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Blood bank: What about always gives a percentage of the healing as barrier


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Similar way as parasitic contagion, it always gives a percentage of the healing as barrier.


It can work only when the Necro is not in Shroud to avoid extra tanky reapers or core, but it would be very good trait for Scourge this way as it would somehow increase the value of the heals.



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Hmm, I am worried BB and barrier will make Necro too tanky in the right conditions while being worthless most of the rest of the time. It feels too peaky and may make zerg Necro's more frustrated and annoying at the same time.


Blood Magic is a support trait line but it also supports power melee builds with Quickening Thirst and Banshee's Wail. Vampyric Rituals also supported power builds while sharing protection. Replacing it with a weak but peaky selfish trait may seem reasonable for WvW but not for PvP or PvE.


Whatever fills that slot should benefit allies and fit well with power builds. This is why I am cautious about variants of Blood Bond. Blood Magic has shareable heal support traits already. VR was personal and group melee power build support so that is what I am looking for from Blood Bond.

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What if it gave Barrier absed on a percentage of incoming healing, then also gave a damage boost based on your amount of barrier? Say, 1% damage for every 4% of the barrier maximum you have? So, when you have barrier equal to 50% of your max health, you get 25% damage increase. Possibly balanced due to the temporary nature of barrier, plus the fact it can be reduced by taking damage. You're guaranteed at least a bit of barrier generation just from having Vampiric.


Major issue is that turns it into a nonbo with Vitality as it will make it harder to get enough barrier for the effect.

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Vampiric Rituals didn't only support power but I do agree it's replacement should have some form of offensive support. Whether that is turning offense into to defense such as 'Recieve barrier equal to your life steals plus another effect' or something else doesn't matter but Blood Bank as it is currently is just sad. Grandmaster traits were always sold to us as being important enough to vastly improve or even change how builds work. It was never here's a TRAIT and you HAVE to force a build out of abusing it to the absolute max. There's supposedly one build that makes this trait work (there could only be one such build) and it's entirely contrived and convoluted and useful in all of one specific situation.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> What if it gave Barrier absed on a percentage of incoming healing, then also gave a damage boost based on your amount of barrier? Say, 1% damage for every 4% of the barrier maximum you have? So, when you have barrier equal to 50% of your max health, you get 25% damage increase. Possibly balanced due to the temporary nature of barrier, plus the fact it can be reduced by taking damage. You're guaranteed at least a bit of barrier generation just from having Vampiric.


> Major issue is that turns it into a nonbo with Vitality as it will make it harder to get enough barrier for the effect.


Id rather prefer a synergy with life siphons. Like: Increase All Siphon effects by x%. Siphon health when X( corrupting a boon, transfering a condition, inflicting a condition, etc.) gain 100% of the healing amount of your siphons as a barrier. The increased siphon and barrier effects could be applied to key skills as well, im thinking of warhorn 5, dagger 2, focus 4, soV, SoL, Lich 5, blood fiend heal apart from the trait sources. I would really love if they go in such a direction.

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > What if it gave Barrier absed on a percentage of incoming healing, then also gave a damage boost based on your amount of barrier? Say, 1% damage for every 4% of the barrier maximum you have? So, when you have barrier equal to 50% of your max health, you get 25% damage increase. Possibly balanced due to the temporary nature of barrier, plus the fact it can be reduced by taking damage. You're guaranteed at least a bit of barrier generation just from having Vampiric.

> >

> > Major issue is that turns it into a nonbo with Vitality as it will make it harder to get enough barrier for the effect.


> Id rather prefer a synergy with life siphons. Like: Increase All Siphon effects by x%. Siphon health when X( corrupting a boon, transfering a condition, inflicting a condition, etc.) gain 100% of the healing amount of your siphons as a barrier. The increased siphon and barrier effects could be applied to key skills as well, im thinking of warhorn 5, dagger 2, focus 4, soV, SoL, Lich 5, blood fiend heal apart from the trait sources. I would really love if they go in such a direction.


I really like this idea

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I like both the ideas, but there is a big problem here:


Abrasive Grit: Granting an ally a barrier removes conditions afflicting them and grants might.


It works also with us and has no CD (as it is now) due to the limited ways we have to apply barrier. If we apply it continuosly in a figth, we will be basicaly immune to conditions. The solution would be to put a CD on Abrasive Grit or Blood Bank (but increase it's value to make this GM trait value).

I would love to see this trait more useful for teamworks then selfish. Healscourges will still use Transfusion, but other necro builds could choise this to better support their teams.

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> @"Xarius.6120" said:

> I like both the ideas, but there is a big problem here:


> Abrasive Grit: Granting an ally a barrier removes conditions afflicting them and grants might.


> It works also with us and has no CD (as it is now) due to the limited ways we have to apply barrier. If we apply it continuosly in a figth, we will be basicaly immune to conditions. The solution would be to put a CD on Abrasive Grit or Blood Bank (but increase it's value to make this GM trait value).

> I would love to see this trait more useful for teamworks then selfish. Healscourges will still use Transfusion, but other necro builds could choise this to better support their teams.


As far as I know, Abrasive Grit doesn't work with the current blood bank either?

Because Abrasive Grit states that just barrier from **scourge skills and traits** will cleanse conditions.


Blood bank is neither, it is a necromancer trait.

So this should not really be a problem here.


Not sure if I agree with that rework idea, tho. Seems like he is trying to put too many effects into a single trait.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Similar way as parasitic contagion, it always gives a percentage of the healing as barrier.


> It can work only when the Necro is not in Shroud to avoid extra tanky reapers or core, but it would be very good trait for Scourge this way as it would somehow increase the value of the heals.


It already works with Parasitic Contagion which also works with Superior Runes of Sanctuary. So you can get 12% of all condition damage dealt back as Barrier to prevent health loss and when you drop below 100% health, you get 10% of all condi damage back as healing and 2% back as Barrier, not to mention 120% of all other healing as barrier, and the vampiric presence minor that adds more healing/barrier per strike, its already incredibly powerful. It would need to be toned down significantly if it applied all the time. As it is right now, with that combination, it is super easy to maintain the 50% health cap of barrier on a condi Scourge.


> @"Xarius.6120" said:

> I like both the ideas, but there is a big problem here:


> Abrasive Grit: Granting an ally a barrier removes conditions afflicting them and grants might.


> It works also with us and has no CD (as it is now) due to the limited ways we have to apply barrier. If we apply it continuosly in a figth, we will be basicaly immune to conditions. The solution would be to put a CD on Abrasive Grit or Blood Bank (but increase it's value to make this GM trait value).

> I would love to see this trait more useful for teamworks then selfish. Healscourges will still use Transfusion, but other necro builds could choise this to better support their teams.


Abrasive Grit only works with barrier applied by SCOURGE traits and skills. It states as much on the trait itself.

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  • 2 months later...

i think a stack of might for short duration per barrier% can be added, for example:

every time you reach a cap of next 10th percent (%10, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%) you gain might for 1 second(and 0.5 second increase for each higher cap, maybe apply 1 more stack for each 30% and 4stacks at 90%).

might have a 0.5 sec internal cooldown or might have a 2 sec cooldown for the same percent-tier might apply.

so that any kind of builds can have a use of it, as long as they has a use of bloodbank and if they build all around blood bank then they get more of its advantage.

also aside with the buff, a slight nerf (like 80% of the heals instead of 100%) can be added to balance the mechanics.


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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> Having Blood Bank modify Vampyric Presence to allow a percentage of over-heal to become barrier is still my favorite. It is not stackable, expires and has an opportunity cost as a group support trait.


Let's refrain from having major traits being interdependant. _Vampiric presence_ isn't a baseline effect, you shouldn't even start to suggest for a GM trait to affect it. You can say it all you want for _Vampiric_ (a minor trait) but not for _Vampiric presence_ (a major trait). There is already enough poor design within the traits design, we don't need on top of that to need to take a trait to make another trait work.


_Blood bank_ as a trait is already the equivalent of guardian's _force of will_, the fonctionality sure is different but in itself they both satisfy the same purpose and lead to similar results. The fact that the necromancer don't need more health nearly half as much as the guardian can need it is the main reason why it's not seen as a "good" trait and players are quick to criticize it. However, the fact is that ANet's devs have designed the necromancer's defense to revolve around the idea of using health point as a "shield" and, when they are fixed onto a specific design, they force it onto the players to the very end. BB is just another very logical expression of this design, whether we like it or not, If I put myself onto the dev's shoes I don't see any legit reason to change the design of this trait (it just suit perfectly with their view of the necromancer's thematic and defense design).


In the end, unless some easy abuse of this trait are found by players, it's highly unlikely that they will touch it. Personally, compared to barrier, I'd prefer a trait that allow the necromancer to reliably gain lich's form _Grim specter_'s vitality stacks (maybe whenever you corrupt/rip a boon or whenever you apply weakness).

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I actually like the whole concept of not letting anything go to waste: in this case surplus/over-healing! It's just that, and this is a personal opinion: I really have nothing with healing in general, and definitely not with the NECRO. It's just not _my_ thing.

But again, the concept is great and would IMO be super valuable (especially for Necro) if it was used on a different attribute: say critical chance!!!! I.e. any critical chance above 100% (which is normally wasted) will go to critical damage (Ferocity)!

I would really love to see such a thing! Mybe not Blood Bank ... but ... well hell, why not?

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I was thinking about this trait recently and thought it might be nice if instead it worked like this-

Any healing received while in Shroud creates stacks of Blood Bank that, when exiting Shroud, are consumed and converted to Life Force. With a maximum capacity of maybe 50%? So 1 stack = 10% Life Force. Get healed for X amount, gain one stack, exit Shroud, consume that stack, gain 10% Life Force.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> I was thinking about this trait recently and thought it might be nice if instead it worked like this-

> Any healing received while in Shroud creates stacks of Blood Bank that, when exiting Shroud, are consumed and converted to Life Force. With a maximum capacity of maybe 50%? So 1 stack = 10% Life Force. Get healed for X amount, gain one stack, exit Shroud, consume that stack, gain 10% Life Force.


Perhaps, however, there is still the shroud cool down to consider. I wonder if your suggestion may be a little peaky in performance.

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