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The changes look neat i just hope you wont nerf wells in 3 months and lave them without a trait to bring them back to a fair ish place like what was done with some of the spectral skills. They got improved at base when the trait was removed then the cds got nerfed to be higher than they ever were and they still lack a trait to enhance them from a pvp perspective.


Overall i like that i can now take a signet trait with spiteful spirit or close to death.

I dislike blood bank though. In my head at least in pvp it seems like a trait that wont feel like its very active the moment you take any damage vs vamp rituals which effected wells. Its also a major loss of protection uptime and raw healing. I guess this was done to get every necromancer and their mother off the blood magic line though and back on other things.


I would have just liked to see blood bank do more than something when you might be at full hp vs the majority of the time in competitive modes thats exactly where you wont be as a necromancer.

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Warriors are meant to be able to perma block then ?


And engineer turrets are not a concern still ?


I'm sorry if I sound pedantic when I say, but these have been overly long mistakes in balance for extended periods of time. Heck I benefit from the changes you've made to engineer, but I'm seriously mad that after more than 2 years, engineer turrets are Still broken and inneffective !

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> @"One Hander.9830" said:

> So if chronomancers get a revert on their elite spec trade-off ( self shatters was removed cause of this originally its in past patch notes) can we can a revert on swipe for daredevils too ?


Chronomancer recieved two trade-off nerfs instead of one. They finally came to their senses and removed the more egregious of the two. Consider yourself lucky. The swipe nerf was probably the most laid back and inconsequential trade-off nerf ever given to an elite spec.

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What exactly changes for _over shield_? It already gives allies protection, but now it triggers a skill that does the same?

_Soothing detonation_ was working only with fire-fields?

How is med-kit triggering _speed of synergy_? I hope only with F1. Otherwise, (on kit-swap) they will have perma-superspeed just using med-kit.

Does it then grant 5s or 7s to the engineer themselves?


Pressing med-kit F1 will then trigger most of my traits. ^^

soothing detonation, medical dispersion field, health insurance, cleansing synergy, purity of purpose, comeback cure, compounding chemicals, Energy Amplifier, reconstruction enclosure, over shield...

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Will Soothing Detonation get a changed name (and maybe icon)?


Unfortunately, it has become a bad habit that engineer traits get reworked into a completely different functionality, but the name of the trait and/or the icon doesn't get changed to match it.

Like how Applied Force still shows a gyro with boots (used to make sense when it was granting stability on gyro usage), Thermal Vision still shows a perforated can on top of the head of a random guy (made sense when this trait improved rifle skills and was called Skilled Marksman)...


Considering that the trait doesn't utilise blast finishers anymore, calling it Soothing **Detonations** doesn't really make sense anymore.

Maybe we can give it another name?

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Not releasing this patch would keep this game in a better state than releasing it. This patch is a downgrade from the current version of GW2 PvP. It's not nerfing the strong and zero fun to fight things(condi rev, grenade holosmith, condi thief, protect me 4k barrier) while also ADDING more zero fun imbalanced things like buffing druid and scourge.


Can we just not release this patch? It's a downgrade in every single way.

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> @"Mosharn.8357" said:

> I'm not sure why they keep buffing classes that need nerfs and giving next to nothing to classes that need something.


> Warrior changes are welcomed but these wont do anything realistically. Its like trying to put a band-aid on a cut off head. These changes address none of the issues warrior is currently having.


> We are forced to take Winds if we're on spellbreaker. Otherwise its rampage. Signet of Rage is really REALLY bad. Might is not an issue for warrior and giving 4 seconds of might is next to pointless on a skill that has a cast time/long cooldown.


> Change Signet of Rage to 10 stacks of might for 8 seconds on a 35 second cool down. Or make it 10 stacks of might for 8 seconds, 3 stacks of stability for 5 seconds, and make it a 45 second cooldown. Its bad when utility skills look more appealing than an elite.


> 300 second cooldown traits do not fit this game. This isn't some Korean mmo or WoW where 5 minute cooldowns make sense. Because of this the defense traitline on warrior is not appealing at all. Warriors are pretty much forced to go strength/discip/x. X being Spellbreaker or Berserker. 300 second cooldowns need to be changed to 150 seconds. That makes more sense for Guild Wars 2. This game has never had absurd cooldown timers like this and putting them in the game makes those things next to useless.


> Warrior condi is a joke as well because of how awful the Arms trait line is. The first 3 make no sense if you're going condi. It seems good in pve but in pvp/wvw you never take precision for condi builds on a warrior unless you want to be squishy. A squishy condi warrior is not useful or playable.


> Please look more into warrior changes and actually provide useful changes. We're forced to be slaves in pve. In WvW/PvP other classes do things way better so theres no point to take warrior. In WvW the only good viable build is shout support. If you run other things you struggle to keep up with other classes and have to play your best. Where as the person on the other classes can make a lot of mistakes which you can't punish as hard.


Just pointing it out right now, the 300 second ICD traits are placeholder for the time being until they replace them or completely rework them. *Which unfortunately has not happened at all*, so Defense is basically just dead for the time being until this happens.

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Shade Skills: These have been changed back to triggering at both the necromancer's location and their shade locations with each use.




P.S I hope you like your circles red.

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Finally registered an account here just to express how sad i am with this patch. If this patch came out even two months after that "major" patch i would be okay but I am honestly sad i waited this long for this joke of an update. I've been playing less because my main class has been in the dumpster but this might just be the nail in the coffin to make me fully quit until expac. I just had to comment to express how low effort and poor this patch, that came after MONTHS of waiting is. What a poor way to instill confidence in your community.

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To be honest i think everything seem not bad at all looking at the balance im very glad they bring back dry shatter on chrono i wish they will bring back F5. My only thing i keep think about that will help other game mode on chrono is make trait Flow of Time able to reach allies. I mean that will help in open world and fractal and WvW also I dont mention raid cause good group will keep standing togheter on most of non moving boss so wells are easy to cast and reach team to give alac+quickness. But well of Recall is not very reliable to give alac on team in fractal vs an Alacren how can give easy perma alac to his teamate better than a chrono does.


**Flow of Time: This trait has been reworked. It now counts the mesmer as a clone. Reduced alacrity gained per clone from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.** <---- make it share on allies. that will help other gamemode excluding raids AND MAKE CHRONO GOOD UNDERWATER i know a lot of people dosent care but chrono are only able to give quickness underwater not alacrity. Cause wells dosent work underwater and then no alac for allies compare to a rev how just need to press 1 button for 20-24sec alac.

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Wow, all this complaining about shades. Shades are terrible atm. You waste 2 trait lines so they have the ability to strip a couple boons at range. Other than that it is worse than either of the other 2 shrouds for damage or protection. They got nerfed hard since launch, and do less damage overall than well of corruption, that strips more boons on double the cooldown. Without self shade, scourge barely provides any group utility at all, which was always necro's problem.


Wells are the best source of necro damage in wvw, and that got a cooldown buff. If anything you should complain about that, not the ability to clear a condi on allies or do minor damage if you stand on someone.


Now instead of being half the damage of other classes (played by people that know how to play their class), it might compete again for best dps.


Just want to say that with the last balance patch which took away traited stab and increased the cooldown of all stunbreaks, scourge sustain took a nosedive if not standing near a guardian of some kind. This might help a little bit.

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> Rewinder: The cooldown per clone spent has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. The mesmer now counts as a clone for this reduction. Increased recharge from 25 seconds to 30 seconds.


Oof, increasing the cooldown from 10s to 18s seems a bit very harsh, considering this being the main damage tool of a Condi Chrono (Support and DPS). I suggest considering either going through with the 3s per clone reduction OR the 5s total cooldown increase. :S


> Speed of Synergy: This trait has been reworked. It will now grant superspeed for 5 seconds to allies in a radius of 240 around the engineer when using a healing skill. Using a healing tool-belt skill grants the engineer 7 seconds of superspeed.


Aww that one is really sad. It was way more fun having an interactive trait, doing something on blast/leap etc. instead of just "well if you press your heal skill you get something small". Granting Super Speed to allies was a useful niche for some Raid encounters. I'm gonna miss it. :<

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> @"Kylar.2046" said:

> Wow, all this complaining about shades. Shades are terrible atm. You waste 2 trait lines so they have the ability to strip a couple boons at range. Other than that it is worse than either of the other 2 shrouds for damage or protection. They got nerfed hard since launch, and do less damage overall than well of corruption, that strips more boons on double the cooldown. Without self shade, scourge barely provides any group utility at all, which was always necro's problem.


> Wells are the best source of necro damage in wvw, and that got a cooldown buff. If anything you should complain about that, not the ability to clear a condi on allies or do minor damage if you stand on someone.


> Now instead of being half the damage of other classes (played by people that know how to play their class), it might compete again for best dps.


> Just want to say that with the last balance patch which took away traited stab and increased the cooldown of all stunbreaks, scourge sustain took a nosedive if not standing near a guardian of some kind. This might help a little bit.


You're missing the point of why scourges were so powerful and omnipresent. It's because they were the kings of boon corruption and area denial. A squad with a scourge in every 5 man party had enough AoE to make melee a suicide run of red circles and conditions on top of having Wells to do the real bombs.


Shades being on both the necro and targeted area was am obscene amount of AoE pressure that could grant barrier, cleanse, corrupt, and CC with absolutely no thought about placement because if enemies charged then you had the effects around you as well. If they don't reduce the target cap of shades, we're in for another 2 scourges per 5 people squads again.

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i, too, will seriously miss Vampiric Rituals. it was the core of my melee dagger vampire well build. the mad siphoning plus the protection made for some serious fun fighting clusters of mobs in PvE, and made WvW server blob fights crazy fun, too.


i really hope that all the wells will get protection, now... and that minor siphoning trait gets buffed 50-100 % (at least in PvE ) to compensate for the loss of the GM trait


on another note... i'm glad to see Pyromancer's Puissance buff, (finally useful in group settings)... and Persisting Flames is FINALLY viable for solo use these two traits were basically a non-choice before. you took the trait based on whether you grouped up or ran solo. now we actually have a choice.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Kylar.2046" said:

> > Wow, all this complaining about shades. Shades are terrible atm. You waste 2 trait lines so they have the ability to strip a couple boons at range. Other than that it is worse than either of the other 2 shrouds for damage or protection. They got nerfed hard since launch, and do less damage overall than well of corruption, that strips more boons on double the cooldown. Without self shade, scourge barely provides any group utility at all, which was always necro's problem.

> >

> > Wells are the best source of necro damage in wvw, and that got a cooldown buff. If anything you should complain about that, not the ability to clear a condi on allies or do minor damage if you stand on someone.

> >

> > Now instead of being half the damage of other classes (played by people that know how to play their class), it might compete again for best dps.

> >

> > Just want to say that with the last balance patch which took away traited stab and increased the cooldown of all stunbreaks, scourge sustain took a nosedive if not standing near a guardian of some kind. This might help a little bit.


> You're missing the point of why scourges were so powerful and omnipresent. It's because they were the kings of boon corruption and area denial. A squad with a scourge in every 5 man party had enough AoE to make melee a suicide run of red circles and conditions on top of having Wells to do the real bombs.


> Shades being on both the necro and targeted area was am obscene amount of AoE pressure that could grant barrier, cleanse, corrupt, and CC with absolutely no thought about placement because if enemies charged then you had the effects around you as well. If they don't reduce the target cap of shades, we're in for another 2 scourges per 5 people squads again.


When PoF came out, shades were scourges top source of damage and had more traited corrupts in the scourge line. It has been nerfed to the point that it honestly might be more worth it to run core necro and melee in for the same corrupts and more damage and immobs. Warrior WoD is much more obnoxious because you can't get your stripped boons back. The only reason shades are scary is the number of them placed on the same spot. You're just as dead to standing in 3 ele meteors or 5 rev phase smashes than 10 scourge shades. Wells are scarier than shades.

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