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Not happy with stories in the game

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What the hell are these stories man, i just hate every bit of stories in this game. I found 2 people doing the Heart of the Volcano,in the middle of it i dc, then realize i can't re enter the instance we were in...ok fine....i do it solo, i'm at the last part where you need to defeat the hounds....i start lagging alot, i relog...then it brings me to a whole new instance, i say F that i'm gonna try to get help. I get help, then at same last part with the hounds, i die, no "retry from checkpoint" option, the person asks me if i have a revive orb (which i didn't) person then leaves without me getting chance to answer him...i rarely put myself through this story shit, its just because i decided i would craft aurora or i would have said fuck this long time ago. I just hate these crazy stories, I was even confident in reloging cause i remembered disconnecting in a lws2 story, but i was able to return right where i left off. I know I haven't even reached the hard part of aurora and i'm so already annoyed. I muted the game because of annoying it was to hear all that damn dialogue that you cant even just skip. I'm not even gonna talk about the dumb fancy flying achievement. I'm there ranting in my guild chat and no one offered to help which is completely understandable....

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Your impatience and inability to cope or troubleshoot is not the story's fault. Neither are your obnoxious "friends" deliberately trolling you.


Step 1: Step away.

Step 2: Calm the kitten down. Maybe drink some water or go for a run outside. (Do not punch the wall.)

Step 3: Think about what you're doing, and what you can do better. No, really think about it. Don't just say "I DID!" or blame someone else and give up.

Step 4: Finish thinking about it and do it.

Step 5: Find some better friends, or at least LFG companions.

Step 6: Repeat as needed.

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> @"necromaniac.7629" said:

> What the hell are these stories man, i just hate every bit of stories in this game. I found 2 people doing the Heart of the Volcano,in the middle of it i dc


Disconnects do not dertermine the quality of story. The title of this thread made it sound like you hated the story for bad writing. ;)


Anyway, there is a merged thread in the Bugs section (I think) about the currently widely spread disconnect issue players encounter. Sorry you started playing story just recently when ANet does not seem to have the means to fix the issue during the pandemic.

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Sometimes i think people believe we have some magic connection to the anet servers.


There is alot of cable between your pc and the anet server. Which means alot of points where things can get wrong.


There are tools outthere you can use to see where the paketloss is caused.


You would be surprised how often its because there is a flaw somewhere between you and the server.


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Yeah, it's really annoying and given how important the story is to this game, it's a little embarrassing. I don't expect there's much they can do about it or they probably would have by now. Disconnects, bugs, glitches, with no way to continue from where you left off. It's pathetic, and it looks like that's just how it will always be for GW2, unfortunately.


The writing is pretty awful, too. LS3 feels like somebody's piss poor attempt to shoehorn their nostalgia for GW1 lore into the current game. As a player who never played GW1, I still have no idea who some of the characters were or why we were involved in their quest! It seems to me we had something more important to deal with, but apparently that was just smoke and mirrors to drag everything out for LS4? Garbage.


Still, I enjoyed playing it, I want to see what happens next, the characters matter to me, and the rewards are good. So despite the many, many flaws in GW2's story, I think it's a great thing to have. WoW didn't have anything like this and I think it was worse off for it.


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