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important questions about the races (/s)


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Are Silvari made of meat wrapped in a plant exterior or are they just all plant with wooden bones or something. Why do they live in trees? If people lived like them, would we have houses made of flesh? are they made of wall or is wall made of them

do charr have toebeans like real kitties? are they born with the horns or do they grow them as they age, because that sounds painful to give birth to. do their horns ever shed, like deer antlers?

what even ARE asiri? horrid little goblins with pug faces and shark mouths, i do not trust them.

i have no comments on humans or norn, who are just Large Better Humans.

that is all for my 3am ramblings for tonight, thank you all

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As for Sylvari: All plant + magic. They are supposed to not have internal organs, but somehow they still eat and think and are able to function. They usually grow the structures you see in and around the Grove with plant magic. And why wouldn't they use plant materials? We do use other animals as food and for various products, too. Well, most of us.

As for Charr: Their horns usually look like those of animals that do not shed them. IRL animals are born without horns and grow them when growing up, but there are no real models for charr children in the game. The cubs all look like downscaled adults. So... magic?

We know that Asura are supposed to be mammals. Aside from that, not much about their biology is known. There has been some speculation they might be insectivores because of their strange teeth and underground lifestyle, but AFAIK that has not been officially confirmed.

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* Sylvari are full plant. No meat. They live *around* a tree which is where they're born from. Pretty much explained in the opening cinematic when you make a sylvari. No, the equivalent isn't homes made of flesh; sylvari may be plants but that doesn't mean they're making things out of themselves. It's more equivalent to us using leather, which is made out of animal hides.

* Yes. The horns appear to be grown [per this concept art of baby charr](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Charr_17_concept_art.jpg). No comment on any shedding.

* *Asura*.

* Norn are more than "large humans"... they're actually completely different.

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> @"TheLuckOfTheClaws.4592" said:

> Are Silvari made of meat wrapped in a plant exterior or are they just all plant with wooden bones or something. Why do they live in trees? If people lived like them, would we have houses made of flesh? are they made of wall or is wall made of them


Sylvari are all plant. They are the Pale Trees version of humanity. Like a pod person. They are all leaf and bark and wood.


> do charr have toebeans like real kitties? are they born with the horns or do they grow them as they age, because that sounds painful to give birth to. do their horns ever shed, like deer antlers?


Toe beans. yes. Nice.


> what even ARE asiri? horrid little goblins with pug faces and shark mouths, i do not trust them.


Asura. They seem to be A-nets version of Gremlins with their technical nature. You are right not to trust them.


> i have no comments on humans or norn, who are just Large Better Humans.


Norn are giants. Closer to some RL mythological demigods than humans. Like Hercules. We have examples of their feats of strength to be more than what a human would have if a human grew big enough.


> that is all for my 3am ramblings for tonight, thank you all


Ty :)



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> @"TheLuckOfTheClaws.4592" said:

> @ all y'all taking this seriously this could not more clearly be a joke


Nothing is clear on the internet when it comes to interpreting the intent and purpose of text provided by others.


Besides, not like I haven't seen questions like you positioned in a serious manner before. And it's not like it took more than a couple minutes to write that up.

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> @"TheLuckOfTheClaws.4592" said:

> what even ARE asiri? horrid little goblins with pug faces and shark mouths, i do not trust them.

Not their preferred form - but the ley lines dictate it on the planet. They are good guys on a mission for Varuṇa - but the bad guys among them obey Vṛtra and this makes them glow red.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"parasaur.1852" said:

> What exactly Norn are isn't really clear. It's part of what we are finding out in the Icebrood Saga, but the predominant theory right now is that they are actually human-shaped bears.


That's Kodan beliefs. I wouldn't consider them to be knowledgeable about the Norns. Their pretend wisdom is shallow and the way they smear it at you is irritating.

ANet masterfully made it the most annoying race of all. Especially with that repair station kodan in LA.

"Life is a trial, Koda the judge, Kodan the jury."

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> @"Gundahar.2765" said:

> > @"parasaur.1852" said:

> > What exactly Norn are isn't really clear. It's part of what we are finding out in the Icebrood Saga, but the predominant theory right now is that they are actually human-shaped bears.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Norn

> No. Norn are humanoids.


Parasaur is referring to the in-universe belief by kodan that the norn are "devolved" kodan. During the previous Elder Dragon awakening, there was a kodan Claw who led his people south rather than starve in caves, and the kodan believe that from this kodan tribe were born the norn.


> PC: You and the norn have similar beliefs. Don't you find that interesting?

> -snip-

> Kodan Snowcaller: It's the tale of a Claw who lost his Voice to the dragonstorm and subsequently refused to stay safely hidden.

> Kodan Snowcaller: He said that fur or no fur, storm or no storm, a hunter hunts.

> Kodan Snowcaller: He and several others went out into the storm to seek hunting grounds in the dry southern lands, where the snow fell gently.

> Kodan Snowcaller: And they were never seen again.



> Kodan Villager (1): You recall the story of the Southward Claw?

> Kodan Villager (2): A Claw with no Voice to guide them fled amidst the Dragonstorm. They traveled south, and were never seen again.

> Kodan Villager (1): The Elder Dragons were south. And many kodan believe that Southward Claw became the first of the norn.



This is supported a bit, by how the novel Edge of Destiny call the norn's "default form" to be "Human Form" much like their Bear Form, Wolf Form, etc. Similarly, in GW1, the skill used to revert from using the three elite pve totem skills that granted powers from Bear, Raven, and Wolf was called "[Totem of Man](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Totem_of_Man)".

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> @"Gundahar.2765" said:

> > @"parasaur.1852" said:

> > What exactly Norn are isn't really clear. It's part of what we are finding out in the Icebrood Saga, but the predominant theory right now is that they are actually human-shaped bears.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Norn

> No. Norn are humanoids.


Humanoid literally means human-shaped, so I'm not sure what you're correcting.

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> @"Gundahar.2765" said:

> Well, their appearance is human, yet the lore is not precise about them being one, yet the naked eye tells us they are. Humanoids and also humans. Quite a tricky.


Eeeeh.. Their appearance is human-like. Their proportions are generally non human and their strength is described as more then a human of a scaled up size would have. They're as human as giants are.

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Based on the shapes of their teeth, Asura are carnivorous. But they also eat fruits occasionally. So maybe, only maybe, Omnivorous.

Back in the old day when they were underground, they either were eating cavernous species (Grubs, Spiders, Bats, Beetles.....) or plants in those caverns (Mosses, Vines...) or Mushrooms (fungi, btw not plant). Their face to me follow traits of Bat: They have long ears and may use them to locate themselves, they have sharp teeth, visible nose and two eyes on each side above it. They only miss the wings and the fur. If they were placed on a taxon on a phylogeny tree, they would be imho between the Salamanders and the Bat. Like evolving from crawling in order to chase and survive better in caves. I also suspect that the size of their eyes is to capture more photons due to the lack of luminosity and that they see very nicely in the Dark. Sad we don't have any lorekeeper about them in game, but I suppose they are simply cavernous predators, hunting grubs and others insects. But the process of evolution is long... during million of years... if we take us as example, asura may be 2000 years old but who know. The only thing we have from the timelines, if that in 1078 Asura appear on the surface, we are in 1333 AE so they are at least 245 years old. In 100 BE, humans establish Ascalon, but who knows, maybe Asura were already there, hiding so in that case 1433 years old.


I think what have to be taken in account in the technology level, in GW1, asura already knew about teleportation with asuran gate and also about floating structures.

In Gw2 It evolves into a more complex architecture, and an increase use of magics for weapons, new mark of golems.....

I will take Ancient Egypt and Roman Empire to explain. -3150 before JC and -27 before JC. That two periods show an increase of architecture and arts but also complex military. It's a period of 3130 years. I want to believe that Asura are around 3000 years old. The time to progress from knowing nothing into a very decent and advanced civilization. See how humans progressed during those last 2020 years... But like humans, neanderthalis, habilis, paranthropus..... Asura also had ancestors, less intelligent than them, not realizing what they could do with magics... Asuri novus, secondus, primus, cavus....

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