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Reports for Inactivity/Sitting in spawn/rage quit!

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We need a report dedicated to people who tilt then afk in spawn or dc. This is an issue in PvP. It should also be rather heavy handed as 4 other people have to suffer the consequences of their hissy fit. Most other games will clap you with a good timer duration for this poor behavior. Why doesn't GW2?

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> What else are people gonna do when its 70 to 300?


> Well actually, its better to just run in and get killed to end the match faster :pensive:


I had a match like this in off peak hours, which was compounded by the fact we had a bot minion master necro on our team. One of the players in the match pipes up and says on match chat "Report xxxxxx for AFK" even though they themselves couldnt even 1v1 on a broken ranger build. I basically told him that if he thought he could get 300 points when he couldnt even 1v1 and having a bot on the team they must be low iq. Its like people setup matches like this just to report a decent player because basically they cannot win a match otherwise so try their best to get them banned.

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> @"jpsssss.7530" said:

> If you can't finish a match and have to be toxic, you shouldn't be playing pvp. I know it'd help solve a problem...


Dude. I would love to not play pvp but you know legendary amulett bla bla. You know the drill.


I seriously have not a good time. Like good damn this gamemode is kitten but im 77 wins in. Im not gonna stop know.




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> @"jpsssss.7530" said:

> If you can't finish a match and have to be toxic, you shouldn't be playing pvp. I know it'd help solve a problem...


Is it difficult for people like you to understand that in some cases its not down to a players own actions as to why they would afk in spawn ? The match was over regardless of tryharding for no gain.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> What else are people gonna do when its 70 to 300?


> Well actually, its better to just run in and get killed to end the match faster :pensive:


Even if you don't account for win trades (which Anet does not seem to punish anyway...), some people afk for losing by 50 points. And to add insult to injury, they get toxic about it. I doubt these people have much experience, or they simply don't want to bother playing a more difficult game. Comebacks definitely happens and they can be glorious.

If a strategy (or lack of) isn't working. Regroup, take a second to assess what's not working. Insulting teammates will not make them play better. Telling them when to hold, when to go where, may.


Depending of the map, it's also possible to recover from 70-300. Template of Silent Storm is one of them.

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The only time I do this is when 2 players drop at the start of the match, luckily it happens very rarely. I’ll usually still duel around the spawn for entertainment, but fighting to win, yeah, not going to win a 3v5.


I haven’t encountered many people that just idles and gets toxic after losing a team fight, but the ones I have are clowns that shouldn’t be allowed to play video games to begin with. They abuse you, whisper you afterwards telling you how to play, and then block you so you don’t get to correct them. Had it this morning from some Necro telling me I lost the match for him, even tho I was doing my job as a side noder capping home and decapping far when I saw 2 downed allies and 2 dead allies after the first team fight. He expected me to rush into a 4 v 1 to help him die... next match he was at it again abusing another couple of players for capping far and camping it, even tho we held home and mid, and were destroying the other team in every fight, he felt the need to unblock me and whisper me “enjoy your carry” despite me having more top stats than him and holding mid vs 2 others most of the match ahha

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> @"skillze.7689" said:

> > @"jpsssss.7530" said:

> > If you can't finish a match and have to be toxic, you shouldn't be playing pvp. I know it'd help solve a problem...


> Is it difficult for people like you to understand that in some cases its not down to a players own actions as to why they would afk in spawn ? The match was over regardless of tryharding for no gain.


If there's no chance fine, but if you're down 100 points or less with 8-10 mins left to go and you afk/idle, you deserve to be clapped with a 1 day ban that only drops while in the pvp lobby, and increases the more you do... It's toxic and it wastes 4 other people's time.

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> @"jpsssss.7530" said:

> > @"skillze.7689" said:

> > > @"jpsssss.7530" said:

> > > If you can't finish a match and have to be toxic, you shouldn't be playing pvp. I know it'd help solve a problem...

> >

> > Is it difficult for people like you to understand that in some cases its not down to a players own actions as to why they would afk in spawn ? The match was over regardless of tryharding for no gain.


> If there's no chance fine, but if you're down 100 points or less with 8-10 mins left to go and you afk/idle, you deserve to be clapped with a 1 day ban that only drops while in the pvp lobby, and increases the more you do... It's toxic and it wastes 4 other people's time.


If you afk when the score's relatively even, you deserve to get clapped with a 1-week ban.

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Have u played pvp recently? Its complete and utter garbage these days. If they can get match rewards by joining and afk'ing then why wouldn't u? U can do something else or play something else that's not garbage at the same time lol. Don't blame the afker blame the balance and design team for running the game into the dirt. Gw2 has turned into thee most skill less pvp in a mmo, not that it was a high bar before but now it's a joke. Read about the most sustainy condi builds u can find and spam spam spam, no smart timing,smart rotations,reactive evasions etc it's just spam. No one can be wondering these days why the population is so insanely low that the matchmaker works inefficiently due to such lol. Maybe 3rd expac will lift people's morale cuz this balance team sure won't any time soon, than maybe people won't be so quick to afk or turn toxic if their morale is a bit higher. Within minutes of almost every match half the team on BOTH sides are turning toxic due to the frustrations of what pvp has turned into and who else are they gonna take it out on but the fellow gamers next to them unfortunately. The team needs replaced and the skill designers need to start actually doing their job on a consistent basis and fixing all the broken skill designs that its community gave feed back on along with a redesign of probably 50% of the traits in trait lines considering their useless and never used.

Anyway not surprising people afk lol.

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