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For the love of the six, stop with the flashing effects


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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > > There are still bosses in the game which I have fought many times, and cannot tell you what they look like. I have to laugh whenever an ANet rep responds to a question about better UI with something like, "One of the design goals for GW2 was to have the players watch what's going on on the screen, not watch the UI." If you want us to watch what's going on, how about letting us see it when there's more than 2 players attacking something.

> >

> > Please... The effects in this game are quite mild. Have you tried D3?


> If that's Diablo 3, no I have not. Other than GW2 I've only tried Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa, Last Chaos, WoW, Diablo 2, Torchlight, Rappelz, ToR, AoC, TSW, ESO, RoM, Tera, Rift, NWO, LotRO, Skyforge. Aion, CoX and Wildstar. While GW2 is superior to a lot of those games in one way or another, I never had trouble seeing a boss in any of them.


> The effects in GW2 may seem mild to you. That may be due to your being exposed to games where they are more intense. Maybe the difference in perspective is due to differences in visual acuity and light-change tolerance among people. I've seen pieces of a lot of GW2 bosses. I've seen an arm here, a leg there. The bigger the model, the more of it I may have seen.


> @ Yuyuske:


> In Options, on the first tab there is a check box for Show Player Names. Having that unchecked helps a bit with the visual clutter.


Tabula Rasa

Confirmed geezer.


Oh man I just got nostalgic.

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> @Aerlen.5326 said:

> I've suggested repeatedly as have others to please limit the effects of flashing or strobing lights in this game. It's a migraine trigger for me and an epilepsy trigger for others.


> Well, in the PoF instance in Glint's lair, the final phase of the Facet is nothing but constant flashing effects. I got so confused and sick that I just stayed in the center and brute forced the thing instead of trying to grab the shield to break it's CC bar. Thanks for allowing a safe spot to auto attack and wait it out but my gosh, why? You could have just as easily created that minefield without flashing lights. It's nice none of your developers have vision or neuro issues but it stinks for those that do.


> Then, I was on a bounty hunt in the highlands and there was a bounty that did NOTHING but constantly flash lights. It was so bad, I had to not look at the screen and randomly press buttons hoping I was hitting it. Again, why? Another effect that could have easily been done without blinding, flashing lights. Others who are not disabled even complained, the flashing was slowing down their game and hurting their eyes.


> Since Hearts and Minds, this seems to be a big thing with Anet - strobing lights, blinding lights, moving filters you can't see around, etc. with no option to disable or minimize. Please, stop. There are better ways to do these effects and artificial difficulty without constantly painful flashing or nausea inflicting filters. It's not fun. It's not revolutionary.


> If there's no plans to stop, can we at least get an option to disable? No amount of Git Gud is going to fix a neurological issue.



A lot of these lights are due to excessive particles, there was something in the game options that used to limit how much particle effects you get, but now I can't find it again. Though I don't get migranes or seizures from it, I do wish I could go easier on these as I tend to play long sessions over the weekends and it definetly contributes to eye strain in general even for those of us that do not have the extra problems with flashing lights.


So if someone could point us to those options that lower the particle amounts, this can help the situation.


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> @AriaSilverfyre.8702 said:

> In graphics options (F11), there is a setting for Postprocessing effects. Changing that to low or none will reduce some of the flashing and other effects. It's not perfect, but might help some?


It doesn't help anywhere near enough. And I could be remembering wrong but it seems to have gotten worse since HOT.

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> @Parlance.9584 said:

> Every day when I do Arkk CM I feel like I have to lower my entire screen's brightness.

> Same thing with large bounty groups, it hurts my eyes so much.


Arkk is a whole other matter since the enrage icon over his head can easily conceal the orbs he conjures above his head.

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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > > > There are still bosses in the game which I have fought many times, and cannot tell you what they look like. I have to laugh whenever an ANet rep responds to a question about better UI with something like, "One of the design goals for GW2 was to have the players watch what's going on on the screen, not watch the UI." If you want us to watch what's going on, how about letting us see it when there's more than 2 players attacking something.

> > >

> > > Please... The effects in this game are quite mild. Have you tried D3?

> >

> > If that's Diablo 3, no I have not. Other than GW2 I've only tried Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa, Last Chaos, WoW, Diablo 2, Torchlight, Rappelz, ToR, AoC, TSW, ESO, RoM, Tera, Rift, NWO, LotRO, Skyforge. Aion, CoX and Wildstar. While GW2 is superior to a lot of those games in one way or another, I never had trouble seeing a boss in any of them.

> >

> > The effects in GW2 may seem mild to you. That may be due to your being exposed to games where they are more intense. Maybe the difference in perspective is due to differences in visual acuity and light-change tolerance among people. I've seen pieces of a lot of GW2 bosses. I've seen an arm here, a leg there. The bigger the model, the more of it I may have seen.


> Actually the differences come from the possibility to have a lot larger number of players using skills and contributing to the visual clutter on a single scene. In D3 (yes, it's Diablo) and many of the games you quoted they are limited to a much smaller number. Hence they generally have much more visually impressive skills. Just compare Meteor Shower in [GW2 ](

"GW2 ") and in [D3](


> I get what's your point, but there are limits to which you can tone down the visual effects of the skills without making them seem... lame. You have to take into account the experience of a lone player playing solo as well as the full zerg blasting world bosses.


Speaking only for myself, I don't want ANet to turn down the FX across the board, I want them to put in a slider so that people can choose how much they want to see. Games that are ten years old and more have that option. My belief is that designing the persistent world around large-scale events and not putting in an FX slider was ... short-sighted.


Now, maybe they built the game in a way that precludes a slider. If so, oh, well. However, I've seen, "The game is designed in a way that makes that problematic." with regard to other requested features. The more I hear it, the more I wonder whether there was too much, "Gee, that would be cool!" in game design meetings and not enough, "What would happen if?"

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I run GW2 on ultra with almost 60FPS, a "good computer" isn't the issue here. In fact, a good computer makes it absolutely worse because every thing is being shown. It's not an issue that's in any way under my control but thanks?


I like the idea of options. If you like strobing seizure shows, you can have them, and if I don't then I can tone that down. Why is this not a thing? I also want to point out it's only certain types of lights and visual "noise". If you have the migraine/epilepsy triggers then you know exactly what types of flashing I'm talking about. If you don't... it's lights that strobe quickly and flash quickly and repeatedly, the brighter the color - the more painful to look at. The level up flash? No. The bolt from a scepter? No. Flying unicorns from magic pony bow? No. The bloodstone flashing that you're expected to pull into the path of a White Mantle boss? My gods YES, who created that? I was so sick after that fight. Why?


So, Anet, why can't we have a slider or option for visual effects? Do we just need to be loud and complain enough?


And shhh, I haven't finished PoF story yet, it's still six to me.



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  • 2 months later...

Playing this game is like staring at a camera flash. I returned after 4 years away and while I've been enjoying myself and spending quite a bit on expansions and all, I ultimately play MMOs for the social component. Having mainly been solo as I re acclimated, I have this week began joining more group content and WVW. But, for me, it is completely unplayable. An effect is suppose to be a visual indicator of an event. It's information. Not only do these effects not communicate information when more than 3-4 people are on the screen, they reduce the information communicated to the user. This is exacerbated the more users that are on the screen. Oddly, it is a common issue in RvR/WvW games that large numbers of players induce performance issues. So not only are we forced to deal with some FPS drops, we're awarded the added difficulty of strobe light exposure. Darkening the monitor doesn't work. Heck, sunglasses don't even work! I sure felt silly for trying that one.


As this is a major concern for me, I have been reading old Reddit posts, forums, and other places to try and find out how to eliminate these from the game. While I am not surprised, I am very disappointed to find your customers concerns have been completely ignored. It's a big enough issue that I won't continue to play the game as much since the activities I came here for (Social groups / WvW) are such poor experiences due to this issue. Otherwise, some really fascinating changes to the game that make it a lot of fun. Unfortunate.

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This is one reason I think I like Eso so much more. Anything at all coming from anet is a massive massive flashy mess I hate because I can't see anything at all.


Ff14 also were incredible for there options with effects such as turn off others, decrease others. And also could change it for party members only.


I don't understand why on earth they haven't fixed this yet. Yes people like flashy effects most of the time sure, but I don't want to see others effects I want to actually see what I'm attacking. Not only would it make the game not only more enjoyable and look nicer it would eliminate an insane amount of lag that anet must also think we enjoy

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> This is one reason I think I like Eso so much more. Anything at all coming from anet is a massive massive flashy mess I hate because I can't see anything at all.


> Ff14 also were incredible for there options with effects such as turn off others, decrease others. And also could change it for party members only.


> I don't understand why on earth they haven't fixed this yet. Yes people like flashy effects most of the time sure, but I don't want to see others effects I want to actually see what I'm attacking. Not only would it make the game not only more enjoyable and look nicer it would eliminate an insane amount of lag that anet must also think we enjoy


The same reason why my brother cannot play GW2. A option or slider would be really cool. Especially after the work on evening I can not look into such flashing lights. What I try to say is that I really like the beauty and diversity of the world but the flashing of the abilities/skills/weapons is too much. Also a option(slider, checkbox,..) to lower the color saturation would be nice.

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I agree with most of what I did read above. I have thumbed up where applicable so no need to repeat same here. My post is just to say that there are all those "big" effects like described in previous posts, but also the small light effects - that are very little in comparison - but also very annoying, like typically the never ending little flashes while in the attribute windows, that keep going as long as not all attributes have been selected in all rows. There are the same flashes for skills too as long as skill bar is not filled in. And there are several of the gathering tools effects, especially the fire ones... Blinding and flashing effects are really at all levels of the game.


I would also be very glad to be able to soft all that in one way or another. I have even changed one of my infinite gathering tool. I was so happy to purchase it at the beginning, but after a while, I had so enough of the blinding fire effect that I put it aside and did pick up another one! LOL...

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Star.4386" said:

> +1 to the subject of this discussion.

+1 to Necromancy

I'd also like to have more filters to tune down/optimize the strobes, flashes, colors and shapes on screen.

To keep the game playable a balance must be made between telegraphs, like the AoE circles of attacks and symbols to distinguish different attacks, on the one hand and visibility on the other.


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  • 3 months later...

I sometimes get headaches and nasty migraines and the amount of "stuff" going on is overwhelming and not in good way. I love the game, but would be nice to lower spell effects and such.


So far from what I read the only options are

-Effect LOD: turned on (checked)

-Post processing: Low or None

-Animation: Low

-Lower motion blur bar all way down

Also is there options for making combat related text smaller or turning it off?

I hate to say this but running the game lower graphics might be the only other option?

I wonder if messing with your actual GPU settings for the game would make a difference? Like in Nvidia control you can change things in more detail but I don't know how that all works or if it would make much difference.

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