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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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> @"hlaraujo.3210" said:

> Guess you are only lucky to not have lost any progression and that you are only "missing" a skin, which has no effect on actual gameplay and gives other players no advantage over yourself. The skin and the booster are a form of compensation on what people lost and can't get back, if you did not log in, you did not lost any of your already made progress, so there is nothing to be compensated.


I did lose, I lost all the progress I could have done if the game had been working correctly.

I did login btw although only briefly.


What gets up my goat, is that people that knew there was a problem so avoided playing as to not make the situation worse may not get any compensation, whereas people that knew there was a problem but carried on playing anyway will get compensation.

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> @"hlaraujo.3210" said:

> The skin and the booster are a form of compensation on what people lost and can't get back,[...].


No, you are wrong. The compensation is based on time of log in, not on lost progress. There are people who have suffered 0 lost progress but are eligible for the mount skin just because they logged in during the announced time period.


I repeat: ELIGIBILITY TO COMPENSATION IS NOT BASED ON LOST PROGRESS. And that is the major problem here, not the part where people who actually lost something, need to submit tickets / do "paperwork" to get lost items back etc are compensated.


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> @"Hutriel.3972" said:

> > @"hlaraujo.3210" said:

> > The skin and the booster are a form of compensation on what people lost and can't get back,[...].


> No, you are wrong. The compensation is based on time of log in, not on lost progress. There are people who have suffered 0 lost progress but are eligible for the mount skin just because they logged in during the announced time period.


> I repeat: ELIGIBILITY TO COMPENSATION IS NOT BASED ON LOST PROGRESS. And that is the major problem here, not the part where people who actually lost something, need to submit tickets / do "paperwork" to get lost items back etc are compensated.



The lesson there of course is, if this kind of thing happens just login and log out again. Just so they can see you were about at the time.

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So wait a minute WHAT?! Because of trying to be helpful and trying to keep their workload minimal and not logging in we get shafted by Anet. I guess next time there is any kind of problem or anything they even remotely hint not to do, we actually SHOULD be doing. Clad to get a confirmation for that by Anet! Much more clad than receiving something as useless as a bonfire.

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The free mount select license for those that were online between 9 AM UTC and 4 pm UTC and no one else is such a stretch its insane.

Personal experience, I started playing early morning doing SAB dailys and didnt notice the rollback untill I was done, cancelled some auctions or instantly sold mystic coins because price was high and it was reset time for weekly vendor. All items I cancelled on the tp and all money spent during that morning evaporated because top lol TP and servers were misaligned. When I went on reddit and saw about the rollback I started to notice I was missing wxp pots/ my alts beyond the first 7 were disordered and I quit playing because a roll forward was needed. Now I and many others that have lost items and gold on monday morning before 9 am UTC but people who continued meme'ing it up and dying in LA are getting a mount select license. Thats sour

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> @"Setz.9675" said:

> The free mount select license for those that were online between 9 AM UTC and 4 pm UTC and no one else is such a stretch its insane.

> Personal experience, I started playing early morning doing SAB dailys and didnt notice the rollback untill I was done, cancelled some auctions or instantly sold mystic coins because price was high and it was reset time for weekly vendor. All items I cancelled on the tp and all money spent during that morning evaporated because top lol TP and servers were misaligned. When I went on reddit and saw about the rollback I started to notice I was missing wxp pots/ my alts beyond the first 7 were disordered and I quit playing because a roll forward was needed. Now I and many others that have lost items and gold on monday morning before 9 am UTC but people who continued meme'ing it up and dying in LA are getting a mount select license. Thats sour


I was online right at the time of the rollback, even played a bit between the time after the rollback and before server shutdown. Got no compensation gift..

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Yea this is funny. I play GW2 hours each day. Just because I was lucky enough to hear about the rollback in time and decided not to log in to even check, apparently means I wasn't affected. Ok...


So they're trying to only reward the % of players who logged in and didn't realize something was amiss, and on the way rewarding those who logged in and did nothing or logged in just to check, while keeping the rest off.


You should reward all or no one (EU wise), seriously.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Setz.9675" said:

> > The free mount select license for those that were online between 9 AM UTC and 4 pm UTC and no one else is such a stretch its insane.

> > Personal experience, I started playing early morning doing SAB dailys and didnt notice the rollback untill I was done, cancelled some auctions or instantly sold mystic coins because price was high and it was reset time for weekly vendor. All items I cancelled on the tp and all money spent during that morning evaporated because top lol TP and servers were misaligned. When I went on reddit and saw about the rollback I started to notice I was missing wxp pots/ my alts beyond the first 7 were disordered and I quit playing because a roll forward was needed. Now I and many others that have lost items and gold on monday morning before 9 am UTC but people who continued meme'ing it up and dying in LA are getting a mount select license. Thats sour


> I was online right at the time of the rollback, even played a bit between the time after the rollback and before server shutdown. Got no compensation gift..


According to reddit, the compensations are send through ingame mail and is done in batches. So if you didnt get an Anet email with a bonfire at the very least you haven't got your mail yet.

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I really dont understand why I am getting punished for not logging in when everybody told me "there is a rollback, don't log in."

I tried to make ArenaNet have as little work as possible by that behavior and all I get is a useless Bonfire.

Stop giving out useless shit nobody asks for or wants, either you treat all players who played the hours/days before the rollback and hours after the same or you don't.

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I'm usually very laid back about this kind of thing, but I have to admit that this makes me feel lousy. I followed the forum and twitter during the day and, like the op and others, refrained from logging in after work (which was about two hours before the server shut down) even though I would've loved to spend time in SAB (just for the activity itself, I don't need the baubles), just to make sure I wouldn't help creating even more of a mess. Others logged in specifically to take advantage of the situation (no matter if large or small, just stashing a few mats in guild bank or similar). Those who did get a mount license (which is something you really can't get in the course of playing), while the rest of us gets a useless bonfire????


Sorry, I really hate feeling this way, but somehow this time the compensation feels incredibly unfair. I know I won't collect the stupid bonfire, even though the icon on the trading post will drive me nuts. I also know next to nobody will care (and it's their right to do so), but I just had to vent. I don't want any compensation (no compensation can bring back the time I would've spent having fun in SAB on monday anyway), but the way they are handling this still feels like the proverbial slap in the fact (even though I absolutely hate that comparison in relation to free game goodies).

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> @"melody.2601" said:

> I really dont understand why I am getting punished for not logging in when everybody told me "there is a rollback, don't log in."

> I tried to make ArenaNet have as little work as possible by that behavior and all I get is a useless Bonfire.

> Stop giving out useless kitten nobody asks for or wants, either you treat all players who played the hours/days before the rollback and hours after the same or you don't.


You are not getting punished. Be grateful that you did not lose any progress.



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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> > @"melody.2601" said:

> > I really dont understand why I am getting punished for not logging in when everybody told me "there is a rollback, don't log in."

> > I tried to make ArenaNet have as little work as possible by that behavior and all I get is a useless Bonfire.

> > Stop giving out useless kitten nobody asks for or wants, either you treat all players who played the hours/days before the rollback and hours after the same or you don't.


> You are not getting punished. Be grateful that you did not lose any progress.



Oh yeah sorry, how much did the avarage people lost? nothing cause a lot of people actually duped shit thanks to the rollbacks anyway. And now they getting a mount skin on top of that.

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> @"melody.2601" said:


> Oh yeah sorry, how much did the avarage people lost? nothing cause a lot of people actually duped kitten thanks to the rollbacks anyway. And now they getting a mount skin on top of that.


I'm sorry, but I think you're really overestimating how many people duped items. Besides, they'll most likely be caught anyway. Anet is trying to compensate people who actually lost a bit of progress and how else do you propose they do this? Spend weeks shifting through each account that logged in to see if they can determine who actually did something that was lost?

It's in the terms that we can expect downtime. Anet is not obligated to give us anything, we're entilted to absolutely nothing, even if we *did* lose progress. No one is getting punished, some people are given a random useless thing for some time lost, the rest of us lost nothing.

Someone else getting a thing is not a punishment to you. That's pretty basic. Sure, you can feel upset that someone else is given something that you're not, but that does not mean you're entilted to the thing. You're not. Because *none of us are*

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> Instead of be happy for other players who lost progress that they get something nice some people here only think about themselves.


Yeah cause not everybody lost basicly a day of being able to play and do dailies, SAB and a lot more content right? Stop triggering people be happy with your Mount Skin, while others who listening to their Friends didnt log-in because of the fear of losing something, and now they are being punished for it.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> Instead of be happy for other players who lost progress that they get something nice some people here only think about themselves.


Not trying to be antagonistic here, but you're willfully ignoring the fair portion of people, who both received, and wont receive the compensation, that pointed out that there is a huge difference between both compensation, that the compensation doesn't apply fairly (is not related to progress) and mostly pointed out that it should have been handled differently. This pointing out of everyone complaining as saying "Huuuur gimme free stoof" is grating.

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> @"Lascax.2163" said:

> Lesson learned: next time major issues happen, login ASAP hoping to get major compensation.


> I'll try to not be again so conscious to stop myself and friends from logging in to avoid ANet's any issues. I'll clog the servers like the others will.


This is the major issue with this situation. It creates a precedent, next time there is something like this, a lot of players will simply login, do one or two very easy dailies, then logout, in order to get the compensation. In that case they will lose a few seconds of their time and get the same compensation as players that lost hours, and more compensation than players who didn't login at all.

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> @"melody.2601" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > Instead of be happy for other players who lost progress that they get something nice some people here only think about themselves.


> Yeah cause not everybody lost basicly a day of being able to play and do dailies, SAB and a lot more content right? Stop triggering people be happy with your Mount Skin, while others who listening to their Friends didnt log-in because of the fear of losing something, and now they are being punished for it.


You are not getting punished. You decided not to log in and now you blame others for it? It was your decision.



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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > Instead of be happy for other players who lost progress that they get something nice some people here only think about themselves.


> Not trying to be antagonistic here, but you're willfully ignoring the fair portion of people, who both received, and wont receive the compensation, that pointed out that there is a huge difference between both compensation, that the compensation doesn't apply fairly (is not related to progress) and mostly pointed out that it should have been handled differently. This pointing out of everyone complaining as saying "Huuuur gimme free stoof" is grating.


I think what is mostly bugging "us on the other side", I can for sure only speak for myself but I'm guessing here, is the sense of entitlement that most of these post are smelling off, and this is a common response to that. It feels so much like the kids that got presents on their siblings birthdays and threw a hissy fit if they didn't one year, are now complaining that someone else got something they didn't.


It's perfectly valid to be a bit upset, but it does not entilte you to anything.

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Because of the Server Crash / Rollback I agreed with our caring community that it would be best to leave the game at rest in order to not make things potentially harder for Arenanet to Fix the server issues.


Now i am missing out a compensation worth of €15,- !! Just because I agreed it was best to not do my daily login and dailies.


True, i did not lose my 2Gold daily progress because I did not log in, and maybe sum woodies and ores, maybe a T6 venom sac or 2.

But i did miss out on a potential 2 Gold progress because i decided to be thougtful like most of our caring community.


I would lose 2 Gold everyday for a compensation of €15,-!!!


Where are your principles Arenanet?

The first Server maintenance in like 7,5 years???

How often do we get real problems thanks to Arenanet?

The answer: barely!

That alone is Kudos toward Anet really.

So imho a compensation was not even needed because there are plenty more games which have waaay more issues, and they dont even compensate with every single crash.

TBH I also was not offended about the lack of compensation that the pre HOT players got or the pre POF players got at first. So also here was a compensation not needed.


I do respect Anet for all these compensations towards their player base. I think a compensation with a worth of around €5 euro's is agreeable.

But the fact that they compensate unaware players with €15,- worth of content is absolutely respectles to the players which were aware and caring in order to Support Arenanet with the hopes to support a fix as easy as possible!



I barely log in on the servers because im too busy enjoying the game! Heck, I play gw2 for 7 years now, thats even longer then my 6 years in gw1!

But I just had to log in this time to show you how offended I am.

The whole caring community that is missing out on a crazy €15,- mount selection skin just because we care doesnt do any form of justice in my estimation!

I love this game, but I am very angry right now! >.<"


If being careless gives you €15 worth of content, how much is being careful, thougtful, respectful worth to you Arenanet?



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> @"Dekina.4759" said:

> > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > Instead of be happy for other players who lost progress that they get something nice some people here only think about themselves.

> >

> > Not trying to be antagonistic here, but you're willfully ignoring the fair portion of people, who both received, and wont receive the compensation, that pointed out that there is a huge difference between both compensation, that the compensation doesn't apply fairly (is not related to progress) and mostly pointed out that it should have been handled differently. This pointing out of everyone complaining as saying "Huuuur gimme free stoof" is grating.


> I think what is mostly bugging "us on the other side", I can for sure only speak for myself but I'm guessing here, is the sense of entitlement that most of these post are smelling off, and this is a common response to that. It feels so much like the kids that got presents on their siblings birthdays and threw a hissy fit if they didn't one year, are now complaining that someone else got something they didn't.


> It's perfectly valid to be a bit upset, but it does not entilte you to anything.


That would be the case if NA players were complaining, which is not happening so far.

Here, the two kids are actually twins, but got pretty different birthday gifts.


I'm happy the weekend progress got restored. But it would have been nice if it was noticed that everyone lost at least a day of playtime.


Also, the players who really lost valuable drops from Monday can contact support.

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