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lock weapon stowing in combat to keep players from exploiting the game.


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if it really true that a-net employees use this aswell you should able to provide video evidence of it. and ofc I am ot counting weapon stow as the effect of its own, but rather the glitching of skills. since it hasn't been proven yet that it is intentional yet. I mean everybody can write anything on the forum if the day is long. doesn't matter tho if you just write a claim for the claim's sake without any backing of your claim.


I proposed several ways how a-net could address it, but noone seems to care. better let 1/4 of the community stay in the dark instead of ensuring you got a better competition.

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> @"Vrath.1754" said:

> > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > What weapon stowing does:

> > 1) Cancelling hard hitting skills into Infuse Light, Illusionary Counter, Full Counter etc

> > 2) Baiting dodges

> > 3) Baiting interrupts

> >

> > All of them are peak skill


> I have a question how are new or even regular players suppose to know that it exists? It requires someone telling them or searching for something about it.


> I'd be fine with a load screen tip or something to let people know it's possible so they can learn and try to figure it out how to maximize its potential. I think the fact it's a game mechanic unknown to some is the main problem.


How do people know how to craft legendary, how to make builds, how to dodge jump etc etc? Through research and by trying it themselves. The game doesnt spoon feed you anything.

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Canceling has always been an issue and exploits have been persistent since launch. But stowing as a form of bait is legitimate, choosing NOT to attack into a parry while maintaining autos is not unreasonable and should be preserved.


I agree that clearly unintended features that get value from cooldowns without triggering the cooldown should be patched out, but A-net struggles with code as it is; and we stand to lose more from an outright ban.


But honestly I'd be fine either way, even though I dislike the idea of every build needing to disable autos, and frankly PvP (the only place this truly matters) has much more pressing issues that need to be addressed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it is absolutely necessary to remove stow weapon in combat. Take Reaper's "Chill to the Bone" for example. People use it as a dodge bait in PvP and WvW. It has a very distinct animation that ends with a stun which most likely means you are dead or waste a stunbreak. You know what players do? The use macros for this purpose. They assign a macro which will cancel the animation with stow weapon just 10ms before it actualizes and baits a dodge. ANet or nobody has a way to detect these macros, so this gives the player using the macro an advantage. If you cannot detect these players who are using such petty tactics, you must make it so that this kind of cheese cannot be used. It's not meant as a gameplay functionality anyway.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> you would expect a tutorial for canceling skills via weapon stow. I mean we even got a dodgeroll training area although I think every new player knows that you can dodge before buying the game. I find this a huge oversight. Based on a poll regarding weapon stowing in combat a quarter of all players don't even know that this exists. I wouldn't mind if they they atleast make a pop up window that shows you how to use it and why. ofc the poll isn't as accurate, because of the small samplesize. But it still shows why some players complain about bugs and glitches that might work as intended. some even say removing it would break classes, which makes no sense to me. another option would be to make certain skills uncancelable or remove and switch one dmg part of a skill to another. like d/p 3 on thief and obsiflesh.


Dodge is an intended feature. Animation cancelling is not.

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> @"Melian.5368" said:

> You know what players do? The use macros for this purpose. They assign a macro which will cancel the animation with stow weapon just 10ms before it actualizes and baits a dodge.


Why would anybody need macros for this, it's just pressing 2 buttons

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> @"Melian.5368" said:

> I think it is absolutely necessary to remove stow weapon in combat. Take Reaper's "Chill to the Bone" for example. People use it as a dodge bait in PvP and WvW. It has a very distinct animation that ends with a stun which most likely means you are dead or waste a stunbreak. You know what players do? The use macros for this purpose. They assign a macro which will cancel the animation with stow weapon just 10ms before it actualizes and baits a dodge. ANet or nobody has a way to detect these macros, so this gives the player using the macro an advantage. If you cannot detect these players who are using such petty tactics, you must make it so that this kind of cheese cannot be used. It's not meant as a gameplay functionality anyway.


Can you actually please just learn how to play the game?

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> @"Melian.5368" said:

> You cannot humanly cancel the animation at the last milliseconds, making the other player think that you fully committed to casting the spell.


What? Really, what? Nearly anyone above gold can consistently fake chilled to the bone or revenant glint elite w/o any kind of macro.


It's possible to cancel even 1/4 cast time skills.

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > > Dodge is an intended feature. Animation cancelling is not.

> >

> > But it is intended.


> It wasn't intended, it's a side effect of the interaction between skill use and stowing.

That’s just like, your opinion, man.



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> @"Melian.5368" said:

> > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > Why would anybody need macros for this, it's just pressing 2 buttons


> You cannot humanly cancel the animation at the last milliseconds, making the other player think that you fully committed to casting the spell.


You can easily cancel the animation even without waiting until "the last milliseconds." No macro is needed for this.

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