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Do you care about the score?

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I get the knock on people caring about scores in 2020, but people don't care about scores for reasons you think. In a 1 up 1 down system, scores matter because you could potentially get into a boring matchup and end up taking a week off from WvW. For an example some servers have heavy offhour coverage that keep them in certain tiers, but they lack NA presence. So for servers with heavy NA population they may opt to try to avoid matchups with those servers.


Some servers have little to no organized guilds, so if you're in an organized guild squad that enjoys fighting other organized guild squads, you would try to avoid getting into a matchup with those servers. If you're a roamer type (and this forum seems to be full of them), you probably don't care either way.


People don't really care about scores for notoriety, it's really just trying to get into an ideal matchup for fights so you don't have to call your guild raids early or skip them completely for a whole week. For a lot of the people in guilds, this kills people's interest in WvW more than anything. Sometimes it's better to not finish 1st, or 2nd, depending on the matchup you're looking for.

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Well, don't want to drop into a dead tier with nothing. But at the same time, not going to wake up at 5 AM in the morning to hit doors just to show who's boss.


I do usually try my best to contribute to WvW and will defend stuff but that's more out of respect to people that care about this stuff and put forth effort to do so. As much as it is hated, it's still necessary to PPT to some degree to get your desired matchup and if you don't treat the people that do the grunt work nicely, you'll pay for it. Well, suppose you can just move and find other people to PPTslave for you so you can have fun while you mock them, but that's not very nice.

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Nah winning matchups doesn't matter in terms of taking pride in your Server(s) Organization, it's all about stacking the remaining hardcore PPTers who believe T1 = big prestige, at least in the EU.


Server pride should be all but gone in those terms, besides when it comes to reminiscing about the old times, while we play with a group of friends or people we get to know in a blob, roaming group or guild raid, unless you are new to the game mode, especially with the linking system nowadays.


The only reason to win, is to get a better matchup against the servers you want to go up against. Whether it's right or not, even tanking makes sense, if it means avoiding going up against certain servers.


It is better than trying to climb up to the Tiers for the sake of it, as some people still believe the higher Tiers, is where the 'best' servers are.

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I use it to gauge a server activity and overall firepower, rather than see it as a goal. Like for example, we're being utterly crushed because our unfortunately dysmally small server got linked to Seafarer's Rest, itself not particularly large, and we're facing Abbadon and Riverside link, which is literally -crushing- everything, everywhere, at all times, to the point of having almost 2 full blobs at a moment's notice everywhere, holding -all- the ruins everywhere, all the keeps, on all the maps. So the war score in that particular case is useful to see whether or not we should be engaging or not. In that particular case, Riverside has consistently dominated more than half of the total war score for the duration of the links, so.... yeah.

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Caring about the score made me burn out on the game in a very, very bad way.


So now I try very much not to care about the score.


*That said* when the score's real tippy, it often means other aspects of WvW aren't going great that week — you're bottlenecked on the map because all your waypoints are dead, some big zerg is trying to farm you in your own garri, there's no one to fight on the map, your side has map queues full of people who are just milling around uselessly, &c.

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only time i cared bout score was the first 2 years or so, when server pride was a thing, even then i wasnt overly fussed, but i would check the score and it felt like i could contribute or not to help my server.

but ever since i never even look at the score, then linkings came along and theres absolutely no reason to bother, infact wvw seems meaningless in that regard, and pretty meaningless overall.

the combat system, fighting either as solo or small group is the only thing wvw has going for it. (to me)

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Some people don't want to be in tier 4, some don't want to be in tier 1, some don't want to face certain servers. Some servers have off hours that pushes servers higher than they should be, which sometimes means a bad time for that server in NA prime. The points you contribute is a small portion of what your entire server provides in an entire week, unless you're a commander with long hours covering multiple skirmishes. Rarely a miraculous comeback happens during the week, the weekend usually settles the score for many matches.


If you have to burn yourself out to push your server to a win and go higher in tiers, your server probably doesn't belong there anyways due to population and coverage. Also winning really means nothing these days, does anyone care sbi and their bandwagon were number one last relinks apart from sbi people? Some people will stop playing their main for the week or play on an alt(where they mostly likely don't care about score there either), if they get into a tier they don't want. Being stuck with red is even worse and most times feels like you're going to get double teamed for easy points since this mode was made to steamroll the weakest. Might as well lose and go green the week after.


I'll defend my sides stuff, but won't go out of my way to capture, upgrade, defend opponents stuff. Getting into a good fight no matter the situation is the only driving force for me.


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They should remove ALL scoring except points per kill. The biggest server should always win the match, not be allowed to hide in smc and avoid ppt.

Doing this would force the bigger servers to fight each other, or throw bodies at smaller forces, which will be amusing for the outnumbered side.


Side note thoughts:

All siege but rams and oil should be removed. You want it, get out of your fortified castle and get it. (rams limited to 3 per gate)

SMC supply is removed. It still takes yaks to upgrade, but if you want to repair it, run supply from your third.


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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> They should remove ALL scoring except points per kill. The biggest server should always win the match, not be allowed to hide in smc and avoid ppt.

> Doing this would force the bigger servers to fight each other, or throw bodies at smaller forces, which will be amusing for the outnumbered side.

That would lead to even more fight picking, ganking, running away, stacking. PPK just means you only want to pick fights that you can dominate. Otherwise you would give the enemy server free points. If you want more fights, you would have to give the **outnumbered** side a reason to fight (not the superior one), even if they already know that they will suffer heavy losses. Atm this is objectives + PPT.


PPK takes away every reason to do so, e. g. defending a keep by respawning several times, or keeping the superior enemy busy in open field fights and thus keeping them away from your objectives.



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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > They should remove ALL scoring except points per kill. The biggest server should always win the match, not be allowed to hide in smc and avoid ppt.

> > Doing this would force the bigger servers to fight each other, or throw bodies at smaller forces, which will be amusing for the outnumbered side.

> That would lead to even more fight picking, ganking, running away, stacking. PPK just means you only want to pick fights that you can dominate. Otherwise you would give the enemy server free points. If you want more fights, you would have to give the **outnumbered** side a reason to fight (not the superior one), even if they already know that they will suffer heavy losses. Atm this is objectives + PPT.


> PPK takes away every reason to do so, e. g. defending a keep by respawning several times, or keeping the superior enemy busy in open field fights and thus keeping them away from your objectives.




The blobs already do that now though. They hide in siege capped smc, and only come out to fight enemies half their size. That isn't going to change. But, removing ppt, would mean that all that "farming smaller groups" crap. would lead to them winning the match (which they openly avoid now) and increasing the chance that the larger servers would have to face each other. Not the status quo, which is 100 man guilds, hiding in lower tiers and transferring anytime a similar sized enemy guild ends up playing in their time zone.

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I pay attention to it. I won't say its a driving force of motivation unless there is a close match and it brings fights. I've noted that the pugs absolutely check that out and will want to push even up to reset. Any of us who have been around awhile understand that all servers group up. T1 isn't my favorite but I've had some weeks where that provided better more even fights than T2. lol

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People already are afraid of dying even with it not counting for much.


Also please do have some respect for yak escorters/building inspectors. I appreciate it because I don't have to do that crap most of the time. Even the jUST hERE fOR fiTES crowd realizes that having no waypoints and such makes it pretty hard to get around and getting proper fights.

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