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Dear Anet, I love Halloween.. But.


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I don't get what's hard about the CT, It's even easier than it used to be at the release in 2012 and in 2013 we used to farm it for bags due to how fast it was to be completed.

Just memorize the path (or watch a video for it) until you feel confortable with it, and jump into it :)

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I would love if Anet coded so you could physically **carry** other people in the jp if they wanted (LW skritt anyone?) :joy: Like for example past the tricky parts. Or they could have some sort of ferry fee of lets say 50 silver from some npc that let you start higher on the tower since the ending is easier.

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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @Samnang.1879 said:

> > Can ppl pls stop complaining about the difficulty of things in this game???

> > NOTHING in the game is that hard (save from getting god of pvp title).

> > 90% of guild wars 2 content is easy and made for casuals, hearts, map events, low level fractals, stories. this jp is something that comes once every year, let the ppl who enjoy the challenge have their enjoyment of the challenge instead of making anet dum down all the content cuz u can't do it. its not fair and unreasonable.


> I think OP was 'complaining' about their own inability and not asking for it too be 'dumbed down'. Rather just wanting a 'different' way to complete it.


> Something may be easy for you but that doesn't mean its easy for everyone. Just like how it was easy for me to understand what the OP actually meant. ;)


> Some things may be relatively easy for most people but may take time and time is a commodity that many don't have much of. Or as the 'no lifers' put it 'casual'.



Requesting for a success reward after 100 failed attempts is asking for anet to dumb it down, since you don't have to successfully complete something to succeed in it.

I never said this jp was easy, i said it was a challenge. I said hearts are easy, it's objective, not subjective, if anyone in this universe thinks gw2 hearts are hard, then idk what to say. I'ts the most braindead activity i know.


I never been able to get gold in most HoT adventures, i'm not going to come on here to complain, "OMG i cna't get gold, plz give me pity gold reward"... wtf... that just invalidate other's efforts. It's like throwing a pie in their face.

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You should NEVER use the keyboard to turn. Ever. Only use it for strafing and skills.

Instead control the camera with your mouse (right click) and a left click while controlling the camera will make your character move and turn accordingly to the camera (= much faster)


If you wonder why you have so many issues with JPs... look no further that is why.

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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @Samnang.1879 said:

> > Can ppl pls stop complaining about the difficulty of things in this game???

> > NOTHING in the game is that hard (save from getting god of pvp title).

> > 90% of guild wars 2 content is easy and made for casuals, hearts, map events, low level fractals, stories. this jp is something that comes once every year, let the ppl who enjoy the challenge have their enjoyment of the challenge instead of making anet dum down all the content cuz u can't do it. its not fair and unreasonable.


> I think OP was 'complaining' about their own inability and not asking for it too be 'dumbed down'. Rather just wanting a 'different' way to complete it.


> Something may be easy for you but that doesn't mean its easy for everyone. Just like how it was easy for me to understand what the OP actually meant. ;)


> Some things may be relatively easy for most people but may take time and time is a commodity that many don't have much of. Or as the 'no lifers' put it 'casual'.


This was my point, it also stonewalls progress in many other activities, like the book, and the boots. If the clock tower was standalone, I'd be more then happy to avoid it and let people farm it for bags and whatever. But, since it's tied to a few other items, I don't think it's asking to much, to give a "You gave it your best" completion, after 100 tries.


> @Loboling.5293 said:

> I'm fine with this. I can't remember how many tries it took me. I don't think I ever would've gotten it if not for watching other people beat it, as I tried to keep up with them. It was one of the best feelings I had when I finally beat it, and now every year I do it still just to help others get up.


> However, if someone wants to avoid that high you get when you finally beat it, and you've been trying 100 times. I say, why not give it to you. You're missing one fun feeling when you beat it on your own.


> Anyway, after 100 times if you haven't made any real progress, just give them the achievement. My opinion.


I agree, there should be some kind of maybe checkpoint, that have to reach for it to count.. like say.. you need to at least jump onto the platform that comes off the tower wall at the start. I know I fail getting past that point a lot. But getting to it would remove the AFK players at least.

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> You should NEVER use the keyboard to turn. Ever. Only use it for strafing and skills.

> Instead control the camera with your mouse (right click) and a left click while controlling the camera will make your character move and turn accordingly to the camera (= much faster)


> If you wonder why you have so many issues with JPs... look no further that is why.


Ahem.. ok I admit I'm old.. my hands not quite as good as they used to be, but.. get this.. not only do I use Action Camera, I also use a Naga Mouse, and a Orbweaver for left hand controls, and I am still not getting far.


Now.. I dunno.. Maybe I will beat it before I reach 100 tries, I wager I am at around the 50 - 60 mark, but it would be nice to see that even if after 100 tries I still can't get it, that Anet would give a single completion for perseverance if not for my skill.

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There are quite a few collections gated behind challenging content.

If you nerf the tower... whats next... SAB Trials and Tribs? You get weapons at the end after all... and it certainly takes hundreds of tries to master world 2.


Please stop trying to nerf everything. This isnt even a story quest this time.

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> @Grimheart.2853 said:

> As far as I remember, the only meaningful thing in clocktower completion is lunatic boots, that count towards the mad memoirs collection. You can craft them with a recipe, making the clocktower completion not mandatory. What's your problem here?

Eh.. Gonna go look into that right now.

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1 - Twitch skill isn't applicable here, the tower is VERY much trial and error. you can circumvent nearly all of the challenge by knowing how to navigate it before hand.


2 - You can buy the reward from said clocktower with cobs and craft it yourself (Lunatic boots.) meaning outside of AP, the clocktower is completely optional towards the book quest.

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> @Loboling.5293 said:

> I'm fine with this. I can't remember how many tries it took me. I don't think I ever would've gotten it if not for watching other people beat it, as I tried to keep up with them. It was one of the best feelings I had when I finally beat it, and now every year I do it still just to help others get up.


> However, if someone wants to avoid that high you get when you finally beat it, and you've been trying 100 times. I say, why not give it to you. You're missing one fun feeling when you beat it on your own.


> Anyway, after 100 times if you haven't made any real progress, just give them the achievement. My opinion.


Not everyone loves beating difficult things and then gets a great feeling when they do. Years ago in games I used to panic when faced with a tough situation (fight, difficult twitch scenario). Even if I beat it I wouldn't feel good, I would only feel glad it was over. Nowdays I am over feeling panic unless I am in a group situation where others are depending on me (which I try to avoid). Now its just a game and nothing terrible will happen if my character dies. But I still don't "enjoy a big challenge" - I'm playing for entertainment and stress doesn't entertain me.


That said, I actually don't agree with the idea of a certain number of "tries". That would be too easy to fake: just enter the puzzle and stand there and die. Wouldn't take very long to do that 100 times. And while I understand that some people like to get all the achievs, I disagree with getting an achiev for something you didn't do. And I don't think the clock tower is gating anything else. You can craft all the armor.

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> You should NEVER use the keyboard to turn. Ever. Only use it for strafing and skills.

> Instead control the camera with your mouse (right click) and a left click while controlling the camera will make your character move and turn accordingly to the camera (= much faster)


> If you wonder why you have so many issues with JPs... look no further that is why.


What the?


Maybe for you but I would watch the word "never". I have been playing games with a keyboard for, what, about 40 years. That is some pretty strong muscle memory there! To me turning with a mouse is awkward because it goes against decades of how to react. That is like those people saying not to hold the space bar down too long in JPs because you will not go further (even though that is precisely what you do with the raptor jump).

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > You should NEVER use the keyboard to turn. Ever. Only use it for strafing and skills.

> > Instead control the camera with your mouse (right click) and a left click while controlling the camera will make your character move and turn accordingly to the camera (= much faster)

> >

> > If you wonder why you have so many issues with JPs... look no further that is why.


> What the?


> Maybe for you but I would watch the word "never". I have been playing games with a keyboard for, what, about 40 years. That is some pretty strong muscle memory there! To me turning with a mouse is awkward because it goes against decades of how to react. That is like those people saying not to hold the space bar down too long in JPs because you will not go further (even though that is precisely what you do with the raptor jump).


Its not for me. Rotating with keys will objectively always be slower, just like clicking on skills rather than using keys will also be slower.


Its not because some activities can be done with a keyboard that it works as the perfect controller for every type of game. Typically moving in a 3d world is more precise with an analogic stick (you can go slower or faster also), fps are commonly better with a mouse (faster reactions), etc.


If using skills is indeed better with a keyboard, when it comes to movement and especially if you need to react fast, a mouse will be objectively better.

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > @Menadena.7482 said:

> > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > You should NEVER use the keyboard to turn. Ever. Only use it for strafing and skills.

> > > Instead control the camera with your mouse (right click) and a left click while controlling the camera will make your character move and turn accordingly to the camera (= much faster)

> > >

> > > If you wonder why you have so many issues with JPs... look no further that is why.

> >

> > What the?

> >

> > Maybe for you but I would watch the word "never". I have been playing games with a keyboard for, what, about 40 years. That is some pretty strong muscle memory there! To me turning with a mouse is awkward because it goes against decades of how to react. That is like those people saying not to hold the space bar down too long in JPs because you will not go further (even though that is precisely what you do with the raptor jump).


> Its not for me. Rotating with keys will objectively always be slower, just like clicking on skills rather than using keys will also be slower.


> Its not because some activities can be done with a keyboard that it works as the perfect controller for every type of game. Typically moving in a 3d world is more precise with an analogic stick (you can go slower or faster also), fps are commonly better with a mouse (faster reactions), etc.


> If using skills is indeed better with a keyboard, when it comes to movement and especially if you need to react fast, a mouse will be objectively better.


For you maybe but you said never. I will match 4 decades of muscle memory of doing things one way vs if I tried to do things another way any day. I decided to give ESO a try once. There were some things I liked and other things I hated, but do you want to know what made me give it up? No option to turn with a keyboard. It was dumbing down my reactions.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> I am not asking for much here, but some of us don't have the twitch skill to do the clock tower, and I know.. I know.. I don't want to cheapen the abilities of those that do have the twitch skill, but.. can we make it so that after 100 tries, we get 1 pity completion?


> Given some people want to be nasty about it, and you support selling raids and other content, maybe you could sell a completion in the Gem store. I'd be wiling to pay around 20 dollars in gems to get this over with.


Lol. I like the 100 try / pity completion idea. Made me laugh and maybe there is a way to implement it.


I love the really tough jumping puzzles, wish they had more of them. But I realize not everyone can do these, or even wants to.

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I hate JPs in this game because after the 4-5th attempt I start to get really frustrated which I don't like, so I stop doing them. There is something about JPs which I just eternally hate if I fail them which I is why I avoid them. With that being said, if your goal to complete it is just the boots then I recommend you just craft them like I did to avoid the JP altogether.

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This is my third Halloween event so far, so I have quite a bit of experience with the Clocktower.


On my first year, I could barely make it to the first checkpoint. The course seemed long and impossible.

On my second year, I made it after repeated attempts. It seemed REALLY daunting at first, but I had the advantage of playing durring quiet hours!

On my third year, the Jp seemed natural. It's short, and I know where to go.


My advice is to take it one step at a time - learn your path, and stick to it. Watch what other players do, follow for a while, and then take a dive when it becomes too much. Practice the moves you like, throw out what you don't. When you have that technique down pact, move on. If you do this enough times, the course will open up to you.


You don’t need the reflexes of a cat, you only need muscle memory. Once you have that down pact, you’ll be zooming through the course in no time.

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I don't see why. After doing 100 failed attempts on a raid boss you also dont get 1 pity completion.


Or any other content for that matter.


The necessity isn't there either. Any reward you can get through other means too. Aside from the few AP and a few candy corn. Its just more of the same stuff. Theres literally no exclusive reward.

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While I'm sure they'd never do something like that (especially with the craftable recipe workaround), I feel you. Jumping puzzles frustrate me but there's also this major sense of triumph when I complete them. I'd given up on the clock tower for now (after only about five tries, with some progress made each time, but I was getting frustrated) but maybe I'll give it a few (dozen) more tries before the event is over. Y'all have inspired me.

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> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> I don't see why. After doing 100 failed attempts on a raid boss you also dont get 1 pity completion.



The Halloween event is supposed to be a fun filled event for everyone, to enjoy not some "hardcore challenge" like raids, but a festive occasion to bring people together for themed entertainment.


By all means, take your raids and whatever else makes you feel like you matter, and enjoy those things, but, for a Halloween event, there is nothing wrong with everyone getting a prize.

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Just my own anecdote: The first year of Halloween, I never beat the JP. I never beat this one or Winter Wonderland (back when you were given a randomly chosen path and everyone on the map started at the same time). The second year, after many many many tries, I beat it (and also beat Winter Wonderland that year, as well). I only beat it maybe twice that year, but I still did it. The third year, I beat it after just a couple of attempts and was able to repeatedly beat it for funsies, and that's been the case in the last two years, as well.


Practice and change up what isn't working. Way back at the start, I was using keyboard to turn and was wasting valuable time. I also was just blindly running at it and not trying to keep track of what was working. Once year two came around, I paid more attention and also started using my mouse to turn, and I got it. So, yeah, it's frustrating to see yourself fail over and over, but practicing is the only way you're going to have a shot at getting better.

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