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Elite spec skins


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Especially since Anet has announced the next expac to be in development, people are theorycrafting about the thematics, gameplay niches, mechanics, and other stuff of the next elite specs.


Now I thought that I want to ask the people about another aspect of elite specs: their unique skins!

Every elite spec releases with 1 armor skin and 2 weapon skins (a base version and an upgraded version) and I think it would be interesting to see what people would like to see here. This is fashion wars in the end, so we need these skins to fill missing niches to customize!


Keep in mind: armor skins to this point all have been one of three different types.

**Helmets, shoulders, or gloves**

Every class got 2 of these so far, so I guess the third will most likely be the one left.


This means the following:

Warrior gets gloves.

Guardian gets shoulders.

Revenant gets gloves.

Ranger gets a helmet.

Thief gets gloves.

Engineer gets gloves.

Elementalist gets a helmet.

Mesmer gets gloves.

Necromancer gets gloves.


**My personal wish for the engineer**

I want the new engineer elite spec to have a chemical theme, so they should get fitting skins for this. I imagine either a mace with the head being made out of glass filled with a green liquid or an axe with acid dripping from it and some tubes.

The glove skins should also have tubes sticking out with a green liquid. With skins like the gasmask, the antitoxin injector and such, I need gloves to make my dream of becoming a mad chemist come true!


What are you guys hoping for?

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I'd rather leave the details to their professional artists, but I prefer designs that don't stick out from the silhouette too much, and that look functional over flashy. Not a fan of the Soulbeast gloves for example.


Since I theorycrafted an elite for thief with off-hand sword and Assassin flavor, I think it would be cool if the exotic weapon unlocked a skin that was dagger/short-sword-length, and the ascended unlocked a sword-length skin. That way, you could have the dual sword flavor, or a sword + main-gauche/daisho flavor, or dual-wield forward grip daggers like your GW1 character!

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> @"hatsamu.4327" said:

> I'd rather leave the details to their professional artists, but I prefer designs that don't stick out from the silhouette too much, and that look functional over flashy. Not a fan of the Soulbeast gloves for example.


> Since I theorycrafted an elite for thief with off-hand sword and Assassin flavor, I think it would be cool if the exotic weapon unlocked a skin that was dagger/short-sword-length, and the ascended unlocked a sword-length skin. That way, you could have the dual sword flavor, or a sword + main-gauche/daisho flavor, or dual-wield forward grip daggers like your GW1 character!


Tbh, I am not a big fan of both ranger armor skins so far. They just seem.... overloaded with animal motives?

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> Since we're going to cantha, the region factions played in, I want something like the aura headgear for elementalist.

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gallery_of_male_elementalist_auras

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gallery_of_female_elementalist_auras


Yes! https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necromancer_scar_patterns


Scar Patterns too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> Especially since Anet has announced the next expac to be in development, people are theorycrafting about the thematics, gameplay niches, mechanics, and other stuff of the next elite specs.


> Now I thought that I want to ask the people about another aspect of elite specs: their unique skins!

> Every elite spec releases with 1 armor skin and 2 weapon skins (a base version and an upgraded version) and I think it would be interesting to see what people would like to see here. This is fashion wars in the end, so we need these skins to fill missing niches to customize!


> Keep in mind: armor skins to this point all have been one of three different types.

> **Helmets, shoulders, or gloves**

> Every class got 2 of these so far, so I guess the third will most likely be the one left.


> This means the following:

> Warrior gets gloves.

> Guardian gets shoulders.

> Revenant gets gloves.

> Ranger gets a helmet.

> Thief gets gloves.

> Engineer gets gloves.

> Elementalist gets a helmet.

> Mesmer gets gloves.

> Necromancer gets gloves.


> **My personal wish for the engineer**

> I want the new engineer elite spec to have a chemical theme, so they should get fitting skins for this. I imagine either a mace with the head being made out of glass filled with a green liquid or an axe with acid dripping from it and some tubes.

> The glove skins should also have tubes sticking out with a green liquid. With skins like the gasmask, the antitoxin injector and such, I need gloves to make my dream of becoming a mad chemist come true!


> What are you guys hoping for?



1) Berserker with a Torch, Rage skills and Berserker mode which gives new Berserker Bursts abilities.

2) Spell Breaker with dual Daggers, Meditations, and Full Counters mechanic that absorbs and counter attacks surrounding foes.

*3) Warlord with Melee Staff, hired Recruits, and Marks to aid allies on the battlefield.

*4) Champion with a main hand Shield, Punishment abilities that weakens or leaves foes vulnerable, and Protection mechanic, gives a barrier and tethers to allies, to absorb damage.

*5) Ravager with dual Pistols, Traps, and Ravage Burst mechanic which provides more of an area effect damage.



1) Dragonhunter with Long Bows, Traps, and the ability turn their Virtues into Physical Constructs.

2) Firebrands with a main hand Axe, Mantras, and changes their Virtues in to Tomes of several spells.

*3) Archon with an off hand Sword, glyphs, and the ability to attune to a Virtue at a time.

*4) Summoner with a War Horn, Summon mythical creatures for aid, and convert Virtues into Virtuous Pets

*5) Mystic with main hand Focus, Arcane Spells, and Virtuous Burst abilities.



1) Hearld with a Shield, conjuring Dragon abilities, and able to tap into the Dragon Legend to buff them and their allies.

2) Renegade with Short Bow, able to summon spiritual combatants, and harness a Legendary Warrior's ability to command ancient forces and charging your allies for battle.

*3) Overlord with dual Scepters, able to summon minions from the mist, and Over Charge their connection to their attune legend.

*4) Mist Walker with dual Pistols, the ability to use the mist offensive and defensively, and Merge Legend abilities.

*5) Rift Slayer with a Great Sword, and able to cast dimensional spells, and the timely ability to open or close a dimensional gate.



1) Druid with a Staff, glyphs, and the ability to turn into a Celestial Avatar

2) Soulbeast with a main hand Dagger, combat stances, and the ability to take in the spirit of their pet granting them animalistic abilities.

*3) Shaman with a off hand Focus, summoning Totems that buff them and their allies, and having the ability to merge into their pet, having all of their pets' abilities.

*4) Warden with an off hand Shield, summoning herds and commanding nature to do their bidding, along with controlling 2 pets at the same time.

*5) Wanderer with a Hammer, having shouts to stifle their foes, and can summon random pets for a brief moment of time.



1) Scrapper with a Hammer, having mechanical Gyros that place wells at their destruction, and a personal gyro that revive an ally or finish a foe.

2) Holosmith with a main hand Sword, the ability to conjure hard light, and the ability to Exceed their normal light abilities before they overheat.

*3) Machinist- with a main hand Mace, they can create gear for them and their allies, and their new mechanic allows them to use their gears to assemble into a Battle Mech.

*4) Technomancer with a Great Sword, and Physical Cybrotronics abilities, and Mana that alters their Cybrotronics.

*5) Med Tech with an off hand Focus, Preparation skills, along with Biomatrix mechanic for buffing them and their allies.



1) Daredevil with a Melee Staff, Physical Skills for attacking foes, and offensive and defensive Dodge abilities.

2) Deadeye with a Rifle, cantrips for manipulating foes, and a Deadeye Mark and Malice mechanic to cause extra damage to marked targets.

*3) Inquisitor with a Torch, Survival Skills to allude foes or buff abilities, and an Intuition mechanic that uses the initiative as a bones to combat.

*4) Reaver with dual Maces, summoning their Thieves Guild to aid in combat, and their Steal abilities a Counter in combat.

*5) Shadow Mage with an off hand Focus, Arcane Shadow spells, and can summon a Shadow Thief to steal from a distance.



1) Tempest with a War Horn and Shouts to command the weather and elements, and the ability to Overcharge their attunements, cause mass devastation in their wake.

2) Weaver with a main hand sword, combat Stances to manipulate the elements, and the ability to control two separate elements at the same time.

*3) Magus with a main hand Focus, able to cast Consecration Spells, and the ability to Sub-attune, granting the benefits of other elements, while no longer able to swap attunements.

*4) Rune Master with a Long Bow, able to cast Elemental Wells, and Mark the ground with elemental symbols when they attune, buffing allies and damaging foes.

*5) Arcanist with an off hand Scepter, the ability use Mantras, and attune to a 5th Element "the Arcane"



1) Chronomancer with a Shield, Wells to control time, and a new mechanic Continuum Split, so they can go back in time.

2) Mirage with a main hand Axe, Deception spells, and a Mirage Cloak that allows them to evade attacks without even moving.

*3) Enchanter with a Short Bow, enchanting Shouts, with their Shatter Skills having new abilities, making their clones Enchantments, buffing the allies close by instead of damaging foes.

*4) Psionic with a main hand Pistol, Sabotage skills work like Cantrips, and they have only have one Clone at a time but can be treated as 3 clones in 1.

*5) Conjurer with dual Daggers, that can Summon illusionary beasts that later turns to clones, and conjure 5 clones instead of 3, but the shatter ability only effects foes around the caster.



1) Reaper with Great Sword, Shouts that frighten their opponents, and a Reaper Shroud for close combat.

2) Scourge with a Torch, Punishment abilities that torment and corrupt, and summons Shades to damaging foes close by.

*3) Diabolist with a Hammer, able to cast Tricks that damage foes, and can transform into a Demon Shroud.

*4) Death Stalker with a Rifle, Traps, and Stalking Spirits mechanics that can revive an ally or finish a foe.

*5) Warlock with a off hand Shield, Glyphs, and a new mechanic that turns their life force into a Burst depending on their main hand weapon.

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