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Forced to disable chat in PVP


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It is normal to be insulted, you need to be thick-skinned in competitive game-modes. You can't change these people, they are gonna stay that way. I play few different games and it is completely normal that people rage. They can't handle their emotions so they need to find someone who serves as an outlet. The last couple days were crazy in this regard, hard insults every game, unfortunately not creative (I collect them so always happy for something special)

If I won like 1 vs 1s or just plussed, the insults come from the enemy ("uninstall game, hacker, ur build carries u.."), if lost, usually from one player of my team.

But after they said I should kms and other classic insults they instantly block me so I can't respond. And THAT'S the thing that's annoying. But shows you how sensitive these people are. They can't deal with a loss and they can't even deal with responses to their flaming. Imagine :D So don't take it too seriously man.

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For toxic players you can either disable the chat, troll them to bait them even more or ignore it. I know that ignoring it can be hard - with chat still disabled. So I understand that it isn't the game that "hard forces" you to disable the chat but that you still might feel forced. Especially if the match still feels like it could be won.


For already lost matches with a toxic player in chat that gets others to chat as well (less playing = more chatting ... and the chances of still winning are already lower) I actually enjoy to to bad stuff on purpose to make them aggressive even more. Then reporting. Well ... nobody cares about reports but at least it is possible to get some fun out of the situaton.

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People: Just ignore toxicity and grow a thicker skin lol!

Toxic people: *put on mask and bring toxicity to the streets*

People: *surprised Pikachu meme*


Yes, you can also insert "hate speech graffiti", "drunk violence" and many other things. Internet toxicity shows, maybe even enforces this behaviour, people might start online, but just some few might also bring it into real life.


Stand up against toxicity and generally bad behaviour. Don't blame them, but be a good example. I know, this isn't exactly rewarded by Anet - neither is toxicity punished -, but you can still try your best. And some few times some people might just thank you for being helpful and optimistic. :smile:

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> People: Just ignore toxicity and grow a thicker skin lol!

> Toxic people: *put on mask and bring toxicity to the streets*

> People: *surprised Pikachu meme*


> Yes, you can also insert "hate speech graffiti", "drunk violence" and many other things. Internet toxicity shows, maybe even enforces this behaviour, people might start online, but just some few might also bring it into real life.


> Stand up against toxicity and generally bad behaviour. Don't blame them, but be a good example. I know, this isn't exactly rewarded by Anet - neither is toxicity punished -, but you can still try your best. And some few times some people might just thank you for being helpful and optimistic. :smile:


I do not really believe in the "grow a thick skin" mentality either, tbh.


People can, of course, leave toxic remarks disregarded, but toxic behaviour still should not be encouraged or accepted in the slightest. These people are acting wrong, whether their behaviour personally hurts others or not is irrelevant. It is not the way to treat other people.

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I _love_ how most of these responses are telling OP to "suck it up", while YOU are all the ones that are offended that the OP has the audacity to block the chat, as if you people wouldn't do the same.


I just get so SICK AND TIRED of this community and online "gamers" as a whole every fucking day.

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> I _love_ how most of these responses are telling OP to "suck it up", while YOU are all the ones that are offended that the OP has the audacity to block the chat, as if you people wouldn't do the same.


> I just get so SICK AND TIRED of this community and online "gamers" as a whole every kitten day.


? nobody forces him to do jack, hes the one going onto the forums to complain about it and expects people to feel pity for him.

grow a spine, someone flames you ? mb he has a reason, and if he doesnt just mute him and move on, cant believe people get upset over such trivial things.

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My recommendation for OP is to report any chat that crosses the line. Of course, Anet will ultimately decided whether or not that is truly crossing a line or what the punishment should be if it does.


Telling someone to kill themselves is considered verbal abuse and will get them banned for a period of time, at least based on anecdotes I’ve heard about such players. Use of racial slurs will also get them banned. The thing is, the worst people toxicity wise will tend to also be the ones who employ the most offensive language.


To those talking about sucking it up: Yes, in PvP you need to be prepared to face some degree of toxic behavior. But, like any sort of offensive behavior, there is a point where Community Standards are violated and the person is no longer merely being annoying to one player but is damaging the community. Slurs, suggestions of suicide and the like are violations of those standards as set by Anet.


Think about it this way. Someone goes to play a game of baseball at a community park and another player there starts throwing racial slurs at them. That person should get kicked out right? This isn’t shocking. We expect sportsmanship and want to welcome all players. A little taunting might go with the competitive nature of the game (or might even be frowned on), but abuse is never tolerated.


Why some gamers seem to think common social rules shouldn’t apply because it’s “on the internet” is beyond me.

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It is pointless to talk about toxicity. Whole point of PvP is to KILL another guy. So word KILL is already violent and has very offensive meaning. It is natural even in rl that people go toxic if they are getting in conflict. Pvp is very violent mode and should stay like that, those who like killing other players should also accept words back. If you can't handle offensivness then don't play PvP nor use chat. You can't remove offensive things from pvp, it is how it is in every pvp game and that can't change(not even by force).

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> @"Svez Poizon XD.5268" said:

> It is pointless to talk about toxicity. Whole point of PvP is to KILL another guy. So word KILL is already violent and has very offensive meaning. It is natural even in rl that people go toxic if they are getting in conflict. Pvp is very violent mode and should stay like that, those who like killing other players should also accept words back. If you can't handle offensivness then don't play PvP nor use chat. You can't remove offensive things from pvp, it is how it is in every pvp game and that can't change(not even by force).


Yes, and mass shootings clearly result from this violence!




€: Talking about toxicity, snipping myself. I do not agree with your words at all and do not think you thought them through properly, but I shouldn't jump to conclusions all too quickly.

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> @"Svez Poizon XD.5268" said:

> It is pointless to talk about toxicity. Whole point of PvP is to KILL another guy. So word KILL is already violent and has very offensive meaning. It is natural even in rl that people go toxic if they are getting in conflict. Pvp is very violent mode and should stay like that, those who like killing other players should also accept words back. If you can't handle offensivness then don't play PvP nor use chat. You can't remove offensive things from pvp, it is how it is in every pvp game and that can't change(not even by force).


I dunno about you, but I do not PVP to _kill_ other players, I PVP because it is fun to battle against real players, not an AI. I do not associate violence or aggression with GW2 PVP.

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And people wonder why more and more humans spawn with unacceptable behaviors. We legit have a dumb as rocks generation that believe people aren't crazy enough to find the people that make them angry and harm them. Which, btw, there have been SEVERAL cases of incidents like that.


The internet won't save you from people finding you, you weirdos. Act like you were raised properly and treat people with some semblance of respect even if it is a 'competitive' setting.

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Matchmaking and the ultra-low population in PvP is making wonders putting together in the same match players from 3 hard tiers away. Being said that, I think that the chat should be disabled in PvP and the matches should have a button to "give up", since in the first 3 minutes is easy to see if a match will be a onesided rolfstomp.

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