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Festivals in core Tyria

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If you have to put these Festivals in core Tyria, why do you make the Festival events nearly impossible for players with only core Tyria? If you are going to make Fetival events that need the gliding skill, put it in a Hot zone. If you are going to make a festival event that needs mounts, put it in a POF zone. Want an example? Hologram Stampede. If you have a core tyria only account, you cant do this event because every individual instance of the event is done by those players who use mounts from a different area we cant use and the events are long over before a core tyria player can get there. You can't get credit, let alone multiple credit like the rewards are staged. Some Festival events seem important enough for the developers to add mount rental. Some are clearly not significant, yet the final rewards require them. If you treat people like this do you think they will buy more or do you think they will ignore the gem shop till it changes?

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On the contrary, if they introduced a festival event for *all players*, except that it took place in Amnoon, the backlash would be even greater.


But it's in core Tyria so that all can experience it with the tools they have available. Festival events have always been accessible for everyone. It just so happens that some players have purchased more tools than others, and those tools have been made effective across core Tyria for years.


Sure, there are minor things like rental services which you have mentioned, but things are otherwise... working as intended.

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You dont need more then 1 spawn of mobs to get full rewards in a stampede.


What I do with my second account core only is plop it down at a node before the event, and usualy that node spawn either round 1,2 or 3. ( can happen ofcourse that it spawn none or 2-3 times aswell)


Taging and killing all the mobs 1 round give me full rewards for that stampede.

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> @"Krozair.3298" said:

> If you have to put these Festivals in core Tyria, why do you make the Festival events nearly impossible for players with only core Tyria? If you are going to make Fetival events that need the gliding skill, put it in a Hot zone. If you are going to make a festival event that needs mounts, put it in a POF zone. Want an example? Hologram Stampede. If you have a core tyria only account, you cant do this event because every individual instance of the event is done by those players who use mounts from a different area we cant use and the events are long over before a core tyria player can get there. You can't get credit, let alone multiple credit like the rewards are staged. Some Festival events seem important enough for the developers to add mount rental. Some are clearly not significant, yet the final rewards require them. If you treat people like this do you think they will buy more or do you think they will ignore the gem shop till it changes?


I wouldn't worry about players not engaing in the gem shope when they aren't even willing to invest 15 Euros into getting the current expansion/s (given how they are bundled permanently now). Chances are high they are either not invested enough to get the expansion, financially unable or both. Neither would mean a significant amount of spending on the gem store.


For anyone else, on second or third accounts for example, they know the detriments to not upgrading and chose not to willingly. As mentioned by others, the event does not require mounts, they simply make it easier. Waypointing and tagging any event closeby is simple enough.


Let's not pretend as though the rich core account players make up any significant revenue for the game.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Not true. I have an account with no Mounts, no Gliding, and I can do the Hologram Stampede.

> It may not be as easy, but it is surely doable.


True, it's doable, but you rewards will suffer by it.


I mean it's very hard to get good amount rewards without mouth. I should know it, because I have run with +33% running speed and there are many times that I don't get in time the spots, even to hit one time. Mount is HUGE advance, not just in this event, but many other situations too. There are people who can't get mount at all and there are also so new players that they should not be forced to get mount too early, just that they can "compete" with those who already have mount(s).


> @"Linken.6345" said:

> You dont need more then 1 spawn of mobs to get full rewards in a stampede.


Not true. You will get reward, but it's not FULL reward.

I have got rewards from 0 to 10 chest. Depending how well I did in tier rounds.


PS: I don't complain, because I could get mount, but I choose to run by foots.

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I only participated in one Hologram per tier, and I got all rewards. It merely takes a bit of knowledge. They spawn in the same places, and the same order, each time.


Regardless, if those that wish for more rewards aren't willing to obtain Mounts, then, like you, that is their choice. Purchase of Path of Fire is more than reasonable.

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> @"Krozair.3298" said:

> If you treat people like this do you think they will buy more or do you think they will ignore the gem shop till it changes?

My favorite part is how you, two years after the release of the last expansion, are arguing for this change based on your potential spending.



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Regardless, if those that wish for more rewards aren't willing to obtain Mounts, then, like you, that is their choice. Purchase of Path of Fire is more than reasonable.


I'm not so consern about people using mouth in this kind of event, that's they privilege. I'm consern about lack of empathy for those players who are suffereing by the situation.


I do this by choise as I have PoF. Yesterday some new player (week old) was asking about the event and person did not have mouth yet. Chat situation was: LMAO you don't have mount.



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If you don't have a mount, can't kill things quickly, don't have many AoE skills or otherwise find it difficult to keep up with other people in the hologram events the best way to do it is to try to find holoprojectors without many people on them. (Or if you just want to feel like you're contributing instead of just trying to tag something before it all melts).


* If there's any commander or mentor tags on the map **don't** follow them and as much as possible stay well out their way so they're unlikely to bring their group in your direction.

* If you can, find a holo projector before the event starts.

* Alternatively when the event starts look for ones very near you or close to waypoints but preferably also a bit out of the way (for example near the edge of the map or on the far end of where the projectors are spawning) and use the waypoint to get there quickly. (Of course it helps to have the map fully uncovered and as many waypoints as possible unlocked, so that's a good thing to do in between events if you haven't already got them.)

* It can also help to look for 'clusters' of holoprojectors roughly equally distant from a waypoint, as that means people going to that waypoint will end up splitting between them.

* If you see one with orange sword icons around it that means it's already been started. Unless you're very close go to another one instead.


I realise that's a lot to consider all at once, but you don't need to find the absolute best holoprojector on the entire map, just one which is good enough, so the first you see which fits some of the above criteria (most importantly does not have a commander tag on it or heading to it) is fine.


Also when you've finished the one you're on take a second to check the event progress and if the round is about to end don't try to make it to another projector. Stay at the one you're on as there's a good chance it will come up again in the next round. If not open your map and pick a new one using the same criteria.

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> @"Lumikki.1725" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Regardless, if those that wish for more rewards aren't willing to obtain Mounts, then, like you, that is their choice. Purchase of Path of Fire is more than reasonable.


> I'm not so consern about people using mouth in this kind of event, that's they privilege. I'm consern about lack of empathy for those players who are suffereing by the situation.


> I do this by choise as I have PoF. Yesterday some new player (week old) was asking about the event and person did not have mouth yet. Chat situation was: LMAO you don't have mount.




I'm afraid I would not know about that, as I don't use Map Chat. The character I used for Hologram Stampede was only L24, without the full map opened. Again, as posted above, it just takes a bit of sense in how events work.

And...the Festivals come around each and every year, so there's plenty of time to gain rewards. It's not a competition in PvE.


You know, we were all new once, and didn't know how things worked, or didn't have what others had, or whatever. It was several months before I understood what the Trading Post was, and years before I was familiar with the Mystic Forge. I only used 'Deposit All Materials' for the first time last week! (Oh, it's very convenient!) Lol. I survived, and I'm sure new players will, as well.

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