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Your entitlement to my LFG requirements

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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> ...as long as it is reasonable. Asking for 250 KPI for Shiverpeak Pass is not reasonable, it is stupid. I don't respect stupidity.



it's not up to you to decide what's "stupid", period.

i don't respect people who present their personal opinion as the only right one.


> Further more, Strike Missions are intended to help players get into raiding for crying out loud! They are there to get around the harsh requirements of raiding, and teach people basic raid boss mechanics. And then we have people asking for raid experience to do what is intended as a raid stepping stone. That does not deserve any respect.


strike missions are there to teach people basic raid boss mechanics, yes. but they are not there to get around "the harsh requirements" of raiding in terms of lfg requirements. the "harsh requirements" in this case are your personal build and gameplay.

experienced players are in no way obliged to take anyone's hand and teach strikes and raids.

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> @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> strike missions are there to teach people basic raid boss mechanics, yes. but they are not there to get around "the harsh requirements" of raiding in terms of lfg requirements. the "harsh requirements" in this case are your personal build and gameplay.

> experienced players are in no way obliged to take anyone's hand and teach strikes and raids.


But you don't need any of that for something like Shiverpeak Pass. It is a strike mission that requires no raid experience, no knowledge of boss mechanics, and not even a good build. And yet some people ask for players who have done a lot of raids for a mission that is super simple. I've done Shiverpeak Pass hundreds of times, usually with pugs, and I have never seen it fail. Why ask for 250 LI for something so simple?



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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> > strike missions are there to teach people basic raid boss mechanics, yes. but they are not there to get around "the harsh requirements" of raiding in terms of lfg requirements. the "harsh requirements" in this case are your personal build and gameplay.

> > experienced players are in no way obliged to take anyone's hand and teach strikes and raids.


> But you don't need any of that for something like Shiverpeak Pass. It is a strike mission that requires no raid experience, no knowledge of boss mechanics, and not even a good build. And yet some people ask for players who have done a lot of raids for a mission that is super simple. I've done Shiverpeak Pass hundreds of times, usually with pugs, and I have never seen it fail. Why ask for 250 LI for something so simple?




You dont need it. But since when does want and need mean the same thing?

Some players WANT raid squad in strikes, they dont NEED it, they WANT it. Because that makes it fun.

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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > Why wouldn't you respect it?

> > They have in bright shining lights said "here is what this team is about" not just in terms of requirement, but in attitude and approach to the game. They have told you flat out that you would not enjoy yourself with the atmosphere they are playing under.


> I respect what you're saying, and don't disagree in theory. Having clear communication regarding what sort of people you are looking for is fine...


> ...as long as it is reasonable. Asking for 250 KPI for Shiverpeak Pass is not reasonable, it is stupid. I don't respect stupidity.


> Further more, Strike Missions are intended to help players get into raiding for crying out loud! They are there to get around the harsh requirements of raiding, and teach people basic raid boss mechanics. And then we have people asking for raid experience to do what is intended as a raid stepping stone. That does not deserve any respect.

Strikes are indeed a ramp up to raid difficulty. A small segment of the population wanting only to play with likeminded and experienced people does not change the content.

Labeling them or their actions "stupid" adds nothing positive or productive to the conversation. This kind of name calling ultimately puts you in the wrong.

And you know what?

I can't say I blame them.

I run "ALL WELCOME" strikes every day and wouldn't want your kind of negativity on my squad either.


Life's far too short to indulge in this kind irrational negativity and name calling over a video game....particularly towards people who are using a tool as intended and are doing nothing wrong according to the ToS.

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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > Why wouldn't you respect it?

> > They have in bright shining lights said "here is what this team is about" not just in terms of requirement, but in attitude and approach to the game. They have told you flat out that you would not enjoy yourself with the atmosphere they are playing under.


> I respect what you're saying, and don't disagree in theory. Having clear communication regarding what sort of people you are looking for is fine...


> ...as long as it is reasonable. Asking for 250 KPI for Shiverpeak Pass is not reasonable, it is stupid. I don't respect stupidity.


> Further more, Strike Missions are intended to help players get into raiding for crying out loud! They are there to get around the harsh requirements of raiding, and teach people basic raid boss mechanics. And then we have people asking for raid experience to do what is intended as a raid stepping stone. That does not deserve any respect.



You dont have to like my lfg requirements but you will follow them. If you try to join without raid kp thinking you're somehow the exception to my requirements you will promptly be kicked and have no grounds to complain. My group my rules. Dont like em? Join someone else's squad or start your own.

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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> > strike missions are there to teach people basic raid boss mechanics, yes. but they are not there to get around "the harsh requirements" of raiding in terms of lfg requirements. the "harsh requirements" in this case are your personal build and gameplay.

> > experienced players are in no way obliged to take anyone's hand and teach strikes and raids.


> But you don't need any of that for something like Shiverpeak Pass. It is a strike mission that requires no raid experience, no knowledge of boss mechanics, and not even a good build. And yet some people ask for players who have done a lot of raids for a mission that is super simple. I've done Shiverpeak Pass hundreds of times, usually with pugs, and I have never seen it fail. Why ask for 250 LI for something so simple?




Havent seen li250 once only for shiverpeak usualy its Fc=full clear so all strikes and they want the same people in the group during all of them.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> yea I think dps meter were a mistake. It just leads to player behaving elitist. That's why I never gonna touch raids to begin with even though i know that they got tons of gw1 related content which gw2 players propably don't know about.


I've been raiding for quite a while now. I've had like 2 toxic squads in that time. Neither of which were blaming low dps but rather failed mechanics.

I used to think the same way about raids as you do, solely because of word of mouth.

However I find that unless you jump into groups way above your skill level and lie about being the messiah of dps. People are okay with a bit of a shaky performance.


On a different note: never have I ever seen someone calling out damage on a dps meter unless the person specifically asked for it. So in my experience the dps meter statement is just plain out wrong.

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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > I guess that's why I have way less issues with LFGs. I actually respect what people write into them. You do you though.


> Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm not going to join a LFG when I don't meet the requirements of what they are asking (most of the time*). But I don't need to respect anyone for having outrageous LFG requirements.


> _(" There was this one time a group asked for a guardian, and I joined the group anyway and told them I was a guardian disguised as a necromancer.)_




Wait. Asking for a Guardian is a outrageous LFG requirement? Or did you just like wasting people's time?

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Wait. Asking for a Guardian is a outrageous LFG requirement? Or did you just like wasting people's time?


I didn't say that. They just asked for a guardian to complete their group, and I joined and told them I was "_a Guardian disguised as a necromancer_". We then proceeded to do the mission and complete it.



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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Wait. Asking for a Guardian is a outrageous LFG requirement? Or did you just like wasting people's time?


> I didn't say that. They just asked for a guardian to complete their group, and I joined and told them I was "_a Guardian disguised as a necromancer_". We then proceeded to do the mission and complete it.




If you did that to me, you would be kicked in seconds. We asked for guardian. Why should we include you as a necro?

Its the same as if people ask for dps and you join as a healer.

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First of all I have 0 raid experience in this game so I can't really judge how hard raids are compared to strikes and what this community values as hard content. I did raid in other games, mostly Wow so I often benchmark content to that.

I do strikes often lately, like them and just join random lfg groups.

Strikes are relatively easy in my opinion. Everything up to Woj, including Cold War is really easy and any group can handle it. Healers are not even required. I don't even remember these strikes ever fail. Yesterday half of the cold war group DCed somewhere in the middle and we still managed to finish it, we just couldn't ignore every mechanic of the last fight.

Woj is a bit harder in the last 25 % but it is still very seldom that it fails. It does fail sometimes but that is when you get a real bad draw of all potato group. Even those usually succeed if all have some patience to explain. In the end you only need a few people to burst that last phase, it is even better to leave the downed on the ground and just kill. Boneskinner funnily I have excellent track record but that is probably because the groups without raid requirements are rare and usually lead by experienced people.

So all in all I feel that "everyone welcome" strikes in general never or in case of Woj and Bone very rarely fail. Even if fail happens the cause is usually not bad players but players that just give up and leave because someone downed to early or does the wrong rotation (like that matters in strikes lol) or is generally toxic.


So yeah raid requirements are a huge overkill for content of this difficulty. Now keep in mind I don't raid in this game and assume that they are of WoW raids difficulty.

Do I care if people require overkill requirements? Not really to each his own. It was the same in WoW where people asked for gear score for 5 man dungeons that could be soloed and were benchmarked for starter blue gear.

I do think though that if people that lead these "LI" strike groups would just open their groups and help new players it would be good for the community in general. But that is just me, I like to help others, for example I lead pug raids in WoW which was a nightmare sometimes but also super rewarding when you killed some bosses with inexperienced group. And the funny thing was that more often I had to kick the "pro" elitists that were toxic to newbies to get anywhere instead of under performing newbies.

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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Wait. Asking for a Guardian is a outrageous LFG requirement? Or did you just like wasting people's time?


> I didn't say that. They just asked for a guardian to complete their group, and I joined and told them I was "_a Guardian disguised as a necromancer_". We then proceeded to do the mission and complete it.




Well, it's a good thing me and my group would never have to play with you.

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I will try to explain the problems I have with strikes without raid players.

If you want 250 Li, you will have decent dps on most of the players. Decent, not high but decent. But the main reason is that boons will be covered. And everyone would understand what his role is.


As an example. Few days ago, me and 3 of my friends went to do strikes daily after our guild finished raids.

We joined another squad. They were asking for a healer and dps. One of us had healer and rest took dps. I joined and saw that we probably have no quickness so I asked If I should swap to quickness chrono. Commander said yes so I swaped. Joined and put myself in separate subsquad to give quickness to 10 players. He changed me back. I thpught it was mistake when he was switching subsquads so I changed again. He put me back and locked subsquads. So I asked if he could put me in separate subsquad. He wanted to know why. I explained it and he saidit doesnt work.

"Luckily" we were waiting 10 minutes for last person to join zhe instance so we manage to convince the commander to give it a shot.

And during the fight, my 2 dps friends had 20k+ dps. 3rd had around 4k. I was 4th with scepter diviner chrono.

Here lies my problem. We killed the boss. Yes. But we basicaly killed the boss alone. The 4 of us. While we had to wait 10 minutes for players to join the instance and argue about our builds with player s that have no idea about them. Its like that vide where american general has to justify submarines to senator.

The rest of the players (6) did less damage combined then one of my dps friends. That is the reality. And sorry but carrying 6 players is not fun even when you dont get insulted that you dont know how things work.

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I wonder if a good idea for Strikes is to have them ramp up not necessarily with mechanical difficulty but HP so that it becomes harder to get all the chests without doing more DPS. It might start steering players invested in strikes already into looking at what they are running and questioning if they are doing well on DPS.


Another option is maybe showing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for damage dealt to the boss, **no numbers though**, just a brief little ranking of the top 3 damage dealers in the group by name. That way in the oddball group where you might not have an optimal build but do enough to hit 3rd place maybe, you can feel a sense of accomplishment?


Just some ideas, I know this thread's sort of teetering away from the initial OP conversation.

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> @"Sykper.6583" said:

> I wonder if a good idea for Strikes is to have them ramp up not necessarily with mechanical difficulty but HP so that it becomes harder to get all the chests without doing more DPS.

A twist on this mechanic is already at play in the Cold War strike. The more damage the team does, the better the rewards. Rather than a perceived "punishment" via lack of rewards for underperforming it offers "bonus" chests if the team performs well.


A quick run joining a half dozen pug groups will tell you the obvious....

It's not working.

A significant portion of the players in strikes just don't care if they are underperforming as long as they get their daily done. They are perfectly content to cheer on the rest of the team and get carried from downstate, the only reward that matters is the chest for victory.

Incentivizing these players with a few more unidentified blues doesn't work.

We are seeing proof of this already.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Well, it's a good thing me and my group would never have to play with you.


> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> If you did that to me, you would be kicked in seconds. We asked for guardian. Why should we include you as a necro?


Well I thought it was funny, and so did the group.

Maybe you two shouldn't take things so seriously?


> Its the same as if people ask for dps and you join as a healer.

Not exactly. They asked for a dps guardian, they still got their dps.

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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Well, it's a good thing me and my group would never have to play with you.


> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > If you did that to me, you would be kicked in seconds. We asked for guardian. Why should we include you as a necro?


> Well I thought it was funny, and so did the group.

> Maybe you two shouldn't take things so seriously?


> > Its the same as if people ask for dps and you join as a healer.

> Not exactly. They asked for a dps guardian, they still got their dps.


And would you not take things seriously if the party decided to boot you for trolling?

If so, there wouldn't be this conversation.

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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Well, it's a good thing me and my group would never have to play with you.


> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > If you did that to me, you would be kicked in seconds. We asked for guardian. Why should we include you as a necro?


> Well I thought it was funny, and so did the group.

> Maybe you two shouldn't take things so seriously?


Just because you find something funny, doesn't mean other people will.


And we wouldn't take it very seriously. We'd just boot you and maybe a crack a joke. You wouldn't even be in our minds in the next 10s.



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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Well, it's a good thing me and my group would never have to play with you.


> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > If you did that to me, you would be kicked in seconds. We asked for guardian. Why should we include you as a necro?


> Well I thought it was funny, and so did the group.

> Maybe you two shouldn't take things so seriously?


> > Its the same as if people ask for dps and you join as a healer.

> Not exactly. They asked for a dps guardian, they still got their dps.


Ever thought they might have wanted that dps guardian for one of their utilites like 10 man stability from stand your ground?

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Vilin.8056" said:

> > And would you not take things seriously if the party decided to boot you for trolling?

> > If so, there wouldn't be this conversation.


> We'd probably get a forum thread about raid toxicity and elitism instead

Aren't there plenty enough?


We now live in an age where nearly everybody has legendaries yet outputting 10k dps is an act of elitism.

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> @"Vilin.8056" said:

> > @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > Well, it's a good thing me and my group would never have to play with you.

> >

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > If you did that to me, you would be kicked in seconds. We asked for guardian. Why should we include you as a necro?

> >

> > Well I thought it was funny, and so did the group.

> > Maybe you two shouldn't take things so seriously?

> >

> > > Its the same as if people ask for dps and you join as a healer.

> > Not exactly. They asked for a dps guardian, they still got their dps.


> And would you not take things seriously if the party decided to boot you for trolling?

> If so, there wouldn't be this conversation.


There was a reason for guardin. The fact that you dont see it doesnt mean it isnt there

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> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> And would you not take things seriously if the party decided to boot you for trolling?

> If so, there wouldn't be this conversation.


But they didn't, and in fact it was a very speedy clear, and we got along pretty well.

You can throw in a lot of hypotheticals that support your position, but that's not what happened.


> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> There was a reason for guardin. The fact that you dont see it doesnt mean it isnt there


But they clearly didn't need one, because we did just fine without one. Also, they already had 2 guardians on their team. I did check their party composition before I joined.


> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Ever thought they might have wanted that dps guardian for one of their utilites like 10 man stability from stand your ground?


They already had 2 guardians in their party, we didn't lose anything.


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