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Li / Killproof for Strikes are a Problem

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This line is beautiful:

> We’re making the core game experience free because we’re confident that anyone who loves Guild Wars 2 will buy Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.

Link: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/play-for-free-today/


I guess not enough (of those new/free) players loved Guild Wars 2 enough to buy Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.


And on an irrelevant point from the same article:

> If anyone can play Guild Wars 2 for free now, does that mean we’re switching business models to free-to-play? Are we going to be one of those games that **aggressively monetizes free players through microtransactions?** Absolutely not. Guild Wars 2 remains the same game it always has been.


Looks at Build Templates. Rolleyes.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > > > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > > > > > > Post HoT revenue, when Anet doubled down on raids hurt the game, when they tried to go in a similiar direction.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > According to the official information given by NCSoft themselves (the people with the data! Remember they DO have the data!), the reason the revenue after HOT was lower was because the CORE game wasn't good enough to force paid conversions. Nothing to do with Raids. The main problem with revenue in Guild Wars 2 has always been the core game.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Guess raids weren‘t also good enough to force paid conversions then, lol.

> > > > > > No wonder the CORE game wasn‘t good enough when they tried to cater to the „everything must be hard“ mentality, which drove plenty of people away from HoT. They even had to nerf HoT, but revenue never recovered until PoF ;)

> > > > >

> > > > > No, it's the core game that needs to be good enough to force conversions, not Raids. If players play the core game, get bored, and leave after a couple hours, Raids can't do anything about it. It's up to the game up to the expansion to force conversions, not the job of an expansion.

> > > > >

> > > > > As for POF, HOT was still selling when POF was released, so they were selling two expansions at the time, with HOT still being more expensive than POF. Guess what happened when HOT was bundled free with purchase of POF? Revenue tanked to the nether regions, meaning HOT was STILL selling very well before they bundled it with POF.

> > > >

> > > > Yeah, you‘re right. Raids don‘t drive revenue. They most likely barely bring in anything, hence why Anet doesn‘t create more of them.

> > >

> > > The core game is what doesn't drive revenue as it's not good enough to force conversions. And since Raids depend on the core game to be good first, you can see the problem. Only players that get past the core game and say "this game is good, I'll buy the expansion" are even exposed to Raids. Maybe if the core game was better and didn't drive players away after the first few hours, the expansions would sell better and Raids would be more popular. But the core game was a tough wall to climb for almost 70% of the game's accounts (official data, they have less Achievement Points than a player that finished the Core game would have), that's a massive loss of player accounts that for some reason you attribute to Raids. You do you I guess even though you are factually wrong.

> >

> > Ah yes, that‘s why revenue dropped after HoT and not during the drought before HoT.


> During the drought before HOT players needed to buy the game to try it. After it went free to play they didn't anymore, it was available to everyone for free.


So players liked core more than HoT is what you‘re saying, since core revenue is higher than HoT+core? YEP.


> > And Core being bad is the reason they nerfed HoT difficutly LUL.


> Difficulty has nothing to do with anything here. Core being bad doesn't have anything to do with difficulty either I'm not sure where that came from.



Core still had higher revenue and players dropped HoT because of difficulty. You‘re free to ignore that.

> > But doesn‘t matter, you can live in your own little echo chamber, probably using GW2 efficiency as your „official“ data, a site most people don‘t use, lol.


> I use the leaderboards.guildwars2.com which is as official as it can get.



Man, those top 1k accounts for every region surely tell everything you need to know about the average players.


> > But you‘re free to ignore the fact that raids don‘t get developed because they aren‘t worth it for Anet. Just blame everything else because raids can‘t pull their weight.


> As I already said, Raids need paid customers to work, if the core/free game isn't converting enough players than naturally Raids won't have enough players to work with.



You can shift the blame all you want, but we know Raids didn‘t pull their weight. Anet made that clear.


> > Using you logic CORE is at fault for the low IBS revenue, „players just didn‘t finish core“ hehe. Not having an expansion in sight was totally not the reason for low revenue /s


> Core is not at fault for IBS revenue, but bundling HOT with the purchase of POF is. And the direction they went with IBS neglecting almost all parts of their game for months. Of course not having an expansion in sight also contributed.


IBS need paid customers to work, if the core/free game isn't converting enough players than naturally IBS won't have enough players to work with. (Heh)



Edit: Don‘t think this discussion is worthwhile, your argument about Core is faulty at best, since you can use it for everything after core.

I‘ll stop here, since I don‘t see the point to further discuss this matter with you. Anet has already decided what content they‘re going to release and there are no raids in the near future for a good reason. You‘re free to ignore the fact that Anet doubling down on raids with HoT hurt the game a lot and shift the blame to everything that isn‘t raids by moving the goalpost further and further, like your recent post about Templates. But facts are facts and Anet moving away from raids is telling enough about their role in the revenue.

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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> So players liked core more than HoT is what you‘re saying, since core revenue is higher than HoT+core? YEP.


I'm not sure how you got to that conclusion. Players needed to BUY the game to try it and checking the achievements they left a few hours after buying it, so I can hardly say they "liked core". On the other hand, with HOT, players didn't need to buy Core anymore, they tried the free version, left after a few hours and never bothered with the expansion of a game they didn't like. So Core send players away.


> Core still had higher revenue and players dropped HoT because of difficulty. You‘re free to ignore that.


Core wasn't free. When it went free, revenue tanked, you are free to ignore that. HOT difficulty had absolutely nothing to do with players playing the free version, not liking the game, and quitting.


> Man, those top 1k accounts for every region surely tell everything you need to know about the average players.


If you have enough friends or are in lots of guilds you can see the number required for a percentage change. Percentages mean a player has MORE AP than that much of the entire playerbase. So a player with 90% has more AP than 90% of the playerbase. For example, player with 30% has less than 100 AP, this means 30% of the game's accounts have less than 100 AP, so they didn't even leave the tutorial. Similarly you can get many more interesting results by checking the leaderboards. Maybe I'll write a tutorial on how to use the official leaderboards to get data lol


> You can shift the blame all you want, but we know Raids didn‘t pull their weight. Anet made that clear.


Not really Anet never said that Raids didn't pull their weight. They said they attract a smaller audience, they never said anything about the revenue they provide. And given the revenue drop when they cancelled Raids, it's quite possible that Raid players (that left when they were cancelled) where actually good boosts to their revenue. So to appeal to a broader audience, they sacrificed their revenue. The exact opposite of Raids not pulling their weight.


> IBS need paid customers to work, if the core/free game isn't converting enough players than naturally IBS won't have enough players to work with. (Heh)


Bundling HOT with POF was more than that, because even those paid customers they got paid far less.


> You‘re free to ignore that and shift the blame to everything that isn‘t raids by moving the goalpost further and further, like your recent post about Templates.


Hey you started going completely off-topic blaming Raids for the lower revenue after HOT, which is factually false. You are free to ignore facts and blame Raids for the lower revenue during HOT all you want, but that won't change the facts.

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On average, there is no problem completing strikes with pugs. I had plenty of decent groups and we did gold runs. Except for boneskinner, I haven't tried that one yet, since it's always bunch of requirements. Sure, sometimes you get a group that will fail Whisper once or twice, but that's life and this is a game and I actually have more fun having all kind of runs, rather than pro runs, where you know exactly in advance how a run will go, since it's same party composition, same builds, same tactics... And these people are farming, so they are repeating exactly the same thing every day.


People who look at this as their second job will obviously not appreciate extra time being spent. It's a sad thing really. Some people claim to have little time to play, so they excuse themselves on that. Of course they don't have enough time, if they treat it as a second job. They need to hit all the sweet spots for loot and money every day/week, otherwise they feel like they missed on something. The world starts collapsing as this week they might have skipped one fractal or one strike, so less money was made and it's considered a loss.


So, the game becomes reflection of real world, where some people are ready to stomp on everything in order to squeeze every single cent out of situation, no fun allowed.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> On average, there is no problem completing strikes with pugs. I had plenty of decent groups and we did gold runs. Except for boneskinner, I haven't tried that one yet, since it's always bunch of requirements. Sure, sometimes you get a group that will fail Whisper once or twice, but that's life and this is a game and I actually have more fun having all kind of runs, rather than pro runs, where you know exactly in advance how a run will go, since it's same party composition, same builds, same tactics... And these people are farming, so they are repeating exactly the same thing every day.


> People who look at this as their second job will obviously not appreciate extra time being spent. It's a sad thing really. Some people claim to have little time to play, so they excuse themselves on that. Of course they don't have enough time, if they treat it as a second job. They need to hit all the sweet spots for loot and money every day/week, otherwise they feel like they missed on something. The world starts collapsing as this week they might have skipped one fractal or one strike, so less money was made and it's considered a loss.


> So, the game becomes reflection of real world, where some people are ready to stomp on everything in order to squeeze every single cent out of situation, no fun allowed.


Tried with pugs failed 30 times as all wiped at first phase

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > On average, there is no problem completing strikes with pugs. I had plenty of decent groups and we did gold runs. Except for boneskinner, I haven't tried that one yet, since it's always bunch of requirements. Sure, sometimes you get a group that will fail Whisper once or twice, but that's life and this is a game and I actually have more fun having all kind of runs, rather than pro runs, where you know exactly in advance how a run will go, since it's same party composition, same builds, same tactics... And these people are farming, so they are repeating exactly the same thing every day.

> >

> > People who look at this as their second job will obviously not appreciate extra time being spent. It's a sad thing really. Some people claim to have little time to play, so they excuse themselves on that. Of course they don't have enough time, if they treat it as a second job. They need to hit all the sweet spots for loot and money every day/week, otherwise they feel like they missed on something. The world starts collapsing as this week they might have skipped one fractal or one strike, so less money was made and it's considered a loss.

> >

> > So, the game becomes reflection of real world, where some people are ready to stomp on everything in order to squeeze every single cent out of situation, no fun allowed.


> Tried with pugs failed 30 times as all wiped at first phase


Ahh, nothing like good old exaggeration to make your point, am I right? It's funny how same people (not you), who try to argue the point by sharing their one instance of bad experience or failed attempt and think they are making the point, contradict themselves, because in topics where other people made about fractals being filled with elitists and people are getting kicked for various reasons, they came in to say "You are making things up or you just had one bad experience, that means nothing and this is not usually what happens, so it's not a problem".


But, to stay on topic. Finding solution to this is not an easy task. It's obvious by now strikes don't serve the purpose they were meant to serve. Well, we even knew that would be the case even before they released. Unfortunately the mindset of community or even players in general (in any game really) is what makes problems where they don't need to be. I wouldn't want to take away anyone freedom to make a group they want or play the game by having ten different requirements in their lfg description if they feel the need for it, because everyone should have a choice. I just wish people wouldn't take things so damn serious in games.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > On average, there is no problem completing strikes with pugs. I had plenty of decent groups and we did gold runs. Except for boneskinner, I haven't tried that one yet, since it's always bunch of requirements. Sure, sometimes you get a group that will fail Whisper once or twice, but that's life and this is a game and I actually have more fun having all kind of runs, rather than pro runs, where you know exactly in advance how a run will go, since it's same party composition, same builds, same tactics... And these people are farming, so they are repeating exactly the same thing every day.

> > >

> > > People who look at this as their second job will obviously not appreciate extra time being spent. It's a sad thing really. Some people claim to have little time to play, so they excuse themselves on that. Of course they don't have enough time, if they treat it as a second job. They need to hit all the sweet spots for loot and money every day/week, otherwise they feel like they missed on something. The world starts collapsing as this week they might have skipped one fractal or one strike, so less money was made and it's considered a loss.

> > >

> > > So, the game becomes reflection of real world, where some people are ready to stomp on everything in order to squeeze every single cent out of situation, no fun allowed.

> >

> > Tried with pugs failed 30 times as all wiped at first phase


> Ahh, nothing like good old exaggeration to make your point, am I right? It's funny how same people (not you), who try to argue the point by sharing their one instance of bad experience or failed attempt and think they are making the point, contradict themselves, because in topics where other people made about fractals being filled with elitists and people are getting kicked for various reasons, they came in to say "You are making things up or you just had one bad experience, that means nothing and this is not usually what happens, so it's not a problem".


> But, to stay on topic. Finding solution to this is not an easy task. It's obvious by now strikes don't serve the purpose they were meant to serve. Well, we even knew that would be the case even before they released. Unfortunately the mindset of community or even players in general (in any game really) is what makes problems where they don't need to be. I wouldn't want to take away anyone freedom to make a group they want or play the game by having ten different requirements in their lfg description if they feel the need for it, because everyone should have a choice. I just wish people wouldn't take things so kitten serious in games.


Sad is i didnt exhagerate boneskinner needs a nerf so i dont have to through this ever again. Solution make all strikes like the pass one but with less mechanics and dmg so all can play and not discriminate against open world players and then do same to raids and fracts. And remove abillity to kick someone from an instance

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > > On average, there is no problem completing strikes with pugs. I had plenty of decent groups and we did gold runs. Except for boneskinner, I haven't tried that one yet, since it's always bunch of requirements. Sure, sometimes you get a group that will fail Whisper once or twice, but that's life and this is a game and I actually have more fun having all kind of runs, rather than pro runs, where you know exactly in advance how a run will go, since it's same party composition, same builds, same tactics... And these people are farming, so they are repeating exactly the same thing every day.

> > > >

> > > > People who look at this as their second job will obviously not appreciate extra time being spent. It's a sad thing really. Some people claim to have little time to play, so they excuse themselves on that. Of course they don't have enough time, if they treat it as a second job. They need to hit all the sweet spots for loot and money every day/week, otherwise they feel like they missed on something. The world starts collapsing as this week they might have skipped one fractal or one strike, so less money was made and it's considered a loss.

> > > >

> > > > So, the game becomes reflection of real world, where some people are ready to stomp on everything in order to squeeze every single cent out of situation, no fun allowed.

> > >

> > > Tried with pugs failed 30 times as all wiped at first phase

> >

> > Ahh, nothing like good old exaggeration to make your point, am I right? It's funny how same people (not you), who try to argue the point by sharing their one instance of bad experience or failed attempt and think they are making the point, contradict themselves, because in topics where other people made about fractals being filled with elitists and people are getting kicked for various reasons, they came in to say "You are making things up or you just had one bad experience, that means nothing and this is not usually what happens, so it's not a problem".

> >

> > But, to stay on topic. Finding solution to this is not an easy task. It's obvious by now strikes don't serve the purpose they were meant to serve. Well, we even knew that would be the case even before they released. Unfortunately the mindset of community or even players in general (in any game really) is what makes problems where they don't need to be. I wouldn't want to take away anyone freedom to make a group they want or play the game by having ten different requirements in their lfg description if they feel the need for it, because everyone should have a choice. I just wish people wouldn't take things so kitten serious in games.


> Sad is i didnt exhagerate boneskinner needs a nerf so i dont have to through this ever again. Solution make all strikes like the pass one but with less mechanics and dmg so all can play and not discriminate against open world players and then do same to raids and fracts


So, you failed because he killed you. That's different. One doesn't have to be meta firebrand or meta warrior or 200 raid bosses under their belts or whatever in order to learn mechanics. People who have no or very little experience will obviously struggle at a boss with mechanics. It's a learning process. Even in raids, you don't need the numbers you see on youtube videos to kill the bosses. Mechanics are way more important.

Besides, you chose obviously the hardest strike mission with most likely the worst bad day example to make your point.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

I'd given up already If I were you :) "It's" not worth your time.


Anyway, some bias personal experience - I dropped GW2 the first time I started playing during the pre-HoT content drought. The core gameplay kept me in-game for so long but after a while I turned out be extremely dreadful and mundane. Combat was good but you can only do same dungeons so many times over and over. It's the HoT that was the most enjoyable. GW2 felt like actual MMO not a "play together alone" kind of experience. While It's great we have story content and open world maps there should be little bit for everybody. Strikes AND raids being part of it.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > > On average, there is no problem completing strikes with pugs. I had plenty of decent groups and we did gold runs. Except for boneskinner, I haven't tried that one yet, since it's always bunch of requirements. Sure, sometimes you get a group that will fail Whisper once or twice, but that's life and this is a game and I actually have more fun having all kind of runs, rather than pro runs, where you know exactly in advance how a run will go, since it's same party composition, same builds, same tactics... And these people are farming, so they are repeating exactly the same thing every day.

> > > >

> > > > People who look at this as their second job will obviously not appreciate extra time being spent. It's a sad thing really. Some people claim to have little time to play, so they excuse themselves on that. Of course they don't have enough time, if they treat it as a second job. They need to hit all the sweet spots for loot and money every day/week, otherwise they feel like they missed on something. The world starts collapsing as this week they might have skipped one fractal or one strike, so less money was made and it's considered a loss.

> > > >

> > > > So, the game becomes reflection of real world, where some people are ready to stomp on everything in order to squeeze every single cent out of situation, no fun allowed.

> > >

> > > Tried with pugs failed 30 times as all wiped at first phase

> >

> > Ahh, nothing like good old exaggeration to make your point, am I right? It's funny how same people (not you), who try to argue the point by sharing their one instance of bad experience or failed attempt and think they are making the point, contradict themselves, because in topics where other people made about fractals being filled with elitists and people are getting kicked for various reasons, they came in to say "You are making things up or you just had one bad experience, that means nothing and this is not usually what happens, so it's not a problem".

> >

> > But, to stay on topic. Finding solution to this is not an easy task. It's obvious by now strikes don't serve the purpose they were meant to serve. Well, we even knew that would be the case even before they released. Unfortunately the mindset of community or even players in general (in any game really) is what makes problems where they don't need to be. I wouldn't want to take away anyone freedom to make a group they want or play the game by having ten different requirements in their lfg description if they feel the need for it, because everyone should have a choice. I just wish people wouldn't take things so kitten serious in games.


> Sad is i didnt exhagerate boneskinner needs a nerf so i dont have to through this ever again. Solution make all strikes like the pass one but with less mechanics and dmg so all can play and not discriminate against open world players and then do same to raids and fracts. And remove abillity to kick someone from an instance


Requiring players to be actually minimally adept at something is not discrimination. It's a skill check. You are not entitled to something only because you want it.


Please don't overuse the term discrimination because it devalues its use for when it ACTUALLY applies.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Gw 2 was made to be a casual mmorpg not hardcore like it became wich alienated 90% of player base who dont want sit and read mechanics or skills. just have fun. Core game was just that easy fun made for everyone. Hot is still to hard for most of the playerbase

Please cite one piece of developer hype talking about how this was made to be a "casual" game.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > Gw 2 was made to be a casual mmorpg not hardcore like it became wich alienated 90% of player base who dont want sit and read mechanics or skills. just have fun. Core game was just that easy fun made for everyone. Hot is still to hard for most of the playerbase

> Please cite one piece of developer hype talking about how this was made to be a "casual" game.


The game was always supposed to have hard content in it. Dungeons were their original design for that but ended up not fitting their vision..hence why we have fractals, raids and strike missions.


"The game is for casuals" gets brought up but the aforementioned is always left out because it doesn't fit the narrative people try to push and in some cases undermines their argument.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > Gw 2 was made to be a casual mmorpg not hardcore like it became wich alienated 90% of player base who dont want sit and read mechanics or skills. just have fun. Core game was just that easy fun made for everyone. Hot is still to hard for most of the playerbase

> > Please cite one piece of developer hype talking about how this was made to be a "casual" game.


> The game was always supposed to have hard content in it. Dungeons were their original design for that but ended up not fitting their vision..hence why we have fractals, raids and strike missions.


> "The game is for casuals" gets brought up but the aforementioned is always left out because it doesn't fit the narrative people try to push and in some cases undermines their argument.

And my point is going all the way back to the hype for Dungeons you can see the developers talking (in pre-release) about the challenge offered.

I have never seen a single piece of hype from a developer talking about how easy the content was or how the game was made for "Casuals".


I would very much like @"Laila Lightness.8742" to provide such a quote to back up their claims.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Gw 2 was made to be a casual mmorpg not hardcore like it became wich alienated 90% of player base who dont want sit and read mechanics or skills. just have fun. Core game was just that easy fun made for everyone. Hot is still to hard for most of the playerbase


You need to find a good definition of the word casual you throw around so much.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Gw 2 was made to be a casual mmorpg not hardcore like it became wich alienated 90% of player base who dont want sit and read mechanics or skills. just have fun. Core game was just that easy fun made for everyone. Hot is still to hard for most of the playerbase


Can't say I envy you getting piled on like this. HoT revenue clearly showed that you're not the only one thinking like that.

Let's hope the new expansion doesn't end up like HoT at release.

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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> Let's hope the new expansion doesn't end up like HoT at release.


Yeah, instead of an expansion like HoT that was actively played for years, let's do something like PoF with it's maps mostly dead after a couple of weeks... Oh, wait! I actually prefer paying for interesting content, not free loot.

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> @"Ooops.8694" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > Let's hope the new expansion doesn't end up like HoT at release.


> Yeah, instead of an expansion like HoT that was actively played for years, let's do something like PoF with it's maps mostly dead after a couple of weeks... Oh, wait! I actually prefer paying for interesting content, not free loot.


If you don't enjoy the direction of the game, don't pay. It's as easy as that. Anet will do the rest by prioritizing the content that earns them money.

But yeah, I also enjoy interesting content, not free loot like in HoT.

AB / Gerent / Matriarch? Not hard ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

T4 Verdant Brink? We're only here for the Gemstone!


But it wasn't like that on HoT release. This update needed to happen for players to actually play HoT zones:


Making them easier and more rewarding. Barely anyone tried Gerent after failing a couple of times at first.


But that's what the playerbase actively plays, not the "hard" metas like Vabbi. They play the free loot maps like HoT.

Stick infusions into some bossloot, and suddenly everyone is doing Piñata on a "dead" map.

Give out Amalgated Gemstones, and suddenly Doppelganger is done all the time.

Sounds to me like you haven't been to those PoF maps in a long time ;)

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > Post HoT revenue, when Anet doubled down on raids hurt the game, when they tried to go in a similiar direction.


> According to the official information given by NCSoft themselves (the people with the data! Remember they DO have the data!), the reason the revenue after HOT was lower was because the CORE game wasn't good enough to force paid conversions.

Do you remember what they said exactly? Because there's a major difference between saying that the f2p conversion is below expactations, and saying that f2p conversion is the primary (or even major) reason beyond revenue loss.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> This line is beautiful:

> > We’re making the core game experience free because we’re confident that anyone who loves Guild Wars 2 will buy Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.

> Link: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/play-for-free-today/


> I guess not enough (of those new/free) players loved Guild Wars 2 enough to buy Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.

Maybe because not everyone that loved GW2 liked what they heard about _HoT_.


> And on an irrelevant point from the same article:

> > If anyone can play Guild Wars 2 for free now, does that mean we’re switching business models to free-to-play? Are we going to be one of those games that **aggressively monetizes free players through microtransactions?** Absolutely not. Guild Wars 2 remains the same game it always has been.


> Looks at Build Templates. Rolleyes.

Yeah, that one is very sad.




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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > @"Ooops.8694" said:

> > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > Let's hope the new expansion doesn't end up like HoT at release.

> >

> > Yeah, instead of an expansion like HoT that was actively played for years, let's do something like PoF with it's maps mostly dead after a couple of weeks... Oh, wait! I actually prefer paying for interesting content, not free loot.


> If you don't enjoy the direction of the game, don't pay. It's as easy as that. Anet will do the rest by prioritizing the content that earns them money.

> But yeah, I also enjoy interesting content, not free loot like in HoT.

> AB / Gerent / Matriarch? Not hard ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

> T4 Verdant Brink? We're only here for the Gemstone!


> But it wasn't like that on HoT release. This update needed to happen for players to actually play HoT zones:

> [https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/april-19-2016/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/april-19-2016/)

> Making them easier and more rewarding. Barely anyone tried Gerent after failing a couple of times at first.


> But that's what the playerbase actively plays, not the "hard" metas like Vabbi. They play the free loot maps like HoT.

> Stick infusions into some bossloot, and suddenly everyone is doing Piñata on a "dead" map.

> Give out Amalgated Gemstones, and suddenly Doppelganger is done all the time.

> Sounds to me like you haven't been to those PoF maps in a long time ;)


Let's look at all of those bounty trains people are doing. kekw.


Let's look at the metas people complain about they can't complete because no one is in PoF maps.


Let's look at those who can't finish their griffin because there's not enough people to start things like the Deadhouse


I can go online for a week during prime time and take screenies of how empty these maps are. Who are you trying to fool here? Us? You know where everyone is right now?


Drizzlewood earning gold and not those so called PoF maps you hail so much. Even DRAGON STAND and AURIC BASIN is getting more play than the four maps PoF gave us before Living Story 4 came about. Hell, every DAY I see Verdant Brink and Tangled Depths being active during prime time. What does that say about PoF compared to HoT??

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > @"Ooops.8694" said:

> > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > > Let's hope the new expansion doesn't end up like HoT at release.

> > >

> > > Yeah, instead of an expansion like HoT that was actively played for years, let's do something like PoF with it's maps mostly dead after a couple of weeks... Oh, wait! I actually prefer paying for interesting content, not free loot.

> >

> > If you don't enjoy the direction of the game, don't pay. It's as easy as that. Anet will do the rest by prioritizing the content that earns them money.

> > But yeah, I also enjoy interesting content, not free loot like in HoT.

> > AB / Gerent / Matriarch? Not hard ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

> > T4 Verdant Brink? We're only here for the Gemstone!

> >

> > But it wasn't like that on HoT release. This update needed to happen for players to actually play HoT zones:

> > [https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/april-19-2016/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/april-19-2016/)

> > Making them easier and more rewarding. Barely anyone tried Gerent after failing a couple of times at first.

> >

> > But that's what the playerbase actively plays, not the "hard" metas like Vabbi. They play the free loot maps like HoT.

> > Stick infusions into some bossloot, and suddenly everyone is doing Piñata on a "dead" map.

> > Give out Amalgated Gemstones, and suddenly Doppelganger is done all the time.

> > Sounds to me like you haven't been to those PoF maps in a long time ;)


> Let's look at all of those bounty trains people are doing. kekw.



![](https://i.imgur.com/LJE0dMy.png "")

OMEGALUL, just had to log on, first thing I can see.



> Let's look at the metas people complain about they can't complete because no one is in PoF maps.


I know, people would rather do the easy AB lootfarm than the hard Vabbi meta, I've stated that in my post. People like easy free loot. But once the meta is over? AB is dead. Just like TD and VB:

![](https://i.imgur.com/UNKBOdy.png "")


> Let's look at those who can't finish their griffin because there's not enough people to start things like the Deadhouse


Sure, and let's compare it with the Vinetooth Prime event! Or the Mushroom queen! Events unrelated to the map metas.


> I can go online for a week during prime time and take screenies of how empty these maps are. Who are you trying to fool here? Us? You know where everyone is right now?


Do it. But don't skew the data by checking it during HoT meta, while PoF metas aren't active. But I doubt you'll be able to do that without your bias showing. You should also use data from both EU and NA.

Sorry that Anet made more revenue during PoF than during HoT.


> Drizzlewood earning gold and not those so called PoF maps you hail so much. Even DRAGON STAND and AURIC BASIN is getting more play than the four maps PoF gave us before Living Story 4 came about. Hell, every DAY I see Verdant Brink and Tangled Depths being active during prime time. What does that say about PoF compared to HoT??


Of course Verdant Brink and Tangled Depths are active during prime time. But once the meta is "complete" (Can't say that about verdant brink, they leave as soon as matriarch is dead) everyone vanishes, just like on PoF maps. That's nothing new.


Like I've said people are on the easy maps with the free loot.

Drizzlewood is the current active one. That's what I said, free loot maps are popular, but somehow you completely didn't get it. Didn't expect anything else.


Who are you trying to fool here? Do you really want to pretend that people would rather play hard maps than free loot ones? LULW

Also, where am i "hailing" PoF maps? Strawman much? Absolute Pepega statement.

Have you actually been to the PoF maps during their primetime? Have you seen how many people do Piñata just for the infusion?


Fun fact: It doesn't matter what you subjectively percieve about HoT and PoF, Anet ultimately have the stats. They will decide how the maps of the new expansion are going to end up like. And looking at Drizzlewoods' population, free loot seems to be the design Anet has choosen, not difficulty.

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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> Who are you trying to fool here? Do you really want to pretend that people would rather play hard maps than free loot ones? LULW

No, most people are actually stupid and prefer the free loot map... for a few weeks. Then they just leave and play something else, because there's nothing to do anymore and it became boring. That getting the difficulty just right is the most important thing in any game should be known for years...

Speaking of:

> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> Fun fact: It doesn't matter what you subjectively percieve about HoT and PoF, Anet ultimately have the stats.

Yes, Anet has the stats and numbers to base their decisions on. And HoT was so badly received that they decided to do another expansion 2 years later, while that expansion was so great they continued to... wait, i was told to not feed the trolls.



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> @"Ooops.8694" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > Who are you trying to fool here? Do you really want to pretend that people would rather play hard maps than free loot ones? LULW

> No, most people are actually stupid and prefer the free loot map... for a few weeks. Then they just leave and play something else, because there's nothing to do anymore and it became boring. That getting the difficulty just right is the most important thing in any game should be known for years...

> Speaking of:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > Fun fact: It doesn't matter what you subjectively percieve about HoT and PoF, Anet ultimately have the stats.

> Yes, Anet has the stats and numbers to base their decisions on. And HoT was so badly received that they decided to do another expansion 2 years later, while that expansion was so great they continued to... wait, i was told to not feed the trolls.




If the content is enjoyable by most people, doesn‘t that mean Anet got the difficulty right?


I still see plenty of people do AB meta, Gerent, Pinata, Doppelganger, Deathbranded Shatterer, Drakkar and the newest addition Drizzlewood. Most of those have been out for more than a few weeks and are still completed daily. Easy free loot content that‘s still alive after years.


You want harder content, I‘ll just repeat what somebody else already said in this thread:

You are not entitled to something only because you want it.


Anet decides with their stats. Also, falling back to ad-hominem attacks by calling the majority stupid, because they like a different kind of content, or me a troll is nothing short of petty.

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> @"Ecoxiss.1079" said:

> I think that looking for Killproofs for Strikes is a Problem and shouldnt be allowed by Arenanet. They are designed to inspire new players and casuals to start raiding but 80% of the LFG Groups have started to do this Killproof Nonsense in Strikes too. This is exactly why Raids arent much played and wont get new stuff added. Its just spliting the community further.


Maybe if you casuals actually played the game instead of demanding to get carried and constantly crying about elitism, we would not have to make requirements that filter you out. u can still do daily icebrood construct and maybe fraenir with kodans if u manage to press more than 1 button. but I sure as hell don't want ppl like you on Boneskinner, Whisperer of Jormag who can rival some of the game's raid bosses.

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