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Double dagger condi Soulbeast top100 footage


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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > > > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > > > As "good" as condi ranger is in solo queue, it's absolutely worthless in team play. There is nothing on it that stops the enemy team from killing you. They can say, "focus the condi ranger till it dies" and it will die faster than anything else on your team.

> > > >

> > > > Its better for escape from +1 than power... you can farm squishy pets with traps after you see swap. If they chase you can just stealth with heal use fortitude imunnity while tanking in healing spring... What you can also do is poison trap + dagger 4 and entangle so they will waste many cd and since you are not playing solo vs 5 ppl your team can use advantage if they good. You can also prestealth for 15sec. Healing spring provides full condi cleanse for party (on smaller nodes it shines) while you can save teamates with cc and snares. But yes ranger lacks teamplay in general thats why its not used much in tournaments...

> > >

> > > If a 5 man team wanted a condi ranger dead, no amount of team support would save it.

> >

> > Wow you're reaching hard here. That's the case for every spec in the game. Especially glassbow, after the GS nerfs. Good luck with that lol.


> No one plays glass ranger in competitive


Regardless, your point just doesn't hold up. Any spec when focused by 4 good players will crumple in seconds. Given that 99.9% of players will never have to worry about this scenario, you simply come across sounding like a dbag. Did he title his post "Top ranger build for organized comp play"? Also, you are no authority on anything.


Besides, your fictitious scenario is easily countered by a few tweaks to the build. If he was running black bear for example, he could stunbreak and invuln for 7s. Every fight. 7s is an eternity at any level of play, and if the ranger's team can't peel or get a kill in this time, then it's hopeless regardless of what spec he's running lol.


In the meantime, traps are unblockable. You get superspeed regardless of Revealed. He's got 2 evades, two immobs, and a daze. If you can't reset a fight with this toolkit, then yeah....play something else.

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:


> Regardless, your point just doesn't hold up. Any spec when focused by 4 good players will crumple in seconds. Given that 99.9% of players will never have to worry about this scenario, you simply come across sounding like a kitten. Did he title his post "Top ranger build for organized comp play"? Also, you are no authority on anything.


> Besides, your fictitious scenario is easily countered by a few tweaks to the build. If he was running black bear for example, he could stunbreak and invuln for 7s. Every fight. 7s is an eternity at any level of play, and if the ranger's team can't peel or get a kill in this time, then it's hopeless regardless of what spec he's running lol.


> In the meantime, traps are unblockable. You get superspeed regardless of Revealed. He's got 2 evades, two immobs, and a daze. If you can't reset a fight with this toolkit, then yeah....play something else.


Thank you for advocate cus im tired of proving facts to ppl like that. Greatsword block can be interupted by many things too and that doesn t mean its uselles but y there is no point i will just enjoy this build since i got bored of pew pew long days ago. Idk what he is trying to proof since core ranger focused is even easier target and not to mention glassy pets which gets deleted when in teamfight. If the point is that ranger doesn t bring much group utility i can understand that but flaming condi ranger just because he likes pew pew only is not understandable for me. Also he probably has 0 exp with condi ranger while i played it for 2 years now and tried many of things but yes probably he knows better.



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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> I just think it's misleading to talk about how amazing condi ranger is when it's not


But OP is having success with it in the format that most people play and just wanted to share....


Go take your anger about the ranger nerfs out on someone else.

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> I just think it's misleading to talk about how amazing condi ranger is when it's not


I just think it's misleading that you're sending the build to the dumpster, when 1) you're not an authority on any matter (you just have an opinion like every other ranger main), and 2) it's actually a good build viable for plat play. I mean, this guy didn't get carried to top 100, it's not statistically possible.


The thread was made to inform, a bunch of us like the build, you don't like it, and that's that. Just remember - you don't have any authority, so you shouldn't speak with authority. You can express an opinion like everyone else, but when your arguments are hollow, they're worth that much less.


I think I'm basically done here, don't wanna derail any more of the discussion. Thanks for the build.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> Thank you for the build. It has serious damage but I feel like sustain is too locked behind poison.


> I think a variation with wizard or even carrion amulet is also playable, since the player will have more initial sustain.


Rabid is best if you know how to resustain with heal trap/leaps + poison aplicattion. I was playing carrion in the start and its still fine but since you have alot of condi cleanse its better to run rabid especially vs power because extra vitality doesn t bring much if you can t resustain and it has no tougntness to reduce dmg. Wizard is not good choice for this one because no need to run extra power for d/d and sb. What i like to do is take carrion and add sigil of inteligence on d/d set to crit with dagger 4 while remaining power from carrion. This is not regular ranger build its somewhere beetween ranger and thief so you need to engage and disengege pretty often. This build doesn t need to go out of combat mostly like thief has if he needs resustain because you can just leave put heal trap-gain stealth supperspeed use dagger for leaps and get back with wolf leap for example. Heal trap does not reveal and poison one can be used just for mobility and stealth to get opening first.

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> Rabid is best if you know how to resustain with heal trap/leaps + poison aplicattion. I was playing carrion in the start and its still fine but since you have alot of condi cleanse its better to run rabid especially vs power because extra vitality doesn t bring much if you can t resustain and it has no tougntness to reduce dmg. Wizard is not good choice for this one because no need to run extra power for d/d and sb. What i like to do is take carrion and add sigil of inteligence on d/d set to crit with dagger 4 while remaining power from carrion. This is not regular ranger build its somewhere beetween ranger and thief so you need to engage and disengege pretty often. This build doesn t need to go out of combat mostly like thief has if he needs resustain because you can just leave put heal trap-gain stealth supperspeed use dagger for leaps and get back with wolf leap for example. Heal trap does not reveal and poison one can be used just for mobility and stealth to get opening first.


Rabid's precision is wasted though, isn't it?

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> This build alows dagger to shine even though i would like instictive engage to be 1-2 sec supperspeed without need to hit target instead quickness on hit but thats just my opinion. Healing trap is great for doing 2 leaps from wolf and another 2 from dagger and water field stays for 10sec and provide nice cleanse for allies too. Traps gives you stealth and supeerspeed thanks to trapper runes . Poison trap have great synergy with predators cunning aswell as other poison aplication but this trap positioned well can give you even fine heals since each stack of poison is lifesteal so hiting aoe 3 targets 3 pulses with 3 stack on each target can heal you for 3-4k. Smokescale is used vs some match-ups but its mostly there to prestealth before combat since wolf is all you need. Dagger 2 is actually great skill for me because of the fact you can use it as pre-buff aswell like shortbow 4. Ranger shortbow is probably the fastest cast time weapon ingame which makes it hard to predict spikes. Build works good as side noder and roamer. I play this build 99% of time this season and its most fun build i played on ranger since release. Wish light on your feet is not another dmg modifier because i don t see much relation with shortbow and this trait but build is still fine and fun.

I tried to watch your videos i couldn't get pass after you get downed the first time. You are blatantly being carried by your team dude.

You do not offer enough sustain or damage to hold a point as shown in multiple occasions when you have to move away from the point even it is still contested, and you don't do enough pressure to contests a point.

You are having a lot of fun no doubt but you are not helping your team and they are carrying you.


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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> Very cool. I run something similar with Axe/dagger/shortbow, and I've been climbing plat quite nicely with it. The babies on the ranger forums don't believe me, they'd rather just cry like usual. But maybe they'll check out your clips here.


> I'm calling it - I think we'll be seeing more and more condi Soulbeasts.


> Don't you wish dagger 3 had some i-frames on it?


Well, daggers still suck, and the video didn't change that. Shortbow is still weak compared. I get better condi output on my Rev. The gimmick trapper build would get eaten without teammates in many situations and is still a joke in wvw play.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > Next patch - removed sage amulet in the pvp build template


> That would make me uninstall instantly since 90% of stuff I play uses sage lol


Same. It's a really nice stat combo. I tried the more offensive amulets without healing power, as well as Carrion and Rabid, and they all pale in comparison. Sage hits a sweet spot between DPS and survivability, at least for this build.


The main reason you want healing power is actually for Oakheart Salve ;) it scales incredibly well with HP. Heals from poison add up for the longer fights, but you can't rely on it.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > Very cool. I run something similar with Axe/dagger/shortbow, and I've been climbing plat quite nicely with it. The babies on the ranger forums don't believe me, they'd rather just cry like usual. But maybe they'll check out your clips here.

> >

> > I'm calling it - I think we'll be seeing more and more condi Soulbeasts.

> >

> > Don't you wish dagger 3 had some i-frames on it?


> Well, daggers still suck, and the video didn't change that. Shortbow is still weak compared. I get better condi output on my Rev. The gimmick trapper build would get eaten without teammates in many situations and is still a joke in wvw play.


That's one perspective. My easiest 1v1's are condi rev and burn FB. Healing Fountain trap combined with two WS utilities and owl's Spiritual Reprieve make this build virtually immune to condis. It hard counters the cancerous condi thief and condi necro builds. Condi rev is probably at the bottom as the easiest spec to take down.


There's nothing gimmicky about unblockable area denial, super speed spam, and constant target drops. This isn't a WvW build and forum, so not sure why you're mentioning that.

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