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Very cool idea for Fishing discipline In Cantha!

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I am completely against any kind of fishing in the game.

It's boring, overused and present in way too many other titles already.

There's even freaking fishing simulators out there, why in the world would I want to fish here too?

GW2 is very much capable to do something original and interesting instead of adding a silly mini game you can play anywhere.


Also, all you did was basically suggest fish themed gem store items - for a moment I thought you were trolling.

About using fish in cooking, that was overhauled recently, so forget about another cooking overhaul because of... fish.

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> @"Mortifer.2946" said:

> > @"Poormany.4507" said:

> > Yes to underwater mount - This is the only major mount type left that is not ingame yet and is likely to be made eventually, maybe even before Cantha.

> >

> > No to fishing - Many players, including myself, are just not interested in fishing in any form (see the many other threads on the topic) as it just seems very unnecessary as a system apart from roleplaying, which could easily be covered with an emote or single gemstore item.


> Meh, so it is about the loud minority on forums then? If fishing wasn't popular, it wouldn't be put in so many games, ...like.. Animal Crossing which is selling like crazy


Seriously?--- Comparing Animal Crossing to GW2 . NO to fishing here thanks.




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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"senki.1046" said:

> > Agreed, would bring some life into this game.


> On what do you base this fact? Or, do you mean that it would bring life to the game for you?


I mean litterally "life", fishes are living beings and I like to think about decorating a fish tank etc .

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> @"linkym.2069" said:

> how can people be against fishing? bruh

Because some of us prefer actual content?

> @"linkym.2069" said:

> ive been reading some comments and LOL. Because fishing is boring? because fish are living things? are u kidding me? Better to go fishing than to stand still 24h in divinity's reach or lion's arch


Not everyone does this. In fact, I'd wager that the number of players who congregate in the cities is a lot less than the number of players actually playing the game and enjoying the content.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > how can people be against fishing? bruh

> Because some of us prefer actual content?

> > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > ive been reading some comments and LOL. Because fishing is boring? because fish are living things? are u kidding me? Better to go fishing than to stand still 24h in divinity's reach or lion's arch


> Not everyone does this. In fact, I'd wager that the number of players who congregate in the cities is a lot less than the number of players actually playing the game and enjoying the content.


how is fishing not content? its silly to not want new things

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > how can people be against fishing? bruh

> Because some of us prefer actual content?

> > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > ive been reading some comments and LOL. Because fishing is boring? because fish are living things? are u kidding me? Better to go fishing than to stand still 24h in divinity's reach or lion's arch


> Not everyone does this. In fact, I'd wager that the number of players who congregate in the cities is a lot less than the number of players actually playing the game and enjoying the content.


enlighten me with the content u would preffer

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Mortifer.2946" said:

> > Dear ArenaNet,

> *snip*

> So basically follow your suggestion and deliver a system with rewards and monetization....

> But no actual fishing system?

> ...because all I see in your post is rewards, monetization, and uses for a system with zero description.


> 10/10 Armchair Design.



Do you really need MMO fishing explained to you? He's just pointing out its a potential profit, and ANet being a business first, is whats on their mind. Players get what they want, so do devs, win win. ANet aint gonna bother with anything that doesn't make them money.

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> @"Mortifer.2946" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Mortifer.2946" said:

> > > mindcircus oh I see what you mean. Sorry, for me system of catching fish can be as simple as in Lineage 2 or WoW. I don't really care for the minigame. I care for the fun of collecting stuff and making my own fishtank, and riding a shark =) ...sorry if that doesn't interest you

> > Again you haven't described the actual fishing itself. I have never fished in WoW and I have never played Lineage2.

> > You've done a bang up job listing the monetization and rewards of the system but zero thought into making an entertaining and engaging piece of content that players find fun. Instead you have left the important part of the system to be hand waved off with a "just make it like WoW".

> >

> > The bad news is that this kind of "money first, gameplay second" system isn't usually embraced by people who play video games.

> >

> > The good news is there's probably a solid career waiting for you at Bethesda.


> But you know, I directly wrote for ArenaNet, not you. They definitely know how fishing in Lineage 2 and WoW work. I'm sorry I failed to entertain you stranger... actually I'm not....


Then write them an e-mail, not post in this public place, your highness.

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Fishing is the wrong style of gameplay for GW. Fishing is slow (boring?), a chill activity. GW is a much faster paced game. If you want fishing go play Red Dead Redemption, Animal Crossing or the countless other games that have it.

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> @"linkym.2069" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > > how can people be against fishing? bruh

> > Because some of us prefer actual content?

> > > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > > ive been reading some comments and LOL. Because fishing is boring? because fish are living things? are u kidding me? Better to go fishing than to stand still 24h in divinity's reach or lion's arch

> >

> > Not everyone does this. In fact, I'd wager that the number of players who congregate in the cities is a lot less than the number of players actually playing the game and enjoying the content.


> how is fishing not content? its silly to not want new things


It's boring content interesting to a handful of people, and the devs have a billion better things to do with their time than to cater to a few fishing enthusiasts. Of course people would be against it.

In short, this is a unique fantasy MMO.

See the three key words? Fantasy. Unique. MMO. Fishing is none of that. N.O.N.E.


If you want to chill around fishing solo or with friends you're looking at the wrong game. Play Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing instead.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > > > how can people be against fishing? bruh

> > > Because some of us prefer actual content?

> > > > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > > > ive been reading some comments and LOL. Because fishing is boring? because fish are living things? are u kidding me? Better to go fishing than to stand still 24h in divinity's reach or lion's arch

> > >

> > > Not everyone does this. In fact, I'd wager that the number of players who congregate in the cities is a lot less than the number of players actually playing the game and enjoying the content.

> >

> > how is fishing not content? its silly to not want new things


> It's boring content interesting to a handful of people, and the devs have a billion better things to do with their time than to cater to a few fishing enthusiasts. Of course people would be against it.

> In short, this is a unique fantasy MMO.

> See the three key words? Fantasy. Unique. MMO. Fishing is none of that. N.O.N.E.


> If you want to chill around fishing solo or with friends you're looking at the wrong game. Play Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing instead.


The only thing im understanding now is why Guild Wars 2 is not on the top 5 most played mmos. Fishing is ''boring and not unique'' LOL. What is unique in gw2? The mounts? OK and that's about it. The combat system? hell yeah 5 skills locked forever. What could they put their efforts on then? Dont just hate, say something. You guys are just haters, Its sad to see half its population doesnt want new things implemented on game, which makes it die.

You guys don't add you just subtract.

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> @"linkym.2069" said:

> Its sad to see half its population doesnt want new things implemented on game

Half? Hardly that.


It's not that people don't want new things implemented in the game. They want actual playable content that is more entertaining for their time/money/involvement than what has been suggested here (edit: and in the many other threads on this topic that already exist).


This is a public forum. People are allowed to respectfully voice their opinions. Just because those opinions might differ from yours doesn't make them "haters".


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> So you admit that you are calling me a hater then?


Yes. Say what content would you want instead of fishing and maybe you could inspire devs to make ''actual'' content. Instead of saying nah this is boring and not unique and a waste of resources, thing which doesn't benefit the game at all.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> This isn't the thread for me to voice my preferences for content. That would be off-topic. I have stated my opinion about fishing. You don't agree (or seem to like it) and then resort to name-calling.


Just put it in 1 line or 2. ''- I don't like fishing because of this , this , this and i would prefer this because of this, this and this''. You don't have to be so religious about the off-topic thing.

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I'm not going to get into a tit-for-tat argument with you just so that you can extol the virtues that you find in fishing over the content that I prefer that Anet should focus on. That's not the point of this thread. I've already made my point(s) in other fishing threads. I don't need to belabor them here, which is why I wish that people would use the forums search feature to read previous posts on this topic rather than make new ones.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I'm not going to get into a kitten-for-tat argument with you just so that you can extol the virtues that you find in fishing over the content that I prefer that Anet should focus on. That's not the point of this thread. I've already made my point(s) in other fishing threads. I don't need to belabor them here, which is why I wish that people would use the forums search feature to read previous posts on this topic rather than make new ones.


You just hate to see the fishing topic because you don't like it. Well guess what, a lot of us do and i will defend it because i see it as a very good implementation to the game that would certainly make it more alive. Just look at all of the sea Tyria has.

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A very cool idea that has never been suggested before. Someone else suggested we also get houses with the new expansion, we're on a roll with all these fresh new ideas, guys! :D


Sorry.. I'm trying to be less sarcastic..

It's just that.. since that spiny salad didn't join us this chapter.. I've been quiping for three people's worth these days


The underwater mount is something ice suggested before, including underwater combat revamp.

What i want, however, is not a standard animal made into a mount. I'm sure anet is quite capable of creating a completely unique aquatic creature. Something that looks almost like an underwater fairy. Maybe like a kelpi, but then Canthified entirely


My suggestion was essentially, underwater just needs its own skills and traits entirely.

Instead of disabling and enabling some skills, every class just needs 10-15 skills and 2-3 elites for underwater use, and a seperate 2 or 3 trait lines for underwater combat.

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