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Are werewolves and/or vampires a thing in this world?


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I’ve been asking myself that for a long time now since almost every fantasy based game/book/film etc. has them.

All that I know of this case is that there were a few enemies called vampires in gw1 but they don’t actually look like the typical one. Also I know that norn can shapeshift into one of the spirits of the wild of which one is a wolf form but again it works different from the actual werewolf concept. Like for example when a norn transforms they do it willingly (not tied to what phase the moon currently is in) and they still retain control of themselves while transformed.I know that in the elder scrolls this is quite similar when it comes to werewolves but still there are a lot of things different.

I'm currently trying to develop a new character and their backstory and I'd like to go with one of these tropes but I'd like to construct it as lore friendly as possible.

So if anyone knows more about this or has a theory of their own feel free to share.

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If you mean the classic werewolf and vampire, not that we currently know of. Wolf Norn are the closest there is to werewolves, and while there are a variety of blood-drinking monsters, they're not undead (apart from the occasional undead necromancer, and undead necromancers don't seem to be any more likely to use blood magic than living necromancers).

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There are no... "typical" vampires in GW2. Linked above, the vampires in Tyria are unintelligent bat creatures. Now, some necromancers may tap into blood magic and perhaps even have vampire like behaviors/manners, but the blood drinking would be entirely optional and not a requirement and sunlight wouldn't cause them a single issue.

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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> There are no... "typical" vampires in GW2. Linked above, the vampires in Tyria are unintelligent bat creatures. Now, some necromancers may tap into blood magic and perhaps even have vampire like behaviors/manners, but the blood drinking would be entirely optional and not a requirement and sunlight wouldn't cause them a single issue.


Hmm the first part somehow reminded me the Witcher's vampires as there are more than one kind of them of which some are considered "unintelligent" and more animal like while there are humanoid ones as well. I like this approach to be honest.

About the necromancy part I think that could be reasonable as well.

However this is a really tricky topic for the game's universe.

I hope that maybe one day we'll get some more closure of that since they added other folklore/mythic/legendary/pop culture based creatures such as Boneskinner which is not only based on but highly similar to the Wendigo.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > There are no... "typical" vampires in GW2. Linked above, the vampires in Tyria are unintelligent bat creatures. Now, some necromancers may tap into blood magic and perhaps even have vampire like behaviors/manners, but the blood drinking would be entirely optional and not a requirement and sunlight wouldn't cause them a single issue.


> Hmm the first part somehow reminded me the Witcher's vampires as there are more than one kind of them of which some are considered "unintelligent" and more animal like while there are humanoid ones as well. I like this approach to be honest.

> About the necromancy part I think that could be reasonable as well.

> However this is a really tricky topic for the game's universe.

> I hope that maybe one day we'll get some more closure of that since they added other folklore/mythic/legendary/pop culture based creatures such as Boneskinner which is not only based on but highly similar to the Wendigo.


Possible, but I wouldn't count on it. ArenaNet has shown a liking for putting their own spins on things rather than relying on stock fantasy creatures, and we've had undead as major antagonists several times now without the vampire card being played. At this stage, I'd honestly be shocked if we ever see an undead vampire as anything other than an undead necromancer specialising in blood magic.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > There are no... "typical" vampires in GW2. Linked above, the vampires in Tyria are unintelligent bat creatures. Now, some necromancers may tap into blood magic and perhaps even have vampire like behaviors/manners, but the blood drinking would be entirely optional and not a requirement and sunlight wouldn't cause them a single issue.


> Hmm the first part somehow reminded me the Witcher's vampires as there are more than one kind of them of which some are considered "unintelligent" and more animal like while there are humanoid ones as well. I like this approach to be honest.

> About the necromancy part I think that could be reasonable as well.

> However this is a really tricky topic for the game's universe.

> I hope that maybe one day we'll get some more closure of that since they added other folklore/mythic/legendary/pop culture based creatures such as Boneskinner which is not only based on but highly similar to the Wendigo.


Wendigo is not exactly something new to the Gw universe, at least from the name. Though i don't think we have seen any in Gw2 yet.


But Gw1 had


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> @"Ronan.9518" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > > There are no... "typical" vampires in GW2. Linked above, the vampires in Tyria are unintelligent bat creatures. Now, some necromancers may tap into blood magic and perhaps even have vampire like behaviors/manners, but the blood drinking would be entirely optional and not a requirement and sunlight wouldn't cause them a single issue.

> >

> > Hmm the first part somehow reminded me the Witcher's vampires as there are more than one kind of them of which some are considered "unintelligent" and more animal like while there are humanoid ones as well. I like this approach to be honest.

> > About the necromancy part I think that could be reasonable as well.

> > However this is a really tricky topic for the game's universe.

> > I hope that maybe one day we'll get some more closure of that since they added other folklore/mythic/legendary/pop culture based creatures such as Boneskinner which is not only based on but highly similar to the Wendigo.


> Wendigo is not exactly something new to the Gw universe, at least from the name. Though i don't think we have seen any in Gw2 yet.


> But Gw1 had

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Berserking_Wendigo


Ah shit! How could I forget about this one! Thanks for the reminder, it's been a while.

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I think the closest thing in concept to a vampire - as far as "cursed human" goes, is probably joko's awakened - they don't drink blood, and aren't immortal creatures of the night, but they are undead who seem to have atypical survival needs - as such as the awakened servants who we give tar soaked bandages to, and the whole tar everywhere thing. There's no real proof of it being required for them to live afaik though, and obviously they don't take from other humanoids which is a key part of the vampire appeal IMO.


As for werewolves there isn't anythign conceptually similar at all, i think.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > > There are no... "typical" vampires in GW2. Linked above, the vampires in Tyria are unintelligent bat creatures. Now, some necromancers may tap into blood magic and perhaps even have vampire like behaviors/manners, but the blood drinking would be entirely optional and not a requirement and sunlight wouldn't cause them a single issue.

> >

> > Hmm the first part somehow reminded me the Witcher's vampires as there are more than one kind of them of which some are considered "unintelligent" and more animal like while there are humanoid ones as well. I like this approach to be honest.

> > About the necromancy part I think that could be reasonable as well.

> > However this is a really tricky topic for the game's universe.

> > I hope that maybe one day we'll get some more closure of that since they added other folklore/mythic/legendary/pop culture based creatures such as Boneskinner which is not only based on but highly similar to the Wendigo.


> Possible, but I wouldn't count on it. ArenaNet has shown a liking for putting their own spins on things rather than relying on stock fantasy creatures, and we've had undead as major antagonists several times now without the vampire card being played. At this stage, I'd honestly be shocked if we ever see an undead vampire as anything other than an undead necromancer specialising in blood magic.


To be honest the undead and necromancy had a prominent role throughout the storyline by now with the vanilla story to the events of PoF and living story season 4 and I'd like to see something else for a change. I do like the whole necromancy topic but there are so many other undead creatures aside from zombies (risen) or mummies (awakened) that you could take into consideration for expanding this world's lore on the matter. I don't know for sure if you could count the icebrood as undead since they're technically not your typical type of undead but as far as their state of corruption and mindless devotion to Jormag goes I think you can pretty much assume they're nothing more than dead flesh.

However this brings me to another observation: So far all the other dragon minions that were taken by corruption could be considered kind of undead too. Best example would be the mordrem as the corpses of fallen creatures (no matter if itzel, nuhoch, saurian, sylvari, norn or human) were taken to the blighting pods to be resurrected as mordrem. That however was only possible because Mordremoth absorbed Zhaitan's magic.

As far as I remember Zhaitan's energy was absorbed by all dragons so that they all have the ability to combine their powers with death magic.

But to get back to the topic: With the knowledge about the elder dragons this could lead to an interesting way of creating possible new undead creatures from scratch and could somehow make something like a vampire possible as well however if still in an entirely new untypical way which could actually be very interesting.


As for the werewolf thing: I think a theory could work out where norn devoted to the spirit of wolf could become cursed by an influence outside of the spirits of the wild. This however could lead to Jormag or something else then.

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Werewovles (or any werecreature) and vampires do not exist in Tyria.


The closest you can get to werewolves are norn and their animal forms, though this is remarkably different from typical "cursed to turn into a rabid hybrid creature on full moons". The closest to _that_ we've ever seen is Svanir aka the Nornbear - a norn who was forced into a permanent bear form encased with ice and going on rampant slaughters, but that was ultimately just Jormag's corruption.


And as mentioned, the closest you get to vampires are either Blood Magic necromancers (however, drinking blood is probably unhygenic even for them - lorewise, most literal-blood related magic is using blood as a catalyst for spells, not drinking it - and as mentioned, no issues to crosses, sunlight, garlic, etc.) or Vampire Beasts - there's both the Tyrian cavedwellers and the Canthan [vampires](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/vampire) and [drinkers](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Drinker) which are remarkably similar. However, these are wild beasts and not inspired by the European myths, but by [Chinese myth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopping_vampire) - at least, the GW1 hopping vampire was, if only in name. Though that mythological creature is still markably different from what we got in-game.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Werewovles (or any werecreature) and vampires do not exist in Tyria.


> The closest you can get to werewolves are norn and their animal forms, though this is remarkably different from typical "cursed to turn into a rabid hybrid creature on full moons". The closest to _that_ we've ever seen is Svanir aka the Nornbear - a norn who was forced into a permanent bear form encased with ice and going on rampant slaughters, but that was ultimately just Jormag's corruption.


> And as mentioned, the closest you get to vampires are either Blood Magic necromancers (however, drinking blood is probably unhygenic even for them - lorewise, most literal-blood related magic is using blood as a catalyst for spells, not drinking it - and as mentioned, no issues to crosses, sunlight, garlic, etc.) or Vampire Beasts - there's both the Tyrian cavedwellers and the Canthan [vampires]() and [drinkers](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Drinker) which are remarkably similar. However, these are wild beasts and not inspired by the European myths, but by [Chinese myth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopping_vampire) - at least, the GW1 hopping vampire was, if only in name. Though that mythological creature is still markably different from what we got in-game.


fyi Your vampires link sends me back to the top of this page

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Werewovles (or any werecreature) and vampires do not exist in Tyria.

> >

> > The closest you can get to werewolves are norn and their animal forms, though this is remarkably different from typical "cursed to turn into a rabid hybrid creature on full moons". The closest to _that_ we've ever seen is Svanir aka the Nornbear - a norn who was forced into a permanent bear form encased with ice and going on rampant slaughters, but that was ultimately just Jormag's corruption.

> >

> > And as mentioned, the closest you get to vampires are either Blood Magic necromancers (however, drinking blood is probably unhygenic even for them - lorewise, most literal-blood related magic is using blood as a catalyst for spells, not drinking it - and as mentioned, no issues to crosses, sunlight, garlic, etc.) or Vampire Beasts - there's both the Tyrian cavedwellers and the Canthan [vampires]() and [drinkers](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Drinker) which are remarkably similar. However, these are wild beasts and not inspired by the European myths, but by [Chinese myth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopping_vampire) - at least, the GW1 hopping vampire was, if only in name. Though that mythological creature is still markably different from what we got in-game.


> fyi Your vampires link sends me back to the top of this page


Fixed, forgot to paste that url.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > Werewovles (or any werecreature) and vampires do not exist in Tyria.

> > >

> > > The closest you can get to werewolves are norn and their animal forms, though this is remarkably different from typical "cursed to turn into a rabid hybrid creature on full moons". The closest to _that_ we've ever seen is Svanir aka the Nornbear - a norn who was forced into a permanent bear form encased with ice and going on rampant slaughters, but that was ultimately just Jormag's corruption.

> > >

> > > And as mentioned, the closest you get to vampires are either Blood Magic necromancers (however, drinking blood is probably unhygenic even for them - lorewise, most literal-blood related magic is using blood as a catalyst for spells, not drinking it - and as mentioned, no issues to crosses, sunlight, garlic, etc.) or Vampire Beasts - there's both the Tyrian cavedwellers and the Canthan [vampires]() and [drinkers](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Drinker) which are remarkably similar. However, these are wild beasts and not inspired by the European myths, but by [Chinese myth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopping_vampire) - at least, the GW1 hopping vampire was, if only in name. Though that mythological creature is still markably different from what we got in-game.

> >

> > fyi Your vampires link sends me back to the top of this page


> Fixed, forgot to paste that url.


Still doing it.


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Still doing it.


> Are you clicking the link in the quoting? Because that's quoting the original edit.


Ah possibly. Thanks, either way I can now view the correct page


I was only interested since I don't recall the vampires from Factions after so many years and it's probably because I didn't really do much of Echovald Forest (I went the other route and didn't explore much of Echovald on later runs). I also didn't play through Urgoz's Warren

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Actual vampires, no, but Kurzicks in Cantha definitely had the whole pale Gothic cathedral thing going. I think it would be cool to discover some vampire-oriented elite spec stemming from them or something they practice. Oh, I didn't play enough to see there were actual vampires in Echovald. I mean, they're pretty ugly, but that's neat.

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> @"Ronan.9518" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > > There are no... "typical" vampires in GW2. Linked above, the vampires in Tyria are unintelligent bat creatures. Now, some necromancers may tap into blood magic and perhaps even have vampire like behaviors/manners, but the blood drinking would be entirely optional and not a requirement and sunlight wouldn't cause them a single issue.

> >

> > Hmm the first part somehow reminded me the Witcher's vampires as there are more than one kind of them of which some are considered "unintelligent" and more animal like while there are humanoid ones as well. I like this approach to be honest.

> > About the necromancy part I think that could be reasonable as well.

> > However this is a really tricky topic for the game's universe.

> > I hope that maybe one day we'll get some more closure of that since they added other folklore/mythic/legendary/pop culture based creatures such as Boneskinner which is not only based on but highly similar to the Wendigo.


> Wendigo is not exactly something new to the Gw universe, at least from the name. Though i don't think we have seen any in Gw2 yet.


> But Gw1 had

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/


The boneskinner was heavily inspired by the wendigo and the devs confirmed they almost named it that. I hope that the reason they chose not to in the end was so they could reintroduce that GW1 version later, as the wendigo is my favorite monster/cryptid for several reasons.


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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> The boneskinner was heavily inspired by the wendigo and the devs confirmed they almost named it that. I hope that the reason they chose not to in the end was so they could reintroduce that GW1 version later, as the wendigo is my favorite monster/cryptid for several reasons.


IIRC, when they said it was almost called Wendigo they also said it was changed because of how the native american tribes the original story relates to dislikes the wendigo being used in other kinds of stories.


> @"Temujin.7356" said:

> Actual vampire? Why YES. There called Flesh Reavers. Not all the way evolved but google it. Wish I had a pic.


Fleshreavers are **very** different from vampires.


Fleshreavers are demons born as skeletal creatures and as they grow they add the rotting flesh of their kills to their own bodies. This has absolutely nothing to do with vampires. At least the European folklore versions that OP is talking about.

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> @"Temujin.7356" said:

> Actual vampire? Why YES. There called Flesh Reavers. Not all the way evolved but google it. Wish I had a pic.


As noted, Flesh Reavers are more of a... sapient/semi-sapient flesh golem then vampires. They are born was skeletons, and then muscle and flesh are layered onto them/attached to the bones by the parents until a certain age/size, at which point the Flesh Reaver starts to add/maintain their own body.

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