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Will Guild Wars 2 be the best MMO in future?

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > > GW2 is already inferior to GW1. So asking for GW2 being the best MMO is the wrong question.

> > > We should ask if GW1 is the best MMO ever made.

> >

> > Technically, GW1 is not even an MMO, since it's classified as a CORPG.

> Being self-clasified by developer as CORPG does not make it any less (or more) of an MMORPG than it is. Yes, it is mostly instanced, but then most of MMORPG endgame is also in instanced content


> Notice by the way, that the origin of the CORPG name lies in GW1's past, and how the game was supposed to turn out according to the original design. Which has changed _even before the game went out of beta_. That original label does not really fit the actual game, as (unlike how it was planned) the "competitive" part turned out to be only a sideshow to the main PvE content. That's why they stopped using it and started to refer to gw1 (and gw2, as Maddoctor above pointed out) as only "online role-playing games". Which, again, does not automatically make those two games to _not_ be MMORPGs.


> > Outside of outposts it never fulfilled the first M of MMO (at least I don't consider eight people a massive amount) and with the introduction of heroes, the second M diminished too.

> So, you're saying that raids and dungeons are _not_ a feature of MMORPGs?


While many MMORPGs use those terms, so do other games.

They are far from being genre defining.

Raids and dungeons don't even have definitions that fit **all** games that use these terms.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > So, you're saying that raids and dungeons are _not_ a feature of MMORPGs?

> >

> While many MMORPGs use those terms, so do other games.

> They are far from being genre defining.

> Raids and dungeons don't even have definitions that fit **all** games that use these terms.

No, i mean, you say that GW1 is not an MMORPG because it has parts that are instanced, while at the same time almost all of the MMORPGs on the market have a ton of instanced content (and, in fact, said instanced content constitutes a _primary_ type of endgame content for many of them). So, what makes one instanced content different from the other? Is it just the quantity of said content that makes a difference? If so, at what exact percentage suddenly a MMORPG game stops being a MMORPG?


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > So, you're saying that raids and dungeons are _not_ a feature of MMORPGs?

> > >

> > While many MMORPGs use those terms, so do other games.

> > They are far from being genre defining.

> > Raids and dungeons don't even have definitions that fit **all** games that use these terms.

> No, i mean, you say that GW1 is not an MMORPG because it has parts that are instanced, while at the same time almost all of the MMORPGs on the market have a ton of instanced content (and, in fact, said instanced content constitutes a _primary_ type of endgame content for many of them). So, what makes one instanced content different from the other? Is it just the quantity of said content that makes a difference? If so, at what exact percentage suddenly a MMORPG game stops being a MMORPG?



I wouldn't consider a hub-based game much of an MMORPG, as for me, an MMORPG means you can meet people in most parts the game world (as opposed to only in hubs, like GW1).

But Arenanet decided it's not an MMORPG, but an CORPG, so I don't think it needs to be discussed in the first place.


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GW2 is still the only "next gen" MMO. However, it's also nearly a decade old....Shows how trash this genre is now.


It's still the best game in the genre that actually respects your time and doesn't force you to do things you don't want to do for player power, but it keeps going through these phases of 2-3 years of "hey guys let's try living story with no expacs" where the game isn't worth playing which consistently kills the game every single time they've tried this model.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Already is the best imo.


> But I don't care about knocking WoW off the top spot.

> WoW's success largely came when there was very little that could rival it.. and it remains so popular today because so many people have invested so much time and money into it that leaving the game now for another MMO would be like throwing all that away.. literal thousands people have put in WoW over the years and that's hard to walk away from, specially for another game that would expect the same investment.


> That's one thing I love about GW2, it never makes you feel like your investment is wasted when you're not playing the game.. which is a trait for all subfee based MMO's.


lets see...there was star wars galaxy, anarchy online, ultima online, and there was still the inventors of the genre, EQ1

wow did NOT launch into an empty market, that is a pure myth.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> "Best" is subjective, for me it is the "best" mmorpg because it's the one I'm currently playing. If I found another mmorpg to be "best" then I'd be playing that other mmorpg... why would anyone play/enjoy a game that they think it's inferior to another one, just play the better one. At least that's how I roll, others might enjoy playing something they don't like.


Best is subjective only when analyzed as a singular opinion. If it collides with similar views from other individuals, then it generates general consensus and thus, is no longer subjective and pertaining to only one individual but IS a form of truth for a group of people.

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Already is the best imo.

> >

> > But I don't care about knocking WoW off the top spot.

> > WoW's success largely came when there was very little that could rival it.. and it remains so popular today because so many people have invested so much time and money into it that leaving the game now for another MMO would be like throwing all that away.. literal thousands people have put in WoW over the years and that's hard to walk away from, specially for another game that would expect the same investment.

> >

> > That's one thing I love about GW2, it never makes you feel like your investment is wasted when you're not playing the game.. which is a trait for all subfee based MMO's.


> lets see...there was star wars galaxy, anarchy online, ultima online, and there was still the inventors of the genre, EQ1

> wow did NOT launch into an empty market, that is a pure myth.


There were online games before it yes, but nothing on the scale or level of quality as WoW was released with.. and they were nowhere near as popular.

Only real excepton being Runescape.


WoW was a leap in MMO's very much like a generational leap in consoles..

It was just so far ahead of everything else at the time that it dominated the maketplace and stifled the potential for competition thanks to the subfee.

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To become the best MMO, GW2 needs to rework the combat system, rework the reward system, balance classes, add meaningful PvE content, new PvP modes, rework WvW, improve the leveling experience, make better stories with better characters, make exploration (which is a strong point in this game) more rewarding, update old engine, improve performance, improve graphics and sound quality, improve charcter creation and update existing character models, add new mechanics to the game,..


In my opinion, Anet will never be able to do all this let alone make GW2 the "BEST" MMORPG in the market. I don't mind having like 1 or 2 more expansions but instead of tinkering the game like this, Anet should work on a new title if it wants to win the compretition.


While people try to diminish the value of WoW as an MMORPG, I can say with confidence that World of Warcraft deserves it place as a bigger and a better game than GW2 because it has superior PvE/PvP content, charcter pregression, immersion, storytelling,,.. . Some people may try to complain about WoW's combat system but this one is more balanced and more meaningful than GW2's confusing mess. The slightly cartoonish style in WoW that people try to use as an argument is artistically more beautiful than GW2's.

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Should have been, with the most successful MMO launch in history it certainly had the potential to be, but the devs wasted that potential cutting corners and floundering and refusing to make basic but necessary changes with their self-destructive "keep moving forward" attitude. Now with eight years of ignored mistakes layered and layered on top of each other the game stands out more for its scars and callouses than its healthy playable content.


Unfortunately at this point, if MMOs ever come back around in popularity again, GW2 is going to be, at most, a footnote on how NOT to manage one.

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> @"Orack.9756" said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.


> As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.


> But :

> - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive


Are you kidding me? ESO's graphics are amatuerish at best. Character models and animations aren't anywhere close to Guild Wars 2's. Some environmental graphics look "okay", but overall feels very static and bland.


I realize a lot of people play ESO but that game is the very definition of "blah".

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> @"djgLXXII.1907" said:

> > @"Orack.9756" said:

> > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.

> >

> > As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.


> > But :

> > - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive


> Are you kidding me? ESO's graphics are amatuerish at best. Character models and animations aren't anywhere close to Guild Wars 2's. Some environmental graphics look "okay", but overall feels very static and bland.


> I realize a lot of people play ESO but that game is the very definition of "blah".


Ummm lol wut? The environments in eso have significantly more detail are the lighting is so far beyond gw2. Sounds like u personally prefer cartoon like vibrant character models and environment over a more realistic approach. U are very correct though that character animations etc are significantly better in gw2 as eso animations are stiff and far less fluid but they also partly because gw2 has superior combat mechanics compared to eso.

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Gw2 has the best combat mechanics with regards to pvp context in any mmo 8ve played except bdo, but its inferior to a lot of other mmo's in every other regard, subjective of course. If u want to only pvp gw2 or bdo would be a great choice but for a overall mmo experience I'd be behind eso,ff14 and wow, though a lot of wow players are migrating to ff14. New world may be really good to but with mmos it's good to not get ur Hope's up.

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Just happen to catch a MMO of 2020 video from a youtuber I follow, and he ran down the current status of the Big Three, those being : WoW, FF, and ESO.


Sadly I think that is just how it is going to be. People will talk about the Top MMOs people and playing, and then "oh yeah, and then there is Guild Wars 2".

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"djgLXXII.1907" said:

> > > @"Orack.9756" said:

> > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.

> > >

> > > As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.

> >

> > > But :

> > > - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive

> >

> > Are you kidding me? ESO's graphics are amatuerish at best. Character models and animations aren't anywhere close to Guild Wars 2's. Some environmental graphics look "okay", but overall feels very static and bland.

> >

> > I realize a lot of people play ESO but that game is the very definition of "blah".


> Ummm lol wut? The environments in eso have significantly more detail are the lighting is so far beyond gw2.

Sounds like the case of someone not being able to detect the artistic difference between South Park and Disney.



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> @"djgLXXII.1907" said:

> > @"Orack.9756" said:

> > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.

> >

> > As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.


> > But :

> > - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive


> Are you kidding me? ESO's graphics are amatuerish at best. Character models and animations aren't anywhere close to Guild Wars 2's. Some environmental graphics look "okay", but overall feels very static and bland.


> I realize a lot of people play ESO but that game is the very definition of "blah".


I agree for animation (mount, skill, char) but the world overall is very pretty, far more than gw2.



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> @"Orack.9756" said:

> > @"djgLXXII.1907" said:

> > > @"Orack.9756" said:

> > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.

> > >

> > > As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.

> >

> > > But :

> > > - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive

> >

> > Are you kidding me? ESO's graphics are amatuerish at best. Character models and animations aren't anywhere close to Guild Wars 2's. Some environmental graphics look "okay", but overall feels very static and bland.

> >

> > I realize a lot of people play ESO but that game is the very definition of "blah".


> I agree for animation (mount, skill, char) but the world overall is very pretty, far more than gw2.



I realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I am _literally_ floored that someone could think this. The comparison is laughable.


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> @"Orack.9756" said:

> > @"djgLXXII.1907" said:

> > > @"Orack.9756" said:

> > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.

> > >

> > > As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.

> >

> > > But :

> > > - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive

> >

> > Are you kidding me? ESO's graphics are amatuerish at best. Character models and animations aren't anywhere close to Guild Wars 2's. Some environmental graphics look "okay", but overall feels very static and bland.

> >

> > I realize a lot of people play ESO but that game is the very definition of "blah".


> I agree for animation (mount, skill, char) but the world overall is very pretty, far more than gw2.




I agree 100%.

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