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Change soul barbs to give the 10% damage bonus every second you're in shroud


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Personally I'd root for the opposite, give the _soul barb_ buff only upon leaving shroud. To much offensive power is put on the shroud given it's defensive nature and not enough offensive power is put out of shroud given that it's the stance where the necromancer is the most vulnerable.

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We don't need more reasons to take Soul reaping over other specs. Soul reaping is far and away the absolute best specialization the necromancer has, and this works well as it stands now. Plus no self buff in the game gives you such an insane power boost. This isn't Diablo III.

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This really wouldn't do a whole lot. Outside some fun builds like Perma-Shroud Reaper.


Since typically, your Shroud will deplete in ~10 seconds anyway (Sometimes a bit faster if you take damage, sometimes a bit slower if for example, you're cleaving with Reaper #1's)

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I would rather convert Soul Barbs to a utility like an AoE Taunt on exit from shroud. Then increase the scaling on power or condition damage stat's slightly.


Placing major dps or sustain buffs on traits just feels bad these days because everyone is encouraged to build dps rather than build for specific utility.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> We don't need more reasons to take Soul reaping over other specs. Soul reaping is far and away the absolute best specialization the necromancer has, and this works well as it stands now. Plus no self buff in the game gives you such an insane power boost. This isn't Diablo III.


A part of me wishes Anet would gut Soul Reaping just to make Blood Magic our secondary dps traitline, like the good (bad) old days.

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Pretty sure OP meant having the 10% bonus simply by being in shroud rather than just 10s after entering... not stacking every second lol.


Afaik, pve reaper rotation revolves around wasting enough time in shroud so that you can enter shroud with well and nightfall again (why getting kicked out early is sad)... what is this ‘10s in 10s out’ thing all about?

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Soul Barbs is fine in PvE. It's a damage multiplier (which necro lacked for years and we should appreciate any of these we get) that does even need some management to keep it up, so it demands some actual gameplay from the player, which is good.


In PvP/WvW this trait does even put you into a disadvantage as it's a nice indicator for your target when your shroud comes off cooldown because its duration matches the shroud cooldown. When you fight a soul barbs reaper all you need to do is keeping an eye on that green symbol when you burst him and prepare to disengage when it disappears as he is about to re-enter shroud (unless you did not chill him to increase the coooldown).


Of course most players aren't at the skill level to make use of that circumstance. But the potential to put you into a disadvantage is there.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Why do people here want to take away dmg from pve reaper, when necro already the "worst" dps class to choose?

> And even in pvp modes this isn't really overpowered


The solution to fix Necro's DPS to make it worth something is to crank the "selfish" above 9000 by removing most of its ability to self buff (no more permanent 25 Might by itself).

Boost damage coefficient and condition stack/duration so solo DPS do not suffer too much and when in a party, when you can get 25 Might / Fury / Alacrity / Quickness / Banners / Spotter, the DPS would rise further than it can now and compete with Dragonhunter !

It would still be selfish (take without giving), but at least it would be effective.

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