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Visual upgrades

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Any chances of getting some races reworked outside Gem Store cosmetics?

Give the Charr a more bipedal posture, removing the hunchback.

Give the male Norn a more proportional arm length, so they don't look like orangutans on steroids.

More organic male human faces, so they don't look like plastic dolls.

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I actually like the hunchback look of charr, especially since they aren't fully bipedal and seem more comfortable running on all fours.


That said, we could use more character cosmetic updates for all races and genders (hair, beards, horns, faces). The last update of this nature was 2 years ago, I believe.

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> @"Kosmo.3468" said:

> Any chances of getting some races reworked outside Gem Store cosmetics?

> Give the Charr a more bipedal posture, removing the hunchback.

> Give the male Norn a more proportional arm length, so they don't look like orangutans on steroids.

> More organic male human faces, so they don't look like plastic dolls.


I thought this thread just just going to suggest some graphics updates. Like increasing texture resolution on player models or something.


This seems more like you want to have them change character _design_ to better fit your preferences.

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> @"Kosmo.3468" said:

> Give the Charr a more bipedal posture, removing the hunchback.

> Give the male Norn a more proportional arm length, so they don't look like orangutans on steroids.


More proportional based on what? Human anatomy? We norn on not weak humans! Neither are our fierce comrades the Charr. You wish to make us look more like dolls and you more fierce like us? Ha, tell your gods to take you back to your space rock because you are the only "strange" creature on Tyria.



Apa the Steroidal Orangutan




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Charr and Norn (who turn into giant animals as you may recall) are both bestial races, so it's always weird to me when people want them to walk upright or have proportions like Humans, Sylvari, or Largos.


How these races look are intrinsic to their species. That's how they're built. Changes to anatomy as requested above would be changing the species, not 'upgrading visuals'.


I'd be fine with them adding "stances", which would be different idle/walk/run animations you could give to your characters, and I'm always on board for more customization, but changing the fundamental physical details of a species 8 years into a game just doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> Charr and Norn (who turn into giant animals as you may recall) are both bestial races, so it's always weird to me when people want them to walk upright or have proportions like Humans, Sylvari, or Largos.


That would be acceptable if the female Norns didn't look exactly like humans but taller. Maybe the males came from a different evolutionary path, where only the ugliest with unnecessary long arms managed to pass their genes ahead.

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I'm all for getting more stuff like face and hair options, and armor that isn't fitted to a human model before being contorted onto a charr.


But don't you dare say that the charr posture needs to be "upgraded," it's fine as is. Making them more upright looks unnatural to me and I'm happy to have a playable cat race in a game that isn't super humanoid.

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Giving Charr more upright stance will not fix equipment faults. Their body proportions are not completely human and their armor is not what human bodies can always wear.

Maybe only if you turn Charr into archetypical Human with fur, you might eliminate some visual bugs, but then you have destroyed what Charr are, turning them into typical Disney anthros, instead of hunched humanoid felines with tendency to run on all fours as someone already pointed out.


And for Norns, as far as I know they're not related to humans, they look like humans due to form of convergent evolution, meaning completely unrelated organism develops features of another unrelated organism.

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> @"FrostSpectre.4198" said:

> then you have destroyed what Charr are, turning them into typical Disney anthros, instead of hunched humanoid felines with tendency to run on all fours as someone already pointed out.


Maybe you're right, I definitely don't want that. I just wish they looked as awesome as they were supposed to.

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> @"Kosmo.3468" said:

> > @"firedragon.8953" said:

> > Sincerely,

> > Apa the Steroidal Orangutan


> I'm a Charr player myself, I was just trying to make the Norn look less like Neanderthals and fix the deformed gear of my cats.

If your issue with charr is the clipping and weird armour, that's a QA/artist issue. Turning them into your standard Fantasy Cat Human may cover up some of the issues, but it wouldn't fix everything (since humans and sylvari have their own clipping issues, as do female norn) and charr would no longer be charr. Every single piece of armour would also have to be remade to work with the new skeleton so it's more than just changing the charr model and skeleton.


Same with male norn—change the model and skeleton and all the armour has to be remade to work with it.


Ideally armour issues wouldn't exist, but since that's not the case (and this is an issue that Arenanet should resolve instead of leaving it alone—not just for charr but for all the issues that exist) I'd prefer the occasional weird armour or losing horns/ears/mane to turning the charr humanoid if it comes down to it.

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> @"Chip.9267" said:

> No. I have to disagree. They are ok how they are. They are different, unique. If you want them to be more humman play a humman. More faces are always a plus.


Female norns are literally bigger human females. They don't have any of the weird proportions the males have. Why do males have to be deformed while the women are just cute?

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i want upright charr, back when Anet announced that the charr would be playable i wanted to play a mage charr till they showed that only the beast form are playable.

also, the whole reason why i really don't like how they did the charr is because they made such a fierce creature run like some scared pussycat.

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A button to switch between different idle and battle poses/stances would be nice. Just like FF14 has it... but Anet could make it permanent, so if you pick a pose you'd keep that pose and not have it reset as you go into combat/out of combat. I am also not a fan of hunchback charrs but I still love their combat stances.

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> @"CashCow.9548" said:

> A button to switch between different idle and battle poses/stances would be nice. Just like FF14 has it... but Anet could make it permanent, so if you pick a pose you'd keep that pose and not have it reset as you go into combat/out of combat. I am also not a fan of hunchback charrs but I still love their combat stances.


would also appreciate a /changepose /cpose .... especially for certain emotes that persist like /sit and /sleep and like you mentioned, weapon drawn (idle) pose

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I totally disagree about the charr and male norn. I do NOT want another Khajiit race (human body/posture with a furry head glued on top). And Norn are already WAY too humanlike--I think the males should be kept as they are. The norn FEMALES, on the other hand, should be made bigger and bulkier, more like the males. As they are, the norn females just look like Humans Except With Bigger Breasts.

As for the human males, I 100% agree. And while you're at it, make the human females look less plastic too.

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Adding more customization option ? Sure. Changing the base look of the races ? No Sirree. I wouldn't have picked Charr as my main race if I didn't like the way they look. The feral look is their main attraction to many a charr players, because there is a distinct lack of non-humanlike playable races across all MMos. Removing that from them is going to be a major turnoff to players who went Charr to feel completely non-human.

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