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Stop lying in Fractal LFG when you pug !

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Some people write the traditional "CMs+T4s" in the fractal LFG but after doing 2 fractals they reveal (or don't) that they have already done one of the fractals and leave. Saying "I forgot to mention" is a big lie, we all know it is faster to find people if you advertise for a full run. When that happens once it makes the last 2 random guys whose team abandoned them to do exactly the same thing and the cycle repeats.

Here is the solution: if for example your healer abandoned you after doing 1 fractal PLEASE write in lfg that you have already done that specific daily fractal. If you cannot find a group for half dailies then you could advertise for all the dailies and REPEAT the done fractal again even if you already got the reward. It is an honorable thing to do. Lying is the bad option, don't do that, breaking the cycle of lying is the good option. Many pugs will be thankful to you.

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Although it doesnt happen often in my CM+T4 groups i really wish there would be a proper reporting option for this case (something like "Don't respect LFG Description"). A report then could result in a ban for 1/3/7 days.

If you join such a group you should be clear that you'll need at least a certain amount of time (for CMs + T4 I'd say 1 hour starting when you enter the first fractal). To not get stuck for 1 hour if your group is just not capable of clearing a fractal you should be allowed to leave after 5 failed attempts at one boss or event. Purposefully bad play should be reportable too.

Personally i had to leave groups early too because the fractals took longer than expected. When I know i'm having a limited timeline i'll just tell my group and ask if i can stay or better leave. In the beginning of my CM journey i often did the T4 fractals first, just because i didnt find a group with low KP reqs i could join. When i later saw a group fitting my KP that was stating "CMs + T4" i joined and repeated the T4 fractals with that group. In my opinion this is just the normal behaviour and as stated above leaving after half the fractals (although the fractals were finished without problems) should be reportable.


The same rule to stay for at least 5 attemptst should apply to raid LFGs too.

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Leaving the group is one thing, what happens after is another. Sometimes nobody leaves and the same thing happens. For example when fractal 99 and 100 are daily all lfg is full of false "t4s+recs" . Reason for that is some people (me included) do CMs with their guild but pug the rest of T4s after. When that happens I just enter a normal t4 pug with no cms and repeat my 99 or 100 without a cm, but most people don't bother with it sadly, lying is easier I guess.

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> @"Senfdieb.3985" said:

> Although it doesnt happen often in my CM+T4 groups i really wish there would be a proper reporting option for this case (something like "Don't respect LFG Description"). A report then could result in a ban for 1/3/7 days.

So I start a Strike Mission and my LFG says "ASURA ONLY" then someone joins on a Norn they should get a one day Ban?

Should it be 3 days if I Tag up in EBG and my LFG says "No Rangers" and a Bearbow joins?

If I tag up/LFG for South at Octovine and see three of my Squad at West how many days should they be banned for?


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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:


> So I start a Strike Mission and my LFG says "ASURA ONLY" then someone joins on a Norn they should get a one day Ban?

> Should it be 3 days if I Tag up in EBG and my LFG says "No Rangers" and a Bearbow joins?

> If I tag up/LFG for South at Octovine and see three of my Squad at West how many days should they be banned for?

No, it is different, because if you don't like who joins your lfg you can easily ask him to leave or even kick him from your group. The problem is not who enters the group, problem is that the person who advertises his LFG lies in it. If you're not into fractals you won't get why.




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> @"Armen.1483" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:


> > So I start a Strike Mission and my LFG says "ASURA ONLY" then someone joins on a Norn they should get a one day Ban?

> > Should it be 3 days if I Tag up in EBG and my LFG says "No Rangers" and a Bearbow joins?

> > If I tag up/LFG for South at Octovine and see three of my Squad at West how many days should they be banned for?

> No, it is different, because if you don't like who joins your lfg you can easily ask him to leave or even kick him from your group. The problem is not who enters the group, problem is that the person who advertises his LFG lies in it. If you're not into fractals you won't get why.

I play plenty of fractals. The suggestion is ludicrous.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> A lot of people just want the fastest path to getting rewards, and they dont care about inconveniencing others along the way. Happens in real life, happens in games.


Sums it :anguished: . Its one thing to be nice, its another to be taken advantage of. It can happens anywhere (in Strikes etc). Usually, I'll try to PM for an explanation for the issue and if the reason given is unacceptable; block. Would like to avoid doing so because its a lost on both side; wasting time. The player will lose a group to join organized by me, and I having a player less that could've join to start, vice versa. But since I start my own LFG often and there is a chance the same problematic players can join on that time zone, its best to be avoided for everyone's experience including the party members.

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Sometimes people do not lie and that is an honest mistake. I tend to forget to edit my LFG messages properly if I do not have to make edits to the classes that I am looking for (so lets say I am initially just looking to fill dps lots, and then want dps again, I might just hit the LFG and forget to edit which fractals we are doing). I usually notice my mistake, though, and pull out the LFG and fix it before LFGing again.


Happens more with strike missions than fractals, though. Or raid progression.

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Yeah I think its mostly people forgetting to amend LFG description. Sometimes I just misread the LFG because the full description cuts off with parenthesis...


Very rarely there will be a dishonest person but like ArchonWings says, the red flag is when they ask to do a specific fractal scale or change it just before everyone readies up.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Just as bad are the people that join full runs to only get the one they need and vanish.

Exactly ! Can't be sure however which came first: the chicken or the egg...

Guess the only counterplay is in making use of the blocking list. Sad.

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Recently, the ranks of adherents of "connoisseurs of their time" have been enlarged, and this has been and will continue to be the case unfortunately. Live by your own conscience, you can't make others to be the subject of the godforsaken forum.




I feel your pain, brother, but no punishment from the developers will not bring proper fruit, fractals will simply be forgotten, as well as dungeons. It was suggested to introduce bans on voting, but how to distinguish ban for the case from ban on a whim? Hire a department of in-game judges, prosecutors, lawyers and a pseudo-criminal search?




Be kinder to yourself) There's nothing else you can do.



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There are countless of reasons why players might have to leave early. And we aren't exactly talking about short PvP matches or something like that here. Some people might have a harder time being able to sit down for an hour or two without serious interruption.

One side says they should refrain from joining any groups in the first place to not inconvenience other players, the other side says they should be allowed to join and that people need to cut them some slack. You know, the usual argument.


Turning the behaviour in question into a punishable offense would cause a huge headache for the support. They would have to deal with countless of reports and the waves of protests from the supposedly wrongfully banned.


Just block and move on like the rest of us. I know it sucks.

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> @"Senfdieb.3985" said:

> Although it doesnt happen often in my CM+T4 groups i really wish there would be a proper reporting option for this case (something like "Don't respect LFG Description"). A report then could result in a ban for 1/3/7 days.

> If you join such a group you should be clear that you'll need at least a certain amount of time (for CMs + T4 I'd say 1 hour starting when you enter the first fractal). To not get stuck for 1 hour if your group is just not capable of clearing a fractal you should be allowed to leave after 5 failed attempts at one boss or event. Purposefully bad play should be reportable too.

> Personally i had to leave groups early too because the fractals took longer than expected. When I know i'm having a limited timeline i'll just tell my group and ask if i can stay or better leave. In the beginning of my CM journey i often did the T4 fractals first, just because i didnt find a group with low KP reqs i could join. When i later saw a group fitting my KP that was stating "CMs + T4" i joined and repeated the T4 fractals with that group. In my opinion this is just the normal behaviour and as stated above leaving after half the fractals (although the fractals were finished without problems) should be reportable.


> The same rule to stay for at least 5 attemptst should apply to raid LFGs too.


Lol a ban for this are you for real? Banning people in game is generaly the last thing dev want. Dont get me wrong they'll do for extreme case, but lying in the lfg, really queen?

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It happens, but extremely rare for CM/T4, but can be very common in T2/T3 while climbing personal fractal levels, unless there's changes (eg. When T.O, S.O, Sirens etc was first introduced, there are players dodging them).


CM/T4/Recs are usually done in sets to avoid dailies to be missed out, unless stated otherwise in LFG.


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Recently I joined a T3 group full of players who had clearly not done every T1 fractal. I think it's not unreasonable of me to expect that people who advertise as a T3 group, should know the basics of the T1 and T2 fractals. If you can't even find your way to the boss in the Thaumanova Reactor fractal, then what are you doing? It's even on your map! Its right there!.... ugh... this is just embarassing. Why are you even playing T3? Just do the other ones first.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a player join our CMs+T4 as dps yesterday, he linked around 250 KP and after 100 CM straight up left without saying anything. Sad to see even those doing it that know god damn well how this behavior isn't appreciated. Everything went smooth and nice, so it wasn't a rage quit either. He simply didn't care.

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If i enter a group and they are already in the fractal instead of the lobby, or do the fractals 'out of order' i always ask if this is their first or if they have completed other dailies already. Usually these type of groups wont be honest up front in the lfg, but if you ask them directly in chat they wont lie. Its worked so far.

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> There is an obvious and simple solution to this. Don't join a lfg. Make the lfg.


That solution doesn't always work. Because besides the lying lfgs there are also their "victims" that enter your pug and leave without saying anything after doing 1 fractal. Today is the day when it will happen a lot: nightmare is daily.

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