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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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More guild slots? Mist I agree but more guilds = bigger pain. It loses value of community. I miss gw1. One guild . Gtfo. Maybe alliance system . But your guild is yours. I am a member if 2 guilds - my own - a raiding guild me and 2 others built and is family based. And a second - don't even know why I'm there other than .... nvm, should just leave when I get home. It destroys the idea like when people said what about gvgs!? Can'y do that when you in every guild in game. Kids may not realize this , maybe i get cpt boomer status. But loyalty is a thing. To be part of something other than trying to be part of everything.


The rest I agree. But good luck in them doing so.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> We already have several types of fishing in game (sandswept isles, thunderhead peaks, underwater combat, bjora marches). We even have a fishing rod weapon skin for staff.


This is not fishing. You should need bait, a lure that is actually specialized, and patience. It was relaxing in wow, but I feel like you should have to go find your bait. Go get a good lure. Put the bait on, toss the lure in unknown waters (not some random crap pool that shows you where the fish are) and wait there. Actually sit and find a zen. And then catch fish you can cook. This is what I expected from "cooking 500". Not a stacked tier of grindables. But my expectations are a bit high.

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I won't go into elite spec details but I would like bow for mesmer and MAYBE ele, as greatsword on ele could just wind up turning into a bruiser-y spec like weaver unless it was completely glass. I'd like to see some other profession gain stealth access though. I think more weapon choices for all specs and professions across the board would be a huge benefit.


In terms of the other content, I'd like to see player housing but I think it would be quickly abandoned. Guild Halls were and decorations are rarely added despite the gigantic pool of already existing assets they could release or even monetize in the gemstore. Ships could be a possibility I guess.


I'd love to see Echovald keep the same creepy gothic vampire theme that it had in Guild Wars 1. They did a wonderful job with Maguma so I have no doubt they could make this zone look incredible in Guild Wars 2.


I'd like really rich lore, things that actually touch on the history or inner-workings of Tyria. Things that actually get expanded upon instead of quickly brisked through with minimal detail added in collection achievements if they're generous. I'd like a 1001 plots to not be introduced and seemingly never touched again. A story that feels like it wasn't written in detail the day development started.


They did really well implementing mounts so if they took a feature from another game I'm sure they would give it a unique spin. I think housing is really the only thing they could do this with but with the way the game has been the past few years in combination with how poorly developed the guild system has been and how quickly guild halls were abandoned after their release I don't think they have the resources to invest in a feature like this, or frankly the desire to invest those resources.


I'd like to see and I have hope that Kaening is actually a modern, expansive, high tech city now. We keep getting these random high tech outfits that don't really fit into any theme we have currently, like the exo-dynamic and the most recent runic or whatever it is that just seem a bit off the wall. We had an introduction of electricity, right? With the most recent map. I think it would be neat to see an entire zone of nothing but Kaening as a Tokyo-esque skyscrapper metropolis. They could have even found new ways to harness elder dragon magic.


Now, REALISTICALLY, what will we get?

As the expansion seems like an after thought due to poor reception from Icebrood without a ton of hype building up to its initial announcement in a blog post.. I'd say the more likely scenario is:


1. Dual specs if they're feeling extremely ambitious, especially with the recent wvw events in which they've already had to do some balance adjustments from the skill sharing. Traits would be the larger issue here.

2. New elite specs in general - I don't see them adding a profession as we have three of each armor weight - unless they make the new spec change armor weight depending on what elite spec/trait lines they choose. Unlikely.

3. The ability to combine elite specs and traits - could lead to some pretty interesting but broken builds.

4. New weapon skills - I think this is a very viable possibility across the board, regardless of elite specs.

5. Story.

6. Maps.


With the game seems to be heading during IBS - it looks like Skimmer may get an underwater ability which rules out the need for an underwater mount. WvW Alliances seem to have vanished off the face of the earth so they could be a potential feature with the next expansion. Legendary Armory was mentioned a few months ago with no news about it currently, so it could have been saved for the expansion. I believe some profession upgrades were mentioned as well, like jewelcrafting maybe? So that's a possibility.


It seems likely at this point that outside of the bullet points above it may wind up being a bunch of maps and story content interjected with features that were mentioned during IBS and if we're lucky some more weapon combinations and elite specs.


I highly doubt they have the resources for adding a new playable race, or for adjusting previous armor sets for them if we're just going to bypass the personal story.


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Obviously, it's just a brainstorm idea, and haven't really put a lot of thought into it yet, but imo it _could_ be really interesting: **swap one traitline automatically when you swap weapons**. Obviously something has to be figured out for Ele's and Engi's and I also would not know yet how it should behave on kit's and transforms, but it's all about the idea.


Your opinions please!


(btw: I also haven't though about if it's even technically possible, but for the sake of argument, let's assume it is)

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Counter-Idea: When you swap your weapon a new tab opens in your browser leading you to a random boardgame. Then you will have to play a few rounds before getting back your weapon swap ability. Also, every few steps you take, a random song will play from the top 10 most downloaded songs on spotify in your country. If you are the first to contact a random radio station in your area and say "I'm playing GW2 and listening to [name of the song]." and send the recording of that call to the customer service team of WoW, friendly requesting to forward it to your local taxi service. You will be rewarded with a coupon for a free haircut or foot massage. Also, whenever you interact with anything in the open world, your toon will be randomly teleported to a place in Tyria and you will be logged out. A tab will opn in your browser, reccomending outside activities near you. Should you provide proof, that you spent some time outside you will get some boosts to your candy crush account. Also, using a weapon skill will now fire off a random different weapon skill unless you have a special mastery unlocked only available via promo code obtained by Herzingers Fleisch- und Wurstwaren, Niederbottingen, CH.


Could be interesting, right? Haven't thought about wether it would be a good idea or not, or if it could even be done, or if there would be demand for my idea but hey, could be fun right?

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Counter idea on your counter-idea: every step needs even a bit MORE salt!

Could be even more interesting, right? Just an idea though!



Btw, for the non-salty community: of course I'm not talking about some random traits that change when you swap your weapons during the fight.

The idea is this: for example you play DH with Greatsword and Sword/Focus. Now _you_ choose a _set_ of traits, like we also do now! But now this is your first trait set which is linked to your first weapon (set) (Greatsword). You're now (maybe after finishing a mastery, or something) allowed to swap out one full trait_line_ which will then be dubbed as a second trait set which will be linked to your second weapon (set) (Sword/Focus). Hence, swapping weapons midfight will swap a full traitline, if you want to!


I mean, imo it should have quite a few restrictions (like no elite traitline swapping, etc.) and I know it would be a HUGE change. And yes, another power creep as well (as if that hasnt happen before with the introduction of expansions) But it's still not as radical as secondary professions or something ... Can't imagine that would fit in any game, would it? .... ow wait!

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  • 3 weeks later...



So we all know that a new expansion has been released but there is still no details regarding new content so my question is... what would you like to see?


Personally I would love to see Player Housing in Guild Wars 2 and that system is already in game since we have guild halls. Fingers crossed for that!


What about you?

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-More character customization. Additions to hair/ear/horn/tattoo ect options and to face options. But also the ability to affect other details--more body types. There are NPC body types, especially among norn, charr, and humans, which are unavailable to players. Give us those. And while you're at it, add in new customization details--scars, ect.

-Playable Tengu

-Kurzick and Luxon armors, clothing, and creation options for humans

-A reworking of all old armor skins to fit to charr, norn, and asura bodies better. Huge floating shoulders should be downsized, tail and other severe clipping should be fixed, and hats that remove ears and/or horns should allow the ears/horns to show through.

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1 new profession. (New race seems a lot more work - since all existing armor skins would have to fit the new race. 1 elite spec for each existing profession also is a lot - in terms of balancing. 1 new profession that could have 2 elite specs ... makes sense the most.)


And a lot more updates for WvW/PvP. (Since Cantha focused campaign in GW1 had the focus on PvP.)


And of course the story and new maps. And maybe underwater combat more relevant. (Updates for there.)

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- Better PvP with teamwork... as in a complete rework of the whole PvP to support and promote premade teamwork (no randoms).

- Guild Versus Guild - because many players ask it ever since release, and it was promised since HoT.


With this in mind, I doubt we will get these. Instead we will just get more dragons.

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Other then Cantha:

* New race

* New class

* New weapon (spear, tridents on land mby)

* Elites are a given tbh

* A lot more mounts

* Raise lvl cap


Looking back at the previous expansions, they have to give us 2 or more from this list, other mmo's are giving much more in theirs expansions to bring new players (wow, ffXIV & eso to name the few) so it would be in their interest to bring more new players into the game. New race would work wonders for that as so many new player and returning players would have a chance to experience going 1-80 again without boosting and skipping straight to end game, plus it would be "new player" friendly as early lvl areas would be populated again OR they create new leveling areas within Cantha like GW1 Factions did. It seems maybe pointless and just "cosmetic" appearance, but it works.


New class could also do that but as we saw in HoT it didn't work so well, people (existing players) were skipping straight to lvl 80 and going for new story and endgame content, few of my friends didn't even wanna try to get into the game because of that so I would say it's not that "new player" friendly.


New weapons would be nice to bring a bit more diversity into the game but nothing more than that.


New mounts, probably same as new weapons so I wont repeat myself.


And raising a lvl cap I think would be beneficial for the game so (again) people experience leveling up again a little bit, with one purpose to bring new gear after exotic. Also as an idea how to manage that is making level boosting only available to 80 but past that you need to do some old fashion leveling through Cantha story for example.


These are the things I would like to see in Guild Wars 2 new expansion or moving forward past that. Sole reason is because from all other mmo's Guild wars 2 is the only one that leaves me with nothing to do except pvp or wvw. After doing all dungeons, raids, fractions, story, fashion etc. I have nothing else to do except wait for living world update which are extremely slow.

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1. New race/new class

2. New Elite specs

3. PvP content

4. Wvw Content

5. Guild content, and a complete guild overhaul to make being in a guild fun again

6. new ranger pets that are ACTUALLY COOL

7. more content cadence on fractals/dungeons of some sort

8. More racial cosmetic customization in character creation for ALL races

9. New WvW/PvP maps themed with cantha (Much like guild wars 1, factions was what put competitive on the map.)

10. The Alliance system that was promised...

11. Underwater content, and new underwater legendaries to finish of Gen 2 and maybe the start of Gen 3.


Id also like to add I highly doubt any of these will happen, and it will be more of the same. Im hesitantly optimistic but this expansion has to really grab us and give us big stuff; If not as much as I love cantha I might skip out. I dont want another PoF and I don't want another HoT when it comes to content (HoT was more about adding the systems, which are now common today.) I want a sizeable expansion with all of the goodies, tons of stuff for everyone and something exciting... they cant do mounts as there is no need no with the skimmer going under water. And we need SOMETHING that can compete and grab attention like mounts.... And E-specs and some masteries wont do it...


I dont wana be dissapointed... so ill just... assume the worst and prepare for the best.

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