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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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I mean... It seems like a waste to me. Like why? They can't even be bothered to make guilds and guild halls be cool and you're asking for more single player content? No thanks honestly. It would be a nice icing on-top of the cake but knowing them they would say "Its an expansion level feature" when its just another crafting profession. As someone who never fishes in games, due to being able to just go do it in real life I honestly would rather them take the resources and aim it toward other stuff. (Like making the E-specs good, making WvW overhauls, making Guild overhauls and more guild halls..)


I feel the same way about this, as I do about player housing. (Guild halls ARE and CAN be player housing, if they would just put the effort in.)


Again let me restate this I don't want them not to add it, I just don't want them to focus on it and say that it is a headlining feature of the expansion at the cost of other things which are more important. It would be sick to get it as a "and ontop of this, there is this..." Maybe along with ruin delving so you can actually hunt through ruins and find cool stuff too that can go in the guild hall? I just..... I Really Don't want them to sluff off like they did with PoF and use "Well mounts" when discussing how boring the maps were and how lacking the expansion was without the Living world to come pick it up.


I want this to be the best expansion, I don't want it to be the typical guild wars 2 expansion which is just..... well... lack-luster? I guess? I don't know. the only reason Im looking forward to it is for E-specs at this point.... its the only thing I know is coming that will change my gameplay loop.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> I mean... It seems like a waste to me.

everything is a waste in our world..


>They can't even be bothered to make guilds and guild halls be cool

try find new decarator.


>and you're asking for more single player content?

why single ? you can fishing in open world.


>Its an expansion level feature" when its just another crafting profession.

this is also good idea. Welcome.


> Im looking forward to it is for E-specs at this point....

I have new E-specs after each big rebalance. You not??

Also updated traps on thief, chrono changes, and many other thing I get without any exp.

You want one more traitline? for that? we have rails on meta. So make one, or ten trait lines is total time-resource wasting as for my vision. But fishing is cool.



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Halandir.3609" said:

> > I'm always mildly surprised by the responses to anyone asking something like "Can we have some kind of fishing in this game?"

> > The veterans seem to shoot EVERYTHING down immediately because its (not to their, extremely specific, liking and therefore) extremely hard to implement or draws resources away from some imagined content that 2.4% of the games population enjoys.

> > GW2 is an older game. Guess what: Doing whatever they have been doing for 8 years will NOT attract new players. Selling expac3 to 75-85% of the remaining pop may seem fine but how realistic do you think expac4 is then?

> >

> > IMO. GW2 desperately needs random/rare/exciting loot: Hey, random/stupid/simple fishing would work!

> > As for: "But fishing is horribly/mind-numbingly simple/stupid!" - Yeah, follow your own advice from nn threads: Just don't do it!

> > Some claim: "But fishing requires resources..." Sure. So did "adventures" - To be blunt: Who sells this game to their friends because of "Wooo - Adventures!"... Right! - Fishing would be like ONE minigame/adventure that friends could actually relate to...

> > If all else fails: Grab resources from encapsulated content, enjoyed by a very small percentage of veteranplayers that pay most of their "gems" with ingame gold. (And please: Stop the "all Gems are sold for IRL currency" story: Gold/cash conversion never ran out of gems or gold: Anet actually have the ability to print pixels :-))

> >

> >


> Please don't clump all veterans in as a single group. Believe it or not, "vets" have differing tastes. I for one am supportive of fishing



You are absolutely right. I should have written "SOME veterans" or (probably even better) "A FEW veterans" instead of "THE veterans".

Thank you for clarifying/pointing this out.


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> > What is the great push for fishing in games?

> because this is mainstream. I have fishing in lineage, wow and etc. Why we should not have this in gw2 ?



What would fishing do for this game? In WOW it has a purpose, in Lineage it has a purpose, what purpose aside from being a roleplay mechanic would it -add- to this game for the time investment?

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To save some of you from repeating the same things you said in January, [here is the thread everyone commented in last time we talked about fishing](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95505/fishing-how-would-you-all-like-this-to-work/p1).


In regards to this thread, why wait for an expansion? Add this feature whenever it's ready to ship.

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Honestly I would rather have housing and a stronger focus on guild features.


Imagine if your could build your house from scratch in your guild hall ?


If fishing ends up being cooking 2.0, then there is no point adding it. Fishing would only make it worthwhile if is part of the necessary mastery system grind to play the content: from my point of view, that doesn’t sound very exciting.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Fishing like in wow is one of the most boring and snooze worthy things.

for me is most boring and snooze part of guildwars2 is raids.. But I never say - "close all raids." Also I remember how it fishing was in wow, it was very good.

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> @"northcharm.9485" said:

> > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > I want fairies in the game...ones you'd have to work for, like we do with legendary crafting.


> Fairies in the game? what would they do? Im sure anet could come up with some kinda Fairies or Pixies for the forest in Cantha not sure how they would fit in lore wise tho.


Yes, fairies in the game! Wouldn't that be scrumpdilyious? They would be like a legendary accessory in their effect...but instead of having goofy-looking orbs floating around you you would have a beautiful fairy flying around you instead!

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> @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> If you want to play fishing game, just play a fishing game. This is simple MMORPG, not hardcore-grinding RPG game where you have to do everything by yourself. Why would you even gather any crafting materials? Just buy them. Farm some events, get gold, buy mats.


As much as i dont see a need for fishing in this game(outside of Roleplay purposes), using the argument "this it not a hardcore grinding RPG" is not a valid argument, and neither is "just buy the materials".


Somebody gathered those materials you are buying in the first place, and this game is incredibly grindy, sure not as bad as some but its up there.


The only argument one can reasonable propose to adding fishing is "What purpose would it serve?" In this game, you can obtain all the materials that would normally get from fishing from every mob in game(scales, meat, etc), and now that Cooking has a tier 500 and ascended crafting, there isnt much more they can add to cooking to make adding fishing worthwhile, without having to completely redo the entire cooking line, and i for one am okay with that.


In every other MMO that has fishing it has a purpose, it doesnt have one here.


Now they could make fishing a mini game and id be okay with that, it would be new, wouldnt change other game mechanics, and hell, trying to catch the largest fish for a leaderboard would be fun.

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On my vision it not should be have direct tie with cooking .. For example you can fishing, and get fish.

accbound fish:))

and from that fish may be whit artificer or another new or old profession craft new type of resistance. Like agony but not agony !!

And make this resistance also acc bound. ..

And without that some raids or strike, or some map, or map area will be closed.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> On my vision it not should be have direct tie with cooking .. For example you can fishing, and get fish.

> accbound fish:))

> and from that fish may be whit artificer or another new or old profession craft new type of resistance. Like agony but not agony !!

> And make this resistance also acc bound. ..

> And without that some raids or strike, or some map, or map area will be closed.


Thats even worse than shoving it into Cooking.


Raids are already closed off to a large portion of the community as is due to the difficulty, closing that off even further to those who dont enjoy fake fishing would be worse and how many of the small raiding community also enjoy crafting/fake fishing when they spend their time trying to get through raids as fast as possible? very few i bet.


Blocking off strikes, which are supposed to be a a training opportunity for raids is a terrible idea, and blocking off maps, which only get added when new story instances are released is the biggest no of all.


Not only does your idea add minimal content to the game, it makes accessing other areas of the game harder than before. No. Make fishing a mini game, and leave it at that.

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> @"northcharm.9485" said:

> > @"Tiale.2430" said:

> > Let's give some ideas for our amazing devs to sell a good product to us.

> >

> > - Weapons not locked to Elites.

> > - New Elites

> > - New Legendaries

> > - Dyeable Legendary Weapons and Backs.

> > - Tengu, Kodan or Dwarves playable.

> > - More slots for Guilds.

> > - Outfits in Gem Store as individual pieces.

> > - Shortcut to active the outfit.

> > - More horizontal leveling diversity.


> I don't wana be a kill joy but unfortunalty new race just 99% wont happen too much work. For a New Playble race Anet would have to

> 1. create new levels 10-30 story

> 2. Redo personal - Icebrood saga story Voice acting and cutscenes

> 3. redesign the whole current armors avalible and lets be honest they don't even fit charr properly without clipping

> 4. new starter zone and city these arnt too hard to make and are very easly doable

> I mean with all of this its very likely to say anet wont do it as much as you and I want it. Unless Anet makes it so the new race cant do any story prior to the Cantha xpac it just not a possibility esp with the quarantine on right now. Now on the other hand New Legendaires and New Elite specs are a very High Possibility for us to get. I don't see weapons not being locked to Elite specs happening as one of the main reasons for Elite specs is to give accesses to a weapon your class couldn't use before and skills but it would be nice to have some not bound to elite specs.


Not quite true, they can do a similiar thing to what they did in GW1 with characters playing the story in expansions.


"You are viewing past events through someone elses eyes."


The new race would need a story leading to them joining the pact, and thats it, at that point the story becomes "The Commanders" story and race doesnt matter at that anymore. The voice over portion of the problem is still present ill give you that.


For the armo, alot of the races people are requesting as new use either Charr or Human skeletons and the armor would fit on them. Using charr for why not to do something is a bad idea, anet cant even make the t3 cultural armor fit properly on Charr.


It is however highly unlikely, though it would be a massive selling point of the expansion. Id actaully pre order it if i could play as a tengu, but thats all opinion. Time will tell what will come and letting hype run away from you is a bad idea.



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I really do not care if fishing gets added or not. There are many potential features that Anet could add in an expansion and fishing is not near the top of my list. However, anybody saying that fishing would be pointless, bad or doesn't belong in GW2 should think again. The exact same arguments were used against mount suggestions back in the day, and mounts turned out to be the best in the industry and something everyone enjoys. Stop thinking about WoW fishing, because the devs do not need to go with that implementation.

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