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Open Letter to ArenaNet regarding Server Latency


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Due to the lack of skill lag in PvE, I have come to the conclusion that it's not the number of players & skills going off in the instance, it is the 2 way nature of calculations done in WvW which causes bottlenecks to become overwhelmed that causes the lag. Games like eve online solve this through something called "time dilation" where they slow down the game so the servers can catch up, but it can also be done by smartly designing the code to avoid bottlenecks.


I imagine the bottleneck in WvW battle calculation would be the damage done to player hp per tick, as this has more things that leads up to it and affecting it than anything else, like the calculation of condition durations or cordinate movement calculations etc. If this is the case, reducing the load (for example getting rid of "protection" or "vulnerability" buffs) or distributing that load would solve this issue, i.e. calculating the effects of your gear stats on map load or gear change instead of when damage occurs, thus increasing load times but reducing the necessary calculations at peak times.


Regardless, this investigation requires man hours and is a matter of if ANet decides to invest or not, which can be decided via the pushback they receive. So we should keep reporting as these lag spikes occur, and keep the issue visible.

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> @"Melian.5368" said:

> Due to the lack of skill lag in PvE, I have come to the conclusion that it's not the number of players & skills going off in the instance, it is the 2 way nature of calculations done in WvW which causes bottlenecks to become overwhelmed that causes the lag. Games like eve online solve this through something called "time dilation" where they slow down the game so the servers can catch up, but it can also be done by smartly designing the code to avoid bottlenecks.


> I imagine the bottleneck in WvW battle calculation would be the damage done to player hp per tick, as this has more things that leads up to it and affecting it than anything else, like the calculation of condition durations or cordinate movement calculations etc. If this is the case, reducing the load (for example getting rid of "protection" or "vulnerability" buffs) or distributing that load would solve this issue, i.e. calculating the effects of your gear stats on map load or gear change instead of when damage occurs, thus increasing load times but reducing the necessary calculations at peak times.


> Regardless, this investigation requires man hours and is a matter of if ANet decides to invest or not, which can be decided via the pushback they receive. So we should keep reporting as these lag spikes occur, and keep the issue visible.


I've had skill lag in PvE before. Not nearly as often as I see it in WvW, but in some of the big open world META events (especially the ones with a lot of NPCs) like Thunderhead peaks I have experienced it fairly often.

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> @"CrimsonNeonite.1048" said:

> According to their WvW stream last evening, they are looking into it, but I guess from their tone, that we're stuck with this issue for a while.


> https://clips.twitch.tv/AverageLaconicClipzBigBrother

> https://clips.twitch.tv/KindShinyBoarMau5


So why it is not lagging on China servers, is map cap much lower there? I dont think so after looking at 3 way fight videos there.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> No need. I can already tell you it's technical limitations, much like when anything doesn't work.


> You have to remember that this game and its apologists always define themselves in what can't be done. If you want less laggy servers, that obviously means that you demand they build a fiber network straight to your house. If you want balance patches, that means you're a malcontent that wants daily updates. So if they do anything, you should be grateful k.




Technical limitations you say? ROFL, completely invalid and false argument.

The first 6 years of playing GW2 WvW were perfectly lag-free, with only very rare exceptions of insanely big 3-way massacres around SMC (probably caused because game engine is not developed to take care of 200+ ppl in one small place). Now its laggy as hell even in 20 v 20 fights.


Before: 70 v 70 - no lags at all for 6 years

After: 20 v 20 - laggy as hell


Oh sure, technical limitations .... blatantly lying argument. (Or maybe trolling depreciating attempt, doesnt matter anyway)


//edit: noticed the kappa, but Im still not sure how you meant your post :D

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> @"Yakez.7561" said:

> Only reason I play GW2 post HoT is large scale WvW. And it is basically unplayable for last several weeks.


I'm the same way in that my main interest is WvW. I can barely use the trading post in Lion's Arch, let alone attempt WvW lately.

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tonight was about the worse lag I've ever seen in 8 years of playing this game....

people stutter stepping, skill lag, rubber banding...

if this game can't handle big fights anymore, there's no point to wvw...

if you keep this up till expansion time...

shakes head, no thanks.


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> @"Faenar.8036" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > No need. I can already tell you it's technical limitations, much like when anything doesn't work.

> >

> > You have to remember that this game and its apologists always define themselves in what can't be done. If you want less laggy servers, that obviously means that you demand they build a fiber network straight to your house. If you want balance patches, that means you're a malcontent that wants daily updates. So if they do anything, you should be grateful k.

> >

> >


> Technical limitations you say? ROFL, completely invalid and false argument.

> The first 6 years of playing GW2 WvW were perfectly lag-free, with only very rare exceptions of insanely big 3-way massacres around SMC (probably caused because game engine is not developed to take care of 200+ ppl in one small place). Now its laggy as hell even in 20 v 20 fights.


> Before: 70 v 70 - no lags at all for 6 years

> After: 20 v 20 - laggy as hell


> Oh sure, technical limitations .... blatantly lying argument. (Or maybe trolling depreciating attempt, doesnt matter anyway)


> //edit: noticed the kappa, but Im still not sure how you meant your post :D


totally agree with you.

My PoV is that condi spamming with Hot and PoF has been dramasticly increase. this increase imply more calculation from server's CPU than direct DPS => increase server lag. if you got both Condi/DPS/boon and healing spamming then everything will lag LUL


the WvW structure code has not been design to handle that much spamming from boon, healing and condi/dps spamming.


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Ok...

> well....

> tonight was about the worse lag I've ever seen in 8 years of playing this game....

> people stutter stepping, skill lag, rubber banding...

> if this game can't handle big fights anymore, there's no point to wvw...

> if you keep this up till expansion time...

> shakes head, no thanks.



The prolem is could be diminuishedif ANet stoped making classes that lead to overperformance with stack n spam.


Scourge bomb with quickness spam out of a stealth will desync and lag enemy since their clients data will get f* up on larger fights,


Scourge and firebrands are very awfull designed for what the game can handle... this 2 classes shoud be temporary removed lol, until better options/rework were found.


Game cant handle aoe spam... ANet keep enforcing it.




-Perma alacrity is also something very very very strong cause it will affect what i talked above, my sugestiuon to this is give alacrity ONLY to chronos, and make the boost to alacrity hapens just once in a while.

-Remove Quickness from FB's.

-Scourges, class spam capabilities and barrier is a bit idiotic, cut their range or make the class sacrifice health like in Gw1.



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Just don't forget the problem is with SERVER LATENCY, not Server Latency IN WVW/PVP. PvE is VERY unplayable as well, even while soloing story instances. As I write this I'm trying my last resort reinstalling the entire game because I simply can't do anything in good sync, from skills firing 5s later after used to being unable to mount in the air...


I can't say my real ping because game's info is a liar. It shows me 180-200ms but I could swear it's way more than that.

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