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I can't get over how beautiful map design is.


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Seriously Anet, tout map and environment artist are simply awesome.

Just walking or riding my mount around is still a mind blowing experience for me. Specially from Hearth of thorns to now. I know the engine is showing its age in some aspects, but yet the maps are incredible. And hold their own against much newer MMOs very well.

So congratulations and I hope you guys keep surprising us with these beautiful maps each time.

Do you like map design in this game? would you change anything on how its done?

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I'd like it even more if they took the time to update 2 of the oldest maps in the game that people have played literally 24/7 for 8 years, instead we've seen 20+ new maps that people dont even care about anymore a couple months after they are released. But I digress.

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I agree the maps are incredible. Well, I would prefer that they go through each map and optimize them. Like delete excess material or tone down items or textures that were a bit overdone. Or reduce a graphic setting that doesn't really improve the graphics in area.

You know how there's maps that bring down performance even when there's hardly anyone around.

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The maps are amazing. But I also agree with Dawdler in that if they took some time to renovate the core maps it would be even better.

Improve old models and textures, improve lighting, and while they are at it maybe tweak/add some events to make map completion a little less wonky with some hearts taking 5x as long to complete as others.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> I'd like it even more if they took the time to update 2 of the oldest maps in the game that people have played literally 24/7 for 8 years, instead we've seen 20+ new maps that people dont even care about anymore a couple months after they are released. But I digress.


That is indeed a pretty good idea..

But agreed OP, map design is one of the best things Anet can do, their artists who make this are damn good at it.

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The first half is very pretty and almost a waste to use it as a meta map, but it is a lovely map nonetheless. The second half is very much a huge let down - esp the Frost Citadel. I thought it didn’t really show off the capabilities and imagination of the team as well as it could.


Map design and storytelling was always their strongest aspect, but it feels like things aren’t as good as they used to be and I wonder if the pressure to push things out too quickly is to blame


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I really like the map design in this game too. :) I've got a whole folder for screenshots of the scenery, and I'm actually using a random shot of the jungle in HoT as my desktop wallpaper. I actually think it's an advantage that they decided not to go for the most realistic graphics possible at the time, as those tend to age quicky as technology moves on, whereas a more artistic style keeps looking as good as it did because it's the art which makes it look good rather than simply relying on high polygon counts and effects.


I really like Drizzlewood Coast especially because it reminds me of the Pacific Northwest, somewhere I've always liked. Admittedly I've only seen it in real life once (and that was a short trip) but I'm familar enough with it to recognise the inspiration for the map and it made it even more appealing for me. While I can't currently visit the real thing I can substitute the GW2 version.

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I have yet to play a more beautiful MMORPG than GW2.

I love FFXIV, but graphics doesn't compare, except for some really visually dope boss fights.

New WoW zones looks incredible for its age imo.

I don't like the look of ESO. It's just an ugly game imo.

Black desert might have super beautiful graphics .... When standing still .. But I can't stand the pop-in, it completely ruins the beautiful graphics, so unless I want to stand still in the game, no it's not a good looking game when the all the enviroment pops in as i'm running around the map.

And that's all the major MMORPG's I've played enough of to judge myself without only looking at gameplay footage.

The artstyle of GW2 is just incredible, sure core maps are starting to show its age, but everything after HoT looks really beautiful. Escpecially in Ultra 4k graphics..


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GW2 by far has the most gorgeous, detailed and alive world of all MMO's I have played. One of the main reasons I am still playing and also replaying with alt accounts. Replaying the game on an Alt account means leveling masteries again in a beautiful world. Great for when you feel the progression has grinded to a halt on your Main account. :)

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