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Remove full maps from the LFG tab and don't allow players to post in the LFG if the map its full.


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I have been trying to join a LAB map and all of them seem to be full, its really annoying. There are two options to deal with this:

1.- Don't allow players to post in the LFG if the map its full.

2. -Make a code to remove the advertisement if the map is full. That way, we only get to see the maps where we can go and which are not full.


You already have the code written for fractals and dungeons, once the group is full the LFG advertisement disappears!

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> @Blood.5607 said:

> This is a poor idea. People come and go relatively fast during Lab farms... im guessing the only groups you're joining are the ones with 20+. That is where your problems comes in. Lab map instances cap @ 25 people. Try joining a group with 5-10 people first.


There's a refresh option.

When it's full it should hide. When it gets empty, it should come back up. The advertising would still be there but unless someone leave it won't show up in the LFG.

That's the stupid utopian showing up in my head at lease.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Blood.5607 said:

> > This is a poor idea. People come and go relatively fast during Lab farms... im guessing the only groups you're joining are the ones with 20+. That is where your problems comes in. Lab map instances cap @ 25 people. Try joining a group with 5-10 people first.


> There's a refresh option.

> When it's full it should hide. When it gets empty, it should come back up. The advertising would still be there but unless someone leave it won't show up in the LFG.

> That's the stupid utopian showing up in my head at lease.


I think that would be a good solution. If it was automatically hidden when the map was full and then automatically unhidden when space opened up the commander wouldn't need to keep re-uploading it, but we also wouldn't have an LFG tool with tons of full maps listed.


I'm not sure if that's possible or how much work it would take, but if it can be done it'd be useful for a lot more than Halloween.

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> @Jukens.1693 said:

> Lfg posts should remain, even if the map is full, its important when trying to join an organised map. Instead put a tick on lfg, when the tick is on full map lfgs disappear.


I feel it would be best if they could make the change optional by also adding a checkbox up by the Refresh button (disabled by default):


* Auto-hide LFG posts originating on full maps


Or something.


This way it is the same behavior as it is currently for those that like it as it is, but one can choose to make LFG posts where the map is full auto-hide and reappear when a spot opens on the map if they choose to.


Optionally changing the behavior would be great for everyone. As one may want to be able to view full map posts, but not all the time, being able to toggle auto-hide from within the LFG window would be useful for this and other situations.



I think I just realized after re-reading your post that adding an option to enable/disable this behavior with a checkbox in-window is what you meant when you said 'put a tick on lfg'. Thought you were saying something completely different.

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> @Nidome.1365 said:

> The other option is for the LFG entry to be flagged in some way if the owner's map is full?


Hiding is better, especially for cases like Labyrinth, where you can have several pages of full LFGs with few not-full ones hidden somewhere inbetween. Or, at the very least, move the full map ones below those that are yet to be filled.

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I think your trying to rely too much on system management and not enough on the players. People who post in lfg should be able to decide when they put up and take down their squads and parties if they're not full. That being said people need to be more responsible for their posts in lfg. If you know your map is hard capped, take it off or update part of your message saying soToo many don't keep up with this task, it isn't the systems fault for it, it's the players.


Personally I think there are too many times when I want to get into a map and i know it's full but that's fine, i'll keep trying till i get in. That's my choice to do so. Please don't take that away.

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Unfortunately, this is impractical. People leave and enter maps too quickly - meaning a commander may lose half his squad and be continually forced to repost.


What we need (and I realize is unlikely to happen) is a system with more functionality and better visibility. Specifically:


* A queue system for joining squadmates so that players do not have to spam "join in"

* Clearly listed map population numbers and caps - so, when joining a map, you can see that 105/150 people are there now (making it easier for large groups or guilds to select the right map when taxiing)


And, finally, the game needs to do a MUCH better job of keeping squads and guilds together when they change maps. The hardest boss in the game shouldn't be the stupid map queue.

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Anything like this would be a stopgap at best to what the real problem is: The lack of a real district/map selection system like GW1 had. This taxi garbage is not a good system in comparison. It makes it hard for guilds to get their own instance if they want to do something like a big meta event in guild organized, and it makes it hard as a player to join a map that actually has people in it and getting things done. It's a lose lose situation and I don't understand how anyone at Arenanet could look at this system and say "yeah.. this is good" You need to be able to choose an IP of the map somehow and if you are leading a squad of over 40, you should be able to generate a new instance of the map


Current system is completely unacceptable.

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LFG listings should simply have two pieces of information automatically listed by the system in addition to the description: the IP of the leader's map, and if that instance is full or not.


sometimes leaders manually put in their IP, but often not. less often people will put full/not full but (not full especially) is rarely ever updated by the commander, they're too busy playing to constantly adjust their LFG title, if they even know it's changed (it's annoying as all hell to try to enter say Dragon's Stand and cycle through 6 different LFGs all claiming NOT FULL when they are, and remaining that way the entire meta)

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