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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> However, anybody saying that fishing

we can't say that say "anybody". Few, or ten, or 100 people on forum don't give any understanding how it will be meeted. Also we can't be sure that some negative fishing post not from fake aqcc concurrents from mmo world. I know only that in my guilds people happy wait fishing.


>Stop thinking about WoW fishing, because the devs do not need to go with that implementation.

Good ! I more like how it was implemented in lineage2.


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Raids are already closed off to a large portion of the community as is due to the difficulty, closing that off even further to those who dont enjoy fake fishing would be worse and how many of the small raiding community also enjoy crafting/fake fishing when they spend their time trying to get through raids as fast as possible?

raids not for all. I am not suggest reworks current, but add some mode, or some only ony boss whit that new magic resistance - why not?


> Blocking off strikes

and again. . I am not suggest reworks current, but add specific one - why not ?


> blocking off maps

some part map, or some new area ! NOT all maps..


> Not only does your idea add minimal content to the game

people not need minimal content. Some need toxic, some need fishing, some something new. We already have many minimal content and play 6 year I still can't complete it.



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> @"Dante.1763" said:



> Not quite true, they can do a similiar thing to what they did in GW1 with characters playing the story in expansions.


> "You are viewing past events through someone elses eyes."


> The new race would need a story leading to them joining the pact, and thats it, at that point the story becomes "The Commanders" story and race doesnt matter at that anymore. The voice over portion of the problem is still present ill give you that.

This would not satisfy some players.



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> @"Halandir.3609" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Halandir.3609" said:

> > > I'm always mildly surprised by the responses to anyone asking something like "Can we have some kind of fishing in this game?"

> > > The veterans seem to shoot EVERYTHING down immediately because its (not to their, extremely specific, liking and therefore) extremely hard to implement or draws resources away from some imagined content that 2.4% of the games population enjoys.

> > > GW2 is an older game. Guess what: Doing whatever they have been doing for 8 years will NOT attract new players. Selling expac3 to 75-85% of the remaining pop may seem fine but how realistic do you think expac4 is then?

> > >

> > > IMO. GW2 desperately needs random/rare/exciting loot: Hey, random/stupid/simple fishing would work!

> > > As for: "But fishing is horribly/mind-numbingly simple/stupid!" - Yeah, follow your own advice from nn threads: Just don't do it!

> > > Some claim: "But fishing requires resources..." Sure. So did "adventures" - To be blunt: Who sells this game to their friends because of "Wooo - Adventures!"... Right! - Fishing would be like ONE minigame/adventure that friends could actually relate to...

> > > If all else fails: Grab resources from encapsulated content, enjoyed by a very small percentage of veteranplayers that pay most of their "gems" with ingame gold. (And please: Stop the "all Gems are sold for IRL currency" story: Gold/cash conversion never ran out of gems or gold: Anet actually have the ability to print pixels :-))

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Please don't clump all veterans in as a single group. Believe it or not, "vets" have differing tastes. I for one am supportive of fishing


> Sorry.

> You are absolutely right. I should have written "SOME veterans" or (probably even better) "A FEW veterans" instead of "THE veterans".

> Thank you for clarifying/pointing this out.



and some new players don't want it either. You can't separate and name and blame one group when the game has such a diversity of players. That being said there are numerous threads about fishing already.

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> @"Severo.7091" said:

> Make Ascended Gear sellable on the TP.

it is already done long time ago. You can buy any ascended Insignia, for example Tateos's Cleric Insignia, craft, change on mf to any other stat if needed. Some people do all Ascended set per 2 days from start. So if it is done, next is fishing ??? yes?

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I want them to finally fix the wvw oil trait that has been broken since the launch of Path of Fire...2.5 years ago.

Not even being sarcastic. Despite reporting it for years, I have 0 hope of it being done "while" they are working on the expac, so maybe it will be a feature of the next one.

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> @"Psientist.6437" said:

> In the real world, hobby fishing is all about grinding out luck, collecting gear and pretending to be skilled. I don't know where it would fit within the mmo genre.


Already in game:


>Excessive alcohol consumption will result in intoxication


All they need is a few achievements and titles to go with it and we'll have the true spirit of fishing.



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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"Halandir.3609" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Halandir.3609" said:

> > > > I'm always mildly surprised by the responses to anyone asking something like "Can we have some kind of fishing in this game?"

> > > > The veterans seem to shoot EVERYTHING down immediately because its (not to their, extremely specific, liking and therefore) extremely hard to implement or draws resources away from some imagined content that 2.4% of the games population enjoys.

> > > > GW2 is an older game. Guess what: Doing whatever they have been doing for 8 years will NOT attract new players. Selling expac3 to 75-85% of the remaining pop may seem fine but how realistic do you think expac4 is then?

> > > >

> > > > IMO. GW2 desperately needs random/rare/exciting loot: Hey, random/stupid/simple fishing would work!

> > > > As for: "But fishing is horribly/mind-numbingly simple/stupid!" - Yeah, follow your own advice from nn threads: Just don't do it!

> > > > Some claim: "But fishing requires resources..." Sure. So did "adventures" - To be blunt: Who sells this game to their friends because of "Wooo - Adventures!"... Right! - Fishing would be like ONE minigame/adventure that friends could actually relate to...

> > > > If all else fails: Grab resources from encapsulated content, enjoyed by a very small percentage of veteranplayers that pay most of their "gems" with ingame gold. (And please: Stop the "all Gems are sold for IRL currency" story: Gold/cash conversion never ran out of gems or gold: Anet actually have the ability to print pixels :-))

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Please don't clump all veterans in as a single group. Believe it or not, "vets" have differing tastes. I for one am supportive of fishing

> >

> > Sorry.

> > You are absolutely right. I should have written "SOME veterans" or (probably even better) "A FEW veterans" instead of "THE veterans".

> > Thank you for clarifying/pointing this out.

> >


> and some new players don't want it either. You can't separate and name and blame one group when the game has such a diversity of players. That being said there are numerous threads about fishing already.


A bit confused... What is this? A derail-attemt? Feel offended all you want - I've seen the same'ish set of vets shooting down just about every thought that was not on their personal agenda. New un-wanting players? Haven't seen a single newcomer shooting down ideas here, feel free to enlighten me?


As for "numerous threads about fishing": Lets forget the risk of being called out on "necroing" if replying in one of those - "Numerous" seems to indicate a continued interest on the matter, eh?


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Aesthetic-wise, it would be nice if they made it so as long as a skin is unlocked in your wardrobe (barring race-specific) you can use it regardless of Heavy/Medium/Light restrictions. I'm not sure how hard it would be coding-wise though. They could still retain the current system where you have Light/Medium/Heavy armour (the stats) that can only be used by each of those professions, but once you unlock it in the wardrobe (the skin) it's fair game for all of your professions.


Gameplay-wise, I wouldn't mind more Masteries similar to HoT where you get better at navigating the world as you go. They would definitely need to have more of an impact than the Icebrood Saga masteries, or even if it was simply quality of life.


I have to admit though, I would absolutely love some Fractals/Strikes that take iconic moments from Tyria's Past:

* Charging the Temple with the Luxons/Kurzicks to take down Shiro before the Jade Wind

* Confronting the Lich at the Mouth of Kormale

* Trying to stem the tide at Ascalon moments before King Adelbern curses the lands for eternity

* Delving into the depths to kill Kanaxai/Urgoz


While I doubt they'd revisit the Home Instances, I do like the idea of the Eye of the North where you can slowly upgrade it. I feel like this needs to be taken to 11 where you can choose banner colours, soldier types, etc., make it so it's "your" personal instance that is different from everyone else's.

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Honestly, I'd be just happy enough if we return to Cantha. However playable Tengu would be nice too but I highly doubt that is possible since there are conflicts (mostly lore and immersion wise) and to solve these Anet needs to reimplement the campaign system from gw1 then. Anyways housing would sound cool too if it was like the system in ESO (not talking about the buying homes with crowns type but rather about the crafting decorations and owning multiple houses part) but it doesn't have to be in there.

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-Support for dx12 or Vulkan if possible as it does seem that it is quite beneficial upgrading it.


-Able to play NA and EU together, it would revitalize alot of content like map metas, bounty hunting, world bosses, dungeons or simple events. It would especially help during hours where ingame activity is very low for one region. The higher ping wouldnt change much in those environments, we could still get a check box like console players get to enable or disable cross play if needed.


-The rest i dont care that much as long they follow up on what they promised in previous posts, except maybe addding it to steam and epic game store.

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The "usual":

- New maps

- New Specializations

- New Masteries

- New Stories

- New Gimmick


What would be cool to get imho:

- Underwater rework and content

- Challenging open world stuff, challenging, not grindy

- Dungeon rework and new dungeons


What I can do without:

- New playbele races, as race adds nothing to the game

- New weapon types, as in a world where a greatsword can be a ranged weapon it's all just sknis and animations, so devs can work on something else

- Fishing, never got what ppl get from it in other games

- Nostalgia for nostalgia's sake

- Player housing

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Unrealistic Dream level:

1.Proper hats that dont hide your hair.

2.New race, preferably Dwarves but it doesnt matter who.

3.PvP overhaul with a look at swapping out 5v5 conquest.

4.Sponsored Mod support

5.change up the status quo

6.playable flame legion.


Realistic wishlist

1. Land spears

2. Fishing profession (afk farming)

3. New crafting Mats with serious value(ala launch HoT)

4. A thematically good engi elite spec

5. GW2 card game spinoff that's playable in game and on mobile.

6. Gen3 elite specs to not be awful for PvP

7. Good maps people won't complain about.



Guild wars 2 could really use a golden age.

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* dx12

* no more mastery points ( i still hate this system )

* no more elite spec ( the balance is still only 6/10 the last balance patch was a step backwards )

* instead rework underwater combat

* new mounts ( i want a submarine mount )

* new skins ( glider, mounts) unlockable in the game and not in the store - want a nice looking skin deserve it !

* new skins for WvW structures ( I claim the camp - nice let it be MY camp with MY skin ) add skins for camp, tower, keep and castle.

* reduce the claim timer to 2 seconds ... ZZzzZZZ

* new skins for blueprints ( the only good skin = guild catapult .. ) why not give 20 different looking catas, golems, rams, trebs, acs ? ..)

* better visual effects ( please let me remove all bling blang in wvw. )

* better servers ( this amazon servers still lagging )

* stop creating super uber looking maps when you never travel back to this map ... instead make all new maps interesting and REPLAYABLE!

* make new dungeons with 5-8 people ( 10 was a bad decision ) make dungeons similar to fissure of woe and underworld from GW1.

* do not make new raids ( raids are for the 0.1 % elite players .. they are waste of time for the other 99 % players.

* make new fractals

* maybe bring back maps clearing ( hard core modus / only 5-10 ppl allowed and they get their own map )

* increase the rewards in WvW ... on a bad day i have zero income :/ my food is more expensive than the rewards.

* just REMOVE HEART QUESTs FROM MAP COMPLETION. ( i really really really hate hearts i hate everyone of them.. and i'm forced to do them for legendary. )


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