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Everything posted by Chips.7968

  1. A desperate plea from those that are downed? Remove downed state. There we go. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > @"Chips.7968" said: > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > Thieves when specced for stealth when they down in stealth can end up in a situation where they can literally heal 100% while having 100% stealth. Edit: well, ele mist form going through portals can be considered a third. > > > > You can AoE and cleave the thief even if you can't see them. Invis != invul, and anything that interrupts that heal is going to make them struggle to self res from stealth. Thief teleport stomp is also one of their most powerful utilities being used up to secure a kill and there are counter plays to it too. > > > > the real problem with downed state in Wvw is... downed state. Just get rid of it. > Your argument would be valid they didnt also have teleport in downed state which move them out of AoE. Not to mention if they down in stealth you dont know exactly where they downed to begin with. > > Either way, as I said, overall the skills are irrelevant to issues of downed state anyway. Your complaint is VERY circumstantial though. To have that much stealth they've basically stacked it before going down. Or it's shadow refuge. The amount of fights against thieves whereby they've managed to self res from stealth is... in my experience... as a thief... Zero. It really isn't a problem. Also, nothing to do with downed state per se either. It's mixing utility skills prior to going down, to going down, to then teleporting from down in stealth gained before going down. Perhaps they were never downed in the first place rather than they were downed and that last second shadow refuge gave them so much stealth they teleported a whole 700 to res. Here's a better solution to all woes. REMOVE DOWNED STATE FROM ALL NON PVE MODES. All problems fixed. No OP downed state. No OP stomps. No OP unfair can't beat a player from downed state while they're still up etc. All fixed.
  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > Thieves when specced for stealth when they down in stealth can end up in a situation where they can literally heal 100% while having 100% stealth. Edit: well, ele mist form going through portals can be considered a third. You can AoE and cleave the thief even if you can't see them. Invis != invul, and anything that interrupts that heal is going to make them struggle to self res from stealth. Thief teleport stomp is also one of their most powerful utilities being used up to secure a kill and there are counter plays to it too. the real problem with downed state in Wvw is... downed state. Just get rid of it.
  3. > @"Zacchary.6183" said: > I've helped zerg fights with speed runes, acro and Choking Gas. You'd be amazed how much it softens the tip of a push. Basically, wait for a enemy zerg push > aim at tip > Dash back > daze interrupts > ez kills. If in a blob vs blob they're pushing with no aegis or stability, then a thief poison field doing a daze if their actively casting is going to be the least of their problems.
  4. > @"moutzaheadin.4029" said: > Match up threads would definitely bring people back here to interact and then browse through other topics. I’d rather have a lively semi salty forum then a dead one. As of now this forum section is basically on life support. > But what would they gain by that? I mean the threads to browse through - can comment, but it makes no changes or difference as there's zero communication (or belief in communication) with the devs and the game. Come to the forum to talk about your online "world", or just spend time playing it instead. Could ask why I post, and I do ask myself that same question :) But for the general population, seriously, why would they bother?
  5. I've no idea what the server of the OP is - but for EU your post was like 5am. There's a few servers with a night crowd - hence how the flip everything early doors and sometimes get T3's on your home borders before there's more than 5 people online for your own server. Changing time to upgrade won't make much difference. If you want things to be easier to flip then remove T3. Or remove upgrades entirely? Or make the walls even weaker* Making things arbitrarily longer to "fix" the fact that SM can be upgraded to T3 when no-one is around to kill dollies or flip camps at the very least, is a bit severe a "fix". *if they weaken things once more to make it easier to flip - can Anet look at removing desert because the exceptional amount of time spent running around utterly useless, vacant, pointless trash space is ridiculously pointless.
  6. I don't understand your post. Think it's about keeps being tagged by a single player (contested) so wp shuts? One of the servers in rotation has someone with a significant enough beef with our server that every time they're matched up... they spend entire evenings (talking 5 hours straight) tagging keep so the wp is perma shut. Get near them? They portal or alt f4 if downed. But they're back minutes later (or go to EB to tag there, then come back). You'd think I'm exaggerating - nope. Just gotta get used to it. As for the title - do they intend to fix anything? Have you seen any evidence whatsoever that gives you even a slither of hope for WvW? No, neither have we.
  7. > @"Sansar.1302" said: > Why is most so affraid of figths with eqaul numbers in solo/smal scale. I should have added - what you're really after is no downed state. It's the scourge of any outnumbered fight. You have to pray you can last long enough to down them 4 times in x seconds so they just f.... die - because with the amount of aoe condi crap going around, you'll never be able to cleave / finish the downed as you can no longer pressure the rest while trying, and they can pretty much count on you being near immob to achieve the kill.
  8. The wvw community is in the game, not on a forum and I'd wager most players never set foot inside the forum as there's nothing to gain in doing so.
  9. While I completely understand what you say, stop expecting everyone to adhere to what you want. The whole game mode is about working cooperatively to achieve objectives. Either enjoy the challenge or don't - but complaining won't change anything - just annoy you more. I'd also say it does depend where they fight - been "shouted" at before by someone for ruining their 1v1... in a camp with the ring up. If you want a 1v1, don't expect anyone to think or even accept it as a 1v1 when it's involving a team objective. I told them as much - think they ever rage quit and transferred server as they repeatedly expected to 1v1 in the midst of an objective and raged at people for getting stuck in... because it's a fricken objective in a team game. But that's an extreme example. I laughed. As for the problem of being outnumbered - I enjoy the challenge. True if it's 10vs1 then the challenge is staying alive more than 15s. But I enter fights that are 2-5 vs 1 because... that *is* the fun. By that, I know I'm not going to win. Likewise I don't pick on sub bronze rank players unless they persistently attack, and don't finish them even then - as if they're new then where's the "fun" in face rolling someone who has no idea what they're doing. There's zero fun as there's no challenge. If the fun is *winning*, then time to alter your expectations of wvw or organise your 1v1/2v1 in areas where no-one really goes (and at the extreme, doesn't Obsidian sanctum offer exactly what you're after? Wvw food / mechanics?). The only time I find adds really annoying is when they insta burst you - but you've got to laugh, especially when they all corpse jump/siege you :D
  10. > @"Za Shaloc.3908" said: > I would say having a 100% chance of ripping stab (and interrupting if traited) is a pretty "nice thing," and has the potential to swing fights a whole lot more than stealing 25 stacks of might goes. That perk alone is *huge*. > > However, I do think that ANet (CMC) totally overdid the general nerf to boonripping skills (not unique to Thief) and that BT should be reverted to 3 in PvP/WvW. A bit off topic, but as long as boon reapplication remains as excessive as it still is in WvW(especially with traits like Purity of Purpose), the level of boonripping should be restored to pre-patch levels on *most* skills in the game. Well, to be fair, there's a sigil that rips 3 boons (10s internal cooldown) on interrupt. I mean that's 3x more effective than bountiful theft and available to everyone. True, it won't rip stab (for obvious reasons of needing to interrupt), and while it will take aegis, interrupting through aegis? *edit* I wonder if this contributed to the split reduction to 2. After all, didn't it used to be that Bountiful ripped 2, then was increaseded to 3, then dropped to 2 for pvp/wvw? Indeed, the order of preference is apparently resistance, aegis, retaliation, protection, swiftness, might, regeneration, quickness, fury and vigor. Looks like it's designed for other classes to use really, but the order could compliment depending upon which proc'd first. Ripping stab is able to swing fights? I was under the impression most classes self applying stability have it pulse anyway (e.g. so reapplies within a few seconds). It was way more effective when stability was a 1 time application and you ripped away their 10 stacks... Deadeye appears fine to me.
  11. > @"mzmz.6289" said: > everytime the fights end in less than 1min, doesnt matter how many ppl you have. imagine you r in the ts with crowded ppl, and you just get run over and die in a sec. for healers can only heal for their team, imagine you have to look where your teammate r in the huge squad. wvw is the unique feature of gw2, but it is most fun destruction. The developers dont play their own game or wut We had an ele and condi rev running around last night. It was 5vs2 with most of the 5 running back from spawn at least once. Once either of the 2 died the other was simple to kill - but the condi rev killed the players over time with its tanky condi build, and the ele kept it alive (and itself). Now I can't speak for the ones dying to the condi as I've no idea what their builds were, but it was a seriously tediously boring fight. Must have lasted 10 mins and was funny as hell to start but just plain bollocks after a while. I can't speak for your builds/abilities, but... I'm sure there's some scope there somewhere
  12. > @"mercury ranique.2170" said: > Not sure if this is a rant, a request for tips or a call for chance. > I've set my mind on going for a legendary. One thing needed is the gift of battle. I know some people think you should not need it, but in my opinon you should show some dedication to all game formats, so also WvW > I do not play a lot of WvW, but have done that in the past. being a bit inexperienced there I've learned to stick to the zerk. Unfortunally my world does have zero action during the late morning. No zerks at all. So I've been roaming around till someone said in world chat that there were enemies at a gate. So I rushed there to some action to only find the person who shouted in chat and to see the fort being taken. As not being able to do much I was told by this person "lol, go back to PvE" > > I'll be honest that this is very much discouraging to proceed on my path to my legendary. > Anyone got tips to get the gift of battle done on the off hours? > Is the current state of WvW this bad? > If so, what should Arenanet do to lift it up again? or should they add a way to get the gift of battle out of WvW. I'll echo Gutter, depending upon which server you are on - but am sure there are always folks willing to help. Give a shout out in the map chat on your home border asking if anyone wants to party up to help flip any objectives. Also, if you get any potions which help with wvw track reward (birthday ones) when you do go into wvw - pop one - especially if you're joining people taking towers as it gives 100% buff to your reward track progression I think.
  13. Well, it *is* open... suddenly. After a "short period of inactivity"? According to the post above where someone is pointing out the boycott won't work - this proves the server was NOT active as others in this thread seemed to repeatedly attempt to claim it was. Hardly surprising, helps if you're actually on the server.
  14. > @"primatos.5413" said: > kitten they just forgot to fix it.. no other class can do so .. why should ranger? But they work so hard on balance and alliances lol so u know.. they forgot this and that .. Can ele not do it with meteor storm? If not, it should be able to, makes more sense after all. Real point - doesn't barrage work like AC's - at which point as long as they're consistent...
  15. > @"Sobx.1758" said: > Ah yes, buffing already strong trait in already strong spec is the way to go. Even moreso "because of the name of the trait". This forum never changes I guess :D > > @"cyberzombie.7348" The "logic" behind that is the same as other skills having less charges, less dmg, lower duration, higher cost and otherwise weaker effects -because in competitive modes you play **against** other players and skills generally shouldn't be too powerful to make room for some counterplay. In pve you play **with** other players and mobs don't care, so the effects can be stronger. If you'll want consistency, then there's nothing standing in the way of them nerfing pve versions of the skills to the level of wvw/pvp, but somehow I don't think it will be welcomed by you, me or, well... anyone. His point is that ambient pve nearly nothing has boons to rip anyway, so it's amusing to "split" the skill from the boon rip perspective. Oh, and as for counter play - there is a counter play. I hear it every time anyone complains about anything so why not add it here. Learn to dodge >.<
  16. > @"Shroud.2307" said: > Wow, I'm surprised to hear it's still possible. Although I don't play Thief anymore, most times I only see it hitting 3 - 4k tops from watching streamers or when I'm hit by it myself. It was nerfed quite hard so I imagine getting numbers as high as the screen cap _(which I took very shortly before it was nerfed in late 2020)_ you'd need the stars to align. Ah, if it was very late then... maybe not. I thought it was nerfed ages ago. My screenie is dated Sept 2020 - so my apologies :( It was such a huge value I took a screenie of it. We were mid blob fight mind, so just assumed I had a shared 25 stacks of might and they probs had 25 vuln :)
  17. > @"Shroud.2307" said: > ![](https://i.imgur.com/NoAFZDY.jpg "") > > Ah, good times. Got that number with guild group only a few months ago - it's still possible. I think they're all useful, in their circumstances. Throw gunk is under valued, the amount of condi spam if you do a daggerstorm (without even being a condi build) is great (though I play core S/D so no condi dmg). The one I possibly find least useful is whirling axe... but only because while it's a free reflect against warriors thrown axe/sword, as a source of just doing dmg, it's borderline useless. The reason? You're in melee range - easy for warrior to stun/rush and pretty much 1shot you. If I use it in a fight with warrior it's as a reflect or have to cancel if used aggressively within a fraction of a second to avoid the inevitable opening they're about to exploit. With offhand pistol to whirl the smoke field I may rank it differently, but I don't play D/P. Sad plasma gives only 1s stab now though - it's so short that its gone before the animation really finishes.
  18. > @"Geiir.7603" said: > You **remove** the entire stack. Removing 25 might stacks from your target in PvP is pretty darn good. It is indeed, with a slight caveat. In the order of boons ripped, it goes Aegis, Stability, protection, regeneration, retaliation, alacrity, fury, swiftness, might... It's 9th on the list. True, it has to be aegis first, and stability second, and removal of either is stronk - but in groups the chances of ripping might is fairly slim. Most boons these days appear to be reapplied quickly. Additionally, to remove it means you're in mele range. Nothing wrong with that, just that it's not without risk - needs to be timed, and what you steal may not be the most useful (or annoying one to steal). Likewise, in competitive (where it matters) it's only 2 boons. The really good thing is that the stolen boons have durations applied regardless - so afaik its the longest duration of stab for a thief (3s) - as stolen plasma is only 1s (basically vanishes as soon as applied, due to anim).
  19. > @"Lithril Ashwalker.6230" said: > the evasive traits are also a joke as 300s and no one is going to take that long cooldown trait. The class is unfortunately literally useless in a group setting outside of PvE. > To be fair, the evasive traits are useless anyway. Need to be part of a good squad - get stab and protection and all the shared boons as per normal squads, and then push in with them, stay on the tag, and use vault for the spike and auto attack to cleave (do a lot of dmg with staff auto attack). That's what I do. if spot something vulnerable and not part of their squad, you can try focus it - but stay aware of where everything is as getting back can prove problematic if you used Shadow Step to *get* to the target first and blow all the init on trying to down some squishies (often they just run into their group instead). But yes, overall often feel sub optimal - until you're protecting your own stragglers from being ganked.
  20. Not offended at all; perhaps as suggested you stop focusing on the individual start on the topic - the class i play or method of playing has zero bearing on the server being "full", or unlinked, or any combination thereof. The question about the closed server stands, the claim was huge blobs defending NC indicating its very lively is unsubstantiated. My thinking was maybe it was other border (EB?) or at a time I was not on *if* Saturday, hence different observations. But the points about people not wanting to move meaning it's not opening (because no-one moves and it's full) is very valid. The points (un-raised) that there are many alt accounts at rest are also valid (but I've not read how they come to population). The points about it being "dead" or boycotting to try and open up being pointed out as a very misguided effort *if* no-one is moving off (unless the idea is to make some move off as it appears dead) *and* log ins are irrelevant to the population (i.e un-played accounts don't impact, and players not logging into WvW won't change anything either), then those are excellent points being made as well. Trying to *do* something to force it open isn't necessarily going to change anything. All good points being made. The idea people are toxic, or can't play, or anything else has zero bearing upon the population being "full". Hence why when people keep going on about how much they think individuals, groups, the entire server are not welcoming/bad/play poorly - that's no relevance to the actual point of the thread. Gandara is full and un linked, no matter how many ex-Gandara players who moved keep bringing these particular points up.
  21. > @"Crackers.9628" said: > I was roaming as thief. Some thief killed me and started jumping and dropped siege on me. Naturally I went back and killed him this time, only for someone on my own server to start trash talking me, calling me kitten, noob, he will transfer to farm me, etc. He has in the same guild as the thief I killed. > > The thief came back, and because my server mate stood on me, the thief could track my stealth and killed me. Then of course more trash talk and dropping siege. > > Of course the toxicity is rampant from other servers, but how are people so awful they literally grief their own teammates? Actively helping enemy server kill your own server. > Only advice I could say is that the easiest thing to do is ask yourself - what do you gain by engaging with them. I just tend to ignore the pm's (makes some more mad though) as history has shown that, with the exception of 2 people who were remarkably friendly after a few exchanges of words, nothing good comes of it :D Never had anyone going to the lengths you describe though, seems really weird to me - it's a game after all. However, it is funny when you overcome someone and they tell you how awful you are though. I mean, is that supposed to be an insult or upset me? :) Am sure everyone has experience of that though. Some do seem to treat the game as if it's a life achievement badge. Just rise above it, either don't respond, or only be polite. I would rather move map or exit elsewhere in spawn to avoid them if they're going to harass for weird reasons - life is too short to mess about with them and unless its some proper chat harassment I'd be sceptical anything will come of reporting it anyway; it's ONLY a game. p.s. if they corpse jump or throw siege - I just find it funny. Not in the "aww they're salty" type of way, I'm not good enough for that response. More in the "hehe" way. Why? Because it really doesn't do anything does it. Some feel it is "so disrespectful" - what is this, the hood?? Who cares.
  22. > @"Faolain.2374" said: > > @"Chips.7968" said: > oh it was certainly close to 4 hours though lmao. > Oh, okay - around what time and which day was this? And what map was the blob on (and time?) Just curious, it's not actually important, but since you are claiming it seems pertinent to check.
  23. > @"Faolain.2374" said: > Meanwhile 30+ gandara players defended their nc for 4 hours earlier, then one hour later their night commander logged on to flip empty keeps all night with a different 40+ people and this is with a server organised boycott lmao. How can you even complain about numbers when you have 30 people defending a camp? The problem with gandara is that if they aren't massively outnumbering or able to cloud, they wp from fights and start complaining about fights that are easily winnable for a server which isn't 90% ranger. Instead of blobbing single roamers, you could have taken that 30+ squad to another map and actually done something both fun and useful for the server. The whole "boycotting to become open again" kills me everytime, because you are an overpopulated server, actively trying to become more overpopulated so that you can what? continue to waypoint from 50vs50 fights? Golem rush with 60 players instead of 50? guarantee that every gank on gbl is at least 10 vs. 1 whenever you leave spawn instead of 7vs1? Any serious player/guild would have left gandara years ago, and when you do eventually open up you're gonna attract the exact same people that are there now, which will not benefit gandara in the slightest They would *go* to defend NC when called for one simple reason. People want a fight and they wanted to hold objectives for once. The fact that they also defended... Bay, Hills, Water Camp, Vale, Briar, Lake tower, Mill and Quarry (for a total of about 2 hours actually) aren't highlighted in your post but ARE relevant; it indicates the player base were trying to have fights and defend objectives. Kind of the entire game mode reason right? Exact same reason why if we try to attack Vale when you're hoping to upgrade *our* Bay to T3 for yourselves, the entire blob shows up if it's likely to be lost in order to hold it. So the commander was going around defending objectives and trying to get Hills/Bay upgraded to T3. If someone calls out in map chat that 1-15 people are trying to take camp X (whether X is north, vale or elsewhere) AND the server wants to hold said camp to upgrade objectives to T3 for waypoints or ppt, AND it's the only action available to try and keep people on tag... then to start complaining about the commander taking said action is a bit odd. With low online population (note, I mean online at a time - not server overall) and other servers having plenty to outnumber you most of the time as they're 2 servers linked, I think people get bored re-taking the same objective for 2 hours. Note, bored - meaning they'd prefer to play another game so do so. I've not played GW2 for 2 weeks. Really easy... I was playing other games and having a blast. Come back, some tidy fights (winning or losing), but inbetween I know in other games the enjoyment level surpasses GW2 WvW. Some are boycotting hoping the server opens so guild mates formed during link ups can transfer in, or angry there's no link up every other 8 week session as they can't transfer to the NEW link server. It's annoying and the reasoning seems non existent to players when they plain don't see many people about to understand why it's "full". That's all. My personal stance is never pay to transfer, that's rewarding the "host" who, it feels like, designs the system to generate money. Additionally, feedback from players who transferred out and then back on the rare occasions Gandara was open, don't report favourably about their experience of the endless series of transfers that then occurs. One or two roaming friends who transferred out of the server in anger then regretted it... and since stopped playing entirely as they couldn't get back. That's their choice. Just outlining why some won't transfer. They accept this means the server may not open. With regards to the lack of the more familiar roamers on the server(s) as am sure it's not just Gandara with this - that's very simple indeed. They are enjoying playing other games. Nothing to do with Gandara, but the game; the balance, the state of it and how stale it gets if you play it a lot (wvw). They're enjoying playing other games and say they will likely check out the game when the expansion drops, but not before. They're jaded with the game, or more likely, the "host". Believe it or not no-one likes rolling opposition either - the odd time we had a link up and were matched up against other servers protesting, there was zero enjoyment to be had roaming while we had 380+ tick and commanders struggled to lead as there's literally nothing to do. Any enemy sighting was greeted with "YES, SOMETHING TO DO" responses which led to dozens converging on one poor player. It isn't fun, but is understandable. Here's a screenie from August when 2 opposition were boycotting, and we had 440 a tick. That was dull as hell to play. In that matchup I think I played about 2 hours the entire week. https://ibb.co/nRRrdhg Of course, for those on those servers who did log on - the game mode wasn't likely remotely enjoyable. They probably stopped playing without direction as simply put - what's the point. You're just meeting huge numbers of opponents and zero fun. We have similar right now, some are upset and not everyone is in the comms to find out why people can't be arsed with the game for now. I won't transfer as I joined Gandara with friends in 2012. They don't play, but I'm not leaving the server in case I can persuade them back in :) I do think the linkup system is a bit mental though. I'm not complaining the server is shut - I mainly dislike the balance of the game.
  24. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > The fact that you can't just hit someone seemingly out of nowhere because Stealth literally makes players invisible without any way of detection? > The fact that people safely can run away, because they literally can't be seen in Stealth? You are aware of course that stealth isn't invulnerability? Now I can't pretend to know what you faced, and you can't, of course, be sure to hit someone in stealth (targeted skills of course won't work either unless channelled before stealth applied). But as mentioned above - cleaving or AoE etc is a start. As is counting then dodge/evade to predict when that attack is coming. I'm not trivialising your point as if stealth isn't a great advantage - and the above are not a science so not necessarily going to work as it depends on opposition's style/build - but it *is* possible to dodge stealth attacks.
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