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Who else wants a WvW tournament


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Anet should have another WvW tournament to finally kill this game mode so they don't have to work on Alliances.


Although Anet gave the reason why they won't do another tournament, PERMANENT WVW POPULATION LOSS, they did say that they would bring one back if the players wanted it.


After all, Anet has fixed prioritizing who gets to join WvW during a tournament so you won't see massive numbers of PvE players flooding the maps looking for shinies. Veteran WvW players won't have to spend ungodly hours in WvW for fear of losing their spot in the map. There won't be any player burnout anymore.


Of course with server linkings, Anet has solved the issue with players trying to transfer to the winning server.


Server linkings has also evened out population/coverage so the matches are competitive all the way til reset.


So go ahead and ask for another tournament. What could go wrong?

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> @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> Server linkings has also evened out population/coverage

Linking system ... eh, how to say it politely ... does not work excellently well. Some time ago I personally was playing in a match-up where huge WvW populated server "A" got linked with another highly WvW populated server "B". On the other side, mediocre WvW populated server "C" got no link at all. Low WvW populated server "D" (but marked as "Full" so no one able to transfer there) was linked with mediocre WvW populated server "E" .


So, the entire week of that WvW match-up was ....... sorry, cannot precisely describe it without excessive using of bad words.

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> @"dsons.9563" said:

> Its time to go to war. It’s time to see which sever has the best of the best. It’s time for the next WvW tournament!! Most players fought last time and a lot of players missed the last tournament. Hopefully players want to show what they are made of in this tournament. So who is ready to go to WAR!!!!!!


Shit survey and if you wanna fight Lets go

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> @"Jilora.9524" I just brought in the dev facts because some of you weren’t aware the devs said no to tournaments. You even asked why I quoted the devs and what relevance alliances had so I was being helpful to you.


Thanks for your helpful quotes from the devs. I now see that my hopes and dreams of a tournament are dashed before they ever truly had a chance. There is no way there will ever be a tournament today or in the future as the devs stance is so ironclad firm against. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and I am sorry for everyone who wanted tournament in this just hypothetical thread of would you like tournament or not and hopefully you can get over that disappointment.



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@ swagger's quotes are pointless, they are like 2 years or older. there has not been any precise statements from devs since then, and the responsible devs for Wvw have changed several times since then.


the only true thing is, that it is pretty much pointless with the link-system to have tournaments, because the servers themselves don't really work. many servers have enough population that just "exists" but isn't really "playing the game".


maybe it (tournaments) would make sense if you: unlink every server and merge smallest; or finally get a solid alliances update set up.


plus, tournaments in a outdated format make barely sense. mechanics need overhauls too, the ground isn't paved for this.

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