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Unranked needs to be re-examined


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Yeah, had nice "learning" game at 37 pvp rank against 4-WORM-s, so much interesting knowledge.GW2 Pvp-Kamasutra its called.

1) How to be kitten-ed against coordinated team in strange poses.

2) How to lost 10 minutes of your life, seeing how one person has more winning matches, than all your team have ever had.

3) How to observe young girl is having French-sandwich party.

Please dont be stupid, this unranked matchmaking is not working. For example, when you starting to play football, you're not playning against WorldChampion Team, you training against your level-team, you cant learn from being kitten by Messy(For Example).

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Ranked doesn't have 100% uptime, so you just DON'T PLAY THE GAME between seasons? Anet doesn't want people to just not play their game.


Play PvE(raids, freggels, strike missions whatever). Try some WvW roaming (entirely different balance, it's like a different game). Learn a new class in unranked. Craft a legendary... if none of this can divert your attention for 1-2 weeks between seasons, well though kitten. Seems like you'll have to deal with the agonising pain of not playing the game until the new season starts.


What you're asking is to take away the ability from people to team up and have fun in conquest. Way more people enjoy playing with friends than there are players upset by unranked not being exacly like ranked. You want to hurt the majority to favor a really fringe minority here, that's why your request is unreasonable.

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Please do something about your unranked matchmaking. I suggest completely removing the ability to queue as 5, and forcing premades to only fight eachother of equal size. This current matchmaking is unhealthy for the future of the game and just leaves a bad taste new players mouths which probably makes them end up giving up on the games PvP entirely.




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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Try a brand new build that's bad and a weapon that's bad, get against 2 people with the monthly tournament winning buff.


> Fantastic matchmaking, btw.


It's usually the same people over and over from my experience in the unranked games. Anya is usually duoing with another person and then there's Mattjones or something I've seen quite a bit. I think it has to do with playing time though. My hours seem to match theirs. If you really are struggling with going against higher ups like this frequently I'd consider friending them and waiting until they've queued. It's sad to have to queue dodge in unranked, but it can be a pretty miserable experience going up against really high rated players. Especially when you get the team full of other people just playing around with wonky builds or that are just new. The game is still winnable but you wind up having to find something that can counter whatever builds they're playing easily enough to balance out their skill level. lol And then you're stuck playing something you don't really want to play just to not waste 15 minutes in a blowout match.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Please do something about your unranked matchmaking. I suggest completely removing the ability to queue as 5, and forcing premades to only fight eachother of equal size. This current matchmaking is unhealthy for the future of the game and just leaves a bad taste new players mouths which probably makes them end up giving up on the games PvP entirely.


so you wanna remove the last place people can play PvP on demand with more than one friend?


feel like people like you forget this is an mmo, & not some single player experience. ya’ll already got teams in ranked removed, & killed all the PvP guilds- but that’s not enough. GW2 gotta be solo only unless you are online at the same time as a scheduled AT.


i assume you think this will get you more wins, & destroying the last social outlet in this gamemode is worth it for you. a new player joining the game, & being able to play with two veteran friends in unranked while they teach him- nope gotta kill that, you might lose a game. so gotta make sure no one can have fun in discord with their friends, or teach anyone how to play while playing with them. that all standing in the way of your unranked wins right? so it has to go. those unranked wins are just such a big deal for you, that the ability to play this team game socially on demand has to be deleted.


causing all the social players in parties to quit, is for sure gonna improve the matchmaking. the people who play with other people absolutely don't recommend this game to their friends & teach them how to play in unranked parties. it’s all the solo queue players who blame everyone else for their losses, afk, & spam trash in map chat that grow the community. they bring tons of people to the game & never once have driven someone away /s


dude. just play ranked if you wanna solo queue.

you’ll have to find something else to blame your losses on tho, so i mean thats gonna be a challenge. luckily you’ll find out pretty quickly the community is so small that you will basically never get balanced matches, even in a solo/duo environment- yup thats right facing AT winners with silvers on your team still happens in ranked even when team queue is gone. so homes, your solution for fixing unbalanced matches wont even work, the population is too small & the skill disparity is too big. all you can do is kill the last bit of community left, & get more people to quit- & i really don't think thats what you're looking for.

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Back in the beginning of quarantine when i was playing morning time i had to dodge the same 4 man party ecery morning


Yesterday i experienced twice a team having 2 duos and the other none, both times in ranked


In unranked i got a ramdomic team against a 3 man high plat pt


I'll post the screenshots once i get home


Sometimes i just want chill with a new build or a new class in unranked and then i find myself vs those very explosive teams which i wouldn't win even if I played my best build


Ranked is also messed up by duos, I've seen top players claim duo q keeps the match quality higher, but I ask for whom


I mean it's better to have those high plat players playing against each other for the other 8 players, than having them in the same team, and then if you're one of those 8 players you either dodge them or pray to be placed in their team


Even if those 2 players dodge each other to get an easier match their carry potential is cut off by 50% and the matchmaking is better for 9 players not for 2

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