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Nerf Symbols


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> @"youle.5824" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > >

> > This will never work. Beside the fact the only thing that made symbols useable by FB is one trait in zeal (and if they remove that trait probably no FB would use symbols, as they didn’t a year ago), unless you are using marauder symbols barely deal any damage.

> >

> > If symbols damage was so powerful core guardian would dominate. Yet it is not even on the map.

> >

> Lol dude you playing in lower ranking or not paying attention then cause in top 10 NA we have 2 guards playing bunker core guard with zeal honor. Symbol fill whole node and do 1k dmg every second on mender amu, and tanky asfck cause they use honor + meditations heals.. most low key broken kitten. Hence nerf thread


Almost every thing you just said existed for years. And even at the height of core guardian damage output, symbols never dealt any relevant damage (except GS). And no, menders cannot do 1k damage per sec (not even close), specifically if you are not using radiance.

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I'm no PvP expert, but I thought the unanimous agreement about burn guard was that it was a beginner friendly build that fell off in higher tiers due to to a lack of cover condis. As far as I'm aware, that hasn't changed. Burn guard still gets shut down by anyone who knows how to correctly time their cleanse.


As far as firebrand goes, it's been toned down to a point where It's not a huge issue. It's still laughably easy to kite, low mobility, not too difficult to focus. Symbolbrand struggles to kill anything that doesn't want to die.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> Don't touch Symbols, they are fine.

> We are spending two trait lines for them, so they should have an impact on enemies that don't know how to move or dodge.

No, they aren't fine. From a guardian main. While they're reasonable in a 1v1, dropping them in team fights leads to a huge amount of damage, both direct and indirect though symbolic avenger, vulnerability stacking, etc.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"youle.5824" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > >

> > > This will never work. Beside the fact the only thing that made symbols useable by FB is one trait in zeal (and if they remove that trait probably no FB would use symbols, as they didn’t a year ago), unless you are using marauder symbols barely deal any damage.

> > >


> Almost every thing you just said existed for years. And even at the height of core guardian damage output, symbols never dealt any relevant damage (except GS). And no, menders cannot do 1k damage per sec (not even close), specifically if you are not using radiance.


Lol, yes it can you just dont know the build clearly, I played with thermite switching from fb to it just before game start and hold far all game. I played vs anya using same build. Played it myself and could afk barely dodging on node and tank 1v2 while symbol do yes 1k dmg tick. Might from a zeal minor trait, fury from med and few other thing and you get yourself a stronger passive bunker then fb ever was.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> dropping them in team fights leads to a huge amount of damage

You mean, like **literally everything** with a damage coefficient?

Then they need to nerf **literally everything** else as well.


To be moderate useful, symbols need two trait lines.

And even then their damage gets outperformed by things like warrior axe #5 without the axe trait.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > dropping them in team fights leads to a huge amount of damage

> You mean, like **literally everything** with a damage coefficient?

> Then they need to nerf **literally everything** else as well.


> To be moderate useful, symbols need two trait lines.

> And even then their damage gets outperformed by things like warrior axe #5 without the axe trait.

Very few abilities cover such a large area with as high of an up-time (comparing with traited symbols). Even your example shows how powerful symbols are - they cover a much larger area with lower CD. Sure, the burst DPS isn't as high, but the overall damage is still high, and having people stand in symbols gives you additional damage bonus.


In general, AoE needs to be toned down.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > > dropping them in team fights leads to a huge amount of damage

> > You mean, like **literally everything** with a damage coefficient?

> > Then they need to nerf **literally everything** else as well.

> >

> > To be moderate useful, symbols need two trait lines.

> > And even then their damage gets outperformed by things like warrior axe #5 without the axe trait.

> Very few abilities cover such a large area with as high of an up-time (comparing with trained symbols). Even your example shows how powerful symbols are - they cover a much larger area with lower CD. Sure, the burst DPS isn't as high, but the overall damage is still high, and having people stand in symbols gives you additional damage bonus.


> In general, AoE needs to be toned down.

Yep, strong AoE should be channeled so there is counterplay with cc, not the fire and forget mess we have now.


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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Yep, strong AoE should be channeled so there is counterplay with cc, not the fire and forget mess we have now.



There is some "fire and forget" AoE which isn't a problem because it comes with trade-offs. Necro wells quickly come to mind. Even DH traps aren't so bad. What those both share is that they use a utility slot, which could be used for a stun break, defense, mobility, etc. Is Necro GS#4 a problem? It's a pulsing AoE.


Symbols are a problem because of their up-time. With most other AoE, you won't see it again for 25-30 seconds. With symbols, you see a new one at least every 10 seconds.

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Instead of a blanket nerf to Symbols, Guardian needs a reallocation of power. Symbol guard isn't doing so hot right now, but the build isn't terribly interactive when it is strong. It needs a power shift. Symbols should serve a utility/boon oriented role and not a dps role. Standing in symbols should be punishing. However, it should be punishing because you're fighting guardian when they're at their strongest: When they're benefiting from their boons, heals, and the bonus dps increase from symbolic avenger.


Undo the symbol healing nerf. Slightly bump the boons symbols grant. In exchange, significantly reduce the damage of symbols.

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