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Roaming is dying out


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People, we are obviously not playing as intended by roaming or killing the tail of blobs.


Anet hates this and so does the average wvw playerbase and as a result have imposed every artifical mechanic possible to protect the zerglings from such interference as we are "ruining" others good time by killing them.


If you are like myself where blob fights are plagued by skill lag when you die from not being able to use skills or heal/imbalance/immune to all dmg if your using projectiles etc and are being "hard countered" and you prefer to roam or play where you feel you can actually outplay and make the difference using reactions timing awareness then perhaps we are not wanted here.



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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Good, most likely unintended game play anyways. spvp banned sat combos, full ascended vs players in greens, full solo builds vs players in zerg builds.


> Then they post a videos on youtube of one thief with permastealth ganking lvl 20's in blues, and put really bad music to it. Good Riddance.


Roaming is unintended gameplay now ? lmao,step outside of your zerg every now and then and realize what can be done in a small group.Realize youre in a PVP mode,wvw aint pve..If you cry about getting killed by someone in better gear than you,or simply someone that outplays you maybe wvw isnt for you.


Atleast get rid of that green gear before you do.


Roaming has been alive for a long time,slowly dying out because alot of people dont dare to run alone anymore and go with 5 - 15 everywhere they move incase a roamer pops up so they can chase him allover the map for all the bad things he did to them before.

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> @Bish.8627 said:

> All groups killing respawns from the zerg should be banned for life.


> As should all mesmers and thieves running away from fights


> And all those crying about spellbreakers when they are just upset there is a new mechanic and they can't handle change/or free kill like old warrior


> Make WvW great again


easy to fix :)


Make spawn a fort with siege :P, but that would be to difficult to farm the players exiting the main entrance to WvW map, game is ment to be easy on offense, its a good placebo to make players more self realized and keep playing :)


Btw the only thing about spellbreaked is that IT WILL interrupr and remove boon aoe fro those not atackint it, in the MESS of the VISUAL CLUTTER a player wont see a thing who is casting what:... and some idiot with trigger that full counter, and its not even needed to be atacking the spellbreaker, some floating damage, as in cleaves spam targeting a nearby enemy will trigger the next guy full counter...


yeah.. right.. but that lame friendly shamefull combat we have on gw2... spam spam stack n spam spam.... for pve reasons...

So the spellbreaker it isnt a problem of the class itself, but how bad developers are overall in the game design.

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> It may be me, but imo roaming is just as good / bad as it ever was.

> Are there bad players running rewarding builds that require little experience and give solid results? Yes.

> Are there good players running such builds? Yes.

> Are there players who run original / non meta builds? Yes.

> Are there respectable gamers you look forward to meet again? Yes.

> Are there immature trolls that disturb duels / jump / teabag / flame / report you for beating them / gank outmanned / hack and / or any combination of these? Oh yes.

> Will people team up to kill you? Yes.

> Is the behavior of players somehow related to the server they’re on? No, hardly ever.

> The only thing that changed is that there are more people that can somewhat handle the game now. Everyone left in WvW usually has at least a bit of an idea how not to instant die or runs a build that makes it hard to do. Thus fighting outmanned often seems harder now.

- Me, more than 2 years ago.


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> @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> Roaming is a niche, it was not an intentional game mode. So there has never been any builds with the intention of creating roamers, their existence is accidental.


> However it is a bad idea to let a niche die, it means less options to enjoy a game mode. The correct thing would be to explore that niche. The more role options for WvW the better.


I don't think this is completely correct. There have been plenty of balance changes specifically aimed at roamers.


Just off the top of my mind, trueshot on dragonhunter's longbow was nerfed over 5 months ago from 4 to 6s cool down. This is explicitly a nerf to power DH roamers. In zergs, when it comes to ranged power damage, the biggest offender by far (Revenant hammer 2) still remains virtually untouched since launch. DH do not use longbow in zergs, and the ones that do, definitely don't utilize it effectively.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> People see me on my hammer rev, turn around and run away, see an ally and come rushing at me.


> Put simply, people who don't solo roam don't want to ever take a 1v1. That's their perogitive.


Run away from Hammer Rev XD..

Any condi spam class eat them alive, that's why I stop playing power rev.

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> @Hesacon.8735 said:

> I roam every day of the week and I'm constantly running into enemy roamers trying to stop me.


> Warriors generally are broken because they take no power or condition damage. Every other class I've found beatable playing necro, thief, or ranger.


> I recently rolled a spellbreaker to try to find weakness in it, so far I haven't. I've won every fight where I didn't make a mistake that can be attributed to my learning the class.


Deadeye can beat spellbreaker with enough stealth and patience.

Just find the opening when his invulnerable and shield reflect is on cd.

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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> Oh people are waking up about this finally?

> There's only so many versions of thieves, condi mesmers, and full blown aids that people want to face before it becomes really boring, and with more than half the classes being built for group kitten there's no variety for roaming anymore.


Scourge is pretty broken in roaming before the f2 and f5 nerf.

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Roaming reminds me of that down-to-earth kid who was neither too popular or too discreet in school, he was just all-rounded good chap who didn't want cause trouble, one day this transfer student shows up on his daddy fancy cadillac and then walks around feeling like the hottest shit in the neighborhood and all the kids start to hang with the fella, however the all-rounded good chap was just minding his own business, so fancy chap decided to take away his stuff because he wanted attention while all the other kids are enjoying the show, little by little, all-rounded chap becomes more and more depressed with that and stops showing up at school.


The fancy chap (the blob in case you haven't caught it yet) kept getting all the attention (marked status from sentries, balloon on towers, quicker upgrades, more rewards) while roamers have been stuck with crumbs and trying to make it out in this unfair mode, if it wasn't enough, now it's also filled with big bad bullies (hello ganking thief guilds) and flunkers (cheese builds).


Roaming is not dead, but it's sure as hell not as fun.

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> @Lahm.7056 said:

> Roaming reminds me of that down-to-earth kid who was neither too popular or too discreet in school, he was just all-rounded good chap who didn't want cause trouble, one day this transfer student shows up on his daddy fancy cadillac and then walks around feeling like the hottest kitten in the neighborhood and all the kids start to hang with the fella, however the all-rounded good chap was just minding his own business, so fancy chap decided to take away his stuff because he wanted attention while all the other kids are enjoying the show, little by little, all-rounded chap becomes more and more depressed with that and stops showing up at school.


> The fancy chap (the blob in case you haven't caught it yet) kept getting all the attention (marked status from sentries, balloon on towers, quicker upgrades, more rewards) while roamers have been stuck with crumbs and trying to make it out in this unfair mode, if it wasn't enough, now it's also filled with big bad bullies (hello ganking thief guilds) and flunkers (cheese builds).


> Roaming is not dead, but it's sure as hell not as fun.


What does this metaphor really do? Wasn't WvW designed more for epic, massive, huge, earthshaking warfare (so much earth shattering lags!) or w.e. ANET's ads are?




At least roaming gets a partial sentence, "wreak havoc behind enemy lines," which is depressing come to think of it. D:



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> @Aomine.5012 said:

> > @FXLEACH.9436 said:

> > There's really no point to roaming anymore. Any enjoyment from it has been smashed to dust.


> Coming from a guy who uses thief as their avator :pensive:


All humans with masks are thieves?


Anyway, *some* people obviously get enjoyment out of it. In our current matchup we have an enemy thief of the same guild always coming to our spawncamp to kill dollys. Every day. Thats all he seems to do. Try to engage him and he teleports 5 miles away, or just stealth and vanishes for minutes at a time. Leave the camp... he's back there. He doesnt fight, dont do anything except kill the dollys. Sometimes he try to take the camp but most of the time he just teleport away when you look in his direction. We have even identified his favorite spots around south hills, nooks and crannies where he hugs the mountains (because of course no one can see the big fat red name) until he crawls out like a cockroach looking for food. You can literally sense the disappointment when random people escort the dollys and he just stand there looking sad. Either he's getting paid by his server to to do it or he enjoys it. Its the only conclusion.

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > @Aomine.5012 said:

> > > @FXLEACH.9436 said:

> > > There's really no point to roaming anymore. Any enjoyment from it has been smashed to dust.

> >

> > Coming from a guy who uses thief as their avator :pensive:

> >

> All humans with masks are thieves?


That's the Deadeye Concept Art. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/b6/Spec_image_Deadeye.jpg

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> @GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

> > @Lahm.7056 said:

> > Roaming reminds me of that down-to-earth kid who was neither too popular or too discreet in school, he was just all-rounded good chap who didn't want cause trouble, one day this transfer student shows up on his daddy fancy cadillac and then walks around feeling like the hottest kitten in the neighborhood and all the kids start to hang with the fella, however the all-rounded good chap was just minding his own business, so fancy chap decided to take away his stuff because he wanted attention while all the other kids are enjoying the show, little by little, all-rounded chap becomes more and more depressed with that and stops showing up at school.

> >

> > The fancy chap (the blob in case you haven't caught it yet) kept getting all the attention (marked status from sentries, balloon on towers, quicker upgrades, more rewards) while roamers have been stuck with crumbs and trying to make it out in this unfair mode, if it wasn't enough, now it's also filled with big bad bullies (hello ganking thief guilds) and flunkers (cheese builds).

> >

> > Roaming is not dead, but it's sure as hell not as fun.


> What does this metaphor really do? Wasn't WvW designed more for epic, massive, huge, earthshaking warfare (so much earth shattering lags!) or w.e. ANET's ads are?


> https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/competitive-play/


> At least roaming gets a partial sentence, "wreak havoc behind enemy lines," which is depressing come to think of it. D:




It was designed that way, but roamers or small groups still had a role back then that brought some counterplay to blobs and forced them to broaden up their strategies (scouters are unemployed, thanks anet), tower tagging was a neat mind game that forced blobs to act differently depending on how the map was being played but then everything was handed to them on a silver plate so they can just keep stacking infinite amounts of meta builds and blob away with minimum map awareness while being babysat by every game mechanic. Good luck trying to cap anything other than T1 non-ballooned towers and not have a blob gliding over your head like a vulture, because emergency waypoints are not enough insulting already.

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Once change that would help is if they made the lord scaling *only count enemy players*. This would allow small groups of roamers (3-5, some might call that havoc or whatever) to take keeps +towers from larger forces. Currently you can have the lord down to 50%, but then be unable to finish it as a zerg gets near the tower, then wipes your small group as the lord scales up.

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Roaming is not dead at all. You simply happen to meet less solo players or they happen to run a powerful spec. It was like this before and for quite a long time already.

The only thing that changed is that there are new specs able to take that role more effectively. Some of the old free kills are no longer that easy to take on and some just can't stand that fact.

I solo roam a lot on Desolation myself. Still happen to meet people all over the place even when we are completely outmatched so you'd expect nothing but enemy blobs. People go solo, people run in small groups. A lot of good fights against strong solo players and many outnumbered fights against worse players.


Pointing out the lack of mobility on some builds compared to a spellbreaker running greatsword/dagger+shield or even sword is rather silly. They play a strong roaming build and so can you no matter what class you play. You probably never met a good holosmith which is basically a fancy spellbreaker with stealth when it comes to mobility and personal survivability. It is exactly the thing you have to run on a crowded server with blobs, small groups and solo roamers all over the place.

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There is no way to cleave through all the healing every class dishes out in an outnumbered situation. Its just stupid. I have all these condition classes just run at me straight with auto run on spamming 1.....they act like zombies and they win because of it!


Its so insulting. You down them and they are back up instantly prettyy much. where is my instant kill utility skill? you give peopel instant rez abilities....give us instant downed killing abilities.


even with downed killling utilities its still unbalanved. cuase the kitten healing is so friggin high when u heal ur downs with F and allll the invulneraiblities and everything else you can use while doing it....and all these booons and skills and foood abilities.


ITs so stupid to fight when roaming because of this.


The game is horribly designed. Running a meta build of condi tank or support just puts you so stupidly ahead of the pack. Skill is based on build in this game. Pvp players will tell you the same thing. major league gaming for gw2....so hilarious, after anet's money was forked over everyone bailed. Noone was gonna sponsor where they left off lol. Why would they? This gameplay so broken cause of stupid design choices.


Majority rule wins tho. People know what builds they have to take to be good. They do it, they win without knowing what they are doing or how to fight lol. That's what keeps the game from dying and from being callled unfair. Its designed that way, so it limits the amount of work devs need to do in terms of balancing. Devs can just fork out new and more shiny things with each update to keep the casual players interested without needing to worry about 'balance'. Balancing is just a costume for them. They pick out what costume you wear to win every few months, thats all there is to it.


> @Lionwait.4815 said:

> More and more I play this meta the roaming side of the game seems to be dying out because of unbalance of warrior/spellbreakers and the lack of boon strip from all but one class that doesn't compare to spellbreakers mobility. Don't get me wrong I like most of the changes making classes like the ranger and engineer more mobile witch should help the roaming side of the game. This post will probably fall on diff ears because the majority of people suck at roaming and have no idea what I'm pointing out. But that's my two cents for today.


ur gonna have to explain how negating boons is killing roaming. All I can picture is a 5 vs 1 situation and the 5 running boonshare and just instant rezzzing eachother over and over and that 1 guy sitting there with no options. They could literally just stand there running their rotation and letting him hit and down them 1 by 1 and he'd never kill any of them.


Now with this meta at least he has the ability, if he's the right class anyways, to strip alllll those boons by tossing a winds of change or somethign down on anyone he downs. Gives him a chance if anything.


Being able to kill parts of a zerg is a great change, boon strip does this.



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> @MUDse.7623 said:

> > @Cerby.1069 said:

> >give us instant downed killing abilities.



> check out daredevil final blow, even stomps people that are not in downstate if they would drop to downstate with its damage, but you will get reported and salty whispers if you use the skill that way.


You get reported and salty whisper simply by playing thief tbh...

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