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[EU] Ongoing disconnects May 13, afternoon/evening

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I gather there were issues overnight, and claims these were solved, but now Wednesday afternoon, May 13, after work EU time (currently 1600 CET) disconnects are still happening. I suffered one on map load. I was moving from Straights of Devastation (daily vista viewer) to Silverwastes (daily Maguuma Wastes miner).


I sincerely appreciate all the time your server and support people have invested in the rollback issue, but stability after this seems to be an ongoing, intermittent problem. Please investigate.

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Same here, I got 2 DCs in 4 load screens (6 counting DCs) while doing my daily gathering routine (divinity's reach --> home instance --> guild hall --> mistlock sanctuary).


As it stands it's unplayable as you might DC on your way to an event, jumping maps on WvW or switching wings while raiding (any loading screen really).

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Big frustration on Monday .. then again even bigger frustration on Tuesday ... and now on Wednesday what - disconnection continues and TP connection still very unstable ... be aware that your players need to face the same unacceptable issues day after day after day ... how can this happen to one of the largest MMO titles in the gaming industry ??

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Got dusconnected today aswell! And still unable to sell anything on TP, items just disappears when you sell them without you receiving any money at all for them. Very frustrating to not know if we’ll get our money for the stuff we sold prior to the rollback issue or for the things after the issue got fixed... its not ok!

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I had problems with some DCs in the past, but not as bad as today. It seems to be DCing every half an hour or so. Really annoying.


ETA: No, actually now it is happening every time I change instance/map. Totally throws me out of the game and have to re-log-in.

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