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[Rework] Elementalist Traitlines


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Based on some discussions that I saw here on the forum and on reddit as well, I would like to suggest a change in the traitlines.

As I said in this [comment](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1280769#Comment_1280769), the traits are all spread out and don't have an order like the other classes.

So, from that I created a rework

[Original Traitline](https://indd.adobe.com/view/d63c9e26-1b63-4109-baa5-bf4ab4f81ce0) and [Reworked Traitline](https://indd.adobe.com/view/da55e1ea-e93a-4d29-86bd-53c6936e4ae9)

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I will comment about each changed trait I did below.

To complain about some changed traits, you should use that trait at least.


The traitlines were organized as follows. The names were inspired by the minors grandmaster.

Fire - Pyromancer (Power, Condition Damage and Conjures)

Water - Aquamancer (Healing, Cleanse and Cantrips)

Air - Aeromancer (Ferocity, Precision, CC and Arcane)

Earth - Geomancer (Defense, Support and Signets)

Arcane - Auramancer (Damage Increase, Auras and Support based on your attunement)


This way, by equipping 3 of these traitlines you can compete with weaver and tempest.


# Pyromancer

**Enhanced Precision** - It's a condition based trait

**Conjurer** - No aura, more time playing with them but the cooldown will increase too.

**Pyromancer's Presence** - Support trait, like Ranger and Revenant.

**Sunspot and Burning Rage** - Sunspot is a normal skill and can be traited for more effects. No other trait like can offer aura, so removed.

**Burn In the cut** - Condition trait that can be useful in groups and if you use earth skills. I made this change in favor of Earth attunement, which has little use for bleeding.

Grandmaster traits has new effects, still the same.


# Aquamancer

**Healing Frost** - This trait can be considered new and nerfed as well. The original trait was moved and improved in Auramancer. Now it gives regen for auras.

**Burning Disruption** - Merged with burning fire, cast a cantrip and reduce its recharge. It doesn't make sense to have a trait just to reduce the CD of a certain skill and the casting is in another traitline. You only see this in the elementalist.

**Frost Whisper** - Ice mage, details below.

**Elemental Resurrection** - Resurretion skill in the right place, healing traitline.

**Soothing Power** - merged with Cleansing Water, two medium traits to form a good trait.

This traitline is almost full support, I left a damage line (Piercing Shards / Flow Like Water / Frost Whisper), for players like me who would like to be a good frost mage at least in PvE. If necros can have it, we also can. It's a variation of the Reaper trait.


# Aeromancer

**Elemental Lockdown** - CC based skill in the right place.

**Lightning Fury** - Fury boon

**Elemental Surge** - Can you imagine? Why I changed Arcane and glyphs?

Glyphs - "_Glyphs are a skill type that change their effect **based on the caster's attunement** or form_"

Arcane Trailine - "_Focuses on critical hits, boons, and the **switching of attunements**._"

Arcane - "_Spells that use non-elemental magical energy which cast instantly, often dealing **critical damage._**"

Air Traitline - "_Focuses on air magic, movement speed, and **critical hits and critical damage**._"

Arcane traitline is focused on crit because of the arcane skills. So, Arcane skills fits much better with Air like Glyphs Skills fits much better with Arcane traitline.


# Geomancer

**Serrated Stone** - Counter attack focused, earth already has many protection skills.

**Elemental Shielding** - Barrier support

**Strenght of a Stone** - There are many earth skill which applies cripple, even Earthen Blast and transmuting Magnetic Aura applies cripple instead bleeding.

I think Earth Grandmaster traits are pretty good, but the others are not.

I implemented "retaliation" and "damage to cripple" to be more attractive, Earth Traitline isn't a good support for condi damage, Arcane is better, so it was moved to Pyromancer.


# Auramancer


**Cleansing Aura** - All auras have increased duration.

**Bolt to the Heart** - This is a good trait, putted in a support damage traitline.

**Elemental Enchantment** - Moved only.

**Inscription** - moved to an "_Your attunement_"-based traitline

**Elemental Backup** - There is no skill to support break stun. Added.

**Auramancer's Training** - To follow the pattern of the other traitlines. This is the skill Soothing Ice improved for all attunements.

**Powerful Aura** - moved to an aura-based traitline



Why is Spoiler working different now?

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  • 3 weeks later...

To me it is important that Auramancer has to be a Core spec. And not only playable with Tempest.

I mean, except may be Fire traitline for personal sustain, all core traits about auras are useles ; You have at best two aura per weapons, on different attunements, +25s CD etc; why should you take the core traits on auras ? Powerful Aura, zephyr boons, soothing ice, the prot on auras, elemental shielding, ....they are useless without Tempest.



But it means to move Elemental Bastion, then move the auras from shouts to others skills ( glyphs, cantrips ... ).


About your others traitline. I like the idea, but it means complete overhaul, months of complaints, balances, etc :astonished:

I prefer they keep the traitline as they are and adjust the traits, one by one, rather than destroy/change all specs by one stroke of a pen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The only changes ele needs is to earth traitline and a revert to some of their weapons skills damage.


Arcanes underused traits need to be looked at as well.


Core ele is at the threshold of being average to above average. It suffered from boon duration nerfs mostly in the form of might and protection.


Either they increase defensive options in earth traitline so core can build more damage or they revert some damage modifiers to dagger offhand. Fire grab does the same damage as burning speed. Should hit harder like churning earth.


At the same time buffing earth just makes earth water tempest ele meta again. (People switch to this now depending on enemy comp in pvp).


They need to carefully consider their options when changing their traits. What hurts core ele the most is needing to invest in more vitality and healing power than other professions which was fine when they had reliable might duration that was harder to strip. The game has changed enough to justify ele getting higher modifiers than other professions. I vote give offhand dagger its damage back

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> @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

> The only changes ele needs is to earth traitline and a revert to some of their weapons skills damage.


> Arcanes underused traits need to be looked at as well.


> Core ele is at the threshold of being average to above average. It suffered from boon duration nerfs mostly in the form of might and protection.


> Either they increase defensive options in earth traitline so core can build more damage or they revert some damage modifiers to dagger offhand. Fire grab does the same damage as burning speed. Should hit harder like churning earth.


> At the same time buffing earth just makes earth water tempest ele meta again. (People switch to this now depending on enemy comp in pvp).


> They need to carefully consider their options when changing their traits. What hurts core ele the most is needing to invest in more vitality and healing power than other professions which was fine when they had reliable might duration that was harder to strip. The game has changed enough to justify ele getting higher modifiers than other professions. I vote give offhand dagger its damage back


Agreed. We've given to Caesar, time the fucker gave something back.

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