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Do you care about the score?

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> @"Besetment.9187" said:

> The only people who genuinely don't care ... are the people who ... were never emotionally invested enough to play wvw for any reason except the mystic clovers.

So basically everyone whos playing for rewards as, like I said, taking things over is generally more rewarding as defending and you can't take things over if your team already controls the map.

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > this was about how a server is "best" and you still havnt given a credible answer ( because there isnt one )

> So, maybe its was too many words. ;) I try to keep it short this last time: Anet defines who is best, they made a scoring system for that purpose. You win -> you best. I also described how you can achieve winning Matchups, wont repeat it, but just a litte hint: its not just about more ppl and midnight PvD as you've stated it.

> > and i enjoy the game too

> You already said that you dont enjoy playing the game, you get bored quickly and quit after minutes. You also said, that you go for a self-made version instead.

> > ur upset because i have a diffrent view of things, and cant accept it...

> Since you are the one that constantly insults ppl, I guess its you that cant accept that ppl having fun with playing the game and winning. But to make you feel better: I accept that you lost interest in the game, I even gave the explanation: you got bored after years of playing, which is normal. I can totally accept that without insulting you as a person with no brain. Play your self-made "fight arena" and get carried by "PPT"lers, gl



1. no,


2. bored after 10 mins if in a squad too big (again put ur own spin on things )


3. speaking for yourself.. your suggesting eveyone plays to finish 1st in the matchup by way of ppt... uhm nope, most play for fights whether u agree or not. and making up stuff is your thing so il leave you to it.

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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> 1. no,

Ok, I dont know any game, sports or whatever, where the team that loses is recognized as the better one. Blaming defeats solely on a lack in numbers and night watch just confirms imo that you are not very deep into this game.


> 2. bored after 10 mins if in a squad too big (again put ur own spin on things )

My own spin on things? Imo you made absolutely clear that you are bored playing the game, and only enjoy the combat system in smaller fights:


> @"acidic.4356" said:

> but ever since i never even look at the score, then linkings came along and theres absolutely no reason to bother, infact wvw seems meaningless in that regard, and pretty meaningless overall. the combat system, fighting either as solo or small group is the only thing wvw has going for it. (to me)

> @"acidic.4356" said:

> i just cant understand playing for ppt

> @"acidic.4356" said:

> why is hitting a gate or a wall and then fighting npcs over and over any fun, or flipping camps over and over etc... i can only do it for so long and if it brings no enemys il probably logout.. just curious.... at the opposite end of that is the zerg fights, which i also find very boring, and can usually stomach only ten mins of it..before i think kitten am i doing

> @"acidic.4356" said:

> u play to find other groups of similar or bigger size to test yourselves in battle


Its like joining a random football match at the local sports ground and you say „I dont like running, I dont care about scoring, Im just here for the tackles“, and call it „playing football“.


> 3. speaking for yourself.. your suggesting eveyone plays to finish 1st in the matchup by way of ppt... uhm nope, most play for fights whether u agree or not. and making up stuff is your thing so il leave you to it.

I dont suggest anything. You asked for an explanation why ppl care for score and do PPT. Regarding your quotes, you dont even seem to understand what „playing PPT“ means. If you want a high points per tick you inevitably have to fight a lot (EDIT: over the whole match ofc). Even the guy you've initially quoted on that said he fights when necessary.


> most play for fights whether u agree or not

I totally agree, including myself as well. Fighting for objectives, thats how Anet advertises it + tactical warfare e. g. supply control. Thats how you win matchups in the first place according to the score system.


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ok ..so u dont know anything about sport either, clearly.. but plenty of the supposed better teams have lost to lesser oponents, many times... but this isnt even my point, your still dodging the question....





> @"Susy.7529" said:

> Yes I do, I play for score and PPT, but my server don't they only care about zerg fights. I mostly like playing to cap objectives, fighting only when needed.

> Please name me a server who plays like I like if there is any (EU).


read that^ and understand that this person states they avoid fights and prefer to ppt... "fighting only when needed"

and seems to be struggling to find like minded players or a server for that matter, guess why?................


and yes, there is a scoring sytem in place that determines 1st place etc. thanks for pointing that out.


I wont keep repeating why coming 1st in a mu does not make that server the "best" since you cant or wont accept the many reasons already stated as to why they end up with the most points.



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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> ok ..so u dont know anything about sport either, clearly.. but plenty of the supposed better teams have lost to lesser oponents, many times...

Hehe, the „supposed“ better team. That means they are not necessary better, right? ;) E. g. because the opponent had a good counter tactic or the „supposed“ better team just had a bad day and made lots of mistakes. Or just lacked in motivation and invested to little.


And even if they dominated every statistic except score, even if they lost because the referee was on Crack that day, or payed by the opponent, they still dont get the trophy or the victory points, but instead drop in ranks or are eliminated from the tournament. Because they are not recognized as the better team. They just get a „they might have won if they hadnt bad luck...“ and thats it.


> and yes, there is a scoring sytem in place that determines 1st place etc. thanks for pointing that out.


> I wont keep repeating why coming 1st in a mu does not make that server the "best" since you cant or wont accept the many reasons already stated as to why they end up with the most points.

Why recognize a server as „better“ when they lost the match-up in a, as Anet states it, competitive game mode?

Because its per definition completely irrelevant why they got the most points (except massive hacking maybe). Getting the most points make them the better server (or team if linked) by definition. Doesnt matter if they were able to motivate more ppl or have an appealing community that attracts transfer influx or whatever. Its just useless to discuss a definition.


Lets take EU: Gandara as a solo server is currently winning T2 vs. 2 servers that each have another server linked. You say Gandara should not be recognized as the better server?


And on the other hand, there are some Servers (that I wont name cause of „match-up thread“) that are usually found in the low tiers, no matter who they are linked to. You say they should not be recognized as a bad server?


Sry, thats not how competitive games with a victory score work. Anet even provides a leaderboard for each single server, may have a look? I would say it roughly fits



> > @"Susy.7529" said:

> > Yes I do, I play for score and PPT, but my server don't they only care about zerg fights. I mostly like playing to cap objectives, fighting only when needed.

> > Please name me a server who plays like I like if there is any (EU).


> read that^ and understand that this person states they avoid fights and prefer to ppt... "fighting only when needed"

Red and understood. Yeah, he fights for objectives, because thats necessary.

> and seems to be struggling to find like minded players or a server for that matter, guess why?................

So you both seem to share the same problem: he doesnt like zerg fights, you dont like zerg fights, you said you usually quit after 10 mins ^^


I usually see servers that play PPT and take most of the fights they encounter during their way to the next objectives. If the guy you've quoted doesnt like that, thats fine.


But you are massively twisting here. I don't need or give an answer to the question „Why do ppl only fight and ignore score?“ I already answered that question, and atm I know 3 servers on EU that mostly do this. It was you who asked several ppl why they care for score and PPT. And we answered you that question but you didnt understand or accepted it. I stopped careing why, so gl ;)

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1) WHY would we really care about the score? **no official leaderboard, no rewards for winning score** anyways.


2) voted _other_, since i sometimes care. if we want the matchup we get after becoming 1st, i care. i also kinda care if we plan to get 3rd and tank and if we really want to stay in same tier. however, i don't care enough to play much these days... all matchups are similar to deal with as long as u have a good guild.


/// @ crazy.. your idea equals your name. maybe a grandmaster mark of choice, rising with current server tier for the winning server, that would be good. u cannot just give away legendaries each week, that would be some insane inflation (that may be the wrong wording) for that item tier. even giving ascended armor boxes would be too much i think. maybe for winner of t1 matchup.


but currently, winning or losing is equally worthless, most of the people who know what they're doing just don't care. ergo, those win who just play quantitively the most, and the biggest amound of players don't even scratch their capacities.


@ enkidu

you have not much idea about this format or? you recognize in a coordinated guildraid pretty quickly, how good your server is compared to the other ones in the matchup... as a puglife player, you won't see this part mostly even. when i cared about score, i did not understand the format enough simply.


the format isn't worth to care about score, since killing players is all that gives u bags and fills your reward track quickly, and bags / drops from champion chests of rewardtrack is mainly the best reward you can get. _score or the matchup gives u NO REWARD AT ALL._ how is it even possible to not understand this?


just read #1... sums up why u are the wrongest possible. no rewards, no winner. the points are not even balanced towards anything.


also u think that Gand*ra is a good server, you disqualified yourself pretty solid at that point : P

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> @ enkidu

> you have not much idea about this format or? you recognize in a coordinated guildraid pretty quickly, how good your server is compared to the other ones in the matchup... as a puglife player, you won't see this part mostly even. when i cared about score, i did not understand the format enough simply.

Me? No, its Anets creation. So what you are saying is basically that the developer of this game mode doesnt understand its own format. You know thats silly right?


When I start playing a game, I look at the game goal. Thats usually winning by a score system. So, besides other things I have more fun when my team wins. Some of you guys dont understand that? Lul


> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> also u think that Gand*ra is a good server, you disqualified yourself pretty solid at that point : P

See, you guys wont understand the most basic aspects of games not in a hundreds of years. Its not me who says that Gandara was the better team when they won the match up. Its Anet who designed the score system. Your or my oppinions dont change that definition.


But you seem to be totally clueless, since you claim that there would be no rewards and no official leaderboards xD


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Heres my quite honest opinion from a commander that has rallied servers to go higher tiers multiple times (Desolation, Vabbi, Blacktide (during AG link)) while putting a little extra effort in it. You could say that I was tagging up 6-10 hours a day while responding to enemy blobs on these servers, making it more fun for allies. I don't do such hours these days, only about 16-25 hours a week, but you get my point: climbing up and putting effort in it is quite fun, being stuck rank 1 due to coverage is super boring.


Yes, why would one not care about score? If you do not care about score, you will miss so many epic moments, such as camp defenses, sneaking T3 camps from multiple defenders, making lifetime enemies. The PPT scene has much more respect towards their enemies than the PPK scene, and yes, it does hold a lot of grudges as well from salt to people trying to get better at the game just for sake of their server. Just the balance.....Well defender always wins unless outclassed and outmanned, I'd say, making it kinda stale. After 4 years of such terrible balancing, it isn't a surprise people don't care about score and rather hunt for open field fights.


Things like cataing T3 SM/Keep open outer wall and leaving rest for other groups might seem like it is playing just for score, but it does give also give incentive for enemy to come to you. As long as they send 5 people for you and you can escape fast enough while living on the edge, you have managed to annoy 5 people, great job. Next time they'll come with less and less because repairing walls is boring.. Tagging enemy keep when commander is ramming WC/Fire keep? Playing for score or being smart and minimizing risks? Hard to say. You minimize risks of having terrible moment of getting ACd out and commander wiping to all the mortars and trebs with combined cloud in return for increased chance of fight. Id say overall playing for score is correct solution for fun but this does not mean bashing your head against objectives you can't capture.


Have you seen commander log in, tag up, then complain about not having enemy group to fight (despite there being enemies) then being complete bonobo regarding placing siege and thus being incapable of forcing enemy to have it necessary to get a commander? MILLION TIMES! Running around for hour or so without proper enemy give commander gives them possibility to talk about ingame stuff (newest patch, builds, community events etc.) and get to know their server mates. But of course you try your best regarding score as well because using brain to shut down enemies makes your gameplay meaningful, else you might as well log into VRChat or something. If no enemy commander is willing to tag up despite you taking all their stuff, well thats on them, better luck tommorow or next week.


Overall playing for score teaches you all the tricks from contesting objectives, siege placement, supply, reflecting omegas, using traps and playing unexpectly. And this means WvW will almost never be boring for you, Commander PPTing bravost? Try contesting enemy keep+ganking incomings (further away than what people do normally)! Playing for score but still more fun than botting at the gate.. Same goes for splitting up from main commander for a moment to defend T3 keeps against smaller groups on other maps.


Now caring about winning is a different thing as it varies from week to week, servers that are links now are links because they didn't care about winning to put a little bit extra effort in it in the past. So it has long-term consequences but overall as long as you solidify yourself as T3 or above server, you shouldn't bleed any important players. Trying to go above that is kind of pointless. Being T3 or T1 server requires about same amount of effort anyways, it's just about amount of hours you play. If you're stuck at T5, the gamemode just lacks.... Purpose and passion... Basically no brain involved, enemy is too easy to outplay even with small train of thought. And then they give up and log out.


What I am trying to say is that playing for score allows you to play the game always and have quite a decent time provided you adapt to the situation. Regardless if it bad linking for your server, commanders are inactive, there aren't enough enemies or you're just outclassesd as a server. It is like playing Chess or Go, you use your brain, not for everyone, some are more FPS player type. Playing for score doesn't necessarily have anything to do with siege, you can also outskill enemies, which is why training and builds are necessary even when playing for score.

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@ enkidu

" no rewards and no official leaderboards"

... the simply are no ranking rewards, what do u not understand? its like few extra pips for currently leading matchup server, that is as uneffective finally as it gets. leading a tag on a outnumbered map feeds you even more pips probably.


and the leaderboards are not official, sites like gw2stats, gw2mists give u overviews about score and tiers and k/dR and guilds, those are not official sites. official means / would mean made by Anet directly. and ranking rewards would u get something specifically for beeing place #1.


Desolation has been first in ppt for months... still it showed that we cannot field the numbers of effective players without a link, roamers never learn group movement. if score mattered, defending camps would be more important. when i do that, then rather for the bags/killcount than for the WXP or the pips or just to practice the char.


so what u maybe not understand: there is no extrinsic motivation to ppt, you only get intrinsic motivation provided.


besides: the "creator of this game", which would refer to the initial designers of Wvw, are not even employed at Anet anymore. some stupid trolls on the forums got them into an argument, and Anet did a poor choice about kicking at least on in that incident - instead of just banning the trolls.


how much plan about the format Wvw anet has also gets reflected in the balance patching -overall similar to "we rolled some dices and that's what they said". 100% lack of new content since i started playing gw2 even. warclaw doesn't count, it's not content, rather another problem to work with.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> @ enkidu

> " no rewards and no official leaderboards"

> ... the simply are no ranking rewards, what do u not understand? its like few extra pips for currently leading matchup server, that is as uneffective finally as it gets. leading a tag on a outnumbered map feeds you even more pips probably.


> and the leaderboards are not official, sites like gw2stats, gw2mists give u overviews about score and tiers and k/dR and guilds, those are not official sites. official means / would mean made by Anet directly. and ranking rewards would u get something specifically for beeing place #1.


> Desolation has been first in ppt for months... still it showed that we cannot field the numbers of effective players without a link, roamers never learn group movement. if score mattered, defending camps would be more important. when i do that, then rather for the bags/killcount than for the WXP or the pips or just to practice the char.


> so what u maybe not understand: there is no extrinsic motivation to ppt, you only get intrinsic motivation provided.


> besides: the "creator of this game", which would refer to the initial designers of Wvw, are not even employed at Anet anymore. some stupid trolls on the forums got them into an argument, and Anet did a poor choice about kicking at least on in that incident - instead of just banning the trolls.


> how much plan about the format Wvw anet has also gets reflected in the balance patching -overall similar to "we rolled some dices and that's what they said". 100% lack of new content since i started playing gw2 even. warclaw doesn't count, it's not content, rather another problem to work with.


Do you still have info on that? Mmmm... Got links ? That's juicy

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other: For the most part I DO care about score because it dictates who we fight. If you've been playing WvW for a long time then you know people across numerous servers and therefore you can throw throw the match or try hard and cap everything and determine what server/guilds you fight on next match up. You also get more pips for being top score of the 3

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yeah SirPoopsalot (most solid name btw, good sir), and what do the pips give you? some champion bags faster.


even if u open those afterwards with all possible magic find boni, it is still hard gamble to get ascended boxes. and IF you get ascended boxes, you 95% of the time have a wrong setting on those, so u have to buy (or even worse: minstrel is crafting only) the mats to change it to usefulness. like when u collected 20 completeed tracks boxes, you get on average probably like 3-6 ascended boxes. i got my last ones in december... inbetween been like 400 wvw-levels and several thousand kills.


@ sovereign: i think someone on the forums hinted it, and i found further links on the web, there was at least one article about this, where the action of Anet has been critically reviewed. a short recherche about the names (after this incident forum mod names been usually anonym) i came to the conclusion that this had probably really happened.


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I do care about score, but only because it is the only official gauge I can see in WvW game mode. (KDR and other numbers are not visible in official game, only on 3rd party websites via API functions).


So my answer is: Yes, I do care about PPT, because its the only number even remotely and theoretically informing about server WvW quality (yes yes, I know , its more about server population, but nevermind). If there will be better informing numbers, I would care about them. But there is only one visible number in WvW - PPT tick - so I do care about PPT number.

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the thing is, ingame afaik doesn't even show you server tier or?


and yeah, ppt really doesn't say anything about quality, rather plain population, it is kinda pug numbers game.


just about who wastes most time for nothing in rewards kinda. 2 guildraids a week gives you more gains than six days ppt'ing outside of groupplay.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> and yeah, ppt really doesn't say anything about quality, rather plain population, it is kinda pug numbers game.

Oh it does. You are just one inch away from understanding why ppl enjoy to see their team win. Just ask yourself a final question:


Whats that magic trickery that the enemy server is able to field more players or night watchers than yours? ;)


GL, enjoy



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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> > and yeah, ppt really doesn't say anything about quality, rather plain population, it is kinda pug numbers game.

> Oh it does. You are just one inch away from understanding why ppl enjoy to see their team win. Just ask yourself a final question:


> Whats that magic trickery that the enemy server is able to field more players or night watchers than yours? ;)


> GL, enjoy





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that magic trickery is either unemployed people stacking up, or servers having people from very different timezones. like some servers got north american guilds, or more people from countries with completely different timezones than the most of europe. i somehow hope @ enkidu only trolls.


another very magic very trickery is that we are not exactly sure about the player caps on either servers nor maps.


in my opinion, whoever does crazy ppt during his own nightime mainly wastes his time. it can be okay and fine if you come home from a party and get a last drink doing some hours ppt in a far from sober state, but going from midnight to 6am is nothing i'd regularly do (also because you screw up your sleep schedule for literally nothing)


it can be fun once each 2-3 months, when a rare old comm tags up nighttime, but normally i'd never do that.


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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> that magic trickery is either unemployed people stacking up, or servers having people from very different timezones. like some servers got north american guilds, or more people from countries with completely different timezones than the most of europe. i somehow hope @ enkidu only trolls.

We all know that these ppl exists, bu you didnt answer the question: why is the enemy team able to field those and yours is not?


Ok, you unintentionally answered it:

> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> in my opinion, whoever does crazy ppt during his own nightime mainly wastes his time.

When most of the ppl on your server think the same way, crazy midnight ppt ppl will just leave and look for a server who cares about winning.

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in case of ours: we had no link and after population counts this resulted in like constantly having ~1000-2000 kills and deaths less than other servers, no matter that our main zergs killing the enemy ones frequently.


and not, that was not the answer. EU nightime ppt is about 8 points roughly. (1-2am - ~9-10am)


what u recognized: ppt people may leave a server when ppt doesn't run like they want it to run. once a server ends up with too much ppt population it becomes paralyzed tho and generates considerable lack of players that actually know the game, know how to fight.


this leads to losing all the time during primetime, and as long as literally any 15man guildgroup is around, since u don't need more than that to blast away far more pugs and even more ppt kittens. so by refusing to join Wvw-guilds and instead roaming/ppt'ing exclusively, you weaken your server effectively, and it will start losing too.


nighttime is just about active scouting so the 15-30 nonsleepers can port and hop around the maps. the classy ppt'ers are rarely to never useful scouts, they rather tend to [bluevale Refuge] [bluevale Refuge][bluevale Refuge][bluevale Refuge][bluevale Refuge][bluevale Refuge][bluevale Refuge]

... and 5min later bay flips etc.


u again miss that your term of winning is pointless, since u win nothing. you either way just plainly move to the next matchup. how hard can that be to understand?

without any profit on the win, a win is as good as a loss, that is the only think i'm trying to tell you.


u brought not one argument up the table, since you seem to view "winning" as a static universal term. if i tell you to cut off your arm, then you win, but i (nor anybody else does) don't offer anything as prize for this win, would u do it? the arm is your time spent mad ppt'ing.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Most people WvW to do PvP, but since it has worse balance than SPvP for absolutely NO REASON people end up abandoning it very quickly. I know I did, I only do SPvP now, never WvW. Wvw is not fun at all.


How long did you actually try WvW? Did you get in voice comms? Did you run as part of a guild? There's different roles in that mode that make it vastly more complex and exciting than sPvP (and less toxic).



Now, to answer OP's question. No, nobody cares about War Score because there's ZERO incentive to win. I mean, if anything, servers purposely tank to avoid going up to T1 to get easier fights. All Anet has to do is provide a bit of an incentive, like 20 gold/person on the winning server who reaches Diamond or something that week (don't complain about inflation since you can easily get 30 gold from sPvP/day).

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about shiyo's complaint: i had fun as planless pug in Wvw too. but the time invested for not much - i mean as fresh lv80 first char you actually got upgrades from the silliest drops in Wvw. by now i collect armor boxes of the "new" pirate set or however it is called and farm the shards. shards are as inefficient as it can get tho, like 1 ascended item each half year or so. *


_you should try voiced groups, it feels like the real format, how it should be_ | most people there either know what to do or get told commands by the tag. after experiencing that, the only downside is that you realize how boring and fruitless the format can be without a com.


i personally don't play much spvp since it simply doesn't float my boat. i miss coordination there, and teamplay works generally way worse anyways in spvp. i usually have to beat up half of the enemy group alone; but i didn't tryhard spvp, it likely can befun too if you play in a dedicated guild for it.


*rest is farming boxes, but 2hours*3 per week in a guildraid with a fighting tag is more efficient than like 8 hours*4-5 random stuff with opentags (often). and i personally am not tempted to invest that much time anymore.


and yeah servers do purposely tank... t1 has a bad reputation of having all the pepes and bandwagoners in and often lacks serious groups to fight.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> in case of ours: we had no link and after population counts this resulted in like constantly having ~1000-2000 kills and deaths less than other servers, no matter that our main zergs killing the enemy ones frequently.


> and not, that was not the answer. EU nightime ppt is about 8 points roughly. (1-2am - ~9-10am)


> what u recognized: ppt people may leave a server when ppt doesn't run like they want it to run. once a server ends up with too much ppt population it becomes paralyzed tho and generates considerable lack of players that actually know the game, know how to fight.


> this leads to losing all the time during primetime, and as long as literally any 15man guildgroup is around, since u don't need more than that to blast away far more pugs and even more ppt kittens. so by refusing to join Wvw-guilds and instead roaming/ppt'ing exclusively, you weaken your server effectively, and it will start losing too.


> nighttime is just about active scouting so the 15-30 nonsleepers can port and hop around the maps. the classy ppt'ers are rarely to never useful scouts, they rather tend to [bluevale Refuge] [bluevale Refuge][bluevale Refuge][bluevale Refuge][bluevale Refuge][bluevale Refuge][bluevale Refuge]

> ... and 5min later bay flips etc.


> u again miss that your term of winning is pointless, since u win nothing. you either way just plainly move to the next matchup. how hard can that be to understand?

> without any profit on the win, a win is as good as a loss, that is the only think i'm trying to tell you.


> u brought not one argument up the table, since you seem to view "winning" as a static universal term. if i tell you to cut off your arm, then you win, but i (nor anybody else does) don't offer anything as prize for this win, would u do it? the arm is your time spent mad ppt'ing.

I still have more fun when my team wins. Even though I dont get payed for it. But thx for your detailed explanations ;)

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