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Unranked needs to be re-examined


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This game modes matchmaking is fine as long a it's solo vs solo. However, it tries to put solo and 2, 3, 4 and 5 man queues all into the same pool which COMPLETELY destroys the system and makes it non-functional. The majority of my games are 1 sided stomps from either side.


By having such bad matches in your "unranked" mode, which is the introductory mode for new players, you're actively making players stop PvPing entirely as their first introduction to PvP is nothing but uneven unfun games where you don't learn anything. It doesn't encourage people to queue for ranked - it does the opposite, it encourages them to give up on PvP all together.


I spend so much time adding people to my friend list to queue dodge their premade that it's gotten absurd.


Please look into revamping the unranked systems matchmaking if you'd like this game mode to gain players.


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In unranked it's probably because the higher ranked players are avoiding queues and duo'ing or running around unranked because they want to pvp without losing their rating.


But I agree it's pretty lame. I played unranked a few weeks ago and seemingly every other match I was up against a duo legend pair. Really frustrating and I can imagine it's even more frustrating for new players that are just stepping foot in unranked or wanting to casually check out the game mode.

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I'm understanding the issue, and it's 100% group queues. They need to be put into their own queue because I get games nearly instantly before 8 PM and 80% of them are 5 solo vs 5 solo, then after 8 PM it's 80% group queues.


That means that there's more than enough people for group vs group and solo vs solo only queues to work. Trying to put both in the same queue pool destroys match balance, as I'm seeing every single day once the group queues start.

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as for me this is part of fun. Is it good that non exp player's get in matchmap few legend duo. It good motivation, to see and feel power of skills. Look, learn, be better, get fun and try repeat domination neaxt time then instead legends will come non exp players.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Why is every single match after 8 PM EST a 1 sided stomp? It happens every single day. The matchmaking gets WORSE the more people queueing. How is that possible?


> Before 8 PM I get pretty ok games, some are questionable, but after 8 PM they are 100% one sided every single time. There's also tons of premades past 8, is that why? Can you disable premades from solo queue?


Get friends, get organized and fight back if you know that after 8pm more teams are queuing up.

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I don't have any friends who still play this game, and who could blame them for no longer playing?


Anyways, unranked in it's current form probably makes more people quit PvP than it keeps. I think unranked should be deleted for perma seasons. You get completely utterly unplayable horrible games nearly 100% of the time in unranked, it's very offputting and will make someone have ZERO interest in ever trying out the ranked modes.


Unranked basically kills off the player base by existing. The reason queues are so bad is because it allows solos vs premades which skews the matchmaker and makes every game uneven.


If you want more players to stick around playing PvP, then unranked either needs to be deleted, solo and premades need to be their own queue pools, or there needs to bea 24/7 ranked only conquest queue.

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Why in the ...... would anyone devote time to unranked, it's a complete waste of time unless ur just messing around testing builds which then it's fine but to actual play seriously its impossible in unranked unless u like fighting out numbered at every map boost like bell urself vs the rest of the enemy team. Or if u just killed a opponent in a 2v1 and the second opponent downs u with only bit of hp left only to have ur teammate stand there like a idiot while u get cleaved down than as ur laying their watch ur teammate get destroyed lol. Not knocking anyones skill level just stating there players who play worse then bots and often that's two or more of ur teamates so makes it hard to have a fun but serious pvp match lol. The best is when u fight outnumbered 2v1 while ur teammate ranger sits pew pewing 10 feet from a uncaptured node just autoing one of the 2 opponents ur fighting, like at least stand on the fing node man lol

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Why in the ...... would anyone devote time to unranked


> cuz I will nearly always queue with 4 people to stomp noobs or get stomped by some mAT winner team, or more like exact opposite.


Neither of those sound like fun intense pvp to me lol. Even when ur stomping and winning most 2v1's when a third player comes and picks u off when ur almost dead but u get them near death to see u teamate right next to u not be able to stop them from cleaving u than dying to that opponent after is funny but gets old. Stomping teams is boring fast and is less fun then being stomped as long as ur teammates are at least looking like their trying lol a close loss in my books is just under a close win as far as match enjoyment goes but this games current pvp is so far from enjoyment it's not funny anymore. And ranked without major changes wont be much different.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Why in the ...... would anyone devote time to unranked, it's a complete waste of time unless ur just messing around testing builds which then it's fine but to actual play seriously its impossible in unranked unless u like fighting out numbered at every map boost like bell urself vs the rest of the enemy team. Or if u just killed a opponent in a 2v1 and the second opponent downs u with only bit of hp left only to have ur teammate stand there like a idiot while u get cleaved down than as ur laying their watch ur teammate get destroyed lol. Not knocking anyones skill level just stating there players who play worse then bots and often that's two or more of ur teamates so makes it hard to have a fun but serious pvp match lol. The best is when u fight outnumbered 2v1 while ur teammate ranger sits pew pewing 10 feet from a uncaptured node just autoing one of the 2 opponents ur fighting, like at least stand on the fing node man lol


Because conquest ranked has downtime for some unknown reason.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Why in the ...... would anyone devote time to unranked, it's a complete waste of time unless ur just messing around testing builds which then it's fine but to actual play seriously its impossible in unranked unless u like fighting out numbered at every map boost like bell urself vs the rest of the enemy team. Or if u just killed a opponent in a 2v1 and the second opponent downs u with only bit of hp left only to have ur teammate stand there like a idiot while u get cleaved down than as ur laying their watch ur teammate get destroyed lol. Not knocking anyones skill level just stating there players who play worse then bots and often that's two or more of ur teamates so makes it hard to have a fun but serious pvp match lol. The best is when u fight outnumbered 2v1 while ur teammate ranger sits pew pewing 10 feet from a uncaptured node just autoing one of the 2 opponents ur fighting, like at least stand on the fing node man lol


> Because conquest ranked has downtime for some unknown reason.


Yeah for one dont really know the point of the downtime. 2 ranked isnt much better lol

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U rite. Kinda...


It's frustrating to the average player when the top 5, 4, 3, or 2 players from the leaderboard(or similar) are pubstomping all sweaty-like in Unranked.


It's Unranked though, so the matchmaking can be bad. Finding a game is more important than match quality when it comes to Unranked, and that's why merged queues work there. I doubt anyone; especially people looking to get dailies done quick, or just testing building, would want to wait longer for a potentially more even matchup.


In Ranked there's no excuse. Either the matchmaking should be better, or the queues should be split.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> I don't have any friends who still play this game, and who could blame them for no longer playing?


> Anyways, unranked in it's current form probably makes more people quit PvP than it keeps. I think unranked should be deleted for perma seasons. You get completely utterly unplayable horrible games nearly 100% of the time in unranked, it's very offputting and will make someone have ZERO interest in ever trying out the ranked modes.


> Unranked basically kills off the player base by existing. The reason queues are so bad is because it allows solos vs premades which skews the matchmaker and makes every game uneven.


> If you want more players to stick around playing PvP, then unranked either needs to be deleted, solo and premades need to be their own queue pools, or there needs to bea 24/7 ranked only conquest queue.


Make new friends with those people still participating in spvp. Right?

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I love how people think that it's cool for unranked folks to see the top players consistently in their game. No, it's not good, they're not teaching me anything, and I know damn well my team ain't gonna learn anything from it.


Most games, even when declining, you NEVER see top players ever. Ever. Period. Learning the game and getting better is about gradual progression, not going from 0-100 and praying that you learn from the massive noobstomps. God, these people on these forums bruh.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> I love how people think that it's cool for unranked folks to see the top players consistently in their game. No, it's not good, they're not teaching me anything, and I know kitten well my team ain't gonna learn anything from it.


> Most games, even when declining, you NEVER see top players ever. Ever. Period. Learning the game and getting better is about gradual progression, not going from 0-100 and praying that you learn from the massive noobstomps. God, these people on these forums bruh.


It's like playing a fighting game and half your matches are you being perfected by tournament winners. Zero fun, zero learming.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > I love how people think that it's cool for unranked folks to see the top players consistently in their game. No, it's not good, they're not teaching me anything, and I know kitten well my team ain't gonna learn anything from it.

> >

> > Most games, even when declining, you NEVER see top players ever. Ever. Period. Learning the game and getting better is about gradual progression, not going from 0-100 and praying that you learn from the massive noobstomps. God, these people on these forums bruh.


> It's like playing a fighting game and half your matches are you being perfected by tournament winners. Zero fun, zero learming.


Exactly, and as you can see in other mmos, fighting games, mobas, shooters new, upcoming top players always come through to challenge those players BECAUSE they've had that time to go through that gradual progression and learn the skills that the pros did. A good system was able to support them and allow them to grow as a player.


In GW2? Same top players for years with maybe one or two shifts unless said players flat out leave the game. Why would anyone want to put in the extra work in a botched system, class stacked games, and blatant cheese builds that promote less skill, less thinking, less learning of proper mechanic management.



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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> This game modes matchmaking is fine as long a it's solo vs solo. However, it tries to put solo and 2, 3, 4 and 5 man queues all into the same pool which COMPLETELY destroys the system and makes it non-functional. The majority of my games are 1 sided stomps from either side.


> By having such bad matches in your "unranked" mode, which is the introductory mode for new players, you're actively making players stop PvPing entirely as their first introduction to PvP is nothing but uneven unfun games where you don't learn anything. It doesn't encourage people to queue for ranked - it does the opposite, it encourages them to give up on PvP all together.


> I spend so much time adding people to my friend list to queue dodge their premade that it's gotten absurd.


> Please look into revamping the unranked systems matchmaking if you'd like this game mode to gain players.



As long as pvp seasons remain focused on conquest, you don't really have a point. Unranked is for learning, having fun and just generally being chill when you don't feel like tryharding. Why not allow players to play with friends in a gamemode with no stakes whatsoever?


Ranked conquest needs to meet these demands. Unranked doesn't.

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I came back from a year-long break and queued unranked to clean the rust off. Every match I got was vs top 200 premade teams, all of them still playing from when I quit. I may as well just queue ranked because unranked is a waste of time. No wonder these are the only people still left. I'm trying to mess around and learn an offspec and all I can find are the sweatiest matches.


The only good thing I'll say is that 3v3 should have been added to the game 5 years ago. I honestly can't believe they did it, this is the only smart decision I've seen in god knows how long.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> This game modes matchmaking is fine as long a it's solo vs solo. However, it tries to put solo and 2, 3, 4 and 5 man queues all into the same pool which COMPLETELY destroys the system and makes it non-functional. The majority of my games are 1 sided stomps from either side.


Unranked system does not need to be re-examined. Some people have to re-examine if PvP is for them.


It’s amazing how people would always find something to complain about… even in unranked matches. It’s fun to be able to play with and against more experienced players - this is how you learn… to observe what, when, and how. Pay attention to the map and team composition, learn to play your role well and understand map rotations. Practice in PvP training areas and the arena, and if you really want to learn, stop with pessimistic snowflake attitude. Unranked matches are not about winning but about learning and testing new builds. Ask yourself a question is PvP for you? Maybe you better off doing some epic battles against pocket raptors in PvE?

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