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Core Halloween Festival Lunatic Racer Achievement can only be done with Path Of Fire Mounts


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> @"Tiny Doom.4380" said:

> I have PoF but I don't like or want the mounts. No idea why this is imagined to be a cost issue. Mounts are clumsy, awkward and annoying even in clear, open territory. In tight spaces like the Lab they are just ridiculous.


> Also I don't care about the achievements, the armor or the race. I do care about the visual clutter. Which could be easily solved with a "Do not display mounts".


I don't have issues like you do for some reason?


I don't find them clumsy at all. I find them accurate, in that riding a heavy animal is always a little clumsy. Do you ride horses? Horses can be trained to almost military precision. They have poise and grace when ridden with by a highly skilled show rider. But for me? I find that even on a well trained horse I certainly cannot get the animal to move with the same grace and precision. It is not the fault of the horse. I do not have the poise and balance on the animal to ride in the way the professional does. Try adding that feeling into a video game :smiley:


I can tell you though riding a donkey is a totally different feel, just like how the other mounts all feel different from one another.


I like the way they feel and I can fly through lab on them. Work with them more maybe? Adjust your thinking while controlling them perhaps and look ahead and plan your movements better?


I like the clutter. I like seeing a vibrant filled world not some empty static painting. I would be unhappy to have them in game and not see other peoples unless it was only a player side personal option.


I am not trying to demean or lessen your opinion just present a counter point to it. I think there are many players like both of us actively experiencing GuildWars2.


Maybe you will come to like them better over time.

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> @udoh.5307 said:

> > @Drecien.4508 said:

> > They don't "rent" mounts. You want em, buy POF.


> That's actually incorrect, you get to "rent" every mount before you buy it, it's how you do the quests to get the mounts.


That's when you unlock them. It's temporary until you dismount. So no, it's not a rental for core tyria as they were suggesting in the op.

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The **mount** race is a PoF feature for PoF owner particularly to play exclusively in halloween. No such thing as unfair to core player, since you cannot join the race even on foot.


Get over it.


By the way, i think they should make another achievement tided to glide, for HoT owner. Whenever there is new feature in new expansion, make a new exclusive halloween achievement for that expansion owner.

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> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> The **mount** race is a PoF feature for PoF owner particularly to play exclusively in halloween. No such thing as unfair to core player, since you cannot join the race even on foot.


I am perhaps an edge case, because I just bought the expansions the day before Halloween started, and have yet to get a mount.


I talked to the racer NPC and joined the race. At no point does the game tell you that mounts are required for the race. The quest NPC does not tell you that it is a mount race. The Lunatic Racer achievement does not tell you that you must be on a mount to get the achievement. The wiki doesn't even have an entry for the race, much less information about what is required for it.


That's my main issue with the Lunatic Racer event - lack of communication to the player.

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I agree about lending a mount.


Yeah, we could just buy it, but that's honestly really lame. Forcing people to buy the expansion to get a core achievement is just plain bad. That makes me NOT want to buy it just out of spite. I will anyways, but still. Lending a mount would let players see how much fun a mount can be without being left out of a core achievement. That would encourage me to buy the expansion more. The solution is so obvious I'm actually shocked Anet didn't do that. Their sales would probably be much higher that way.

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I don't understand how this is a core achievement... Halloween is a core event, the race achievement is an expansion exclusive achievement related to the event. "Oh, you bought our newest expansion? Here, have a cookie!"


I'm assuming people complaining about this want the 5 achievement points (or whatever amount you get) for completing the race, and that this is the problem. Or they desperately want to save 5 gold on crafting the piece.


They re-released Lunatic Court, they re-released the Mad Memoires: Complete Edition (which people have been wanting for YEARS - 4 if I'm not mistaken), and added to that achievement as well. But people find this one thing to complain about, which only serves the purpose of giving people with PoF 25 extra achievement points or whatever.


The skins are craftable, you buy the recipes with Candy Corn Cobs, and having a mount saves you crafting 1 piece of gear (out of 13 assuming you can complete all the other achievements but this one)

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It'd be nice to lend people mounts that don't have PoF yet. More casual players (like myself) might not want to buy an expansion they don't have time to invest in yet (and can only hang around for Halloween events). Additionally, it would be a nice preview for non-PoF players to get a taste of the new expansion. With the other 5 achievements being completed through the teamwork of our wonderful community, it doesn't make sense to create an achievements that isolates PoF and non-PoF players. I know I can craft it, but its takes 15g+ of materials for ONE pair of pants! Its annoying when I've worked to get the other 5 items from achievements the hard way. Leaving the 6th one out is annoying!

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > Game needs to move forward, not staying in 2012 anymore. This is good decision to add expansion related activities to core Tyria to encourage more people into buying expansion. This is B2P game.

> >

> > It's a bit of a double edged sword, though. In this example, new players are frustrated during Halloween, which might cause them to quit instead of buying the expansion.. If you get my point


> If not being able to get halloween pants without spending 3 candy cobs and missing 5AP is enough to make people quit the game then I'm not sure what to say..


Kind of got to agree here. While I am a little iffy on too heavily mixing expansion things with festival activities, if someone is going to ragequit the game entirely over it then them ragequitting over something else was inevitable anyways.

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