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Thanks for the new decos and SAB raptor mount


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I love the look of the mount skin... I just wish it had been kept as art or a single character in SAB. It's a lot harder to ignore a raptor running around than minipets or the tools that disappear after a few seconds.


Something about the animations are also deeply uncomfortable for me. I have an issue with certain types of gifs and the raptor elicits the same response where I can both feel the animations and a crawling on the back of my neck and skull. I can control what mount skins and not use it but with no way to turn off skins for other players' mounts, that's something I'm going to have to deal with whenever I play the game now which I'm not thrilled about.

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I'm not sure how I feel about the raptor. I saw it in-game before reading that far through the patch notes or looking at the gem store. At first I was disappointed to find out it's not part of a 5-pack, then kind of relieved that there's only one (so far) and the price will probably reduce the number of people who have it because I think it could be a bit much if it was everywhere.


I'm not sure if I like it for myself or not yet, I think I need to see how it looks with different dyes first.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > You're mostly right, except Anet gave up caring about artistic identity or immersion a long, long time ago.


> People freaked out when Team Fortress 2 added 'hats' to the game, and yet over a decade later, Gabe swims in a pool of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck.


I made the mistake of drinking with a mouthful of coffee when I read this..

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I've never cared about how other characters look. Eye of the North shows me every single day that it is very easy to just ignore all of those flashy people if I don't want to see them.


It's not easy if you have a type of photosensitivity that is triggered by them. Culling the number of models shown only goes so far when you can't specify what to cull or turn off certain skins and Anet keeps adding more such skins and animations.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > I'm glad that Anet listened to the community and made a SAB mount.

> When/Where did the community request this?


It has been asked for every so often, and ive seen it requested a few times in the Gemstore request thread.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Well I caved. Have to say, think my biggest problem remains how awful it dyes. I mean the dyes barely take at all. I doubt I'll use it much as a result


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/9r6gmMJ.jpg "")



I got it from a chest, and i was excited at first but due to the dyes not working well and its movement making me sick, i wont be able to use it. Still its cool, and for those who enjoy it im glad they have it.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> Very disappointed they did this.


Pretty much. I remember before launch, the devs talking about character creation and the way the game looked. The comment was along the lines of "there would be no ugly characters in GW2". They mentioned how beautiful the game world looked, how UI mods weren't allowed (because the game was unique and beautiful and people would instantly know it was GW2 if everyone's screen looked the same). And then, we add horrible looking, completely obnoxious and out of place mounts to the "real" game world (outside SAB).

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I never understood why the lowest player model setting doesn't show the default mount skin model, I thought that when mounting; you and your mount were considered as one? Doesn't the lowest number of player setting hide around 90% of players around you?

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