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Will Guild Wars 2 be the best MMO in future?

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> GW2 is already inferior to GW1. So asking for GW2 being the best MMO is the wrong question.

> We should ask if GW1 is the best MMO ever made.


Technically, GW1 is not even an MMO, since it's classified as a CORPG.

Outside of outposts it never fulfilled the first M of MMO (at least I don't consider eight people a massive amount) and with the introduction of heroes, the second M diminished too.

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GW2 has been in the top ten MMO list since release. It has never claimed to be the be all and end all of MMOs. That is great in my opinion.

As to gw1 absolutely disliked the game. I was really glad they went the direction they did with GW2 or I would not be playing it. Frankly I would have left the game after a fairly short time.

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I LOVE this game, but I admit that core game's latter half and then early mastery accessibility was painful to get past to get to the good stuff. I wouldn't have stayed past Zhaitan if I didn't pay for HoT before getting there.


GW2 made too many mistakes in the implementation stages and early content to ever ascend to permanent greatness. They don't have the resources or willingness to fix those problems.


Core game is too low quality and early LW is so inaccessible to allow players to see what the game can offer (too many sneaky pay walls to enjoy story).


Cosmetics hit a dead end because of its dependency on armor category and visuals being attached to equipment to take it to the next level.



Anet boasts about how good their story is, but refuses to review their payment policy (and being up front with the many paywalls) on Living World so people can get to it. How can a new player get into and enjoy the current story if they have no context about anything that is happening?

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Anet boasts about how good their story is, but refuses to review their payment policy (and being up front with the many paywalls) on Living World so people can get to it. How can a new player get into and enjoy the current story if they have no context about anything that is happening?


It's really puzzling that they give an expansion free (Heart of Thorns) with the purchase of the other one (Path of Fire) while the content in-between is not given for free (Season 3). It's like they don't want to tell a coherent story

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > Anet boasts about how good their story is, but refuses to review their payment policy (and being up front with the many paywalls) on Living World so people can get to it. How can a new player get into and enjoy the current story if they have no context about anything that is happening?


> It's really puzzling that they give an expansion free (Heart of Thorns) with the purchase of the other one (Path of Fire) while the content in-between is not given for free (Season 3). It's like they don't want to tell a coherent story


Giving the precious expac while buying the latest one is a common practice in MMOs, but I agree it should include the lws in between too.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > Anet boasts about how good their story is, but refuses to review their payment policy (and being up front with the many paywalls) on Living World so people can get to it. How can a new player get into and enjoy the current story if they have no context about anything that is happening?

> >

> > It's really puzzling that they give an expansion free (Heart of Thorns) with the purchase of the other one (Path of Fire) while the content in-between is not given for free (Season 3). It's like they don't want to tell a coherent story


> Giving the precious expac while buying the latest one is a common practice in MMOs, but I agree it should include the lws in between too.


I know and I understand why they did it. They took a hit on their revenue by making Heart of Thorns free and are not making the in-between content also free for a much smaller (if any?) impact on their revenue. Now I could be wrong and they get a massive amount of revenue thanks to the living world pay wall and the expansion sales weren't so big, but I find that very unlikely.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> Giving the precious expac while buying the latest one is a common practice in MMOs, but I agree it should include the lws in between too.


Other than FF14 and GW2, which MMO does that?

WoW adds expansions to the core game, after the next one comes out.



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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > Giving the precious expac while buying the latest one is a common practice in MMOs, but I agree it should include the lws in between too.


> Other than FF14 and GW2, which MMO does that?

> WoW adds expansions to the core game, after the next one comes out.




Isn't that pretty much the same though? The final result is you don't need to buy every separate expac when getting the latest one. In gw2 the core game is free, so adding it to that wouldn't be the same.

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gw2 is the best CASUAL mmo rpg out there.

and i would even say the best mmorpg for noobs unless you want gear competition and openworld PK.


but its not THE best and will never be because of poor decision and communiaction from anet sicne launch.

the game always was a shadow of what it could have been and some massive content drought made me quite the game for 2 years before i came back to it just recently.


tho since balthazar died the story is getting better and more enjoyable with nice gameplay variation in the story and decent/fun boss battle in each chapter.

pvp wise gw2 has finally its 2v2 gamemode!

WvW still dont have any alliance system and no meaningfull reward for winning a match or defending homeworld. i do hope cantha deliver what WvW needs. and maybe one day, will we have guild vs guild in pvp!


(also give obsidian sanctuary some love and make a special duel area in the arena there! i miss the time where tons of ppl would go there to challenge other ppl in 1v1 or have massive zerg fights in the jumping puzzle!)

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > Giving the precious expac while buying the latest one is a common practice in MMOs, but I agree it should include the lws in between too.

> >

> > Other than FF14 and GW2, which MMO does that?

> > WoW adds expansions to the core game, after the next one comes out.

> >

> >


> Isn't that pretty much the same though? The final result is you don't need to buy every separate expac when getting the latest one. In gw2 the core game is free, so adding it to that wouldn't be the same.


It's not pretty much the same.

With WoW you can buy the core game and complete all, ready to jump into the newest expac.

In FF14, after you finish 2.0, you finished only that. When you buy the newest expac you still have to play through all the older expacs, before you can jump into the newest expac.

In GW2 it doesn't matter, since you can jump back and force in the story. But in FF14 you can't do that.

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I would say it may grow again but it won't be bigger than WoW. It probably won't even be bigger than ESO, which is pretty much the second-most successful MMO on the market. I'd like to see it grow again but WoW, for whatever reason, has its loyal fanbase of people that love to grind aimlessly.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > GW2 is already inferior to GW1. So asking for GW2 being the best MMO is the wrong question.

> > We should ask if GW1 is the best MMO ever made.


> Technically, GW1 is not even an MMO, since it's classified as a CORPG.

> Outside of outposts it never fulfilled the first M of MMO (at least I don't consider eight people a massive amount) and with the introduction of heroes, the second M diminished too.


And technically this is your opinion. But i am not interested in opinions. The Fact is that A-Net sold GW1 as a MMO.

And i also don't care what other people consider a massive amount. I want to play alone so i would consider 2+ people a massive amount i don't want in my group.


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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > GW2 is already inferior to GW1. So asking for GW2 being the best MMO is the wrong question.

> > We should ask if GW1 is the best MMO ever made.


> But gw1 isn't really considered a mmo.


Not sure how this is relevant. GW1 is sold as a MMO by A-Net. Everything else is pure speculation by random people with irrelevant opinions.


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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > > GW2 is already inferior to GW1. So asking for GW2 being the best MMO is the wrong question.

> > > We should ask if GW1 is the best MMO ever made.

> >

> > Technically, GW1 is not even an MMO, since it's classified as a CORPG.

> > Outside of outposts it never fulfilled the first M of MMO (at least I don't consider eight people a massive amount) and with the introduction of heroes, the second M diminished too.


> And technically this is your opinion. But i am not interested in opinions. The Fact is that A-Net sold GW1 as a MMO.

> And i also don't care what other people consider a massive amount. I want to play alone so i would consider 2+ people a massive amount i don't want in my group.



Anet referred to it as a corpg and not an mmo, in fact it was in their FAQ at one point. or as per current wiki main page:


"Welcome to GuildWiki,

an unofficial wiki guide for ArenaNet's Competitive Online RPG, Guild Wars."


If GW1 was better than GW2 then GW1 would not be dead today. It was an Amazing game, but its dated now.



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Not sure how comparing GW1 with GW2 is relevant in this thread but, the funny thing is, neither GW2 nor GW1 are sold as "MMOs", they are both sold as **online role playing games**. At least at this point in time.



> Guild Wars® is an **online roleplaying game** that rewards player skill and innovative gameplay.



> Guild Wars 2 is an **online role-playing game** with fast-paced action combat, a rich and detailed universe of stories, awe-inspiring landscapes to explore, two challenging player vs. player modes—and no subscription fees!


Have fun!

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> And technically this is your opinion. But i am not interested in opinions.

> The Fact is that A-Net sold GW1 as a MMO.

You can, if you were to bother doing so, read on the official wiki that Guild Wars is an CORPG and that Arenanet chose **not** to use the MMORPG genre **on purpose.** So it's **not** my opinion, but a fact. GW1 resembling an MMO, however, is _your opinion_.

Denying that is nothing more than trolling.


> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> From urban Dictionary


> Competitive **Online Role-Playing Game**

> An example of a game that fits into the CORPG genre would be Guild Wars.


On the official wiki, the C is interpreted as both competitive and cooperative.



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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > GW2 is already inferior to GW1. So asking for GW2 being the best MMO is the wrong question.

> > We should ask if GW1 is the best MMO ever made.


> Technically, GW1 is not even an MMO, since it's classified as a CORPG.

Being self-clasified by developer as CORPG does not make it any less (or more) of an MMORPG than it is. Yes, it is mostly instanced, but then most of MMORPG endgame is also in instanced content


Notice by the way, that the origin of the CORPG name lies in GW1's past, and how the game was supposed to turn out according to the original design. Which has changed _even before the game went out of beta_. That original label does not really fit the actual game, as (unlike how it was planned) the "competitive" part turned out to be only a sideshow to the main PvE content. That's why they stopped using it and started to refer to gw1 (and gw2, as Maddoctor above pointed out) as only "online role-playing games". Which, again, does not automatically make those two games to _not_ be MMORPGs.


> Outside of outposts it never fulfilled the first M of MMO (at least I don't consider eight people a massive amount) and with the introduction of heroes, the second M diminished too.

So, you're saying that raids and dungeons are _not_ a feature of MMORPGs?


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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> Guild Wars 2 falls flat in what it's trying to be which is an MMO that does everything. It doesn't quite have an identity. The PvP scene seems all but squandered, WvW is a broken, boring mess, the GW2 story isn't as engaging as it could be & the character development is flat.


> If you want an MMO for Story, Dungeons, Housing & RP? FFXIV

> If FFXIV is too weeb for you; turn to ESO or wait for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

> If you want an MMO for PvP, Housing & Graphics? Black Desert

> If you want an MMO for it's vast popularity? WoW

> If you want an MMO that is all about Mount & Chair skins? GW2 (atleast, that's all I see advertised about Gw2)


I agree with all your points. The sad part is GW2 can and could be so much better if they decided to flesh out where it wants to be. Obviously they have already decded that. Imagine if this game had a truly devoted staff to develop it further. I never did understand why the level was capped at 80 since inception. Again, so much potential and so little desire to make it better.

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