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3v3 Mini-Season Update

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Allarius.5670" said:

> > CMC confirmed yesterday on the GW2 "We play WvW" stream a handful of balance changes to be included in the patch for next Tuesday. Expect changes to condi-Thief and Ranger birds. I did not see/hear specifics.

> ofc do some boost to d/d condi thief is good idea, may be it will help me up my silver division, and make some unknown changes with ranger, but I don't see point, - they both useles on blob, and not accepatable in normal squad anywhere, and if we have same changes in pvp it also not change anything, skilled player still op, non skilled - still, not op. So on next Tuesday we will get some gift. Will see.




you do realize condi thief will be nerfed and not buffed?

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> Duo que was and advantage over solo que so 3 dudes most likely necro gaurd rev combo who are in discord and always play together vs 3 solo que guys of any class are going to win every single time.

yes and no :) they going win every single time till moment then thay meet same friendly and exp team. And, that to mmr rating, they will play with same 3th teams, and solo exp exp players .. And this is great.


> So yeah you won 3 1 v 1.

not me, but if someone can - why not ? and this is great too.


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> @"Tharan.9085" said:

> you do realize condi thief will be nerfed and not buffed?

don't think so. Thay say "changes" ..It is already useless class, without any accept in squad. Ofc Anet can make unpredictable fun changes, but I am already play condi thief and know hot it is today, and how I see it they want buff it.


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > Duo que was and advantage over solo que so 3 dudes most likely necro gaurd rev combo who are in discord and always play together vs 3 solo que guys of any class are going to win every single time.

> yes and no :) they going win every single time till moment then thay meet same friendly and exp team. And, that to mmr rating, they will play with same 3th teams, and solo exp exp players .. And this is great.


> > So yeah you won 3 1 v 1.

> and this is great too.



No dude. not 3 solo's. If/ those 3 premade run into another 3 premade more skilled then yes. Just go back to 2v2. Top was undefeated and 2nd was 1 loss due to d/c supposedly. I know you like to argue and you think you are skilled because being invisible takes skill.

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> those 3 premade run into another 3 premade more skilled then yes.

don't see problem. We have team who wins, and losers. Winners play whit winners , and someone will lose, losers whit losers, and someone will win, and not matter they join same class, combo, 3 necro .. People call this mmr system.


> Just go back to 2v2. Top was undefeated and 2nd was 1 loss due to d/c supposedly. I know you like to argue and you think you are skilled because being invisible takes skill.

I am also not see problem if someone win 100%. Why not? All that we can do ask additional account bound gift(like legendary T2 weapon item) for winners.



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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > those 3 premade run into another 3 premade more skilled then yes.

> don't see problem. We have team who wins, and losers. Winners play whit winners , and someone will lose, losers whit losers, and someone will win, and not matter they join same class, combo, 3 necro .. People call this mmr system.


> > Just go back to 2v2. Top was undefeated and 2nd was 1 loss due to d/c supposedly. I know you like to argue and you think you are skilled because being invisible takes skill.

> I am also not see problem if someone win 100%. Why not? All that we can do ask additional account bound gift(like legendary T2 weapon item) for winners.




Lol. but the mmr extends after a few minutes so these 1800 go vs 1500 in duo and now if you can three q what you think happens?

Lets say 1 and 2, 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 are all duos.

Now they can 3 q so 1 and 2 grabs 6 and 3 and 4 grabs 5 and they make a deal not to q same time.

Now thier 3 q almost always get longer ques and get matches vs players way below their rank so the mmr doesn't work

So the solo q players get wrecked. I mean if they can 3 que i won't even bother

If it's duo max so most matches are a duo and a solo vs a duo and a solo then I will.

If you see no problems in this system then I can't talk to you no more. gl

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > you do realize condi thief will be nerfed and not buffed?

> don't think so. Thay say "changes" ..It is already useless class, without any accept in squad. Ofc Anet can make unpredictable fun changes, but I am already play condi thief and know hot it is today, and how I see it they want buff it.



It has been confirmed that it gets nerfed because it's clearly overperforming, just bc you're bad at the game doesnt mean a build is bad

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> @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > > you do realize condi thief will be nerfed and not buffed?

> > don't think so. Thay say "changes" ..It is already useless class, without any accept in squad. Ofc Anet can make unpredictable fun changes, but I am already play condi thief and know hot it is today, and how I see it they want buff it.

> >


> It has been confirmed that it gets nerfed because it's clearly overperforming, just bc you're bad at the game doesnt mean a build is bad


to be fair he plays d/d not p/d, so hold on with them insults chief

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> Lol. but the mmr extends after a few minutes so these 1800 go vs 1500 in duo and now if you can three q what you think happens?

I hope strongest team will win. Why not ???


> so the mmr doesn't work

if someone will lose more, and someone will win more - this is not mean that mmr not works.


> So the solo q players get wrecked.

this is mmo game ? they know that thay wrecked anyway they choose paly solo in mmo project.


>I mean if they can 3 que i won't even bother

Why we should give easy wind for player who don't want communicate in mmo project ? Sometime win should be impossible, and this is cool!


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > Lol. but the mmr extends after a few minutes so these 1800 go vs 1500 in duo and now if you can three q what you think happens?

> I hope strongest team will win. Why not ???


> > so the mmr doesn't work

> if someone will lose more, and someone will win more - this is not mean that mmr not works.


> > So the solo q players get wrecked.

> this is mmo game ? they know that thay wrecked anyway they choose paly solo in mmo project.


> >I mean if they can 3 que i won't even bother

> Why we should give easy wind for player who don't want communicate in mmo project ? Sometime win should be impossible, and this is cool!



Yeah the 3 1800 will win vs the 3 1500 every time but why should 3 1500 play 3 1800 at any point if the system works


The mmr system doesn't work because you aren't always player equal rating


Because not everyone has 2 frands always on everytime they want to pvp yet shouldn't be left out


Not asking for easy wins just a fair chance of 3 solos vs 3 solos of close rating or 1 duo and a solo vs 1 duo and a solo not 3 solos vs a threemade

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2 weeks sounds way too short amount of time for these mini seasons. Off season is the worst if the only thing you can play is unranked conguest. If you want to have a 1 week offseason without any ranked then could you add the incoming gamemode of the miniseason to be unranked for the first week. Then people can chill out because there is no ranked immidietly but at least others can play 2v2s, 3v3s or what ever the mini season brings instantly after conguest season.


I would love to see 2v2 or 3v3 to be added in unranked permanently like stronghold.


I have been very happy with the last mini season. Keep up the great work.

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> Yeah the 3 1800 will win vs the 3 1500 every time but why should 3 1500 play 3 1800 at any point if the system works

becasue someone should lose. All can't win always.


> The mmr system doesn't work because you aren't always player equal rating

people should not play same rating. Losers should lose more otfen. It is ok.


> Because not everyone has 2 friends always on

not have friend list - welcome to losers. Why it should be wrong ?



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> @"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > ok, done with you when you cut out parts of sentences so you can insult


> You're gonna surrender to bronze division grammar?


lol no but at first I thought maybe English was his 2nd language but after the latest comments the more trollish it seems so I cut my losses

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > Everyone is tired of Conquest.

> This is a lie.

> I, for one, chose unranked Conquest over the 2vs2 mini-season, because it's more fun to me.

> I doubt I'm the only one enjoying Conquest.


There is a reason I quit conq of any kind including ranked after season 6. It's a boring mode where speed is required more then skill. A pvp match is about how well you fight not how well you can stand on a circle.


Circlequest should have been removed years ago and replaced with tdm. Tdm with the 2v2 season actually showed people's skill in the game (minus all the copy paste fb and core necro combo noobs.). After the first week and a second balance paych 2v2 wells the best thing they had in years.


Since season 6 I've just played stronghold and no ranked. In 2v2 ranks I got to the top 100 :).


Conq = no skill needed just speed

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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> I think there are 2 kind of players: One type that likes strategy, interesting game modes where map awareness, etc. is needed.

> And the other type ... that prefers death match. ;)


What interesting game modes you talking about? Vegas Quest , Pug Lotto, and Glicko of Fortune?

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> @"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:

> > @"Luthan.5236" said:

> > I think there are 2 kind of players: One type that likes strategy, interesting game modes where map awareness, etc. is needed.

> > And the other type ... that prefers death match. ;)


> What interesting game modes you talking about? Vegas Quest , Pug Lotto, and Glicko of Fortune?


Glicko of Fortune - where the payout is worse than penny slots

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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> I think there are 2 kind of players: One type that likes strategy, interesting game modes where map awareness, etc. is needed.

> And the other type ... that prefers death match. ;)


Hahahaha got that mixed up bucko. 2v2 is where skill is required any tdm requires skill and strategy. With circlequest. Stand on circle and get aoe bombed, die then go to the next circle. Yawwwwnnnnn

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > @"Revolution.5409" said:

> > > It will be nice to see FB + Necro + Rev all together on the same team. xD

> >

> > You forget triple condi thief :#


> 1x pd condi thief

> 1x stance share one wolf pack soulbeast

> 1x mirage for broken infinite horizon ambush damage


> Well, the Thieves Guild and the Pet and the Clones soaking up all those buffs, will be absolutely broken AI burst.


> And A LOT of targets on the screen to soak cleave limits, which is unintended damage mitigation.


Wouldn't renegade ulti be better than OWP?

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Thank you for having a week without an active (mini) seasons and the news. Even if it looks like nothing to some players, I really appreciate because it allows to take a break and is the main period where I am interested in trying other professions and builds. (stress free :) )

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