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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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1) 9 new elite specs

2) martial arts (as various elite specs and mastery abilities)

3) performance / optimization / graphics and engine updates


Honorable mentions: More varied PVP modes like Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry/Alliance Battles, new faces/hair styles for all races, brand new characters to join Dragon's Watch, Gen 3 Legendary Weapons with complete expansion - inspired "journeys" and lore, a "base" of operations for Dragon's Watch (instead of a simple house)

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I'll admit my top three aren't that ambitious - they're just things I've been hoping for:


1. Renegade gaining access to passive 25% movement speed increase apart from runes

2. CoR remove ground-targeting and hitting reliably like it did prior to October 2019

3. A new VIP lounge with a Cantha theme as part of a deluxe version of the expansion along with a lounge tome to store passes in

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1) Make legendary armor (PvE version of it) available not only through grinding Raids but by other means too (fractals/open-world/dungeons/collections etc..) Not all of us are able to get through KP/LI system so easily. For many of us it's a completely locked out content.

2) Balance


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More customization options (voice pitch, body sliders, definitely more hairstyles for ALL races.)


Either fully customizable pawns (inspiration Dragon's Dogma) or the ability to swap between my character roster on the fly even in combat, and even if with only a limited number (like 2-3 characters at a time) selected to be a part of the "squad." Naturally disabled in party and PvP play for balance reasons?


New weapons, and I don't mean new elite lines, I mean _new weapons._ I was thinking cestus/fist/knuckles and whips?

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I'd really like to see naval gameplay, which would seem to be fitting, considering the space between the continents and the nature of the dragon. I believe we've already seen a few instances of moving platforms in the game as well.


I'd also like to see the return of truly epic, map - spanning meta events that were the highlight of the HoT expansion.

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Rework boons, conditions and finishers. They still feel less balanced than they could be.


Something on my mind now is converting alacrity and chill to stacking intensity rather than duration.


They are both too powerful as they are so making them stack intensity from low effect upward and adjusting duration and/or stack count by game mode should open up more composition and equipment stat options. More urgency on alacrity production, sources and concentration may be interesting in PvE while reducing the effect of chill on builds not specifically designed for it might help balance PvP and WvW.


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I want to use ritualist's magic whatever the profession I play.


Let the character bind a spirit through the story and then improve it's use through mastery. Here is how I picture it:


**Binding Ritual Mastery:** Your studies under [Ritualist master] allow you to summon a spirit that will interact in your stead with objects out of your range. _Could be a cornerstone ability to solve puzzle within the story or in the world._

- 1st improvement: Increase range from 900 to 1200.

- 2nd improvement: You can now equip your spirit with gathering tools. Your spirit can now mine nodes for you.

- 3rd improvement: You can now equip spirit specific object onto your spirit.


It could allow:

- An increase in gathering tools sales.

- A new category of skins to open (spirit skins: Male/female racial, other race specific skins, event specific skins... etc.). _Possibly new quests/grinds to gain those skins, a lead toward ascalon's ghosts or simply more money into Evon pockets._

- Possibly new crafting recipes associated to spirits.

- You could have goldsink consumable objects associated to the spirit (Example: Artificer produce banner for spirits that last a few minutes with effect similar to warrior's banner and can't be cumulated with warrior's banner effect with some component tied to specific merchants). _This could set free the banner slaves in PvE and introduce banners in WvW._

- You could have skins that passively improve probabilities to gain more ressources or specific ressources while mining/gathering (Example: Halloween skeleton spirit skin -> 15% chance to gain candy corn while gathering. Skriit spirit skin -> +20% chance to gain a jewel while mining a metal node. Ascalonian woodworker spirit skin -> +15% chance to gain more wood while logging. Asuran herbologist spirit skin -> +15% chance to harvest more from herb nodes... etc.).

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> I want to use ritualist's magic whatever the profession I play.


> Let the character bind a spirit through the story and then improve it's use through mastery. Here is how I picture it:


> **Binding Ritual Mastery:** Your studies under [Ritualist master] allow you to summon a spirit that will interact in your stead with objects out of your range. _Could be a cornerstone ability to solve puzzle within the story or in the world._

> - 1st improvement: Increase range from 900 to 1200.

> - 2nd improvement: You can now equip your spirit with gathering tools. Your spirit can now mine nodes for you.

> - 3rd improvement: You can now equip spirit specific object onto your spirit.


> It could allow:

> - An increase in gathering tools sales.

> - A new category of skins to open (spirit skins: Male/female racial, other race specific skins, event specific skins... etc.). _Possibly new quests/grinds to gain those skins, a lead toward ascalon's ghosts or simply more money into Evon pockets._

> - Possibly new crafting recipes associated to spirits.

> - You could have goldsink consumable objects associated to the spirit (Example: Artificer produce banner for spirits that last a few minutes with effect similar to warrior's banner and can't be cumulated with warrior's banner effect with some component tied to specific merchants). _This could set free the banner slaves in PvE and introduce banners in WvW._

> - You could have skins that passively improve probabilities to gain more ressources or specific ressources while mining/gathering (Example: Halloween skeleton spirit skin -> 15% chance to gain candy corn while gathering. Skriit spirit skin -> +20% chance to gain a jewel while mining a metal node. Ascalonian woodworker spirit skin -> +15% chance to gain more wood while logging. Asuran herbologist spirit skin -> +15% chance to harvest more from herb nodes... etc.).


Intersting idea; to add to that I would also suggest a way to feed unwanted materials in exchange for harvesting more desired ones like feeding the spirit a stack of mithril ore and have it slowly mine other ores of lower levels in an area.

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> @"TheUndefined.1720" said:

> I know the game is probably already almost complete, but here's my wishlist:


> 1. **A new guild team of NPC**

> I honestly feel like most of all the NPCs have completed their journey and really should be retired. Marjory completed her arch after avenging her sister. Braham has really come full circle after closure with his mother's death. Kasmeer completed her arch after redeeming her family's name; in fact, I really felt Kasmeer was such a random character to have in PoF - I know she's human and that tie to the deities was insightful, but it felt very random having her be the human, while it should've honestly been a new character. Rox is sticking with the PoF Charr tribe. The only three that could still continue and have really risen above their archs would be Rytlock (though he does seem to be finding a story arch conclusion with the Blood Legion in Jormag Rising), Taimi - once her illness is handled I think she could really step back as well, and Canach - never get rid of Canach......... New fresh heroes per expansion would be so refreshing and something to look forward to (plus lower voice acting costs).


> 2. **Mastery system: Heroes**

> This is so huge. Hero management, outfits, builds, etc were SO fun in GW1. I understand this system would need to be tweaked (Maybe cap the number of heroes out in the field at a time), but GW2 is so creative with introducing systems into the game I know they could make it work. A lot of us could really use the ease of taking heroes through a dungeon to farm or help out with Champion events that no one does anymore. If they could reintroduce heroes, I would honestly probably main GW2 over all the other MMO's I play due to my restricted play schedule and ease of play with this system.


> 3. **Kurzicks / Luxons**

> Getting to see what happened with these two factions would be really fun coming from GW1. Honestly, those 2 cultures were some of the most unique MMO cultures I've seen yet. I've never seen that sort of gothic look of the Kurzicks or Southern Islander feel of the Luxons in any other game. I think it would be a huge wasted opportunity for them to pass up on putting those designs back into GW2.


I have been wondering where the Mastery system could possibly go. And yeah, heroes would actually make a great add.


But most likely a single 'sidekick.' And not able to replace party members in any pre-EOD content. It is good to remember that this is an MMO after all, so removing incentives for people to play together is not great for the game.


The idea would be to allow everyone to have a 'super-minion' for the open world.


Given issues they have had with mini-culling in the open world, not sure how that would work though.

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I'd like the option to be a Kurzik, Outcast or Tengu for character customization, it doesn't have to be a new race. if we go to the same lame maps of old then the Jade Sea should be 50% melted and the same %% for the forest being back to normal. The best outcome would be to discover the second half of the continent. To always rehash the same lame pieces of land 250 years later is getting old and lame and unimaginative. B)

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> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> The best outcome would be to discover the second half of the continent. To always rehash the same lame pieces of land 250 years later is getting old and lame and unimaginative. B)


I agree on this. By the end of the Icebrood Saga I'm guessing we will have explored a lot of the main area of Tyria that is currently on the map. Somewhere new to explore with different landscapes and themes would be nice. This is one aspect I liked about the Dragonfall map which to me feels a bit different to the regular rest of Tyria that is currently available.

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* Official DX12 support and overall client optimizations. This tech must carry the game forward for its lifespan (which hopefully is till long), at the very least each major expansion should iterate on modernizing some of the underlying tech. An **at least optional** new rendering path is probably the best bang for the buck at the moment, to be introduced and refined over time.

* Revisit client side input and UI updates to make them responsive, take a note from Diablo III (several GDC panels available on the topic) on how to properly implement input queuing with server authoritative networking without affecting the perceived responsiveness of the client's UI.


I really don't have any complaints with content and design experimentation, solid job there and great iterations. I'm sure the next expansion will be as good as all previous content if not better.

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I'd also like the bosses in solo story instances to be less of simple health sponges. I found the bosses at the end of the HoT and PoF expansion stories to have multiple, extremely repetitive invulnerable stages along with lots of health. They were not difficult and I was able to kill them on my first try.


This kind of mechanic for the bosses only made it long and boring for me. Seems as if it was done only to make the story feel longer, without having to use other more thoughtful and engaging ways to do this. I would have preferred for there to be more interesting mechanics in these fights, in order to make them actually somewhat difficult.

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> @"Atomos.7593" said:

> I'd also like the bosses in solo story instances to be less of simple health sponges. I found the bosses at the end of the HoT and PoF expansion stories to have multiple, extremely repetitive invulnerable stages along with lots of health. They were not difficult and I was able to kill them on my first try.


> This kind of mechanic for the bosses only made it long and boring for me. Seems as if it was done only to make the story feel longer, without having to use other more thoughtful and engaging ways to do this. I would have preferred for there to be more interesting mechanics in these fights, in order to make them actually somewhat difficult.


I agree, but this is why it probably won't happen. [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3981/eater-of-souls-fight-is-too-difficult](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3981/eater-of-souls-fight-is-too-difficult/p1)

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