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For the love of the six, stop with the flashing effects


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I'll echo the sentiments here.


The ability to turn off friendly / enemy/ squad/party... even self-effects may seem like a bandaid in terms of dev vision and the alternative of going through each and every effect and making a photosensitive-friendly version may be out of the question. This, I understand.


But it is an opt-in and a health issue. Please consider the band-aid.


I mean, it is hard to explain to people who have no issues with this, obviously but to give you an idea, I love my Mirage and I'd like to main her but I can't if I'm not at my best that day because when I'm like that, I can't look at the screen and stay sane for extended periods of time with all the flash. So I main other classes when people depend on my ability to pull my weight.


Now, my particular case, I don't expect to be sorted at all - if I can't Mirage, I can't Mirage. I understand there is a limit to what the design philosophy would allow. Since the design is focussed on making the gunplay more reliant on senses than the UI, I expect a self-effect slider to never happen but that was meant as a means to convey how it is for some people.



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Thats why i never park in Divinitys Reach. The mount skins dyed with the most brightest colors, Same with certain armors and backpacks burn in my eyes like a new big bang has started. In gw 1 times i couldn't stand people spamming Ray of judgement (the monk skill), looking back it was childsplay compared to this and the Op mentioned skill effects ofcourse. Would be nice if we could turn of the light/sparkling effects of both from other players.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> why can't Anet just make an option to disable other player's effects?


Or introduce watered-down graphics options so we can still *see* our own effects and other players' effects - kind of necessary in PVP and such - but they don't light up the area around them or provide bursts of light and color whenever they hit other players/NPCs.

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > why can't Anet just make an option to disable other player's effects?


> Or introduce watered-down graphics options so we can still *see* our own effects and other players' effects - kind of necessary in PVP and such - but they don't light up the area around them or provide bursts of light and color whenever they hit other players/NPCs.


they can water it down to a crisp and still would be worse then just disable effects from other players, the server still needs to send the effects back and forth to clients, making the FPS lower.

GW2 runs on an ancient old engine that depends on single core CPU's, lowering the effects isn't gonna help when the engine is horrible at processing effects.

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One of the bigger problems with all the flashing lights, is that in this game to target a monster requires that you can actually see it , so that you can left click on it .

In some of the previous games Ive played, eg WOW, Lotro and Aion to name a few, they all supported the target command in the chat line .

ie you could type target < name of monster> and the targeting system would target it , even if the monster was totally obscured with visual effects.

GW2 doesnt have this option , and adding it would solve a lot of the targeting problems.

The targeting system in this game is pretty well broken unless you can see and click on the monster.

Most of the key bind targeting commands will randomly target wild boars, Moas , just about anything other than what you are trying to target.

Even if you are successful in targeting the monster you want, the targeting system will randomly jump off the wanted target on to other random targets nearby.


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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > why can't Anet just make an option to disable other player's effects?

> >

> > Or introduce watered-down graphics options so we can still *see* our own effects and other players' effects - kind of necessary in PVP and such - but they don't light up the area around them or provide bursts of light and color whenever they hit other players/NPCs.


> they can water it down to a crisp and still would be worse then just disable effects from other players, the server still needs to send the effects back and forth to clients, making the FPS lower.

> GW2 runs on an ancient old engine that depends on single core CPU's, lowering the effects isn't gonna help when the engine is horrible at processing effects.


The Problem is though:

One does not simply change a games engine! ☝?


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I'm still "supporting" the attacks effects after 6 years, but I'm almost at my limit. The worst was for me the latest cinematic "ls4e4 Aurene visions" and I urge her to be changed, I'm not subject of Epilepsy, but when watching her I almost had a crisis. Felt weird with my eyes starting to blink. I'm not joking, it's a serious health issue that should be take in account for THAT cinematic but also future ones, we aren't speaking about phobia here, but EPILEPSY a serious issue. We should be able to toggle weapon effects. My eyes are burning we can't even see the looks of the characters what's the point.


I REALLY expect that some peoples of the teams will take in account that very IMPORTANT SUBJECT which is HEADACHE AND EPILEPSY. Seriously I don't see the aim of aurene visions apart making people sicks, thing that will discourage peoples to watch cinematics, and in worst case leaving/not playing the next epidode.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I'm still "supporting" the attacks effects after 6 years, but I'm almost at my limit. The worst was for me the latest cinematic "ls4e4 Aurene visions" and I urge her to be changed, I'm not subject of Epilepsy, but when watching her I almost had a crisis. Felt weird with my eyes starting to blink. I'm not joking, it's a serious health issue that should be take in account for THAT cinematic but also future ones, we aren't speaking about phobia here, but EPILEPSY a serious issue. We should be able to toggle weapon effects. My eyes are burning we can't even see the looks of the characters what's the point.


> I REALLY expect that some peoples of the teams will take in account that very IMPORTANT SUBJECT which is HEADACHE AND EPILEPSY. Seriously I don't see the aim of aurene visions apart making people sicks, thing that will discourage peoples to watch cinematics, and in worst case leaving/not playing the next epidode.


See, im glad i only have an issue of getting motion sick in video games, but i will agree that that scene made my eyes hurt and ive never had any issues with effects in cutscenes, movies, or games affecting my eyes before.


@"Gaile Gray.6029"


Is there any kind of information you could possibly give us on further options to disable graphic effects, or..well anything at all?



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Considering firstly, the lights festival:

We could have several options, if possible:

○ <- (case to tick yes/no)

○ View other players skills effects (like necro wells, guardian marks, ranger traps... Any target-skill aoe.)

○ View other players legendaries effects (like red bullets from predator, unicorns, flowers from kudzu...)

○ View my skills effects.

○ View my legendaries effects.

○ View other players projectiles (arrows, bullets from ranger/warrior rifle or fireball from staff elementalist)

○ View my projectiles


Now cinematics, easier to deal with:

=> Avoid several flash in a row (repeating 1 sec of white screen)

=> Avoid to pass the same scene several time in a row (for aurene, you could have made slow flash -> first possible future -> black fading transition -> 2nd future -> fading -> 3rd... players would see it's the same scene with different endings)

=> If adding special effect like crystals/ game of mirrors the result is even more dramatic (sense of dangerous here)

=> Speed could be a factor too: flash -> fast moving camera through the desert -> flash -> explosion 3 second -> flash -> someone dying for 2 seconds -> flash


= The joko cinematic of E3 was perfect, a good example of what to do. No flashing lights and weird effects like you was in a disco party.

Note that here, flashes are only at the beginning and ending, only two slow white flashes. But I suspect the colour white to be a cause too, that's why I suggested black fading.


That's all for my analysis :)



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Ya man the flashing effects in this game are ridiculous, one of my major triggers for migraines like the OP. Its silly. I recently got stuck with a semi permanent case of photophobia (discomfort/pain/physical sensetivity to light) It's stopped me playing this game for now b/c of all the dang light effects. an option to dim stuff or turn said effects off would be life saving.

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take away the visual effects would be like chopping off the infusion gang's epeen... It wont happen because visual effects in gw2 are endgame material. take them away and those that plough 100's of hours and 1000s of gold/cash into them lose a reason to play and anet lose business.

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We’re not talking about removing visual effects altogether. We’re talking about reducing unhealthy flashes that cause seizures, migraines, and eye pains. Devs want to make the game look good. I get that. I’m a graphics whore. The way it is done in this game, however, is just so mind numbingly idiotic. I have never played any other game with flashes anywhere near this bad.


In any case, I’m extremely frustrated that I can’t play my engineer at all and resigned him to a storage character. Holosmith is the only spec I enjoy on my engineer, but Holo is unplayable for me because every attack causes minor flashes and every Holo skill causes major flashes. I’m not even talking about flashes from other players. Flashes from my Holo alone are hurting my eyes. And I’m playing with Gunnar computer glasses, my monitor’s brightness and contrast set to low, and in a brightly lit room while taking eye vitamins every day. This is just ridiculous.


If Anet gives a damn about player health, this should have been fixed years ago. This issue literally pisses me off.

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"It loses Anet money" - well, have you seen Lowest character detail? Everyone is wearing generic weight armour and nothing else. This doesn't stop people from making legendaries though.


Flashes disabled LOCALLY is not going to lose Anet anything except maybe some dev time. However, this is a health issue. I can't play as long as I'd like to play. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people on the same boat.


It would make the game much more friendly to those of the atypical optic nerve persuasion.



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ANet is going to market and produce a game that will capture the largest margin of their target audience according to the statistics that only they have. Forums typically represent a very small portion of the entire player-base. It seems to me that ANet knows that they will gain more revenue with flashy effects that will attract the most players in their targeted demographic. I won't go so far as to say that they don't care if some players have health issues that may be impacted by this decision (and others -- search the forums for the spider phobia threads); however, at the end of the day they will market/produce a product that will be the most profitable.


Sorry, but I believe that flashy effects are here to stay.


These effects are ways for players to show off, and if ANet implements a feature that allows players to disable the effect, then the perceived value of these items is significantly lowered. This lowering of perceived value might discourage players from spending time/money going after items that produce these effects which will impact ANet's bottom line.


And the bottom line is really what is important here.

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> @"Shivvies.3921" said:

> I literally do not understand how it is any different than changing everyone's appearance to generic weight armour?


> Which you can do right this moment?


> How is that even an argument?


> "They do not care" is valid. "It undervalues the flashy effects" contradicts what is already in the game.


It's a perfectly valid business argument. Why would so many players spend their time/resources/money/gems on chasing down items with these effects if they can't show them off? Yeah, it's an ego thing (some would call it epeen, if I can use that term here?). If players knew that there was the option for others to not see their effects, then the drive/desire to go after them would decline thus losing money for ANet.

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