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Scourge nerf was needed and is great for the zerg scene

Alec B.8905

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> @"KlausKNT.9302" said:

> Reaper its to fragile and bring less utility to group then guard or scrapper so beter go scrapper ewen tempest its harder to ff and kill then reaper :)


Reaper brings Damage and Corrupts while Guard provides Stability and Aegis and Scrapper/Tempest brings Cleansing and Healing, the the two are not something you can compare as they are different roles, Either way Scourge or Reaper will be good because it brings Damage and Corrupts



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Corrupt its to muth nerfed to be efective on boongroups now (like i rember from 3 to1 and from 2 to 1 on necro skills-reapper its used for dps becose good boonstrip dont exists now) you will remove 1 and they take 3 new- to muth boonspam aoe to be 1 boonstrip efective.

So if we change

guards, tempest and scrapers support/buff/heal aoe skills from 5 to 3 they still will be dominating in organized groups wvsw fights ? This dont sounds good about their current power... i think this shal give more diversify? So what need happened to give more diversity? Change all classes aoe skills to 2?

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> @"KlausKNT.9302" said:

> Corrupt its to muth nerfed to be efective on boongroups now (like i rember from 3 to1 and from 2 to 1 on necro skills-reapper its used for dps becose good boonstrip dont exists now) you will remove 1 and they take 3 new- to muth boonspam aoe to be 1 boonstrip efective.

> So if we change

> guards, tempest and scrapers support/buff/heal aoe skills from 5 to 3 they still will be dominating in organized groups wvsw fights ? This dont sounds good about their current power... i think this shal give more diversify? So what need happened to give more diversity? Change all classes aoe skills to 2?


Corrupts still good, Reapers/Scourge are still dominating that side of fights and to think that they are not effective shows your lack of understanding, do you let warrior bubbles just sit inside your group?


Again you just literally ignored what I said, doing that won't increase diversity, it will just decrease it by needing Guards more.

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Loks like you dont play wvsw with organized groups last time? :) after people try testing bonstrip vs boonbal groups (yes we whone know if scourge its oki-now are better options with more targets and less buttons to press to be more effective) its clear that boonbal its muth better :) scourges 2 target aoe barier/heal/bonremoval its uselles compare to other options so other 5 target aoe clases take some part of the scourges rolle and replace them ( yes wariors can do jobs here while be more mobile and not so vulnerable on ff).

I don't think that change target from 5 to 3 will bring more guards - same players tell about scourges and now they not used like guards or other top 3 :)

So it will be weery interesting to see what will happened if guards, tempest and scrappers will be 3 target aoe :)

I think dev can do it with a hotfix anytime :)

Thiefs will show up on zergs fights? :)



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> @"KlausKNT.9302" said:

> Loks like you dont play wvsw with organized groups last time? :) after people try testing bonstrip vs boonbal groups (yes we whone know if scourge its oki-now are better options with more targets and less buttons to press to be more effective) its clear that boonbal its muth better :) scourges 2 target aoe barier/heal/bonremoval its uselles compare to other options so other 5 target aoe clases take some part of the scourges rolle and replace them ( yes wariors can do jobs here while be more mobile and not so vulnerable on ff).

> I don't think that change target from 5 to 3 will bring more guards - same players tell about scourges and now they not used like guards or other top 3 :)

> So it will be weery interesting to see what will happened if guards, tempest and scrappers will be 3 target aoe :)

> I think dev can do it with a hotfix anytime :)

> Thiefs will show up on zergs fights? :)



Except scourges are still good lol, Necros just seem to be entitled to having a overpowered spec after so long and finally being bought more in line with every other class, and yes groups need stability, so more guards will be needed. Warrior bubbles are good for removing boons but Corrupting is better. Hotfix isn't needed because most specs are not overperforming to a point where it makes the game mode ridiculous due to one spec, unlike scourge before the hotfix. Thief class design is a problem for them when it comes to zergs.

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So you tell that if some class its used on be in top 5 clases used in wvsw they overpowered? Like a guards from the begining of wvsw? This make have someting to do with guards, tempest and scrapers be on top now? So we need bring them back in line with others :) 3 targets aoe on support/buff/heal on top wvsw guards,tempest and scrapper sounds good :) lets see what bring next balance path in wvsw :)


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Beter watch your worlds :)

Before you just tell that if some class like scourge its used in top 3 wvsw classes its overpowered :) So after nerf one of the top class like scourge next point its to nerf other top clases to bring them in line with others :) its called balance :)

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> @"KlausKNT.9302" said:

> Beter watch your worlds :)

> Before you just tell that if some class like scourge its used in top 3 wvsw classes its overpowered :) So after nerf one of the top class like scourge next point its to nerf other top clases to bring them in line with others :) its called balance :)


Of course, but let me say once more, Scourge was oppressive and totally overpowered after the patch and before the hotfix, while all the other classes in a zerg were not overperforming as much as scourge. Sand Savant needs a change in competitive scene but yeah perhaps Weaver can do more damage, Renegade becomes useful, Ranger in general becomes useful along with Thief.

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Yes buff to shades when noone ask for it was underserved and strange like they need some excuses to nerf/remove signets build from playable state and remove wells trait to bring uselles on necro blood bank trait :)

On the stream they tell they need do changes in game to move forward -so expect unexpected in next balance pathes :) if they make some bad changes there always its next balance path :)

If they whone move the direction to lower lags by lower aoe target skills- its just the begining of balance changes :)


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> @"geist.4126" said:

> Weaver doesn't provide enough what? Do you really play Ele? And it's still more viable options than Necro. So, why exactly do you want Scourge to become less an option? Even more Ele spots?


Lol, Not really what I had in mind, but whatever you want i guess, I never said less of an option, Scourge was ridiculous either way Barrier,Damage,Corrupts,Area Denial.. anyone interested in balance would understand that one spec to do all that and not even need to invest stats into it other than full zerker would know that's busted, The hotfix nerf was deserved imo, Sand Savant needs a change so it doesn't actually nerf scourge over helping it, and Yeah, Weaver has one skill that is RNG and easy to avoid, Scourge has Wells,Shades,Breach,Desert Shroud, Even Trail of Anguish can do a ton of damage if played well.

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The solution to balance problems isn't to just create a rock-paper-scissors scenario.


Scourge definitively was overpowered. Even against primarily boonless builds it was still overpowered.

It doesn't mean boons aren't a problem anymore. It just means now there's actually a good reason to fix them because the only thing matching their power and keeping them somewhat in check has been reigned in.

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > Honestly the worst change they ever made in the history of WvW. Apparently its okay for eles to kitten out massive damage in a huge AOEs without effor and without even needing utility skills. Or revenants dealing absurd amounts of damage with CoR from long range, with a very low cooldown coming spontaneous, without any counterplay as its not even an projectile. Its also okay for guardians to spill boons and heals like candy on 5 + allies without ANY risk involved. But you know, if people actually need to move out of a small aoe circle to prevent a laughably booncorrupt and an even more laughable amount of damage that was already split between power and condi, everyone freaks out.

> >

> > Basicly they want to degenrate the WvW meta even more, removing even the need to walk out of AoE circles. Oh no, god forbid if the zerglings would actually need skill to be effective. Gw2 is a casual game after all.


> Yes this game is a casual game, why do you think the majority of the WvW playerbase played Scourge? because it required skill?


> Now of course people played Scourge because they love Necro in general which is fine, but lets not pretend that Scourge required any skill, it is easiest meta spec to play out of them all, Please play the other classes and tell us how you get on.


It's just as easy to play a bad scourge, as it is to play a bad weaver.

But the good players of both, scourge and weaver are pretty rare.


Yes scourge is easier to start with, but if you want to actually be good, you have to predict enemy movement just as well, as an ele has to.


Throwing your spike at the right spot at the right time, and placing shades, on the most effective positions is crucial for a good scourge.

Also knowing, when breach is best to use.


It's basically the exact same as ele. With the difference, that ele is a backliners, while scourges go to the front.



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Ah, there you are, Nimon. And just how i expecting it, you are once again showing your extreme bias against eles. I really wonder what happend to you. Its sad, really..

scourge and (staff) weaver, both are aoe damage dealer... whats your fight even about?


There is like ONE thing you can play as a staff weaver, which is an almost bersi (marauder at max)/rune of scholar/strenghts, fire/air traitet, sigil of force/bloodlust using build as a PRIME example of a glass cannon... and even on a build like that, your only skill of any real importance, meteor shower, does give that dedicated staff weaver numbers like "you critically hit for 1999 (2500 is avoided by barrier), or even "zero", because stacking barrier - up to crazy 50% of the players hp by barrier is shared to by the scourges (as you, for sure, know). Insanity.


And while a staff weaver have to give up almost every personal survivability, and any group support

-scourges can choose any stat comp that they like, from trailblazer to celestial, marauders or even berserker stats, and EVERYTHING in between, while NOT losing their ability to play at least THREE different ways to build and play their Scourge- as barrier sharing, boon corrupts, heavy aoes/area denial stays almost the same.


You think its equally "easy" to play an power based backline 15k hp staff weaver, like an 20k (+10k barrier) marauder scourge at the front line? Really?? You think its a hard task to be at the front line, provided all boons by the firebrands, all barriers by fellow scourges, all buffs by the revenants? The warrior bubbles? And you are not even a melee class, Scourges do have a 1100 to units range at least- just 118 less than a staff weaver (to keep it simple, not going over every ability).


Its so funny, how you make its sound like playing "backline ele" is easy, while it can be downed in an glimpse of an eye, by any thief, mesmer, ranger, holo, rev, or (even) warrior, if he wanted to.

Scource, staying at the frontline, while he is an melee/midrange/long range damage dealing "SUPPORT" class on its own...


Maybe i find that youtube video that was posted 2 weeks ago, of a "poor squishy" marauder scourge running havoc with its blob in wvw. Maybe i will post it for fun... but i dont think so, i dont know how to link a video here.


Its not important anyway.


Staff weavers are for sure as easy to play like scourge, in large scale wvw....




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> @"Jeran.6850" said:

> ....must be the reason why there are 20 scourges in a squad, but only 1 or 2 staff weavers, if at all.... necro players just have inherently more "skill" must be the reason, and they like to show it...

> No?


Fb rev scourge scourge Weaver can werk. That should give you atleast 10 Weaver's.



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I wish somehow, but its still way more safe, and convinient, to just your staff weaver to tempest.

And it its feels like a joke to hear that from you, especially (no offence)... i am pretty shure you know, that guild groups have been about to deny any ele build any excess to their comp, after the february balance, aside of, maybe, aura share tempest...but even that had a big question mark on it.





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Sorry again if i sound ...unfriendly. Keep in mind (again), this is not the language i am used to express my opionions, or what is going on in my mind.

I wish all the people that are still caring about wvw, the best of luck, and ....i wish we can stay here playing this game together.

WvW in GW2 is amazing, even after 8+years - at least, to me. Sometimes frustating, but most of the time- engaging, stressfull, and maybe just because of that- a lot of fun.



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Actually on t1 organized groups/zergs i see much more tempest then scourges like yesterday on 37 man organized zerg was 2 scourges and 6 tempest. On 5 to 15 havoc groups usualy its on ewery 5 players 1 tempest but i don't see on any of this groups using scourges now :) (standard comp on each 5 players in group its -1 guard 1 ele 1 engi + 2 free slots ) :)

On pug zegs/groups its a different story becose players come to wvsw with random classes that they play in pve and random gear and lvls- before they realize that wvsw skills can work different and it usually take some time before they gear up and/or change class to be more effective (usually low lvls or/and with low rank gear -they die in fight in a second and give enemy group/zerg big advantage on fight) :)

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The problem with scourge in fron line its that it have no instant teleport or invul or block to survive bombs and this big hp come to 0 in a 1-2 seconds in enemy charge covered usually by cc chain's- so gl to try survive with 2 target 180 radius shade barrier skills on the slowest class in gw2 :) Play in backline its always better becose you can run when see its coming and front line have fallen :)

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> I'm waiting for players to actually run staff guardian using symbols as range damage. Might be a nice thing to use too in the future

Maybe even large symbols!


Wait no, every firebrand in the zerg goes absolutely nuts if they see it. I had one zerg rant and rant about large symbols until they finally narrowed down that it was me making a larger symbol.


But I couldnt trait elixir gun 5 to be smaller :/


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