages bursted down people in 3 seconds with condi? they were using torch builds, and applying fire, confusion, bleeding, etc were only a cover up, to make people waste cleanses, but people got really used to beeing able to kite all the way into safe spots while clones do all the damage for them, thats lazy and lame. And thats why people defend IH as an offensive mechanic. So don't talk to me about poor state of balance, because thats one of the main reasons, people unwilling to let go what "makes them strong" atm. Remove the offensive application and condi mirages will go back to fire burst builds or condi bunker builds, people will have nothing to complain about, and mesmers will be able to be a bit viable again.


> You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. I hope your class gets Chronoed so you can come off your high horse and tell us how it's all fair.


from his post history i assume he is mesmer main, so he already enjoys chrono :D, and since he made post to whine about it he enjoys chrono ALOT.

this right there is him take the last bullet mesmer has and shooting himself in the foot with it.

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